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How Can Financial Enterprises Benefit From Private 5G Network Architecture?

Private 5G is a special framework of 5G designed for big organizations to benefit from high speed, low latency, and seamless connectivity. Read the full article to know about the business benefits of 5G.


The Fifth Generation Cellular network or 5G is not only going to change the lives of individual people but it is also going to revolutionize how financial enterprises control their data in the near future. It is better than 4G in every aspect whether it is speed or connectivity. Its fast speed, seamless connectivity, and low latency make it the perfect option for big enterprises.

Private 5G Network Architecture

Private 5G will be very beneficial for large enterprises with thousands of employees and terabytes (TB) of data. To get a better understanding of private 5G architecture and its benefits, read the article till the end.

What is Private 5G?#

A private 5G/enterprise 5G is a private network setup by large organizations to work more efficiently. Large enterprises like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and many other organizations with thousands of employees and millions of terabytes of data use this network to benefit from low latency, fast speed, and seamless connectivity features.

Unlike 4G, 5G can handle millions of users in the same area. Moreover, it also can transfer big chunks of data in seconds. Different organizations use different CBRS spectrums to build their own network.

A private 5G network requires its users to set up small cellular towers built close together like wifi access points to transfer data efficiently. This type of network architecture will help universities, big plants, and warehouses to work more efficiently.

Benefits of Private 5G#

It provides many amazing features that can benefit organizations in different ways.

Firstly, the data security feature it provides is amazing. Organizations will have full control over everything that happens because they don't need to connect to a telecom now.

Apart from security, this network architecture is also cost-effective. No cables are needed, you can now get a fast and reliable wireless connection that provides seamless connectivity.

It also provides various customizations to organizations to build an infrastructure like Micro Slicing. These customizations are not available for the public version. They help these organizations to work efficiently on numerous projects.

Private 5G also allows organizations to connect various devices with latency as low as 1 millisecond. This helps them access any kind of data in seconds. Moreover, it also gives businesses the opportunity to power IoT and big data projects.

5G also provides financial enterprises to use different commercial 5G carrier services like the low band, mid-band, and high band.

Business Benefits of Enterprise 5G Network Architecture#

With its low latency and great speed, 5G can provide great benefits to financial enterprises. Here is a list of financial enterprises that will benefit from private 5G.

Health Care#

No other enterprise will benefit from 5G more than hospitals. After Covid broke, a rapid increase in demand for infrastructure emerged. After this medical emergency for the first time in decades, it was noticed that hospitals are short on ICU beds and other technologies required to treat patients. This shortage of beds and basic tech led to the death of thousands of people.

But with private 5G and its seamless connectivity and fast M2M data sharing, future breakouts can be prevented and many diseases can be cured on time. This technology will also minimize the number of deaths.


Most manufacturing plants are dependent completely on tech, some wired and some wireless. With 5G, this financial service sector can be fully automated with robots operating manufacturing plants and warehouses. This innovation is not possible with regular wifi or a 4G network because they are limited. While private 5G provides fast speed, connectivity, and low latency that will help improve efficiency in these manufacturing plants.

Private 5G opens gates to endless possibilities of advancement in the manufacturing sector like powerful IoT and a cloud computing system. Moreover, it will also help different financial enterprises increase their production.

Automated Stores#

Private 5G also provides opportunities for fully automated stores to improve their user experience with a fast M2M connection. With private 5G, data can be processed many times faster than with 4G, and results can be delivered in seconds. Fully automated store networks can greatly benefit from private 5G network architecture. As these stores work on real-time user input and 5G makes the real-time connection between devices 100 times better than 4G.

Moreover, these stores can also integrate AR or VR technologies in their stores to further enhance the user experience.


Logistics is another area where financial enterprises can benefit from private 5G. All e-commerce businesses use logistics to track the behavioral pattern of their consumers. Moreover, logistics are also used to track down every step of the product from product dispatch to delivery. All of these logistics work can be more efficiently done using 5G.

This technology will also help businesses automate their facilities and get rid of extra workforce. The automated devices with Private 5G will be more efficient.

Smart Facilities#

Private 5G is also beneficial to use in smart facilities like airports, offices, malls, etc. These facilities can benefit from ultra-low latency, fast speed, and seamless connectivity. Private 5G will not only improve the overall IT infrastructure of these facilities but also enhance the customer experience.

Private 5G will also enable these smart facilities to stream smooth 4K in real-time without any delay.

Private 5G for Financial Services


Private 5G is going to innovate the big organization. The infrastructure of big companies will be revolutionized with it. It will provide all the big enterprises with such seamless connectivity, high speed, and ultra-low latency that all of their operations will be completed in the blink of an eye.

Private 5G is different from public 5G; it provides its users with security and many different customization options. It helps different financial enterprises benefit from its connectivity, speed, and latency. It has various useful applications in healthcare, manufacturing, IT, and smart facilities.

Is 5G Changing The Future Of Gaming Companies In India?

What is 5g technology?#

By 5g it means the fifth generation of mobile network technology. It is designed to provide faster speeds, lower latency, and more reliable connections than previous generations of mobile networks (such as 4G and 3G). It is important to note that 5G is an emerging technology and it is still being rolled out in many countries, including India.

It may take some time for 5G to be widely available and fully adopted, but it is expected to become the dominant mobile network technology in the near future. 5G technology also has the ability to support new use cases such as Internet of things (IoT) devices, autonomous vehicles, and virtual and augmented reality applications.

Additionally, 5G can provide more consistent coverage and better support for high-density areas. Cost-effective: 5G networks are expected to be more cost-effective than previous generations in the long term, which will make them more accessible to more people and organizations. Greater capacity: 5G networks can support a much larger number of devices than previous generations, which will be important for the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT).

How it is useful as a gaming aspect?#

Cloud Gaming Technology in USA

5G technology has the potential to greatly impact the future of gaming companies in India. With its faster speeds and more reliable connections, 5G can open up new possibilities for game developers and publishers. 5G technology is set to revolutionize the gaming industry in India, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections for players.

One of the biggest benefits of 5G for gaming is its ability to handle high-bandwidth activities such as streaming and online multiplayer gaming. With 5G, players can expect faster download and upload speeds, as well as lower latency, which means less lag during gameplay. This will allow for smoother and more immersive gaming experiences, even on mobile devices.

5G also has the potential to change the way games are developed and distributed. With faster speeds and more reliable connections, developers may be able to create more complex and detailed games, while also allowing for more seamless updates and downloads. Additionally, with 5G, there may be an increase in cloud-based gaming, which would allow players to access high-quality games on lower-end devices.

5G for Gaming Companies

Another advantage of 5G for gaming is the potential for increased accessibility. With faster speeds and more reliable connections, more people will be able to access online gaming, regardless of their location. This could lead to a wider and more diverse gaming community in India.

One major benefit of 5G for gaming companies is the ability to create more complex and detailed games. With faster download and upload speeds and lower latency, developers will be able to create more immersive and interactive gaming experiences. This can lead to increased innovation in game design, and also potentially increase the revenue for gaming companies.

However, the adoption of 5G in India is still in its early stages, and it may take some time for the technology to be widely available, especially in rural areas. Additionally, 5G networks may be more expensive to access, which could limit its accessibility for some players.

Overall, while 5G has the potential to greatly impact the future of gaming companies in India, it is important to consider the challenges that may arise with its implementation and adoption. Nevertheless, 5G technology has the potential to open up new opportunities for gaming companies in India and it will be interesting to see how the industry evolves in the coming years.

Here are a few ways 5G can help gaming streamers#

● Faster streaming:#

5G's faster download and upload speeds can enable gaming streamers to stream at higher resolutions and with less buffering. This will provide a better viewing experience for their audience and potentially attract more viewers. This will allow players to experience more detailed and realistic graphics, animations, and sound.

● Low Latency:#

5G's low latency means less lag during streaming, which can result in a more seamless and immersive experience for the viewer. This is especially important for streamers who play fast-paced or competitive games.

● Increased mobility:#

With 5G, gaming streamers will have more flexibility to stream from different locations, such as outdoor environments or on the go.

● Better support for mobile streaming:#

5G is expected to improve the mobile streaming experience, making it more feasible for gaming streamers to use mobile devices to stream their content.

● Cloud gaming:#

5G has the potential to bring new opportunities for cloud gaming, which allows players to access high-quality games on lower-end devices. This could lead to a wider market for gaming streamers, as more people will be able to access their content without needing to invest in expensive hardware.

● E-sports:#

5G's low latency and high bandwidth will enable the growth of Esports, allowing players to compete in high-quality and smooth gameplay even in remote locations.

● Greater capacity:#

5G networks can support a much larger number of devices than previous generations, which will be important for the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and for enabling large-scale multiplayer gaming.

● Improved reliability:#

5G networks are designed to be more reliable than previous generations, which will be important for applications that require a consistent, high-quality connection. This will ensure that players can enjoy an uninterrupted gaming experience.

These online games like Valorant, call of Duty, PUBG, etc. You can play all of these games more smoothly and have fewer ping issues. Better internet will ultimately lead to a smooth gaming experience (device matters too). As so many times poor connection of the internet make gamers frustrated, 5G will be beneficial in that way too by providing a smooth connectivity experience.

Other than gaming in day-to-day life 5G will be beneficial for viewing YouTube or any streaming platform content. With fast speed, this will make it possible to do

Why multi-cloud is the first choice of financial services to become cloud-native?

As the financial services industry continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies, many organizations are turning to cloud computing as a way to modernize their IT infrastructure and gain a competitive edge. However, not all cloud providers are created equal, and many financial services organizations are finding that a multi-cloud strategy is the best way to take full advantage of the benefits of cloud computing by minimizing the risks.

One of the main reasons why multi-cloud is becoming the go-to strategy for financial services organizations is the need for business continuity and disaster recovery. Financial services organizations handle sensitive customer data and are subject to strict regulatory requirements. A single point of failure in their IT infrastructure could have serious consequences. By spreading their data and workloads across multiple cloud providers, they can ensure that their systems will continue to function even if one provider experiences an outage or face any other issue.

The advantage of multi-cloud is the ability to comply with a wide range of regulatory requirements. Financial services organizations are subject to a variety of laws and standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Going for the multi-cloud option by spreading data and workload across multiple cloud providers, it becomes simple and easy to comply with these regulations by default.

multi cloud computing in finance

Beyond business continuity and compliance, financial services organizations are also turning to multi-cloud to take advantage of the best performance options available. Quick turn-around gives an overall smooth experience to the users.

Different cloud providers have different strengths and capabilities, and by spreading their workloads across multiple providers, financial services organizations can ensure that they are taking full advantage of these capabilities. For example, one provider may be better suited for running large-scale data analytics, while another may be better for running high-performance trading systems.

Of course, cost is always a major concern for financial services organizations, and multi-cloud allows them to take advantage of different pricing models and cost-saving options offered by different providers. The savings could be reinvested by the company for some other operations.

For example, they may choose to run certain workloads on a provider that offers a pay-per-use model, while running other workloads on a provider that offers a reserved capacity model. It allows financial services organizations to be more flexible and adapt quickly to changing business needs. As new technologies become available, they can take advantage of them without being locked into a single provider.

Why is multi-cloud the first choice?#

cloud technology for banking

● Geographical diversity:#

Financial services organizations often operate on a global scale and may need to comply with different laws and regulations in different regions. Multi-cloud allows them to store their data and run their workloads in different regions, which can help them to comply with local laws and regulations and reduce the risks associated with data sovereignty.

● Global reach:#

Multi-cloud enables companies to use providers with data centers in different geographic locations, providing better performance and reducing latency for global users. By having a hotspot of service at different locations in different countries they can provide their services seamlessly and smoothly to customers and service providers. By cloud, we can reach any country because it won't be required any infrastructure to provide services or be limited to any particular place. It can get a diversified audience.

● Cloud agnostic:#

Multi-cloud can also be considered as a cloud-agnostic approach, which means that organizations can select the best cloud provider for their specific use case without being limited by the technology. This allows them to leverage the best-suited provider for each workload based on the required performance, security, and cost, without the limitations of a single provider.

● Scalability:#

Multi-cloud allows financial services organizations to scale their IT infrastructure as needed, without being limited by the capabilities of a single provider. This can be especially important for organizations that need to handle large amounts of data or support high-traffic workloads.

● Customization:#

Multi-cloud allows financial services organizations to tailor their IT infrastructure to their specific needs, without being limited by the capabilities of a single provider. This can be useful for organizations that need to run specialized workloads or use specific technologies. It also enables financial services providers to act as per the latest system running at that time by providing the latest features.

● Cloud Brokerage:#

Multi-cloud enables companies to use a third-party service that can manage and optimize their cloud usage across different providers. Which allover makes it easy to calculate where and how much amount we spent with help of third-party services.

● Cloud-Native:#

cloud technology for banking

It refers to the design and development of applications specifically for deployment in cloud computing environments. Multi-cloud allows companies to take advantage of the latest cloud-native technologies and practices, such as containers, serverless, and Kubernetes. By using multi-cloud, companies can take advantage of the latest cloud-native technologies and practices to improve their agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

The financial services industry is increasingly turning to cloud computing to shape its IT infrastructure as per present-day needs and expectations. Technology has made it necessary for everyone to adapt new strategies for staying in the market. According to a study by Accenture, 84% of financial services organizations are already using cloud computing, and this number is expected to grow in the coming years.

In conclusion, multi-cloud is becoming the first choice for financial services organizations looking to become cloud-native. It allows them to ensure business continuity, comply with regulatory requirements, take advantage of the best performance options, control costs, and adapt to new technologies. With multi-cloud, financial services organizations can have more control over their IT infrastructure and take advantage of the strengths of multiple cloud providers, while minimizing the risks associated with relying on a single provider.

Digital Transformations in Banking & Ways BFSI can thrive in dynamic technological advancements

Ways BFSI can thrive in dynamic technological advancements#

The banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) sector are facing unprecedented challenges as technological advancements continue to disrupt the industry. From digital transformation to data analytics, cybersecurity to partnerships, the BFSI sector must adapt to stay competitive.

Digital Transformation

In this article, we will explore ways in which BFSI companies can thrive in the face of these challenges. The key way that BFSI companies can thrive in the face of dynamic technological advancements is by embracing digital transformation.

Using AI, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Cloud Computing#

This means investing in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, Big Data, and cloud computing to improve operations and customer experience.

For example, using AI-powered chatbots can improve customer service and reduce costs for banks, while blockchain technology can increase transparency and security for financial transactions. By leveraging these technologies, BFSI companies can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge.

Using Data Analytics#

Another good option for BFSI companies to thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape is by leveraging data analytics. By analysing data based on customer behaviour, market trends, and business performance, BFSI companies can gain valuable insights that can help them identify new opportunities and make more accurate decisions.

For example, data analytics can help insurers identify fraudulent claims, while banks can use data to identify potential customers for loans. By using data analytics, BFSI companies can improve the effectiveness of their marketing and sales efforts, as well as reduce risks.

Role of Cybersecurity#

Cybersecurity is also crucial for BFSI companies as they increasingly rely on digital technologies. With the increasing use of digital technologies, BFSI companies must prioritize cybersecurity to protect customer data, prevent cyber-attacks, and protect customers from any frauds or scams. This means investing in security protocols, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems, as well as training employees on best practices for data security. By doing so, BFSI companies can protect their customer's sensitive information and prevent costly data breaches.

Partnerships and Alliances#

It is important for BFSI companies to build partnerships and collaborations with tech giants to have their technological advancement. By working with fintech firms, tech companies, and other partners, BFSI companies can gain access to the newest technologies and services, as well as new markets.

For example, partnering with a fintech firm can help a bank offer new digital services to customers while collaborating with a tech company can help an insurer develop new products and services. By building these partnerships and collaborations, BFSI companies can stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing landscape.


cloud computing in financial services

Innovation is also a key element for BFSI to thrive in the dynamic technological advancements. Developing new products and services that meet the changing needs of customers is critical for staying competitive.

For example, a bank could develop a new mobile app that allows customers to deposit checks using their smartphones, while an insurer could develop a new policy that covers damages from cyber attacks. By developing new products and services, BFSI companies can attract new customers and retain existing ones. These small innovations could make a huge impact on their overall market.

Employee Training and Development#

Investing in employee training and development is crucial for BFSI companies to thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape. By providing employees with the skills and knowledge needed to work with new technologies, BFSI companies can ensure they have the talent they need to stay competitive.

For example, training employees in data analytics can help them make more accurate decisions, while training in cybersecurity can help them protect customer data. By investing in employee training and development, BFSI companies can ensure that they have the workforce they need to succeed in a dynamic technological landscape.

Building a Strong Digital Ecosystem#

BFSI companies should build a strong digital ecosystem by integrating various technologies and services to create a seamless customer experience. This includes leveraging technologies such as biometrics, natural language processing, and machine learning. It will make the BFSI ecosystem strong and improve the overall customer experience. BFSI can strengthen its security, privacy, and user experience by upgrading its ecosystem digitally.

Identify Emerging Technologies#

BFSI companies should stay updated about emerging technologies such as quantum computing, 5G, and the Internet of Things, and assess how they can be leveraged to improve operations or create new products and services. By adopting emerging digital technologies for services such as mobile banking, online banking, and blockchain, it can improve its customer experience and automate operations.

Digital Identity#

Implementing digital identity solutions to improve security and convenience for customers. Nowadays, we find many fake websites and frauds operating in the name of huge financial companies. Such scammers hunt down customers by spamming them with emails and SMSs. They sell collected data to the 3rd party services for financial gains. Digital identity solutions reduce these scams.

Digital Wallets#

Developing digital wallets to enable customers to store, manage, and transact with digital currency anytime. Supporting contactless payments such as NFC, QR codes, and digital wallets to improve convenience for customers and reduce the risk of fraud.

The BFSI sector is facing unprecedented challenges as technological advancements continue to disrupt the industry. By embracing digital transformation, leveraging data analytics, focusing on cybersecurity, building partnerships and collaborations, developing new products and services, and investing in employee training and development, the BFSI sector could thrive very well.

So the conclusion is like, It's important to note that BFSI companies should also be aware of the regulatory and compliance requirements that come with the adoption of new technologies. They must ensure that their operations and services remain compliant with local and international laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, BFSI companies must take a strategic approach, embracing digital transformation, leveraging data analytics, prioritizing cybersecurity, building partnerships, innovating new products and services, and investing in employee training and development. By doing so, BFSI companies can stay competitive, improve efficiency and customer experience, and ultimately achieve long-term success.

Benefits of 5G For Business in App Development


5G in app development will foster an era not only of high-speed internet networks but will also open up various avenues of application development beyond imagination.

5G For Business

In recent decades, technology has evolved radically, especially in the telecommunication sector. The demand for a fast connection, easy accessibility, and reliability of a wireless network has led us to the development of 5G technology.

Two decades ago, the only way to communicate was through a cell phone or email. But now, technological advancements have provided us with the ability to communicate in a thousand different ways.

According to a survey, by the year 2027, the number of subscriptions for 5G will reach 4.39 billion. There is no doubt that in the near future, 5G will capture the mobile market. The release of 5G will not only affect consumers but also greatly impact the Mobile App Development business.

The release of 5G will provide a ground zero for Mobile App Development businesses to experiment and create new applications to enhance user experience. Read the full article to know more about 5G and how it will benefit App Development Businesses.

5G Explained#

5G is the Fifth Generation of mobile technology after 4G. 5G offers great advancements including high speed, easy connectivity, and many others. It will provide users with the opportunity to transfer large chunks of data in seconds.

5G will have a speed almost 10 times faster than 4G. It provides data transfer speeds up to 10Gbps, whereas 4G only provides data transfer speeds up to several hundred Mbps. This technology will open new gates for business in app development.

With this technology, user experience will enhance greatly, providing a fast and reliable network. New applications will emerge that will help solve daily problems more efficiently.

Features of 5G#

To understand the benefits of 5G in App Development, one must understand its features first. Here are some of the amazing features of 5G technology:

Increased Speed#

5G provides an amazing speed of 10Gbps. This speed is the highest anyone has ever used till now. It is 100 times faster than current speeds. This speed will help users download a large amount of data in a couple of seconds.

5G will change the world completely with all of its amazing features. This fast speed, when combined with emergency systems like car boxes or other devices, will also save lives.

Low Latency#

5G provides users with a low latency feature that ensures a lag-free experience. 5G reduces the possibility of any delay to help users perform real-time tasks with ease. This feature will help users perform any online task without network interference, such as taking an online test or having an online meeting.

Improved Connectivity#

4G is not capable of handling connectivity with the current population growth. It only has the capability of handling several thousand devices in the same area. 5G is way ahead in connectivity.

It has the capability of handling millions of devices in the same area without any network interference.

Wide Bandwidth#

5G provides the opportunity to transfer data over a variety of frequencies. Users will be able to use all spectrums including low band, high bands, and mid bands to increase efficiency.

Benefits of 5G in App Development#

5G in App Development

Implementation of IoT#

With the seamless connectivity of 5G, it will be easier to share data across devices. This will provide an opportunity for developers to create more applications around IoT. Large chunks of data will be shared easily to help create a perfect IoT environment.

With 5G, these devices will be able to run more efficiently, consuming less power and working on a range of bandwidths.

Media-Rich Experience#

5G is expected to provide a rich experience in all kinds of media (audio, video, picture, etc.). With its high speed and low latency, users will be able to enjoy a delay-free experience at a much higher speed. Videos in 4K will be watched without any lag.

Video calling will offer a different experience with 5G. Users will be able to enjoy long-distance, lag-free video calls for hours. Developers will be able to incorporate high-quality videos to showcase features to their users.

Incorporation of AR and VR#

AR and VR services in an application work by connecting to a server online and processing available data online to give users results. However, 4G does not provide enough speed to process that much data on online servers for AR and VR.

With the amazing features of 5G, such as high speed and low latency, developers will be able to correctly incorporate AR and VR technologies into their applications. With innovative 5G technology, data will be processed on the server in seconds, allowing users to enjoy these technologies from anywhere.

Improved GPS Accuracy#

GPS-based app development will assure accuracy. With the current 4G network, information exchange is limited and slow. But with the wide connectivity and high-speed features of 5G, GPS-based app development will assure 100% accurate GPS results.

These results will be used by EVs (Electric Vehicles) to improve their efficiency.

Smart City Apps#

With new 5G technology, smart cities will be built. Millions of devices will be interconnected, and data will be shared across devices. All of this will be possible through the connectivity and speed of 5G. This will create an opportunity for app developers to create thousands of apps to share and process different kinds of data.

This data sharing in smart cities will help authorities save lives by preventing accidents, solving crimes, and more.


New technology is knocking on the door. Soon, 5G technology will take over the world just like 4G. With this technology change, a demand for applications will be created in the market. 4G will not be able to meet these new consumer demands. At that time, businesses in app development will thrive. Every day, a new application will be released to improve the user experience.

5G, with its high speed, connectivity, and low latency, will revolutionize the world. Big data chunks will be transferred in seconds. Streaming will be smoother than ever. New technologies will be incorporated into your smartphones, leading to a significant technology shift.

Here's the video format for this article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzhqBWTOzaI

What is 5G Telco Edge? Telco Edge Computing

5G and edge computing are creating plenty of new income opportunities in industries like manufacturing, transportation, and gaming. How can communication service providers acquire a competitive advantage? Everything you need to know is provided here.


What is Telco Edge?#

Telecommunications companies frequently associate edge computing with mobile edge computing or multi-access edge computing - computing at the network's edge. Telco edge computing, on the other hand, comprises workloads operating on client-premises equipment and other points of presence at the customer site. The term "telco edge" refers to distributed computation maintained by the operator that may extend beyond the network edge and onto the customer edge. Telco Edge combines the advantages of both local and cloud computing. Telco edge computing should be adaptable and scalable. Telco edge computing can handle unexpected surges in workloads caused by increased end-user activity or answer organizations' need to grow fast while building, testing, and deploying new applications [(Klas, 2017)].


What exactly is Telco Edge Cloud (TEC)?#

The Telco Edge Cloud is a worldwide platform solution for exposing, managing, and marketing Edge Computing, Network resources, and capabilities across multiple operators and national borders, utilising existing and future network assets. Telco Edge Cloud is building a platform built on open technologies and telecom standards. MNOs may monetize their edge resources thanks to Telco Edge Cloud.

The Telco Edge Cloud idea and architecture are beneficial not only to MNOs but may also be utilised by other service and edge providers to improve their services since capabilities like NaaS are made available to these third parties [(Baliosian et al., 2021)]. Other edge and cloud providers can give methods to their application development communities to optimise edge application performance and experience by consuming Telco Edge Cloud NaaS capabilities and implementing them into their platform offerings.

Telco Edge Computing#

Telco Edge computing is also known as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) or Multi-Access Edge Computing (MAEC). Telco Edge computing provides execution resources for applications that need networking close to end users, often within or near the operator network's boundary [(Gebhardt et al., 2012)].

Telco Edge computing may also be installed on corporate premises. Communication service providers or service providers can manage or host the edge infrastructure. Several use cases necessitate the deployment of distinct apps at multiple locations. In such cases, a distributed cloud may be viewed as an execution environment for applications spread over numerous sites, with connections maintained as a single solution. The key advantages of Telco Edge computing are low latency, high bandwidth, device processing, and data offload, and trusted computing and storage.

What is a 5G Telco Cloud?#

A 5G Telco Cloud is a software-based cloud architecture that allows for the placement of 5G network functions/applications and the division of a single infrastructure into various network slices for the delivery of a wide variety of services ranging from eMBB to URLLC [(Gebremariam et al., 2021)]. It enables you to swiftly add services, respond fast, and manage resources efficiently and automatically.

Network function virtualization, software-defined networks (SDN), edge computing, and microservices are components of 5G Telco Cloud.

  1. Network Functions Virtualization of 5G Telco Cloud enables you to abstract operations from hardware. This enables conventional servers to execute operations that would otherwise necessitate the utilization of hardware.
  1. Software-Defined networking (SDN), a new backhaul/mid-haul design of 5G Telco Cloud, is adaptive, manageable, and versatile. It is perfect for the fluidity of 5G applications. This design isolates network control from forwarding services, allowing network control to be programmed directly.
  1. Microservices are a method of separating applications and network operations into loosely linked systems. DevOps cycles or CI/CD can be used to manage them.

5g and Edge computing#

5G and edge computing are intricately related technologies: both are set to greatly increase application performance and enable massive volumes of data to be handled in real-time. 5G speeds can be up to 10 times faster than 4G, while mobile edge computing minimises latency by putting computational capabilities closer to the end user.

5G and edge computing are technologies that can work together to power a new generation of smart devices and apps. 5G's enhanced performance can improve edge computing applications by lowering latency, improving application response times, and enhancing organizations' capacity to gather and analyze data.

Benefits of the Relationship between 5G and Edge Computing#

Ultra-low latency use cases: The combination of 5G with edge computing is important for achieving ultra-low latency in a variety of edge devices and use cases.

Near real-time performance: Using 5G and edge computing together allows organizations to collect and process large amounts of real-time data to optimize various operational processes and increase productivity and customer experiences.

Improved bandwidth usage: The connection between 5G and edge computing influences the success of 5G network technologies.


Hybrid Cloud Deployment and Its Advantages

What is the hybrid cloud architecture?#

Individually managing public and private cloud resources is preferable to uniformly managing cloud environments because it reduces the likelihood of process redundancy. By limiting the exposure of private data to the public cloud, a hybrid cloud architecture can eliminate many security risks. A hybrid cloud deployment infrastructure typically consists of a public infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform, a private cloud or data centre, and network access. Many hybrid cloud deployment models make use of both local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN).

What is the purpose of a hybrid cloud?#

[Hybrid clouds] can also be used to create multi-cloud environments, giving businesses more options for where they want their data stored and how they want it accessed. By allowing businesses to back up data in both public and private clouds, a hybrid cloud deployment environment can be beneficial for disaster recovery.

What are the benefits of hybrid cloud deployment?#

Governance of applications that works: A hybrid cloud method allows you to choose where your application will run and where hybrid computing will take place [(Kaviani, Wohlstadter and Lea, 2014)]. This can assist to increase privacy while also ensuring compliance for your regulated apps.

Enhanced speed and decreased latency: A hybrid cloud solution might sometimes assist dispersed programmes in faraway regions. Hybrid computing occurs near the end consumers for applications with low latency needs.

Flexible operations: Hybrid computing allows you to function in an environment that is ideal for you. You may, for example, construct portable apps and simply migrate between public and private clouds by creating using containers.

Better ROI: You may increase your cloud computing capacity without raising your data centre costs by adding a public cloud provider to your existing on-premises architecture.

Hybrid Cloud Deployment

Hybrid Cloud Deployment Models#

Hybrid cloud deployment models are classified into three types:

Hybrid cloud deployment model architecture with a phased migration

You migrate applications or workloads from an on-premises data centre to the architecture of a public cloud service provider. This can be done gradually or all at once. This paradigm has the advantage of allowing you to use only what you need, assigning as much or as little as needed for each application or transaction. The negative is that it may not provide you as much control over how things work as if they were on using a private cloud deployment model [(Biswas and Verma, 2020)].

Hybrid cloud deployment model with apps that are only partially integrated

This concept entails migrating some but not all apps or transactions to the public cloud while maintaining others on-premises. If your organisation has apps that can operate in private cloud deployment model settings or public clouds like AWS or Azure, this is a terrific solution. Based on performance requirements or financial limits, you may determine which ones are a better fit for each case.

Hybrid cloud deployment model with integrated apps

The hybrid cloud strategy with integrated apps entails integrating applications running a private cloud deployment model and in the public cloud utilising PaaS software on the public cloud. The applications on the private cloud deployment model are installed using IaaS software and then integrated into the public cloud using PaaS software.

Is Hybrid Cloud the Best Option for Me?#

Hybrid cloud deployments are a popular choice for businesses that want to take advantage of cloud computing's flexibility and cost benefits while keeping control over their data and applications. To accomplish the intended business objective, hybrid cloud deployment often employs private, public, and third-party resources.

Hybrid Cloud Deployment Environment#

The following approaches can be used to deploy hybrid clouds:

Non-critical workloads should be outsourced to a public cloud: You can outsource a mission-critical system that does not require quick response times, such as a human resources application, to a public cloud provider [(Sturrus and Kulikova, 2014)]. This allows you to host and maintain applications on the public cloud while maintaining control over your data.

Use a virtual private cloud to deploy mission-critical workloads: The alternative is to host important workloads in a virtual private cloud (VPC). It is also the most widely used hybrid cloud deployment option since it mixes on-premises infrastructure with public cloud resources.

Dedicated hardware should be used to host the private cloud: Instead of depending entirely on public or private clouds, you host your private infrastructure on the private cloud deployment model's hardware under this architecture.

hybrid cloud computing

Network Slicing & Hybrid Cloud Computing

5G facilitates the development of new business models in all industries. Even now, network slicing will play a critical role in enabling service providers can offer innovative products and services to access new markets and develop their companies. Network slicing is the process of layering numerous virtual networking on the pinnacle of a common network domain, which is a collection of network connections and computational resources. Cloud computing services and Slicing networks allow network operators to enhance network resource utilization and wide scope.

What is network slicing?#

Edge computing and Network Slicing

Network slicing is the carriers' best response for building and managing a network that matches and surpasses the evolving needs of a diverse set of users. A sliced network is created by transforming it into a collection of logical networks built on top of shared infrastructure. Each conceptual network is developed to match a specific business function and includes all of the necessary network resources that are configured and linked end-to-end.

Cloud computing services and Network Slicing#

Cloud computing services along with Network Slicing enable new services by combining network and cloud technologies. Cloud Network Slicing is the process of creating discrete end-to-end and on-demand networking abstractions that comprise both Cloud computing services and network services that can be managed, maintained and coordinated separately. Technological advances that potentially benefit from cloud network slicing include critical communications, V2X, Massive IoT, and eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband). Distinct services have different needs, such as extremely high throughput, high connection density, or ultra-low latency. According to the established SLA, these must be able to accommodate services with different features.

In Content Delivery Network#

Content delivery network slicing was developed to handle large amounts of content and long-distance transmissions. Content delivery network slicing as a Service (CDNaaS) technology can build virtual machines (VMs) across a network of data centres and give consumers a customised slice of the content delivery network slicing. Caches, transcoders, and streamers deployed in multiple VMs let CDNaaS manage a large number of movies. To produce an efficient slice of Content delivery networks, however, an ideal arrangement of VMs with appropriate flavours for the various pictures is necessary.

5G Edge Network Slicing#


Distinguishable offerings with assured quality of service to varied clients are enabled by 5G Edge network slicing across the shared network infrastructure. It is an end-to-end solution that operates across the Radio Access Network (RAN), the transport layer, the Core network, and the enterprise cloud.

5G service types#

The following 5G service types are the high-level types of network slice architecture which employ slicing for differentiated traffic handling:

Enhanced Mobile Broadband- delivers cellular access to data in three ways: too dense groups of users, extremely maneuverable users, and consumers scattered across large regions. It is based on characteristics such as massive networks of numerous entries, multiple-output (MIMO) transmitters and the mixing of bands beginning with standard 4G wavelengths and reaching into the millimetre band [(Kourtis et al., 2020)].

Massive Machine-Type Communications - services designed to serve a wide range of devices in a compact area while generating little data (tens of bytes/sec) and withstanding significant latency (up to 10 seconds on a round trip). Furthermore, the requirements mandate that data transmission and reception consume little energy so that gadgets can have great battery lifetimes

Ultra-reliable low-latency communications - 5G Edge network is used to provide encrypted systems with latencies of 1 millisecond (ms) and great dependability with minimal, or perhaps even nil, transmission errors. Hardware optimization on MIMO antenna arrays, concurrent manipulation of several bandwidths, package encoding and computing methods, and efficient signal handling is used to achieve this.


Slicing, in conjunction with virtual network activities, is the key to "just right" services for service providers. More capacity to modify affordably gives the following benefits to service providers:

  • Reduce the obstacles to testing out new service offers to create new income prospects.
  • Increase flexibility by allowing additional types of services to be supplied concurrently because they do not require dedicated or specialised hardware.
  • Because all of the physical infrastructures are generic, easier scalability is feasible.
  • Better return on the investment is also possible since the capacity to continually test new things allows for the most efficient use of resources.


As the 5G edge network, Cloud computing services and Content delivery network introduces new technology and opens up new business potential in many industries, businesses are searching for creative solutions to fulfil their demands and capitalize on new chances. Enterprise users expect automated business and operational procedures that begin with buying the service and continue through activation, delivery, and decommissioning. They want services to be delivered quickly and securely. Communication service providers may satisfy all of their corporate clients' demands by slicing their networks.

How Can 5G Connections Deliver 100 Times Faster Speeds and Monetize

In this age of the internet, customers seek faster, stronger, better accessible, and more innovative data rates. Most users want to view videos on their phones as well as download files and operate a variety of IoT devices. They expect a 5G connection to deliver 100 times faster speeds, ten times greater capacity, and ten times lower latency. The shift to 5G requires considerable expenditures from telecommunications companies (Ahokangas et al., 2019). To provide new income streams and enable better effects and cost-effective processes, BSS should advance in tandem with 5Generation network installations. So get ready to face the difficulties of 5G monetization.

What is 5G Monetization?#

The commercialization of 5G is a hot topic. "Utilising the 5G customer possibility" and "5G, as well as the Business Potential" are two studies that go through the various market prospects. It illustrates that, in the long term, there is still a tremendous new income opportunity for carriers at multiple solution rates, targeted regions, and industrial control. "Taking liberties with 5G commercial patterns" highlights what AR/VR entertainment, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), and 3D graphics experience might be supplied via B2C, B2B, and B2B2X interaction designs. Network operators should analyse their BSS progression along with their 5G facilities to fulfil the 5G obligations of greater network rate of speed and frequency band, ultra-low latency, fully convinced quality of service, communication, and flexibility. Operators must take the chance or risk missing out on some of these potential applications when they become a reality (Dramitinos, Stamoulis, and Lonsethagen, 2017). 5G monetization is among the capabilities that will allow companies to deliver on their 5G commitments right away. To satisfy 5G use cases and deliver the full potential of 5G, CSPs must upgrade their BSS in parallel with their 5G rollout, or face falling behind in the 5G competition for profitable technology.

Addressing the Development of the BSS Architecture#

To effectively understand the benefits of 5G monetization, network operators must consider the growth of their telecommunication BSS from a range of viewpoints:

  • 5G Convergent Charging System (CCS): These latest 5G Basic specifications define a CCS, which includes a 5G Charging Function (CHF), that enables merged charges and expenditure limitation management in the modern business design. The CHF is triggered by both physical and digital activities and either triggers the OCS (online charging system) for internet grading or generates an uncensored EDR (event data record) for offline grading (StojanoviΔ‡, RadenkoviΔ‡, and BogdanoviΔ‡, 2021).

  • Orchestration, Completion, and Guarantee of Service: As more distributed systems and commercial services arise, service synchronization and fulfilment must become more difficult and stringent to guarantee that commodities, bundles, and trials, involving own and third-party items, are discussed, acquired, and engaged as soon as customers demand them.

  • Exposure: As the 5G network connects new business opportunities and sectors, distributors must ensure that existing BSS features are available to anyone who wants to safely use those via standardized TMF Open APIs. Additional BSS apps, adjacent layers including OSS and Core network, or third parties and collaborators who extend 5G products with their own capabilities might all be consumers of BSS APIs.

  • Cloud Architecture: The productivity, efficiency, versatility, and robustness required by 5G systems and services necessitate a new software design that considers BSS installations in the cloud, whether private, public, or hybrid.

Network operators are unlikely to entirely alter current BSS in all of these sectors at the very same time. Future 5G earnings won't all be available right away; they'll arrive in waves as various markets and sectors mature. To determine when business development will begin or how this process or path will appear, carriers must consider their unique scenario, success in the market, desired place in the 5G supply chain, and evolutionary competence (Yeh et al., 2020).

The AR Gaming Use Case and Intelligent Operations#

The 5G Core along with BSS and OSS all in place will bring along a potential partner: a cloud gaming provider that intends to promote [AR gaming] to the carrier's subscribers. For such gaming data, companies want a specific network segment with an assured level of service. Each collaborator can demand their network connection and establish their SLAs using distribution platforms in a smart, fully automated network. BSS breaks down this ordering into multiple sub-orders, like the construction and deployment of the particular portion via the OSS, when it receives it. All specified SLAs are simply assigned in the particular portion at the very same time, and verification begins monitoring the defined indications immediately. There is no human interference in any of this.

The operator additionally uses its archive design to describe the service offering that its customers will acquire in addition to being implemented on the partner's particular portion all in one location (Smith and Ugolini, 2021). This promotion is immediately disseminated to all relevant systems, including online charging, CRM, and digital platforms, and may be consumed immediately. It's also accessible to partners via an API, who may combine it with additional perks while offering it to customers. The operators can utilize smart suggestions to target individual customers with the new offer depending on their consumption habits and behavior.

cloud gaming services
cloud gaming services

Conclusion for 5G Monetization#

Ultimately, whenever a customer decides to buy a package, they automatically implement it in the network segment, often without touching the system. The partners would be able to monitor the networking health-related level of performance details for every customer instantaneously and will also be ready to obtain immediate decisions or conduct offers based on this data. New platforms can adapt to changes based on factual capacity because of the BSS cloud architecture (Peterson and Sunay, 2020). Every detail relating to transactions, items, network bandwidth, and profitability goals, along with other factors, is given back into circulation and utilized as parameters for networking and inventory development in a confined manner.

Smart Stadiums: The World and the World It Can Be!

What are Smart Stadiums? Can intelligent Edge be used for Smart Stadiums and Sports in general? Find out below.

Smart Stadiums#

Fans expect high-definition, real-time streaming on their devices and computers at today's sports activities. Games can be held in an arena, in various locations, or outside. Especially outside competitions range from fixed-track contests to competitions that begin in one area and conclude hundreds of kilometers and perhaps even days back. Stations employ High-Definition (HD) equipment to live to transmit programming in these places. Huge volumes of visual data are generated by these devices. This information must be handled and examined. The worldwide video streaming business is expected to hit \$240 billion by 2030, according to estimates (Kariyawasam and Tsai, 2017). It's difficult to imagine a market wherein live broadcast streaming isn't an essential component, thanks to the entertainment and media businesses, which have been supported by an ever-increasing amount of lateral use scenarios.

Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing
Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing Frameworks

Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing Frameworks for Stadiums#

Edge computing, sometimes known as smart edge computer technology or just "edge," maintains graphics processing locally, low latency, and traffic while also removing the need for costly transport cables. Edge designs save substantial amounts of network transport traffic by drastically lowering video delay. As a result, onsite visitors will have a good user experience and procedures will be more effective. Many types of application scenarios are supported by the edge, including visual information sharing between both the edge and multiple clouds either between edge nodes (Bilal and Erbad, 2017). Edge allows streamers to send enhanced and processed footage to the server for extended storage. Edge technology for real-time video augments cloud capability by doing numerous visual processing activities onsite, complementing cloud capabilities.

Edge-Based Deployment#

Video data is transferred to a cloud data centre in a cloud-only architecture. This might result in increased delay, making it even harder for transmitters to provide pleasant television quality to paying customers. Conventional cloud-based options need a substantial expenditure in backhaul hardware, fibre lines, and satellite connectivity, among other things. Edge computing implements a decentralized and multi-layered framework for successfully constructing live video systems. Edge nodes may combine all of the capabilities of a centralized server regionally, resulting in increased organizational effectiveness. Additional capabilities, which include image processing and information security, may be hosted on the very same architecture with no need to create a distinct connection to maintain (Wang and Binstin, 2020). Compatibility is a basic architectural principle of edge networks, making it much easier to introduce additional applications to the very same system. The edge platform's multi-tenancy feature allows multiple parties' contract to execute their respective applications on the very same network edge.

Edge-Delivered streaming sequence#

The procedure for producing live stream broadcasts uses an edge that includes:

  • Technology for streaming video is rapidly advancing, and HD equipment is now in use at every sports event all over the globe.
  • To gather and combine information from numerous cameras, local edge-based multimedia processors could be placed all along the path.
  • Whenever a smartphone or tablet asks for video streaming or live stream, the edge node establishes a communication link with the end devices.
  • People who are at sporting events may keep an eye on the competitors and then use their smartphones and tablets to view live video streaming of the sport from beginning to end.
  • Huge volumes of data are generated by the Camera system. This information must be transported to the cloud for graphics processing under a cloud services approach. As a result, backhaul capacity is quite costly. Traffic will impair the quality of the video if capacity is inadequate. It may also have an impact on other programs that use the backhaul network (Dautov and Distefano, 2020).

Intelligent Edge at Sports Streaming Enables the Following Features#

Connectivity, communications, and interfacing requirements are all provided by the smart edge computing method, allowing for real-time, streaming video during sporting events.

  • Security: With computation to networking transfer, the intelligent edge safeguards visual data at all logical layers.
  • Scalability: Edge can shift memory and computing capabilities among inactive and active nodes for scalability.
  • Open: Various carriers' edge node architecture and streaming platforms from different suppliers will collaborate.
  • Autonomy: Edge-based live stream solutions are self-contained and may function without the use of the cloud (Abeysiriwardhana, Wijekoon and Nishi, 2020).
  • Reliability: In higher edge nodes, framework administration can be set and provide management solutions.
  • Agility: Without using cloud services, live stream video is analyzed and transmitted between edge nodes.

Streaming Contracts#

The licenses to live-streamed sporting events are controlled by numerous teams and leagues, who license such assets to different Television stations and, progressively, streaming sites. However, in addition to financial price and conditions of the contracts, broadcast rights transactions must typically specify the breadth of the materials being licensed, yet if the license is exclusionary, the relevant area, and, in many cases, the rights holder's advertising prospects (Secular, 2018). In the case of streaming services, each has its system of defined issues to address.

Exclusivity and Range of Streaming Contracts#

There have rarely existed greater options for sports to engage viewers, whether, through broadcasting, television, or online means of displaying programming, and they are motivated to use them all. Stations that have their streaming platforms are attempting to widen the range of licenses as often as feasible to protect any remaining television income while attracting new digital customers. Streaming services have the chance to accelerate the change in how people follow by having sports entirely available online.

Conclusion for Smart Stadiums#

[Edge technology] for streaming sports video enhances cloud capacity by doing a variety of visual data processing on-site. As streaming companies continue to demonstrate that sports can be viewed completely online, more industry heavyweights may decide to enter the fray (Mathews, 2018). The corporation hoping to have control over sports streaming rights should carefully assess the breadth of the rights they are licensing, balancing financial concerns with exclusivity. Lastly, as streaming platforms innovate and change how people watch sports, they should ensure that their Terms and Conditions are thorough and compatible with the terms & conditions of streaming contracts.

5G Technology Shaping the Experience of Sports Audiences


Sports fans are seeking an enhanced experience through their portable devices in this era of online and mobile usage. As consumers grow more intelligent and demand interactive, inventive, and entertaining experiences, the number of virtual events is expanding. This pushes the envelope for the style and durability of events. The future development of cellular wireless communication technology can produce improved engagement, changing how audiences experience sports, including live-streaming video, 3D virtual interactions, and real-time access to sports statistics. The integration of 5G, AR, and VR in sports allows for entirely new user interactions, breaking limits and bringing the audience closer to the action. In an evolving sports network, connectivity and flexibility offer new benefits for teams playing in front of crowded arenas or single racers on a wooded course. This is why 5G can become a valuable resource for the sports industry as it strives to revolutionize audience engagement both at home and in the stadium. Sporting activities might offer a greater experience for both the traveling fan who attends each event live and the die-hard fan who watches every event on TV.

5G tech for sports audience
5G for sports

5G is a Dependable and Tremendously Fast Network#

5G is 5 to 20 times more efficient than 4G. It can broadcast and read packets almost instantly, with times as low as 10 milliseconds in certain conditions. Beyond high-speed internet connections, there will be significant improvements in the reliability and performance of visual and voice calls, as well as faster playback. Due to its speed and latency, 5G will facilitate technological advances such as AR and VR, touch-capable devices, robotics, self-driving vehicles, and the IoT. Furthermore, it can be used in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. 5G is a game-changer, with the potential to usher in the next technological revolutions.

Influence of 5G in Sports (Present and Future)#

The increased capacity and reduced latency of 5G will unlock a variety of new capabilities for spectators and athletes alike. Here are some advantages:

A Thrilling and Comprehensive Stadium Experience#

Sports fans are searching for new ways to interact with the game on a virtual level. With the emergence of 360ΒΊ camera systems, AR, and VR, there is an opportunity to develop more realistic fan interactions. Fans may stroll the sidelines, see from the athletes' perspectives, and enjoy celebrations in the dressing room, all from the comfort of their homes. 5G could add a new level of sophistication to stadium experiences. Real-time AR technologies and immersive VR options will enhance pre-game festivities and allow spectators to experience 4K/UHD data without a large physical display. Fans could also explore various parts of the event virtually as if they were there in person.

Creating an Integrated Arena#

Attending live sports events requires a positive stadium environment. 5G can enhance this experience by connecting equipment in real-time with incredibly low latency, creating new possibilities. It could improve the overall environment for spectators by providing high-quality video streaming and new perspectives from 360ΒΊ, ultra-high-resolution VR cameras using smartphones.

Digital Transformation of Sports#

The sports and entertainment sectors are leveraging 5G to transform fan experiences. Telecommunications operators, organizations, clubs, event coordinators, and media firms are all investing in this technology. Key focus areas for the digital transformation of sports include:

  1. Improve the live experience for fans at venues.
  2. Bring fans at home closer to the action.
  3. Integrate pre and post-event activities into the holistic experience.
  4. Develop experience-centric sports districts.

Conclusion for 5G in Sports#

The launch of 5G will significantly impact the sporting industry. It will not only provide lightning-fast speeds but also support advanced technologies like VR and AR, and enhance network connectivity. Fans, players, trainers, venues, and spectators will all benefit. 5G also enables fixed wireless connectivity for higher-quality streaming in 4K, 360 videos, or AR/VR formats in areas without fiber connectivity. The deployment of 5G in sports arenas will create a broad framework supporting various applications, allowing fans to experience performances in real-time during practice and competition. This presents a significant opportunity for network operators to deploy upgraded connections in sports stadiums and ensure effective engagement. 5G is poised to revolutionize sports with fresh applications, and the transformation is already underway.

5G Technology | Cloud Computing Companies

5G Technology

Those who specialize in cyberspace and data security have been encouraging IT executives and internet providers to adapt to the challenges of a dynamic and fast-changing digital environment. With the operationalization of 5G networks, market expectations and the supply of new capabilities are rapidly increasing. For telecommunications companies, 5G represents a substantial opportunity to enhance consumer experiences and drive sales growth. Not only will 5G provide better internet connectivity, but it will also enable life-changing innovations that were once only imagined in sci-fi (Al-Dunainawi, Alhumaima, & Al-Raweshidy, 2018). While 5G connection speeds and accessibility have received much attention, understanding 5G's early prototype aspirations and its perception in network services is also crucial.

5G's Expectations Beyond Cloud Computing Companies#

The challenges of managing business development scenarios will be compounded by the complexities introduced by 5G. Some organizations may find themselves unprepared for these developments, facing challenges such as poor bandwidth and performance, especially if operating at frequencies below 6 gigahertz. However, true 5G promises capabilities that extend from utility and industrial grids to autonomous vehicles and retail applications, potentially transforming network edges (Jabagi, Park, & Kietzmann, 2020). For those unprepared, the ability to handle data could degrade significantly, leading to major latency issues and a compromised experience for both consumers and staff.

5G's Expectations Are Only the Beginning of the Challenge#

Implementing adequate protection to safeguard customers and crucial data could lead to congestion within systems. Ensuring that applications operate effectively at 5G speeds is one challenge; guaranteeing safety over an expanding network poses additional issues (Lee, 2019). Cloud computing companies face limitations in addressing these challenges.

Cloud Computing and 5G

It Will Be Necessary to Plan Carefully#

Cybersecurity professionals are considering two main approaches to address 5G issues: handling security procedures of the 5G base on the operator side or addressing edge protection where 5G acts as a fallback or gateway node, often as part of an SD-WAN implementation. Both strategies will require automation and artificial intelligence capabilities to keep up with conventional edge demands. Additional high-performance protection at the cloud edge will also be necessary (Ahamed & Faruque, 2021). Integrated systems must scale up with additional virtual machines and filters while scaling down by adding new elements to manage increased demand and ensure smooth, effective, and safe operations. As 5G accelerates commerce and applications, it will also speed up cyber-attacks.

Addressing 5G's Expectation Problems Is Not a Choice#

Currently, 5G generates around $5 billion in annual revenue for operators, expected to rise to $357 billion by 2025. This shift necessitates significant adjustments in the deployment and usage of 5G. Many businesses lack the expertise to meet these requirements. The pursuit of the best products and systems has led to complex, hard-to-implement systems. Under 5G's pressure, these systems may perform poorly (Guevara & Auat Cheein, 2020). Historically, cybersecurity aimed to balance safety with connectivity and efficiency. As internet providers and security groups face mounting challenges, the shift to 5G represents only the beginning of a current paradigm shift.

Five Approaches to Improve the 5G User Experience#

  1. Close the knowledge gap to effectively teach and advertise the benefits of 5G.
  2. Ensure high consistency in both indoor and outdoor services.
  3. Accelerate the commercialization of new and existing application cases.
  4. Address the network infrastructure demands driven by new internet services (Lee, 2019).
  5. Consider customer desires to envision new applications.


5G is driving the development of innovative application cases and commercial opportunities, such as mobile gaming, fixed wireless access, and enhanced consumer experiences. As 5G expands, it will dramatically impact data retrieval, causing significant latency issues and affecting the user experience (Ahn, 2021). The window of opportunity for solutions to meet 5G demands is closing. Companies must act swiftly to capitalize on this opportunity and prepare for the evolving demands of 5G and the imminent arrival of 6G.

More 5G-based cloud computing companies will emerge to meet the needs of the 5G environment.

Playing Edgy Games with Cloud, Edge | Cloud Computing Services

Edge technology as a modern industry sprung up as a result of the shift of processing from cloud to edge. Cloud gaming services is booming as a result of the need of more low latency benefits for the end users.

As the gadgets interconnected to the internet grows and their possibilities improve, so too does the demand for real making decisions free of cloud computing's delay and, sometimes in circumstances, connection. Edge technology is a modern industry that has sprung up as a result of the shift of processing resources from the cloud to the edge. Edge computing gives proper local machine learning to gadgets without the need to contact the cloud to make conclusions. IoT gadgets function under settings that vary from some of those found in corporate offices, necessitating the establishment of a new range of components to enable processing in such locations. The expanding usage of cloud-based AI techniques like machine learning techniques is pushing developments in hardware designs that can keep up with the applications' voracious need for computing power and storage capacity (Gan et al., 2019). Without developments in technology, technologies such as instant-booting PCs, cell phones, jaw-dropping video game graphics, lightning-fast in-memory analytics, and hugely spacious memory devices would be significantly more restricted or prohibitively costly.

Cloud Computing Services

Edge Computing#

Edge computing is a decentralized IT framework inside which customer data is analysed as near to the original point as feasible at the platform's perimeter. Edge computing relocates certain memory and computation capabilities away from the main data centre and nearer to the raw data. Instead of sending unprocessed information to a data centre for analysis and interpretation, this process is carried in which the information is captured, whether in a retail outlet, a manufacturing floor, a large utility, or throughout a smart city Coppolino et al., 2019. IT and corporate computing are being reshaped by edge computing.

Edge computing Hardware?#

Edge computing Hardware

The structural characteristics and capabilities required to operate a program at the edge are referred to as edge computing hardware. Centres, CPUs, networking devices, and endpoint devices are among these technologies (Capra et al.,2019) . Edge Ecosystem Analyzer is used to learn about additional aspects of the edge value chain.

Impact of Edge Computing on Hardware for Cloud Gaming#

Edge computing has a wide range of functions that work in a variety of circumstances and environments. Dependent on various application scenarios and sectors, they have various hardware needs. It's no coincidence that several businesses are moving to the edge as connection improves and the development of low-delay "real-time" data processing grows. With this change, nevertheless, there seems to be a significant necessity for edge computing gear to be created for unique circumstances for its many business applications, each with its own set of hardware specifications (Satyanarayanan et al., 2021) . For instance, in automated vehicles, ultimate decision-making is required for movement control, therefore increased hardware is a requirement owing to the massive volumes of data being analysed in real-time; but, thanks to the car's limited space, equipment design is indeed a limitation.

Gaming on the Edge ( and Cloud)#

The majority of game computation is now performed on gadgets directly. Although some computing may be performed on a remote server β€” where a gadget can transmit information to be analyzed and then delivered into these systems is often located far away in enormous data centres, which implies the time it would take for data to be delivered will eventually diminish the gaming performance. Rather than a single huge remote server, mobile edge computing depends on multiple small distribution centres that are located in a nearer close presence (Braun et al., 2017). So because gadgets won't just have to transfer information to a data computer, analyze it, and afterwards deliver the data, MEC can preserve computing power on gadgets for a smoother, quicker gameplay experience.

Cloud computing#

Something that includes offering distributed services via the internet is referred to as cloud computing. IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS are the three basic forms of cloud computing technology. It is possible to have a business or government cloud. Everyone on the internet may buy services from a cloud platform (Younas et al., 2018). A private cloud is a closed network or data centre that provides a platform as a service to a small group of individuals with policy actions and privileges. The purpose of cloud computing, whether business or government, is to give quick, flexible access to network infrastructure and IT applications.

Cloud infrastructure and hardware#

Cloud infrastructure is a word that refers to the hardware, abstract services, memory, and networking capacity that are required for cloud computing. Consider cloud infrastructure to be the technologies required to create a cloud. Cloud infrastructure is required to operate operations and services in the cloud.

Cloud Gaming#

Cloud gaming refers to the practice of playing games on servers located remotely in cloud services. On either a PC or smartphone, so no need to acquire and download games. Rather, to deliver game data to an application or website loaded on the target device, streaming sites create a steady internet service. The action is generated and performed on a distant server, yet everything here is seen and interacted with directly on the devices. Throughout most situations, cloud computing gaming involves an annual or monthly membership to obtain the game. Some applications need the acquisition of games in addition to the charge (Choy et al., 2014). Customized or internet apps are frequently given by cloud gaming solutions to stream sports.


The role of the network is changing when it comes to offering exceptional experiences with these new interactions. The growing use of cloud-based AI techniques such as machine learning is driving hardware innovations that can keep up with the applications' insatiable need for computational power and storage space. Edge computing encompasses a wide range of capabilities that may be used in some situations and contexts (Gan et al., 2019). Cloud gaming is booming, due in part to the global coronavirus outbreak and broad implementation of shelter-in-place rules. Gaming is a tremendous technical platform that can be applied to a wide range of sectors, including Edge, Cloud and Hardware.

Read More about Edge Gaming

Artificial Intelligence - AI in the Workforce

Learn more about Artificial Intelligence - AI in the workforce in this article.


An increase in data usage demands a network effectiveness strategy, with a primary focus on lowering overall costs. The sophistication of networks is expanding all the time. The arrival of 5G on top of existing 2G, 3G, and 4G networks, along with customers' growing demands for a user platform comparable to fibre internet, places immense strain on telecommunication operators handling day-to-day activities (Mishra, 2018). Network operators are also facing significant financial issues as a result of declining revenue per gigabyte and market share, making maximizing the impact on network investment strategies vital for existence.


How can businesses use AI to change the way businesses make network financial decisions?#

From sluggish and labor-intensive to quick, scalable, and adaptable decisions - The traditional manual planning method necessitates a significant investment of both money and time. Months of labor-intensive operations such as data gathering, aggregation of data, prediction, prompting, proportioning, and prioritizing are required for a typical medium-sized system of 10,000 nodes. Each cell is simulated separately using machine learning, depending on its special properties. Several Key performance indicators are used in multivariable modeling approaches to estimate the efficiency per unit separately. By combining diverse planning inputs into the application, operators may examine alternative possibilities due to the significant reduction in turnaround time (Raei, 2017).

Moving from a network-centric to a user-centric approach - Basic guidelines are commonly used to compare usage to bandwidth. Customer bandwidth is influenced by some parameters, including resource consumption, such as DLPRB utilization. Individual unit KPI analysis utilizing machine learning solves this inefficacy, with the major two processes involved being traffic prediction and KPI predictions. The Key performance indicator model is a useful part of cognitive planning that is specific to each cell and is trained every day using the most up-to-date data. The per-cell model's gradient and angles are governed by its unique properties, which are impacted by bandwidth, workload, broadcast strength, as well as other factors (Kibria et al., 2018). This strategy provides more granularity and precision in predicting each cell's KPI and effectiveness.


From one-dimensional to two-dimensional to three-dimensional - Availability and efficiency are frequently studied in a one-dimensional manner, with one-to-one mappings of assets such as PRB to quality and productivity. Nevertheless, additional crucial elements such as broadcast frequency or workload have a significant impact on cell quality and productivity. Optimal TCO necessitates a new method of capacity evaluation that guarantees the correct solution is implemented for each challenge (Pahlavan, 2021).

Candidate selection for improvement - Units with poor wireless reliability and effectiveness are highlighted as candidates for improvement rather than growth using additional parameters such as radio quality (CQI) and spectrum efficiency in cognitive planning. As a first resort, optimization operations can be used to solve low radio-quality cells to increase network capacity and performance. Instead of investing CAPEX in hardware expansion, cognitive planning finds low radio-quality cells where capacity may be enhanced through optimization (Athanasiadou et al., 2019).

Candidate selection for load-balancing#

Before advocating capacity increase, cognitive planning tools will always model load-balancing among co-sector operators. This is done to eliminate any potential for load-balancing-related benefits before investing. The load-balancing impact is modeled using the machine-learning-trained KPI model by assuming traffic shifts from one operator to another and then forecasting the efficiency of all operators even in the same section (He et al., 2016). If the expected performance after the test does not satisfy the defined experience requirements, an extension is suggested; alternatively, the program generates a list of suggested units for load-balancing.

Prioritization's worth for AI in the workforce#

When network operators are hesitant to spend CAPEX, a strong prioritizing technique is vital to maximizing the return on investment (ROI) while guaranteeing that even the most relevant aspects are handled. This goal is jeopardized by outdated approaches, which struggle to determine the appropriate response and have the versatility to gather all important indicators. In the case of network modeling, load corresponds to the number of consumers, utilization (DLPRB utilization) to the space occupancy levels, and quality (CQI) to the size (Maksymyuk, Brych and Masyuk, 2015). The amount of RRC users, which is near to demand as a priority measure, is put into the prioritizing procedure, taking into account the leftover areas. Further priority levels are adjusted based on cell bandwidth, resulting in a more realistic order.

Developers give ideal suggestions and growth flow (e.g. efficiency and load rebalancing ahead of growth) and generate actual value by combining all of these elements, as opposed to the conventional way, which involves a full examination of months of field data:

  • Optimization activities are used as a first option wherever possible, resulting in a 25% reduction in carrier and site expansions.
  • When compared to crowded cells detected by operators, congested cells found by cognitive planning had a greater user and traffic density, with an average of 21% more RRC users per cell and 19% more data volume per cell. As a result, the return on investment from the capacity increase is maximized (Pahlavan, 2021).
  • Three months before the experience objective was missed, >75 percent of the field-verified accuracy in determining which cells to grow when was achieved.
  • Reduce churn

Conclusion for AI in the workforce#

The radio access network (RAN) is a major component of a customer service provider's (CSP) entire mobile phone network infrastructural development, contributing to around 20% of a cellular manufacturer's capital expenditures (CapEx). According to the findings, carriers with superior connection speeds have greater average revenue per user (+31%) and lower overall turnover (-27 percent) (Mishra, 2018). As highlighted in this blog, using Machine learning and artificial intelligence for capacity management is critical for making intelligent network financial decisions that optimize total cost of ownership (TCO) while offering the highest return in terms of service quality: a critical pillar for customer service provider's (CSP) commercial viability.

Learn more about Nife to be informed about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields https://docs.nife.io/blog

5G Network Area | Network Slicing | Cloud Computing


5G has been substantially implemented, and network operators now have a huge opportunity to monetize new products and services for companies and customers. Network slicing is a critical tool for achieving customer service and assured reliability. Ericsson has created the most comprehensive network slicing platform, comprising 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) slicing, enabling automatic and quick deployment of services of new and creative 5G use scenarios, using an edge strategy (Subedi et al., 2021). Ericsson 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing has indeed been released, and telecom companies are enthusiastic about the possibilities of new 5G services. For mobile network operators, using system control to coordinate bespoke network slices in the personal and commercial market sectors can provide considerable income prospects. Ericsson provides unique procedures to ensure that speed and priority are maintained throughout the network slicing process. Not only do they have operational and business support systems (OSS/BSS), central, wireless, and transit systems in their portfolio, but they also have complete services like Network Support and Service Continuity (Debbabi, Jmal and Chaari Fourati, 2021).

What is 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing?#

The concept of network slicing is incomplete without the cooperation of communication service providers. It assures that the 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing-enabled services are both dependable and effective. Carriers can't ensure slice efficiency or meet service contracts unless they have network support and service continuity. Furthermore, if carriers fail to secure slice performance or meet the service-level agreement, they may face punishment and the dangers of losing clients (Mathew, 2020). Ericsson 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing provides service operators with the unique and assured quality they have to make the most of their 5G resources. The novel approach was created to improve end-to-end network slicing capabilities for radio access network managing resources and coordination. As a consequence, it constantly optimizes radio resource allocation and priority throughout multiple slices to ensure service-level commitments are met. This software solution, which is based on Ericsson radio experience and has a flexible and adaptable design, will help service providers to satisfy expanding needs in sectors such as improved broadband access, network services, mission-critical connectivity, and crucial Internet of Things (IoT) (Li et al., 2017).

5g network

Ericsson Network Support#

Across complex ecosystems, such as cloud networks, Network Support enables data-driven fault isolation, which is also necessary to efficiently manage the complexity in [5G systems]. To properly manage the complexity of 5G networks, Ericsson Network Support offers data-driven fault isolation. This guarantees that system faults are quickly resolved and that networks are reliable and robust. Software, equipment, and replacement parts are divided into three categories in Network Support. By properly localizing defects and reducing catastrophic occurrences at the solution level, Ericsson can offer quick timeframes and fewer site visits. Ericsson also supports network slicing by handling multi-vendor ecosystem fault separation and resolving complications among domains (Zhang, 2019). Data-driven fault isolation from Ericsson guarantees the quick resolution of connection problems, as well as strong and effective networks, and includes the following innovative capabilities:

  • Ericsson Network Support (Software) provides the carrier's software platform requirements across classic, automated, and cloud-based services in extremely sophisticated network settings. It prevents many mishaps by combining powerful data-driven support approaches with strong domain and networking experience.
  • Ericsson Hardware Services provides network hardware support. Connected adds advanced technologies to remote activities, allowing for quicker problem identification and treatment. It integrates network data with past patterns to provide service personnel and network management with relevant real-time information. It is feasible to pinpoint errors with greater precision using remote scans and debugging.
  • The Spare Components Management solution gives the operator's field engineers access to the parts they need to keep the network up and running (Subedi et al., 2021). Ericsson will use its broad network of logistical hubs and local parts depots to organize, warehouse, and transport the components.

Ericsson Service Continuity#

To accomplish 5G operational readiness, Service Continuity provides AI-powered, proactive assistance, backed by tight cooperation and Always-On service. Advanced analytical automation and reactive anticipatory insights provided by Ericsson Network Intelligence allow Service Continuity services. It focuses on crucial functionality to help customers reach specified business objectives while streamlining processes and ensuring service continuity (Katsalis et al., 2017). It is based on data-driven analysis and worldwide knowledge that is given directly and consists of two services:

  • Ericsson Service Continuity for 5G: Enables the clients' networks to take remedial steps forward in time to prevent end-user disruption, allowing them to move from responsive to proactively network services.
  • Ericsson Service Continuity for Private Networks is a smart KPI-based support product for Industry 4.0 systems and services that is targeted to the unique use of Private Networks where excellent performance is critical (Mathew, 2020).
Network Slicing and Cloud Computing

Conclusion for 5G Network Slicing

Network slicing will be one of the most important innovations in the 5G network area, transforming the telecommunications sector. The 5G future necessitates a network that can accommodate a diverse variety of equipment and end customers. Communication service providers must act quickly as the massive network-slicing economic potential emerges (Da Silva et al., 2016). However, deciding where to begin or where to engage is difficult. Ericsson's comprehensive portfolio and end-to-end strategy include Network Support and Service Continuity services. Communication service providers across the world would then "walk the talk" for Network Slicing in the 5G age after incorporating them into their network operations plan.


  • Da Silva, I.L., Mildh, G., Saily, M. and Hailu, S. (2016). A novel state model for 5G Radio Access Networks. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC).
  • Debbabi, F., Jmal, R. and Chaari Fourati, L. (2021). 5G network slicing: Fundamental concepts, architectures, algorithmics, project practices, and open issues. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33(20).
  • Katsalis, K., Nikaein, N., Schiller, E., Ksentini, A. and Braun, T. (2017). Network Slices toward 5G Communications: Slicing the LTE Network. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(8), pp.146–154.
  • Li, X., Samaka, M., Chan, H.A., Bhamare, D., Gupta, L., Guo, C. and Jain, R. (2017). Network Slicing for 5G: Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(5), pp.20–27.
  • Mathew, A., 2020, March. Network slicing in 5G and the security concerns. In 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) (pp. 75-78). IEEE.
  • Subedi, P., Alsadoon, A., Prasad, P.W.C., Rehman, S., Giweli, N., Imran, M. and Arif, S. (2021). Network slicing: a next-generation 5G perspective. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2021(1).
  • Zhang, S. (2019). An Overview of Network Slicing for 5G. IEEE Wireless Communications, [online] 26(3), pp.111–117.

5G Network Area | Network Slicing | Cloud Computing


5G has been substantially implemented, and network operators now have a huge opportunity to monetize new products and services for companies and customers. Network slicing is a critical tool for achieving customer service and assured reliability. Ericsson has created the most comprehensive network slicing platform, comprising 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) slicing, enabling automatic and quick deployment of services of new and creative 5G use scenarios, using an edge strategy (Subedi et al., 2021). Ericsson 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing has indeed been released, and telecom companies are enthusiastic about the possibilities of new 5G services. For mobile network operators, using system control to coordinate bespoke network slices in the personal and commercial market sectors can provide considerable income prospects. Ericsson provides unique procedures to ensure that speed and priority are maintained throughout the network slicing process. Not only do they have operational and business support systems (OSS/BSS), central, wireless, and transit systems in their portfolio, but they also have complete services like Network Support and Service Continuity (Debbabi, Jmal and Chaari Fourati, 2021).

What is 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing?#

The concept of network slicing is incomplete without the cooperation of communication service providers. It assures that the 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing-enabled services are both dependable and effective. Carriers can't ensure slice efficiency or meet service contracts unless they have network support and service continuity. Furthermore, if carriers fail to secure slice performance or meet the service-level agreement, they may face punishment and the dangers of losing clients (Mathew, 2020). Ericsson 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing provides service operators with the unique and assured quality they have to make the most of their 5G resources. The novel approach was created to improve end-to-end network slicing capabilities for radio access network managing resources and coordination. As a consequence, it constantly optimizes radio resource allocation and priority throughout multiple slices to ensure service-level commitments are met. This software solution, which is based on Ericsson radio experience and has a flexible and adaptable design, will help service providers to satisfy expanding needs in sectors such as improved broadband access, network services, mission-critical connectivity, and crucial Internet of Things (IoT) (Li et al., 2017).

5g network

Ericsson Network Support#

Across complex ecosystems, such as cloud networks, Network Support enables data-driven fault isolation, which is also necessary to efficiently manage the complexity in [5G systems]. To properly manage the complexity of 5G networks, Ericsson Network Support offers data-driven fault isolation. This guarantees that system faults are quickly resolved and that networks are reliable and robust. Software, equipment, and replacement parts are divided into three categories in Network Support. By properly localizing defects and reducing catastrophic occurrences at the solution level, Ericsson can offer quick timeframes and fewer site visits. Ericsson also supports network slicing by handling multi-vendor ecosystem fault separation and resolving complications among domains (Zhang, 2019). Data-driven fault isolation from Ericsson guarantees the quick resolution of connection problems, as well as strong and effective networks, and includes the following innovative capabilities:

  • Ericsson Network Support (Software) provides the carrier's software platform requirements across classic, automated, and cloud-based services in extremely sophisticated network settings. It prevents many mishaps by combining powerful data-driven support approaches with strong domain and networking experience.
  • Ericsson Hardware Services provides network hardware support. Connected adds advanced technologies to remote activities, allowing for quicker problem identification and treatment. It integrates network data with past patterns to provide service personnel and network management with relevant real-time information. It is feasible to pinpoint errors with greater precision using remote scans and debugging.
  • The Spare Components Management solution gives the operator's field engineers access to the parts they need to keep the network up and running (Subedi et al., 2021). Ericsson will use its broad network of logistical hubs and local parts depots to organize, warehouse, and transport the components.

Ericsson Service Continuity#

To accomplish 5G operational readiness, Service Continuity provides AI-powered, proactive assistance, backed by tight cooperation and Always-On service. Advanced analytical automation and reactive anticipatory insights provided by Ericsson Network Intelligence allow Service Continuity services. It focuses on crucial functionality to help customers reach specified business objectives while streamlining processes and ensuring service continuity (Katsalis et al., 2017). It is based on data-driven analysis and worldwide knowledge that is given directly and consists of two services:

  • Ericsson Service Continuity for 5G: Enables the clients' networks to take remedial steps forward in time to prevent end-user disruption, allowing them to move from responsive to proactively network services.
  • Ericsson Service Continuity for Private Networks is a smart KPI-based support product for Industry 4.0 systems and services that is targeted to the unique use of Private Networks where excellent performance is critical (Mathew, 2020).
Network Slicing and Cloud Computing

Conclusion for 5G Network Slicing

Network slicing will be one of the most important innovations in the 5G network area, transforming the telecommunications sector. The 5G future necessitates a network that can accommodate a diverse variety of equipment and end customers. Communication service providers must act quickly as the massive network-slicing economic potential emerges (Da Silva et al., 2016). However, deciding where to begin or where to engage is difficult. Ericsson's comprehensive portfolio and end-to-end strategy include Network Support and Service Continuity services. Communication service providers across the world would then "walk the talk" for Network Slicing in the 5G age after incorporating them into their network operations plan.


  • Da Silva, I.L., Mildh, G., Saily, M. and Hailu, S. (2016). A novel state model for 5G Radio Access Networks. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC).
  • Debbabi, F., Jmal, R. and Chaari Fourati, L. (2021). 5G network slicing: Fundamental concepts, architectures, algorithmics, project practices, and open issues. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33(20).
  • Katsalis, K., Nikaein, N., Schiller, E., Ksentini, A. and Braun, T. (2017). Network Slices toward 5G Communications: Slicing the LTE Network. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(8), pp.146–154.
  • Li, X., Samaka, M., Chan, H.A., Bhamare, D., Gupta, L., Guo, C. and Jain, R. (2017). Network Slicing for 5G: Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(5), pp.20–27.
  • Mathew, A., 2020, March. Network slicing in 5G and the security concerns. In 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) (pp. 75-78). IEEE.
  • Subedi, P., Alsadoon, A., Prasad, P.W.C., Rehman, S., Giweli, N., Imran, M. and Arif, S. (2021). Network slicing: a next-generation 5G perspective. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2021(1).
  • Zhang, S. (2019). An Overview of Network Slicing for 5G. IEEE Wireless Communications, [online] 26(3), pp.111–117.

Location Based Network Simulators | Network Optimization

Learn more about Location Based Network Simulators and their need in 5G deployments.


A simulation is a key tool for modeling complicated systems, particularly where traditional analysis methods are unavailable owing to the sophistication of the modeling assumptions. Decision-makers may use simulations to create numerous circumstances and assess the impact of multiple pre-options on the performance of the system (Campanile et al., 2020). Network performance might degrade throughout a traffic increase. Consider viewing a live sports event at a packed arena, where internet traffic is likely to spike. The addition of base stations is frequently used to deal with this influx. Simulators that enable multi-user or multi-cell service have advanced to the point where they may now be often used to simulate some characteristics of actual networks (Graser, Straub, and Dragaschnig, 2013). This blog article will demonstrate how well a simulation may help to optimize the efficiency of your networks and find the best placement for a new base station.

Network Optimization

What is Network Optimization and How Does It Work?#

Network optimization is a combination of techniques and practices aimed at improving a network's general health. It manages all components, from the client to the servers, as well as their operations and interconnections. Network optimization allows the user to monitor certain system performance such as data consumption, reliability, network congestion, lag, and oscillation. It provides them with critical information so that they may make the appropriate adjustments (Izquierdo-Zaragoza and Pavon-Marino, 2013). The objective of system optimization is not to purchase additional expensive firmware assets, but to make the most of what customers currently have. Two typical optimisation strategies that can assist enhance the efficiency of these measurements in data and voice systems are Traffic Engineering (TE) and Quality of Service (QoS).

An overview of the data used in the Simulation process.#

Performance Management (PM) Data is used along with numerous KPI (Key Performance Indicator) findings are also included. A KPI is a Meta end-user impression of networks. KPI data are commonly used to compare network performance and identify issue areas (Saino, Cocora, and Pavlou, 2013). PM data is used to extract the GPS coordinates of base stations/cells, which then can then be used to build a base station in a simulator.

Stimulator automation steps for Location Based Simulators#

Simulating a genuine networking ecosystem necessitates several code updates and interactions between people (Rampfl, 2013). The steps of the entire simulation are as follows:-

  1. Choose a place for the simulation map.
  2. Make a CSV file containing the locations of the base stations.
  3. Make a CSV file containing user locations.
  4. Create a YAML file with scenario parameters
  5. To begin the simulation, run the command line script.
  6. The Overpass API is used.
  7. The map file has been translated to a simulator-readable format.
  8. Users and base stations are depicted as points on a map.
  9. Runs and results of simulation

Choosing a stimulation map#

An actual map might be made using the Overpass Turbo website. Overpass Turbo is an internet OSM data-gathering application that makes use of the Overpass API. Choose the map or the actual border with the Overpass API and search for all the things that should be inside the physical boundary (Wolski and Narciso, 2017).

microsoft flight simulator

A base station and user location deployment#

The GPS coordinates of the base stations are extracted by using PM data and converted as a CSV file for base station placement (Coskun and Ayanoglu, 2014). The base stations are positioned centrally on the actual location, built by Overpass Turbo web-based service based on the GPS coordinates, using this CSV file as an entry to the simulation.

Creating high-traffic areas and hotspots for users#

A map, assigned customers, and a base station are created, and now it is time for creating the data traffic. Simulators want to dramatically boost traffic in select locations compared to other regions for the practical example. This was accomplished by establishing borders inside a venue and boosting traffic inside those borders while maintaining normal traffic volumes in the nearby region.

YAML file parameters#

The map generation described previously, as well as user and base station installation and traffic parameters, may all be submitted to the simulators through a YAML file. The base station GPS coordinates as a CSV file for base station placement is supplied. Maps may be produced just on run or from a YAML file given by the customer (Garaizar and Reips, 2013). The perimeter criteria and traffic volume parameters were used to manage traffic and define whether it should raise or reduce. Simulators only need to execute it once they have given values for all of the parameters (Campanile et al., 2020). It establishes the external conditions, installs clients and base stations, allocates data traffic, estimates user throughput, and saves the findings in the route supplied depending on the available settings.

5G Monetization | Multi Access Edge Computing


Consumers want quicker, better, more convenient, and revolutionary data speeds in this internet age. Many people are eager to watch movies on their smartphones while also downloading music and controlling many IoT devices. They anticipate a 5G connection, which will provide 100 times quicker speeds, 10 times more capacity, and 10 times reduced latency. The transition to 5G necessitates significant expenditures from service providers. To support new income streams and enable better, more productive, and cost-effective processes and exchanges, BSS must advance in tandem with 5G network installations (Pablo Collufio, 2019). Let's get ready to face the challenges of 5G monetization.

5G and Cloud Computing

cloud gaming services

Why 5G monetization?#

The appropriate 5G monetization solutions may be a superpower, allowing CSPs to execute on 5G's potential from the start. The commercialization of 5G is a hot topic. "Harnessing the 5G consumer potential" and "5G and the Enterprise Opportunity" are two studies that go through the various market prospects. They illustrate that, in the long term, there is a tremendous new income opportunity for providers at various implementation rates, accessible marketplaces, and industry specializations. β€œGetting creative with 5G business models” highlights how AR/VR gameplay, FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), and 3D video encounters could be offered through B2C, B2B, and B2B2X engagement models in a variety of use scenarios. To meet the 5G commitments of increased network speeds and spectrum, lower latency, assured service quality, connectivity, and adaptable offers, service suppliers must discuss their BSS evolution alongside their 5G installations, or risk being unable to monetize those new use cases when they become a real thing (Munoz et al., 2020). One of the abilities that will enable providers to execute on their 5G promises from day one is 5G monetization. CSPs must update their business support systems (BSS) in tandem with their 5G deployment to meet 5G use scenarios and provide the full promise of 5G, or risk slipping behind in the 5G race for lucrative 5G services (Rao and Prasad, 2018).

Development of the BSS architecture#

To fully realize the benefits of 5G monetization, service providers must consider the growth of their telecom BSS from a variety of angles:

  • Integrations with the network - The new 5G Basic standards specify a 5G Convergent Charging System (CCS) with a 5G Charging Function (CHF) that enables merged charging and consumption limit restrictions in the new service-based architecture that 5G Core introduces.
  • Service orchestration - The emergence of distributed systems and more business services need more complicated and stricter service coordination and fulfillment to ensure that goods, packages, ordeals, including own and third-party products, are negotiated, purchased, and activated as soon as clients require them.
  • Expose - Other BSS apps, surrounding levels such as OSS and Central networks, or 3rd parties and collaborators who extend 5G services with their abilities might all be consumers of BSS APIs (Mor Israel, 2021).
  • Cloud architecture - The speed, reliability, flexibility, and robustness required by 5G networks and services necessitate a new software architecture that takes into consideration BSS deployments in the cloud, whether private, public, or mixed.

Challenges to 5G Monetization#

Even though monetizing 5G networks appears to be a profitable prospect for telecommunications, it is not without flaws. The following are the major challenges:

  • Massive upfront investments in IT infrastructure, network load, and a radio access system, among other things.
  • To get optimal ROI, telecommunications companies must establish viable monetization alternatives (Bega et al., 2019).
  • The commercialization of 5G necessitates a change in telecom operations.

Case of Augmented Reality Games and Intelligent Operations#

With the 5G Core, BSS, and OSS in place, it's time to bring on a new partner: a cloud gaming firm that wants to deliver augmented reality monetization strategies to the operator's users (Feng et al., 2020). For gaming traffic, they want a specific network slice with assured service quality. Through a digital platform, a member in a smart, completely automated network may request their network slice and specify their SLAs. BSS decomposes this order into multiple sub-orders, such as the construction and provisioning of the particular portion through the OSS, once it receives it. The operator additionally uses their catalog-driven design to describe the item offered that its customers will acquire to get onboard new on the partner's network slice all in one location. This deal is immediately disseminated to all relevant systems, including online charging, CRM, and digital platforms, and may be generally consumed.

cloud gaming services


5G can impact practically every industry and society. Even though there is a lot of ambiguity around 5G and a lot of technical concerns that need to be resolved, one thing is certain: 5G is the next big thing. Finally, whenever a user buys a new plan, he or she is automatically onboarded in the particular portion, often without affecting the system. The partnership will be able to monitor the network health and quality of various types of services for each customer in real time and will be able to take immediate decisions or conduct promotions based on this data (Bangerter et al., 2014). New platforms may adapt to changes based on factual resource use thanks to the BSS cloud architecture. All information regarding purchases, items, network usage, and profitability, among other things, is given back into circulation and utilized as feeds for infrastructure and catalog design in a closed-loop method.


  • Bangerter, B., Talwar, S., Arefi, R., and Stewart, K. (2014). Networks and devices for the 5G era. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(2), pp.90–96.
  • Bega, D., Gramaglia, M., Banchs, A., Sciancalepore, V. and Costa-Perez, X. (2019). A Machine Learning approach to 5G Infrastructure Market optimization. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp.1–1.
  • Feng, S., Niyato, D., Lu, X., Wang, P. and Kim, D.I. (2020). Dynamic Game and Pricing for Data Sponsored 5G Systems With Memory Effect. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38(4), pp.750–765.
  • Mor Israel (2021). How BSS can enable and empower 5G monetization. online Available at: https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2021/4/how-bss-can-enable-and-empower-5g-monetization.
  • Munoz, P., Adamuz-Hinojosa, O., Navarro-Ortiz, J., Sallent, O. and Perez-Romero, J. (2020). Radio Access Network Slicing Strategies at Spectrum Planning Level in 5G and Beyond. IEEE Access, 8, pp.79604–79618.
  • Pablo Collufio, D. (2019). 5G: Where is the Money? e-archivo.uc3m.es. online.
  • Rao, S.K. and Prasad, R. (2018). Telecom Operators’ Business Model Innovation in a 5G World. Journal of Multi Business Model Innovation and Technology, 4(3), pp.149–178.

Learn more about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields. Keep reading our blogs.

5G Monetization | Multi Access Edge Computing


Consumers want quicker, better, more convenient, and revolutionary data speeds in this internet age. Many people are eager to watch movies on their smartphones while also downloading music and controlling many IoT devices. They anticipate a 5G connection, which will provide 100 times quicker speeds, 10 times more capacity, and 10 times reduced latency. The transition to 5G necessitates significant expenditures from service providers. To support new income streams and enable better, more productive, and cost-effective processes and exchanges, BSS must advance in tandem with 5G network installations (Pablo Collufio, 2019). Let's get ready to face the challenges of 5G monetization.

5G and Cloud Computing

cloud gaming services

Why 5G monetization?#

The appropriate 5G monetization solutions may be a superpower, allowing CSPs to execute on 5G's potential from the start. The commercialization of 5G is a hot topic. "Harnessing the 5G consumer potential" and "5G and the Enterprise Opportunity" are two studies that go through the various market prospects. They illustrate that, in the long term, there is a tremendous new income opportunity for providers at various implementation rates, accessible marketplaces, and industry specializations. β€œGetting creative with 5G business models” highlights how AR/VR gameplay, FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), and 3D video encounters could be offered through B2C, B2B, and B2B2X engagement models in a variety of use scenarios. To meet the 5G commitments of increased network speeds and spectrum, lower latency, assured service quality, connectivity, and adaptable offers, service suppliers must discuss their BSS evolution alongside their 5G installations, or risk being unable to monetize those new use cases when they become a real thing (Munoz et al., 2020). One of the abilities that will enable providers to execute on their 5G promises from day one is 5G monetization. CSPs must update their business support systems (BSS) in tandem with their 5G deployment to meet 5G use scenarios and provide the full promise of 5G, or risk slipping behind in the 5G race for lucrative 5G services (Rao and Prasad, 2018).

Development of the BSS architecture#

To fully realize the benefits of 5G monetization, service providers must consider the growth of their telecom BSS from a variety of angles:

  • Integrations with the network - The new 5G Basic standards specify a 5G Convergent Charging System (CCS) with a 5G Charging Function (CHF) that enables merged charging and consumption limit restrictions in the new service-based architecture that 5G Core introduces.
  • Service orchestration - The emergence of distributed systems and more business services need more complicated and stricter service coordination and fulfillment to ensure that goods, packages, ordeals, including own and third-party products, are negotiated, purchased, and activated as soon as clients require them.
  • Expose - Other BSS apps, surrounding levels such as OSS and Central networks, or 3rd parties and collaborators who extend 5G services with their abilities might all be consumers of BSS APIs (Mor Israel, 2021).
  • Cloud architecture - The speed, reliability, flexibility, and robustness required by 5G networks and services necessitate a new software architecture that takes into consideration BSS deployments in the cloud, whether private, public, or mixed.

Challenges to 5G Monetization#

Even though monetizing 5G networks appears to be a profitable prospect for telecommunications, it is not without flaws. The following are the major challenges:

  • Massive upfront investments in IT infrastructure, network load, and a radio access system, among other things.
  • To get optimal ROI, telecommunications companies must establish viable monetization alternatives (Bega et al., 2019).
  • The commercialization of 5G necessitates a change in telecom operations.

Case of Augmented Reality Games and Intelligent Operations#

With the 5G Core, BSS, and OSS in place, it's time to bring on a new partner: a cloud gaming firm that wants to deliver augmented reality monetization strategies to the operator's users (Feng et al., 2020). For gaming traffic, they want a specific network slice with assured service quality. Through a digital platform, a member in a smart, completely automated network may request their network slice and specify their SLAs. BSS decomposes this order into multiple sub-orders, such as the construction and provisioning of the particular portion through the OSS, once it receives it. The operator additionally uses their catalog-driven design to describe the item offered that its customers will acquire to get onboard new on the partner's network slice all in one location. This deal is immediately disseminated to all relevant systems, including online charging, CRM, and digital platforms, and may be generally consumed.

cloud gaming services


5G can impact practically every industry and society. Even though there is a lot of ambiguity around 5G and a lot of technical concerns that need to be resolved, one thing is certain: 5G is the next big thing. Finally, whenever a user buys a new plan, he or she is automatically onboarded in the particular portion, often without affecting the system. The partnership will be able to monitor the network health and quality of various types of services for each customer in real time and will be able to take immediate decisions or conduct promotions based on this data (Bangerter et al., 2014). New platforms may adapt to changes based on factual resource use thanks to the BSS cloud architecture. All information regarding purchases, items, network usage, and profitability, among other things, is given back into circulation and utilized as feeds for infrastructure and catalog design in a closed-loop method.


  • Bangerter, B., Talwar, S., Arefi, R., and Stewart, K. (2014). Networks and devices for the 5G era. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(2), pp.90–96.
  • Bega, D., Gramaglia, M., Banchs, A., Sciancalepore, V. and Costa-Perez, X. (2019). A Machine Learning approach to 5G Infrastructure Market optimization. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp.1–1.
  • Feng, S., Niyato, D., Lu, X., Wang, P. and Kim, D.I. (2020). Dynamic Game and Pricing for Data Sponsored 5G Systems With Memory Effect. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38(4), pp.750–765.
  • Mor Israel (2021). How BSS can enable and empower 5G monetization. online Available at: https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2021/4/how-bss-can-enable-and-empower-5g-monetization.
  • Munoz, P., Adamuz-Hinojosa, O., Navarro-Ortiz, J., Sallent, O. and Perez-Romero, J. (2020). Radio Access Network Slicing Strategies at Spectrum Planning Level in 5G and Beyond. IEEE Access, 8, pp.79604–79618.
  • Pablo Collufio, D. (2019). 5G: Where is the Money? e-archivo.uc3m.es. online.
  • Rao, S.K. and Prasad, R. (2018). Telecom Operators’ Business Model Innovation in a 5G World. Journal of Multi Business Model Innovation and Technology, 4(3), pp.149–178.

Learn more about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields. Keep reading our blogs.

5G in Healthcare Technology | Nife Cloud Computing Platform


In the field of healthcare technology, we are at the start of a high-tech era. AI technology, cloud-based services, the Internet of Things, and big data have all become popular topics of conversation among healthcare professionals as a way to provide high-quality services to patients while cutting costs. Due to ambitions for global application, the fifth generation of cellular technology, or 5G, has gotten a lot of interest. While the majority of media attention has centered on the promise of "the internet of things," the ramifications of 5G-enabled technologies in health care are yet to be addressed (Zhang and Pickwell-Macpherson, 2019). The adoption of 5G in healthcare is one of the elements that is expected to have a significant impact on patient value. 5G, or fifth-generation wireless communications, would not only provide much more capacity but also be extremely responsive owing to its low latency. 5G opens up a slew of possibilities for healthcare, including remote diagnostics, surgery, real-time surveillance, and extended telemedicine (Thayananthan, 2019). This article examines the influence of 5G technology on healthcare delivery and quality, as well as possible areas of concern with this latest tech.

cloud gaming services

What is 5G?#

The fifth generation of wireless communication technology is known as 5G. Like the preceding fourth generation, the core focus of 5G is speed. Every successive generation of wireless networks improves on the previous one in terms of speed and capability. 5G networks can deliver data at speeds of up to 10 terabytes per second. Similarly, while older networks generally have a delay of 50 milliseconds, 5G networks have a latency of 1–3 milliseconds. With super-fast connection, ultra-low latency, and extensive coverage, 5G marks yet another step ahead (Carlson, 2020). From 2021 to 2026, the worldwide 5G technology market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 122.3 percent, reaching $667.90 billion. These distinguishing characteristics of 5G enable the possible change in health care as outlined below.

5G's Importance in Healthcare#

Patient value has been steadily declining, resulting in rising healthcare spending. In addition, there is rising concern over medical resource imbalances, ineffective healthcare management, and uncomfortable medical encounters. To address these issues, technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud technology, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence are being developed to enhance customer care and healthcare efficiency while lowering total healthcare costs (Li, 2019). The healthcare business is likely to see the largest improvements as a result of 5G's large bandwidth, reduced latency, and low-power-low-cost. Healthcare professionals investigated and developed several connected-care use cases, but widespread adoption was hampered by the limits of available telecommunications. High-speed and dependable connections will be critical as healthcare systems migrate to a cloud-native design. High data transfer rates, super-low latency, connection and capacity, bandwidth efficiency, and durability per unit area are some of the distinctive properties of 5G technology that have the potential to assist tackle these difficulties (Soldani et al., 2017). Healthcare stakeholders may reorganize, transition to comprehensive data-driven individualized care, improve medical resource use, provide care delivery convenience, and boost patient value thanks to 5G.

cloud gaming services

5 ways that 5G will change healthcare#

  • Large image files must be sent quickly.
  • Expanding the use of telemedicine.
  • Improving augmented reality, virtual reality, and spatial computing.
  • Remote monitoring that is reliable and real-time.
  • Artificial Intelligence

Healthcare systems may enhance the quality of treatment and patient satisfaction, reduce the cost of care, and more by connecting all of these technologies over 5G networks (Att.com, 2017). 5G networks can enable providers to deliver more tailored and preventative treatment, rather than just responding to patients' illnesses, which is why many healthcare workers joined providers during the first round.


As with other advances, many industry professionals are cautious about 5G technology's worldwide acceptance in healthcare, as evidenced by the following significant challenges:

  • Concerns about privacy and security - The network providers must adhere to the health - care industry's stringent privacy regulations and maintain end-to-end data protection across mobile, IoT, and connected devices.
  • Compatibility of Devices - The current generation of 4G/LTE smartphones and gadgets are incompatible with the upcoming 5G networks. As a result, manufacturers have begun to release 5G-enabled smartphones and other products.
  • Coverage and Deployment - The current generation of 4G/LTE smartphones and gadgets are incompatible with the upcoming 5G networks. The present 4G network uses certain frequencies on the radio frequency band, often around 6 GHz; however, such systems are available exclusively in a few nations' metro/urban regions, and telecom carriers must create considerable equipment to overcome this difficulty (Chen et al., 2017).
  • Infrastructure - As part of the 5G network needs, healthcare facilities, clinics, and other healthcare providers/organizations will need to upgrade and refresh their infrastructure, apps, technologies, and equipment.


5G has the potential to revolutionize healthcare as we know it. As we saw during the last epidemic, the healthcare business needs tools that can serve people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Future improvements and gadgets based on new 5G devices and computers can stimulate healthcare transformation, expand consumer access to high-quality treatment, and help close global healthcare inequities (Thuemmler et al., 2017). For enhanced healthcare results, 5G offers network stability, speed, and scalability for telemedicine, as well as catalyzing broad adoption of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, data science, augmented reality, and the IoT. Healthcare organizations must develop, test, and deploy apps that make use of 5G's key capabilities, such as ultra-high bandwidth, ultra-reliability, ultra-low latency, and huge machine connections.


  • Att.com. (2017). 5 Ways 5G will Transform Healthcare | AT&T Business. [online] Available at: https://www.business.att.com/learn/updates/how-5g-will-transform-the-healthcare-industry.html.
  • Carlson, E.K. (2020). What Will 5G Bring? Engineering.
  • Chen, M., Yang, J., Hao, Y., Mao, S. and Hwang, K. (2017). A 5G Cognitive System for Healthcare. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 1(1), p.2.
  • Li, D. (2019). 5G and Intelligence Medicineβ€”How the Next Generation of Wireless Technology Will Reconstruct Healthcare? Precision Clinical Medicine, 2(4).
  • Soldani, D., Fadini, F., Rasanen, H., Duran, J., Niemela, T., Chandramouli, D., Hoglund, T., Doppler, K., Himanen, T., Laiho, J. and Nanavaty, N. (2017). 5G Mobile Systems for Healthcare. 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring).
  • Thayananthan, V. (2019). Healthcare Management using ICT and IoT-based 5G. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(4).
  • Thuemmler, C., Gavras, A. and Roa, L.M. (2017). Impact of 5G on Healthcare. 5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology, pp. 593-613.
  • Zhang, M. and Pickwell-Macpherson, E. (2019). The future of 5G Technologies in healthcare. 5G Radio Technologies Seminar.

Edge Gaming The Future


The gaming business, which was formerly considered a specialized sector, has grown to become a giant $120 billion dollar industry in the latest years (Scholz, 2019). The gaming business has long attempted to capitalize on new possibilities and inventive methods to offer gaming adventures, as it has always been the leading result of technology. The emergence of cloud gaming services is one of the most exciting advances in cloud computing technology in recent years. To succeed, today's gamers speed up connections. Fast connectivity contributes to improved gameplay. Gamers may livestream a collection of games on their smartphone, TV, platform, PC, or laptop for a monthly cost ranging from $10 to $35 (Beattie, 2020).

Cloud Gaming

Reasons to buy a gaming computer:

  • The gameplay experience is second to none.
  • Make your gaming platform future-proof.
  • They're prepared for VR.
  • Modified versions of your favourite games are available to play.
  • More control and better aim.

Why is Hardware PC gaming becoming more popular?#

Gamers are stretching computer hardware to its boundaries to get an edge. Consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox are commonplace in the marketplace, but customers purchasing pricey gaming-specific PCs that give a competitive advantage over the other gamers appear to be the next phenomenon. While the pull of consoles remains strong, computer gaming is getting more and more popular. It was no longer only for the die-hards who enjoy spending a weekend deconstructing their computer. A gaming PC is unrivalled when it comes to providing an unrivalled gaming experience. It's incredible to think that gamers could play the newest FPS games at 60fps or greater. Steam is a global online computer gaming platform with 125 million members, compared to 48 million for Xbox Live (Galehantomo P.S, 2015). Gaming computers may start around $500 and soon grow to $1500 or more, which is one of the most significant drawbacks of purchasing gaming PCs.

The majority of games are now downloadable and played directly on cell phones, video game consoles, and personal computers. With over 3 billion gamers on the planet, the possibility and effect might be enormous (Wahab et al., 2021). Cloud gaming might do away with the need for dedicated platforms, allowing players to play virtually any game on practically any platform. Users' profiles, in-game transactions, and social features are all supported by connectivity, but the videogames themselves are played on the gamers' devices. Gaming has already been growing into the cloud in this way for quite some time. Every big gaming and tech firm seems to have introduced a cloud gaming service in the last two years, like Project xCloud by Microsoft, PlayStation Now by Sony, and Stadia by Google.

Cloud Computing's Advantages in the Gaming World:

  • Security
  • Compatibility
  • Cost-effective
  • Accessibility
  • No piracy
  • Dynamic support
Cloud Gaming Services

What are Cloud Gaming Services, and how do they work?#

Cloud gaming shifts the processing of content from the user's device to the cloud. The game's perspective is broadcast to the person's devices through content delivery networks with local stations near population centres, similar to how different channels distribute the material. Size does matter, just like it does with video. A modest cell phone screen can show a good gaming feed with far fewer bits than a 55" 4K HDTV. In 2018, digital downloads accounted for more than 80% of all video game sales. A bigger stream requires more data, putting additional strain on the user's internet connection. Cloud streaming services must automatically change the bandwidth to offer the lowest amount of bits required for the best service on a specific device to control bandwidth (Cai et al., 2016).

Edge Gaming - The appeal of Edge Computing in Gaming#

Revenue from mobile gaming is growing more sociable, engaging, and dynamic. As games become more collaborative, realistic, and engaging, mobile gaming revenue is predicted to top $95 billion worth by 2022 (Choy et al., 2014). With this growth comes the difficulty of meeting consumers' desire for ultra-fast, low-latency connectivity, which traditional data centres are straining to achieve. Edge computing refers to smaller data centres that provide cloud-based computational services and resources closer to customers or at the network's edge. In smartphone games, even just a fraction of a millisecond of latency would be enough to completely ruin the gameplay. Edge technology and 5G connection assist in meeting low-latency, high-bandwidth needs by bringing high cloud computing power directly to consumers and equipment while also delivering the capacity necessary for high, multi-player gameplay.

Edge Computing in Gaming

Issues with Cloud Gaming#

Cloud technology isn't only the future of gaming it's also the future of hybridized multi-clouds and edge architecture as a contemporary internet infrastructure for businesses. However, this cutting-edge technology faces a few obstacles. Lag, also known as latency, is a delay caused by the time required for a packet of data to move from one place in a network to another. It's the misery of every online gamer's existence. Streaming video sputters, freezes, and fragments due to high latency networks (Soliman et al., 2013). While this might be frustrating when it comes to video material, it can be catastrophic when it comes to cloud gaming services.

Developers are Ready for the Change#

Gaming is sweeping the media landscape. Please have a look around if you are unaware of this information. Although cloud gameplay is still in its infancy, it serves as proof that processing can be done outside of the device. I hope that cloud gaming is treated as the proving point that it is. Because cloud gameplay always has physical issues, we should look to edge gaming to deliver an experience where gamers can participate in a real-time multiplayer setting.


  • https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/053115/how-video-game-industry-changing.asp
  • Beattie, A. (2020). How the Video Game Industry Is Changing. [online] Investopedia. Available at:
  • Cai, W., Shea, R., Huang, C.-Y., Chen, K.-T., Liu, J., Leung, V.C.M. and Hsu, C.-H. (2016). The Future of Cloud Gaming . Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(4), pp.687-691.
  • Choy, S., Wong, B., Simon, G. and Rosenberg, C. (2014). A hybrid edge-cloud architecture for reducing on-demand gaming latency. Multimedia Systems, 20(5), pp.503-519.
  • Galehantomo P.S, G. (2015). Platform Comparison Between Games Console, Mobile Games And PC Games. SISFORMA, 2(1), p.23.
  • Soliman, O., Rezgui, A., Soliman, H. and Manea, N. (2013). Mobile Cloud Gaming: Issues and Challenges. Mobile Web Information Systems, pp.121-128.
  • Scholz, T.M. (2019). eSports is Business Management in the World of Competitive Gaming. Cham Springer International Publishing.
  • Wahab, A., Ahmad, N., Martini, M.G. and Schormans, J. (2021). Subjective Quality Assessment for Cloud Gaming. J, 4(3), pp.404-419.

Nife Edgeology | Latest Updates about Nife | Edge Computing Platform

Nife started off as an edge computing deployment platform but has moved away to multi-cloud- a hybrid cloud setup

Collated below is some news about Nife and the Platform

nife cloud edge platform

Learn more about different use cases on edge computing- Nife Blogs

About Nife - Contextual Ads at Edge

Contextual Ads at Edge are buzzing around the OTT platforms. To achieve the perfect mix of customer experience and media monetization, advertisers will need a technology framework that harnesses various aspects of 5G, such as small cells and network slicing, to deliver relevant content in real time with zero latency and lag-free advertising.

Why Contextual Ads at Edge?#

Contextual Ads at Edge

"In advertising, this surge of data will enable deeper insights into customer behaviors and motivations, allowing companies to develop targeted, hyper-personalized ads at scale β€” but just migrating to 5G is not enough to enable these enhancements. To achieve the perfect mix of customer experience and media monetization, advertisers will need a technology framework that harnesses various aspects of 5G, such as small cells and network slicing, to deliver relevant content in real-time with zero latency and lag-free advertising."

Contextual Video Ads Set to Gain#

A recent study shows that 86% of businesses used videos as their core marketing strategy in 2021 compared to 61% in 2016. A report by Ericsson estimates videos will account for 77% of mobile data traffic by 2025 versus 66% currently.

Read more about Contextual Ads at Edge in the article covered by Wipro.

Wipro Tech Blogs - Contextual Ads Winning in a 5G World

Computer Vision at Edge and Scale Story

Computer Vision at Edge is a growing subject with significant advancement in the new age of surveillance. Surveillance cameras can be primary or intelligent, but Intelligent cameras are expensive. Every country has some laws associated with Video Surveillance.

How do Video Analytics companies rightfully serve their customers, with high demand?

Nife helps with this.

Computer Vision at Edge

cloud gaming services


The need for higher bandwidth and low latency processing has continued with the on-prem servers. While on-prem servers provide low latency, they do not allow flexibility.

Computer Vision can be used for various purposes such as Drone navigation, Wildlife monitoring, Brand value analytics, Productivity monitoring, or even Package delivery monitoring can be done with the help of these high-tech devices. The major challenge in computing on the cloud is data privacy, especially when images are analyzed and stored.

Another major challenge is spinning up the same algorithm or application in multiple locations, which means hardware needs to be deployed there. Hence scalability and flexibility are the key issues. Accordingly, Computing and Computed Analytics are hosted and stored in the cloud.

On the other hand, managing and maintaining the on-prem servers is always a challenge. The cost of the servers is high. Additionally, any device failure adds to the cost of the system integrator.

Thereby, scaling the application to host computer vision on the network edge significantly reduces the cost of the cloud while providing flexibility of the cloud.

Key Challenges and Drivers of Computer Vision at Edge#

  • On-premise services
  • Networking
  • Flexibility
  • High Bandwidth
  • Low-Latency

Solution Overview#

Computer Vision requires high bandwidth and high processing, including GPUs. The Edge Cloud is critical in offering flexibility and a low price entry point of cloud hosting and, along with that, offering low latency necessary for compute-intensive applications.

Scaling the application to host on the network edge significantly reduces the camera's cost and minimizes the device capex. It can also help scale the business and comply with data privacy laws, e.g. HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI, requiring local access to the cloud.

How does Nife Help with Computer Vision at Edge?#

Use Nife to seamlessly deploy, monitor, and scale applications to as many global locations as possible in 3 simple steps. Nife works well with Computer Vision.

  • Seamlessly deploy and manage navigation functionality (5 min to deploy, 3 min to scale)
    • No difference in application performance (70% improvement from Cloud)
    • Manage and Monitor all applications in a single pane of glass.
    • Update applications and know when an application is down using an interactive dashboard.
    • Reduce CapEx by using the existing infrastructure.

A Real-Life Example of the Edge Deployment of Computer Vision and the Results#

Edge Deployment of Computer Vision

cloud gaming services

In the current practice, deploying the same application, which needs a low latency use case, is a challenge.

  • It needs man-hours to deploy the application.
  • It needs either on-prem server deployment or high-end servers on the cloud.

Nife servers are present across regions and can be used to deploy the same applications and new applications closer to the IoT cameras in Industrial Areas, Smart Cities, Schools, Offices, and in various locations. With this, you can monitor foot-fall, productivity, and other key performance metrics at lower costs and build productivity.


Technology has revolutionized the world, and devices are used for almost all activities to monitor living forms. The network edge lowers latency, has reduced backhaul, and supports flexibility according to the user's choice and needs. We can attribute IoT cameras to scalability and flexibility, which are critical for the device. Hence, ensuring that mission-critical monitoring would be smarter, more accurate, and more reliable.

Want to know how you can save up on your cloud budgets? Read this blog.

How Pandemic is Shaping 5G Networks Innovation and Rollout?

5G networks innovation

What's happening with 5G and the 5G networks innovation and rollout? How are these shaping innovation and the world we know? Are you curious? Read More!

We will never forget the year 2020 as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We all remember how we witnessed a lengthy lockdown during 2020, and it put all our work on a halt for some time. But we all know that the internet remains one of the best remedies to spend time while at home. We have a 4G network, but there was news that the 5G network would soon become a new normal. Interestingly, even during COVID-19, there were several developments in the 5G network. This article will tell you how the 5G network testing and development stayed intact even during the pandemic.

Innovative Tools That Helped in 5G Testing Even During the Pandemic (Intelligent Site Engineering)#

To continue the 5G testing and deployment even during a pandemic, Telcos used specific innovative tools, the prominent being ISE (Intelligent Site Engineering).

5G testing and deployment

What is Intelligent Site Engineering?#

Intelligent Site Engineering refers to the technique of using laser scanners and drones to design network sites. It is one of the latest ways of network site designing. In this process, they collected every minute detail to create a digital twin of a network site. If the company has a digital twin of a network site, they can operate it anywhere, virtually.

They developed Intelligent Site Engineering to meet the increasing data traffic needs and solve the network deployment problems of the Communication Service Providers (CSPs). This incredible technology enabled the site survey and site design even during the pandemic. We all know that site design and site surveys are vital for the proper installation of a network. But it was not possible to survey the site physically. Therefore, these companies used high technologies to launch and deploy 5G networks even in these lockdown times.

Intelligent Site Engineering uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) to quickly and efficiently deliver a network. This helps CSPs to deploy frequency bands, multiple technologies, and combined topologies in one place. This advanced technology marks the transition from the traditional technique of using paper, pen, and measuring tape for a site survey to the latest styles like drones carrying high-resolution cameras and laser scanning devices.

How Does Intelligent Site Engineering Save Time?#

The Intelligent Site Engineering technique saves a lot of time for CSPs. For example, in this digitized version, CSPs take only 90 minutes for a site survey. Previously, they had to waste almost half a day in site surveys using primitive tools in the traditional method. Instead, the engineers can use the time these service providers save for doing other critical work.

Also, this process requires fewer people because of digitalization. This means that it saves the headcount of the workforce and the commuting challenges. Also, it reduces the negative impact on the environment.

5G Network and Edge Computing

What is the Use of Digital Twins Prepared in This Process?#

Using Intelligent Site Engineering, the CSPs replicate the actual site. They copied digital twins through 3D scans and photos clicked from every angle. The engineers then use the copies to get an accurate analysis of the site data. With the highly accurate data, they prepared the new equipment. The best example of digital twins is that CSPs can make a wise decision regarding altering the plan for future networks. Therefore, a digital twin comes in handy, from helping in creating material bills to detailed information about the networking site and related documents.

The technique is helpful for customers as well. For example, through the digital twin, customers can view online documents and sign them. In this way, this advanced technology and innovation enable remote acceptance of network sites even with 5G.

How Did the COVID Pandemic Promote the Digitalization of the 5G Network?#

We all know that the COVID pandemic and the subsequent lockdown put several restrictions on travel. Since no one could commute to the network site, it prepared us to switch to digital methods for satisfying our needs. The result was that we switched to Intelligent Site Engineering for 5G network deployment, bringing in 5G networks innovation.

When physical meetings were restricted, we switched to virtual conversations. Video meetings and conference calls became a new normal during the pandemic. Therefore, communication service providers also used the screen share features to show the clients the network sites captured using drones and laser technology. The image resolution was excellent, and the transition from offline to online mode was successful. Training of the personnel also became digitized.

The best part of this digitalization was that there was no need to have everyone on one site. Using these digital twins and technological tools, anyone can view those designs from anywhere. The companies could share the screen, and the clients could review the site without physical presence.

How Much Efficiency Were the CSPs Able to Achieve?#

When communication service providers were asked about the experience of these new technological tools for network sites, they felt it was better than on-site conversations. They reveal that these online calls help everyone look at the same thing and avoid confusion, which was the biggest problem in on-site meetings. Therefore, this reduces the queries, and teams could complete the deal in less time than offline sales.

The most significant benefit is for the technical product managers. They can now work on online techniques for vertical inspection of assets and sites. In addition, 3D modeling is enhanced, and the ground-level captured images ensure efficiency.

Rounding Up About 5G Networks Innovation:#

The year 2020 was indeed a gloomy year for many of us. But the only silver lining was the announcements of technological advancements like the 5G launch, even during these unprecedented times. The technology advancement enabled us to use this pandemic wisely, and we deployed the 5G network at several places. So, we can say that the innovations remained intact even during the pandemic because of intelligent and relevant technologies. Therefore, it would not be wrong to conclude that technological advancements have won over these challenging times and proved the future.

Intelligent Edge | Edge Computing in 5G Era

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) are all set to become the future of technology. According to reports, AI and ML will become crucial for intelligent edge management.


We can't imagine Intelligent Edge computing without AI and ML. If you are unaware of the enormous impact of AI and ML on Intelligent edge management, this article will help you uncover all the aspects. It will tell you how AI and ML will become the new normal for Intelligent Edge Management.

What is Intelligent Edge Computing?#

Edge Cloud computing refers to a process through which the gap between computing and network vanishes. We can provide computing at different network locations through storage and compute resources. Examples of edge computing include β€œon-premises at an enterprise or customer network site” or local operators like Telco.

Predictions of Edge computing:

We expect the future of edge computing to grow at a spectacular rate. Since edge computing is the foundation of the network computer fabric, experts predict a steady growth of the popularity of edge computing shortly. Adding to these predictions are the new applications like IoT, 5G, smart devices, extended reality and Industry 4.0 that will enable rapid growth of edge computing. According to a prediction by Ericsson, by 2023, almost 25% of 5G users will start using intelligent edge computing. These predictions reflect the expected growth of edge computing shortly.

Intelligent Edge computing

Challenges with Edge computing

Every coin has two sides. Similarly, if edge computing is expected to grow substantially, it will not come without common problems and challenges. The first problem is the gap between existing cloud management solutions and computing at the edge. The cloud management solutions that exist today work on large pools of homogeneous hardware, making it difficult to manage. Besides that, it requires 24/7 system administration. But if you look at the suitable environment for edge computing, you would see significant differences.

  • It has limited and constrained resources:

Unlike the existing cloud management solutions, edge computing is limited by constrained resources. This is because the location and servers are made with a small factor of rack space in mind. This might seem like an advantage because you will require less space, money, etc. But the challenge with this is that one needs to have optimum utilisation of resources to get efficient computing and storing facilities.

  • Heterogeneous hardware and dynamic factors:

The other significant difference is that, unlike the existing resources that require homogeneous hardware, edge computing requires diverse hardware. Therefore, the requirement can vary at different times. Requirements for hardware can vary according to varying factors like space, timing, the purpose of use etc. Let's look at some of the diverse factors that influence the heterogeneity and dynamics of edge computing:

  • Location: If edge computing is for a commercial area, it will get overburdened during rush hours. But in contrast, if you are using it in residential areas, the load will be after working hours because people will use it after coming home. So in this way, the location can matter a lot for edge computing.
  • Timing: There are several hours in the day when edge computing is widely used, while at some hour's its application is negligible.
  • Purpose of application: The goal of computing is to determine what kind of hardware we require for edge computing. If, for IoT, the application will need the best services. But if it is for a simple purpose like gaming, even low latency computing would work.
  • In this way, we see that edge computing has to overcome heterogeneity and diversity for optimum performance.
  • Requirement of reliability and high performance from edge computing:

The third challenge for edge computing is to remain reliable and offer high performance. There is a dire need to reduce the chances of failure that are most common in software infrastructure. Therefore, to mitigate these failures, we need timely detection and analysis and remedy for the problem. If it is not correct, it can even transfer from one system to another.

  • The problem of human intervention with remote computing:

If edge servers are in a remote area, there will be a problem with human intervention. Administrators can't visit these remote areas regularly and check on the issues. Therefore, there is a need for the part of computing to become self-managing.

Edge Computing Platform

How AI and ML are expected to become of utmost importance for edge computing?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are expected to become crucial for computing because the distribution of computer capability and the network has several challenges in operation. Hence AI and ML can overcome these challenges. AI and ML will simplify cloud edge operations and ensure a smooth transition of edge computing.

  • AI and ML can extract knowledge from large chunks of data.
  • Decisions, predictions, and inferences reached through AI and ML are more accurate and faster at the edge.
  • By detecting data patterns through AI and ML, Edge computing can have automated operations.
  • Classification and clustering of data can help in the detection of faults and efficient working of algorithms.

How to use AI and ML for edge computing?#

Enterprises can use AI and ML in different mechanisms at edge computing locations.

Let's look at the different tools and processes involved.

  • Transfer learning (new model training from previously trained models)
  • Distributed learning
  • Federated learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Data monitoring and management
  • Intelligent operations.


We can expect extended artificial intelligence and machine learning on edge to become a new normal. It will affect almost all technological tools, including edge computing. In this article, we looked at how artificial intelligence and machine learning would help edge computing in the future to overcome its challenges. But it will always remain essential to have a robust framework for technological tools not to be misused.

Videos at Edge | Unilateral Choice

Why are videos the best to use with Edge? What makes edge special for Videos? This article will cover aspects of Video at Edge why it is a Unilateral choice! Read on!

The Simplest, Smartest, Fastest way for Enterprise to deploy any application

With advancements in computing, we are making newer technologies to improve end-user performance. The tool to help us in getting the best user experiences is edge computing. As cloud computing is gaining momentum, we have created better applications that were impossible earlier. Given the vast arena of edge computing, we can get several benefits from it. Therefore, we should not restrict to only content and look beyond what is available presently.

We all know that our computer applications depend on the cloud for efficient operations. Still, certain drawbacks of this dependence include buffering, loading time, reduced efficiency, irritation, etc. This article will look at how we can get the best video experience at the Edge.

edge computing for videos operating system

How can the Edge help us in getting the best video experience?#

We all love to watch different genre videos on our smartphones, laptops, PC and other devices. But these are only limited to a restricted view; we don't feel them in reality. Therefore, several tech projects look into the possibility of creating a 360-degree video experience. Several tools like head-mounted Display (HMD), also called virtual reality, can come in handy for this 360-degree video viewing. It creates more interest and unique ways than a traditional video viewing experience. However, there are several challenges that this technology has to overcome to provide a better user experience.

Challenges for better user experience for videos at edge#

  • High Bandwidth is required to run these immersive videos
  • Latency sensitivity is another problem.
  • Requirement of Heterogeneous HMD devices for getting a 360-degree experience

However, edge computing can help us overcome these challenges and enhance the user experience.

What is edge computing?#

The Edge often termed the next-gen solution, can help us get the best video experience because it allows us to view unlimited content on different devices. The quality is improved because the content is stored near the end-user. Interestingly, Edge can help get an enjoyable experience with no regard to the location.

Take videos loading, for example, it is faster in edge computing rather than cloud computing. To check the video experience in edge computing, users played an edge gaming app(a smartphone multiplayer video game). They did the entire process on edge rather than on a mobile phone. This experiment showed spectacular results with remarkable speed.

In a video operating system that gets help from the Edge, the viewers get a 360-degree viewpoint on edge servers. The algorithms involved in Edge can help implement and solve the problems of video streaming systems.

Benefits for using Edge for video streaming

  • Edge helps in reducing bandwidth usage. Therefore, there is a reduction in loading and buffering issues.
  • The computation workload on HMD (Head Mounted Display) is reduced because lightweight models are used.
  • The users could realise lower network latency.
  • Let's compare it with traditional video streaming platforms. We will get 62% better performance because it reduces bandwidth consumption by almost sixty-two per cent and renders the highest video quality to the viewer.
  • The battery life is also enhanced because the Edge consumes far less battery than traditional video streaming platforms.

Imagine the possibility of hosting a whole application on edge computing

We have seen how edge computing can offer wonderful video experiences. Let's see how edge computing can help us in hosting a whole application and getting maximum satisfaction. According to the study, if we upload the entire application at the Edge, we would need o

edge computing for video streaming platforms

nly a front-facing client to operate with no other requirement.

An excellent example to understand this concept is Google glass. If we watch an application on Google glass, we can see that it is not hosting the application, but it is only a medium to view it. Similarly, smartphones would not host the application but become a medium to view the application. It could therefore show spectacular performance.

Enhanced Experience is not the only benefit by hosting on Edge

  • We will see the first change in the landscape of application.

Edge will make the application more interactive, intelligent and exciting, thus giving a better user experience.

  • The application hosted on Edge will not need to depend on a smartphone but only on the network.
  • The requirements for allied technology like power, battery, memory for smartphones will reduce since we host the applications on Edge and not on the smartphone.

In addition, it will help smartphone manufacturers to give necessary attention to hardware components like display, screen, etc.

Hosting applications at the Edge will bring a revolution and how we perceive smartphones. We will, then, use smartphones only for viewing the application and not for storing the application.

As the load on smartphones reduces, companies can remove unnecessary technology from smartphones. Users can get slim, thin, foldable (as the latest technology is trying to give) and even unimagined smartphones in the future.

multi access edge computing

How does an application get to be a part of edge computing?#

We saw how edge computing could help us in getting an excellent video and application experience. But we don't want to give this to theory, only instead bring it to practical use. For making it a reality, there are specific requirements. The first requirement for hosting applications or videos on Edge rather than a smartphone is an edge computing platform. Only an edge computing platform will enable us to get the benefit of network and application. Therefore, several companies like Nife.io are working on creating an β€˜OS for the edge'.

Rounding up:

In this article, we saw how edge computing could help render better quality videos, solve the existing problems of video streaming platforms and give the best user experience. But for all of this to be a reality, we require platforms to adopt edge computing.

Therefore, welcome the future of video streaming and reap the benefits of edge devices by reaching out to us. We are soon to realise the benefits of the videos listed above due to edge computing.

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