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Challenges Faced By Financial Services While Scaling Application

The financial industry of today has several challenges. Some include security threats, various operating procedures, and inconsistent regulations. Every day, banks and other financial institutions try new strategies to expand their operations and better serve their customers.

As in today's world, financial services are continuing to evolve, and digitalization takes over, scaling applications are necessary. However, it takes work to scale applications in financial services due to various challenges.

This article describes the challenges faced by financial services while scaling applications and how to overcome them.

Understanding the terms “Financial Services” and “Scaling Application”#

hybrid cloud computing for financial services

Professional financial services include various subfields, including banking, investing, money management, and insurance. Only businesses and individuals working in the financial sector may provide financial services. The financial sector is the most significant and influential part of the economy.

"Scaling application" describes an application's potential for dynamic performance and scalability changes, particularly when more people are using your product or service. Nowadays, the ability to scale apps is essential for every successful enterprise. Many factors must be considered while attempting to scale an application, such as the underlying system, the application's architecture, and code optimization.

10 Different Challenges Faced by Scaling Applications#

scaling financial services applications

There are many challenges that financial institutions face while scaling applications. Below are some common challenges that institutions face.

1. Security Concerns:#

Financial security has always been a top priority, but it has taken on growing importance as apps have been more widely used. Many fraudsters want access to the financial data managed by financial organizations.

Hence, financial applications should set up firewalls, implement strong security procedures, and frequently test for risks to protect their customers' privacy and the scalability of their apps.

Firewalls protect sensitive enterprise information from the public internet. They are useful for securing a private network from outside intrusion. To access private information, users of multi-factor authentication systems must provide several forms of identity.

The countermeasures mentioned above may help alleviate fears about the safety of financial application software.

2. Scalability and performance:#

When the best financial apps become popular, they need to accommodate growing users. The performance of any application must be guaranteed to withstand heavy use. Optimization of the system and investment in new infrastructure might resolve this issue. When a company's performance keeps dropping, it may ruin its image and upset its consumers.

3. Cost:#

cloud cost optimizations

It may be quite costly to scale a financial application software, which is particularly problematic for cash-strapped financial institutions. The financial services industry is known for its rigorous cost analysis and well-defined strategy for maximizing available resources.

Financial institutions must invest in cutting-edge technology and heavy restrictions to enhance their services and conform to regulatory mandates.

Using open-source software and hybrid cloud computing is the most efficient way to lower the cost of financial services. To efficiently grow their application without breaking the bank, they must recruit full-time workers. Financial institutions may enhance their services and conform to regulations while decreasing costs.

4. Regulatory Compliance:#

Compliance with complex rules and regulations is a must in the financial sector. They may vary from nation to country and even over short periods. Data privacy, AML, KYC, and other verification factors are only some requirements that financial services must comply with.

Failing to fulfill these rules may subject financial institutions to fines and even harm their reputations. So it is important to be thoroughly aware of the regulatory environment to ensure that financial services comply with all applicable regulations.

The best financial app in the market follows each and every rule to stay ahead in the market.

5. Customer Experience:#

Scaling applications in the financial services sector requires thorough customer experience analysis. Customers have come to demand the constant availability of banking services. Dissatisfaction may result from even little delays or interruptions. Customer satisfaction is important while scaling apps.

Thus it's important to provide users with uninterrupted access to essential services. The best strategy for financial institutions to keep their clients happy is to provide excellent service through helplines, chat boxes, and other similar hybrid cloud computing technology.

You can also opt for application autoscaling while choosing cloud computing technology.

6. Collaboration and communication:#

Successful scaling and implementation of financial application software require close coordination and open lines of communication across many parties, including individuals, groups, security personnel, organizations, etc. Teamwork may be difficult when members are distracted, under time constraints, or far apart.

7. Risk management:#

risk management in cloud computing

Financial institutions can only function with effective risk management. Credit, operational, and market risks are only some of the concerns that financial services providers need to monitor and control.

Companies that help spot, evaluate, and measure reputation and financial stability may find this information particularly useful.

Yet, several best financial apps are available that help financial services organizations fulfill regulatory requirements. These applications include features like automatic compliance checks, safe record-keeping, and risk management tools to guarantee that organizations are following the rules.

8. Vendor management:#

A company's vendors are the people and businesses that provide it with the goods and services it needs to function. As vendors may profoundly affect a business, efficient vendor management is especially important for financial services firms.

Delays, cost increases, security threats, and other issues may all result from improper vendor management. It calls for constant vigilance and cordial ties with suppliers.

9. Customization and personalization:#

The financial sector must customize its software to each user's requirements. It must not be easy to scale the specialized application. Implementing the customization may be time-consuming and expensive.

Even so, there is the potential for personalization to raise privacy concerns. Before making any specific plans, businesses should consider all of their options carefully.

10. Innovation and future proofing:#

Even as they grow and adapt to new technologies, financial services providers must maintain their applications fresh and future-proof. Considering the increasing significance of technological factors, it may be difficult for a business to stay abreast of all the new technical developments, particularly in a highly regulated field.

Financial companies have various benefits from hybrid cloud computing, which is increasingly popular nowadays. Financial companies also have to deal with many challenging factors when adopting cloud computing technology. But at last, it provides smooth performance and running of the institution.

By utilizing application autoscaling, you can optimize the operation of your applications by running them on instances in the cloud that can be automatically scaled up or down based on demand.


Many issues make it difficult to scale financial applications used in financial services. Financial institutions will have to overcome these obstacles if they want to provide their consumers with the best service possible.

In sum, you'll need all of the mentioned qualities and more to scale an application for financial services successfully. Financial institutions can only succeed by spending money on cutting-edge technology like cloud computing, protections, human talent, and expertise while keeping expenses low.

Also investing in application autoscaling you can run financial applications smoothly. This enables you to efficiently allocate resources and ensure that your application can handle changes in usage without incurring additional costs or causing performance issues.

Benefits of Hybrid Infrastructure for Financial Services

In recent years cloud computing has become an important part of the financial industry. It has completely changed the way these financial organizations operate. Financial institutes are adopting cloud computing on a very large scale. According to a recent report, around 80% of global financial institutions have adopted hybrid cloud infrastructure.

Hybrid cloud technology in banking is being adopted worldwide because it helps organizations control scalability, flexibility, security, and cost. By adopting cloud infrastructure in finance, organizations benefit from both on-premise and cloud infrastructure.

In this article, we will cover the benefits of hybrid cloud infrastructure for the financial services sector. Read the full article for complete insights on the topic.

Hybrid Infrastructure for Financial Services#

hybrid cloud infrastructure

Hybrid cloud infrastructure has become very popular among financial organizations. It has gained so much popularity among financial organizations because hybrid cloud computing in finance provides features of both public and private clouds.

The public cloud provides on-demand services like storage, tools, and processing for a large number of users. While private clouds provided resources to a single organization. The hybrid infrastructure allows organizations to achieve flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness while also retaining reliability and security.

Advantages of Hybrid Infrastructure#

Here are the advantages of hybrid infrastructure for financial services that we have mentioned earlier.


One of the major advantages of hybrid cloud computing in finance industry is its flexibility. It allows banks and financial services to quickly respond to changing customer needs and market trends. Financial institutes can scale up automatically when their service demand is at its peak and can quickly scale down after that period.

Hybrid infrastructure also allows organizations to release new services quickly. For example, banks can quickly roll out new applications by testing and deploying them on the cloud. This saves them time and money.


Another important benefit of hybrid cloud computing in finance is improved scalability. Hybrid Infrastructure allows financial services and banks to scale up and down anytime. Organizations can scale up their operations quickly when the workload is at its peak without having to install on-premise infrastructure.

In hybrid infrastructure, organizations only pay for what they use. They can avoid spending money on the maintenance of large on-premise IT infrastructure.

Cost Effective#

Another benefit of hybrid cloud computing in finance is cost-effectiveness. It allows organizations to automate repeated tasks like data entry, storage cleanup, and updates. This allows organizations to concentrate on important projects. It also provides insight into all the ongoing projects of different departments. This helps financial institutes suspend low-performing projects and save their resources.

A hybrid cloud provides financial institutions with the tools to predict market trends based on old data. This helps financial institutes maximize their profits and avoid risky investments.


Security is a major concern for every financial institute. Hybrid Cloud technology in banking allows organizations to store sensitive users' data on-premises. While the cloud can be utilized for less sensitive data. Furthermore, hybrid infrastructure also allows organizations to comply with regulatory requirements. As many regulatory bodies require users' data to be in certain regions.

This cloud infrastructure also provides security against cyber threats using firewalls, access controls, encryption, and authentication.

Benefits of Hybrid Infrastructure for Financial Services#

Here are some benefits of Hybrid infrastructure for financial services:

Enhances Security#

One of the important benefits of hybrid cloud technology in banking is enhanced security. It allows organizations to utilize the benefits of both public and private clouds. Financial organizations can keep sensitive user data on the premises. All the other data can be kept online.

hybrid infrastructure and data security

A hybrid cloud provides high levels of security through encryptions, firewalls, access control, and authentication. Moreover, it allows banks and financial institutions to comply with the regulations of government bodies by keeping data on-premises.

Improved Customer Experience#

Another benefit of hybrid cloud technology in banking is enhanced customer experience. Financial organizations process a large number of transactions every day. Hybrid cloud computing allows these organizations to process transactions efficiently in real time.

Hybrid cloud infrastructure services in finance also allow these organizations to diversify their data across different cloud platforms. This helps organizations to continue their operations in case of any downtime. It is also very secure and reliable.

Increased Agility#

Hybrid cloud technology in banking provides more agility. It means financial institutions can respond to changing market trends and customers' needs quickly. It allows them to scale up and down quickly without having to upgrade their on-premise infrastructure.

The hybrid infrastructure allows organizations to release new services quickly. With cloud infrastructure organizations can develop, test, and deploy services more efficiently. This helps organizations cope with changing technology and customer needs.

Better Data Management#

The banking and financial services industry is a data-driven industry. A hybrid infrastructure allows financial organizations to manage their data effectively. It provides organizations with total control over their data. Organizations can manage their data by using both cloud and on-premise infrastructure. In this way, sensitive data can be kept on the premises while less sensitive on the cloud.

Cloud infrastructure services provide organizations with data analytics tools. These tools can be used to get actionable insights into customer behavior and operational data.

Case Study: JP Morgan Chase#

JP Morgan Chase is a global financial services organization that has adopted hybrid cloud infrastructure successfully. They have been able to improve their scalability, availability, cost-effectiveness, security, and reliability. They have also utilized cloud infrastructure services to improve operations and online banking services.

With a combination of public and private cloud JP Morgan Chase has improved its efficiency and customer experience while maintaining security and regulatory compliance.

Challenges faced by JP Morgan Chase#

Before the adoption of Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure, the organization relied on physical IT infrastructure. Due to their reliance on on-prem infrastructure the company faced challenges of scalability and downtime. These problems affected the company's operations and customer experience negatively.

Benefits Achieved#

After the adoption of hybrid cloud infrastructure JP Morgan Chase improved its performance significantly. They have improved their scalability and reliability. They have utilized the cloud to scale up during peak workload. Hybrid infrastructure also allowed JPMorgan Chase to improve their day-to-day operations and data management.

Cloud infrastructure services allowed them to get useful insights about their customers. They have been able to roll out online banking services and products to improve their customer experience.


Cloud infrastructure services have revolutionized the banking industry. Companies avoiding cloud adoption are leaving behind. Hybrid cloud infrastructure has become popular among financial institutions due to the combined benefits of public and private clouds. It allows organizations to improve scalability, flexibility, security, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. Companies like JPMorgan Chase adopted hybrid cloud infrastructure and improved their performance significantly.

Latest Multi-Cloud Market Trends in 2022-2023

Why is there a need for Cloud Computing?#

Cloud computing is getting famous as an alternative to physical storage. Various advantages enable business organizers to prefer cloud computing to other data servers and storage options. One of the most prominent reasons setting the global acceptance and upsurge in the use of cloud computing is cost-saving applications of cloud computing reducing the cost of hardware and software required at the consumer end. The versatility of cloud computing provides the option to workload data access online through the internet from anywhere in the world with restriction of access timing. The innovation in cloud computing such as the integration of paying options, and switching over to applications in an easy manner highlights the growing need for cloud computing as a future solution to computing.

cloud computing companies

The effectiveness of cloud computing is linked to its massive use as a driver of transformation interlinking artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) with remote and hybrid working. The involvement of metaverse, cloud-based gaming technologies, and even virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR). Using cloud computing enables users to avoid investing in buying or either owning an infrastructure that facilitates complex computing applications. Cloud computing is an example of “as-a-service” that makes running servers and data centers located miles apart like a connected ecosystem of technologies.

Multi-Cloud Market and its Trends in 2022 - 2023#

Early Trends#

The rise of cloud computing in the year 2020 and 2021 promises that market trends and acceptability to use multi-cloud computing will further increase. It was post-pandemic that the focus was on digital applications for conducting business within safety limits. With the development of new technologies and capabilities in cloud computing, every organization and business house is starting to get cloud computing integrated with daily business operations. Multi-cloud computing is a system of tools and process that helps organize, integrate, control, and manage the operations of more than one cloud service that were provided by more than one service vendor. As per the reports from Gartner, the predicted spending on the usage of multi-cloud services has reached \$482.155 billion in the year 2022 which is 20% more spending than in 2020.

Innovation Requirement#

The current market management of multi-cloud is segmented on the lines of deployment and market size. The strategic geographic location and demographic trends are also shaping the growth of multi-cloud use. Multi-cloud computing is resulting in increased usage of artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of Things (IoT). Thus, further accelerating the use of remote and hybrid working as a new business culture. The role of multi-cloud is to be an enabler to move forward swiftly with the development of new technologies such as virtual and augmented reality (AR/VR), the metaverse, cloud-based virtual gaming, and leading quantum computing as well. By 2028, it is expected that the multi-cloud market will grow to become a multimillion-USD service industry.

Trends of Multi-cloud Computing in Asian Markets#

In the Asian region, the use multi-cloud market will increase because of greater workforce dependency on computing-related businesses. International Digitial Corporation (IDC) projected that in 2023, South Asian companies will generate 15% more revenue from digital products. A major bulk of this revenue will be based on growth and the emergence of multi-cloud services. Thus, one in every three companies will conduct business and earn 15% more while working on the cloud in 2023. In 2020, every one in six companies was getting benefitted from the cloud market. The existence of cloud computing knowledge is leading the upward trends in the Asian market.

Multi-cloud Computing

Asian and African countries have traditionally been a place of physical connection rather than virtual ones. But, the pandemic of Covid-19 has changed that perception and the cultural stigma of going away to work. Governments of India, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Singapore are working towards taking their workloads on virtual cloud formats. Therefore, focusing on the future resilience of the work in case of the sudden emergence of any public health disaster. Thus, multi-cloud has become a prominent driver in changing the working process and methods of business. All organizations are developing contingency planning and emergency data recovery solutions. Multi-cloud provides recovery opportunities by storing the data on separate cloud providers.

The emergence and growth of multi-cloud computing is the next revolution in the IT world. The post-pandemic trends reflect greater demand for resilient infrastructure to safeguard businesses from global calamities in the near future. Therefore, Asian and South Asian countries are taking up multi-cloud computing as an alternative to private cloud services. Small and medium organizations in Asian countries are also taking up advantage of multi-cloud computing to improve their business prospects.

Generate 95% more profits every month by easy Cloud deployment on Nife

Cloud use is increasing, and enterprises are increasingly implementing easy cloud deployment tactics to cut IT expenses. New digital businesses must prioritize service costs. When organizations first launch digital services, the emphasis is on growth rather than cost. However, as a new service or firm expands, profitability becomes increasingly important. New digital service businesses frequently go public while still losing money. However, attention shifts to how they can begin to increase the top line faster than expenses grow. Creating profitable digital services and enterprises requires having a plan, a cheap cloud alternative and knowing how expenses scale.

Cloud Deployment

Why Cloud Deployment on Nife is profitable?#

[Nife] is a serverless and cost-effective cloud alternative platform for developers that allows enterprises to efficiently manage, launch, and scale applications internationally. It runs your apps near your users and scales computing in locations where your program is most frequently used.

Nife's Hybrid Cloud is constructed in the style of a Lego set. To build a multi-region architecture for your applications over a restricted number of cloud locations, you must understand each component—network, infrastructure, capacity, and computing resources. Manage and monitor the infrastructure as well. This does not affect application performance.

Nife's PaaS Platform enables you to deploy various types of services near the end-user, such as entire web apps, APIs, and event-driven serverless operations, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Nife includes rapid, continuous deployments as well as an integrated versioning mechanism for managing applications. To allow your apps to migrate across infrastructure globally, you may deploy standard Docker containers or plug your code directly from your Git repositories. Applications may be deployed in many locations as NIFE is a Multi-Cloud platform in Singapore/US/Middle East. The Nife edge network includes an intelligent load balancer and geo-routing based on rules.

Hybrid Cloud Computing

How can Cloud Deployment on Nife drive business growth?#

Here are 7 ways you can use Nife's hybrid cloud to grow your business.

1. Increase your output.#

Easy cloud deployment from Nife improves productivity in various ways. For example, you may use your accounting software to conduct reports to identify which items or services sell the best and which salespeople generate the most income. The instant availability of precise, up-to-date business information and a cheap cloud alternative makes it easier to identify and correct inefficiencies inside your organization [(Asmus, Fattah, and Pavlovski, 2016)].

2. Maintain current business data.#

On NIFE, easy cloud deployment makes it easier than ever to keep data and records from all departments in one place. When a business app connects to the central database, it obtains the most recent version. When a database entry is added or altered, it does not need to be manually transferred across to other databases.

3. Protect your company's data and paperwork.#

The latest cloud data encryption technology on NIFE guarantees that all data transmitted to and from your devices is secure, even if it is intercepted by thieves. This covers all documents and communications, both internal and external.

4. Scale as necessary.#

Before investing in an on-premises IT system, you must be certain that you will use it to its maximum capacity to justify the significant initial expenditure [(Attaran and Woods, 2018)]. It also takes months of preparation and specification. NIFE's easy cloud deployment technology adapts to changing business demands significantly better than traditional IT infrastructure and is far less expensive.

5. More chores should be automated.#

Cloud task automation minimizes employee burdens, providing them with more time to be productive. Productivity software plans out the work that needs to be done in the next days and weeks and informs team members well before anything is due, allowing employees to achieve more while requiring less day-to-day supervision [(Surbiryala and Rong, 2019)].

6. Spend less money.#

Cloud computing eliminates the need for IT infrastructure, hardware, and software. This saves money on power and is a terrific way to demonstrate to your clients that you can be socially responsible while still making more money by using cheap cloud alternatives [(Shah and Dubaria, 2019)].

7. Hire fewer programmers and IT personnel.#

The less equipment you need to maintain on-site, the better. You may get started with Nife's cloud computing by sending an email to their customer care staff.

Cloud Computing Technology


The cost of easy cloud deployment is determined by the company you select and the services you require. You must decide which cloud type is ideal for your company, how much data you will save, and why you are transferring to the cloud.

NIFE's Hybrid Cloud Platform is the quickest method to build, manage, deploy, and scale any application securely globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or infrastructure management and it's the cheap cloud alternative and Multi-Cloud platform in Singapore/US/Middle East.

Learn more about Hybrid Cloud Deployment.

Quick Guide: Why are Cloud Servers Better for Gaming?

Streaming games rather than installing them on your computer leads the gaming industry. Cloud gaming, also known as gaming-as-a-service or gaming on demand, is a technique for playing online video games in remote data centers.

This article will discuss why cloud servers are better than traditional gaming platforms.

Cloud gaming

What is Cloud Gaming?#

When a new game is released, game developers provide a list of hardware requirements known as 'minimum system requirements and 'recommended system requirements.' The game requires hardware at least as capable as the minimal requirements to operate successfully. Most new graphics-intensive games require a lot of RAM and graphical power from your device.

Cloud gaming services allow you to play your favorite games on any device with an internet connection and a display. With the most incredible cloud gaming services on your side, your low-end gear will never be a roadblock in your gaming experience.

How does Cloud Gaming function?#

Cloud gaming is less impressive than it sounds. CDs and DVDs were the only means to watch a movie back then because the internet was not powerful enough to handle a movie stream. You may now view any film from the streaming service's servers, located thousands of kilometers from your house.

Cloud gaming services do the same function but with your favorite games! Instead of executing the game on your hardware, cloud gaming providers run it on their servers, outfitted with cutting-edge graphics memory (Laghari et al., 2019). They instantly broadcast every frame to your device. The end-user experience is comparable to traditional gaming if you have a solid internet connection.

cloud gaming services

What distinguishes Cloud Gaming Services from Game Servers?#

A widespread misunderstanding is that Cloud Gaming Services and Game Servers are synonymous. While there are some parallels between the two, they are essentially highly distinct. Game Servers are a service used by game developers to manage members on their platform. All online multiplayer games require game servers to receive and reply to user replies.

On the other hand, Cloud Gaming Services is a consumer-centric solution that allows you to stream any game of your choosing. After paying their subscription costs, cloud gaming providers often offer a variety of games from various genres you may play.

Why is Cloud Gaming Important?#

Cloud gaming provides several advantages for gamers, developers, and publishers. We can eliminate the upfront expenditures of obtaining and maintaining a powerful gaming console or PC with cloud gaming. Instead, you may stream, manage, and access a powerful virtual gaming PC for a nominal monthly membership cost. Furthermore, because all data is kept in the cloud, you may access games and saved data from anywhere.

Cloud gaming is a significant victory for developers and publishers since it eliminates the need for DRM and the possibility of piracy because consumers do not download the games.

Cloud gaming guarantees that all players have equal access to hardware and performance. It may be highly beneficial for online and competitive gaming, as well as helping publishers minimize development expenses.

cloud gaming services

Cloud Gaming Service Providers#

There are a few suppliers who have recently been riding the wave.

GeForce NOW#

Nvidia® first unveiled GeForce NOW in 2015. It is now one of the most popular options, with over 500 games available for immediate play and over 14 million users.


StadiaTM is Google's interpretation of the Cloud gaming phenomena. It is available in various forms, including Chromecast UltraTM and AndroidTM TV devices and compatible Android phones with the StadiaTM mobile app.


PlayStationTM Now, Sony's Cloud gaming platform, has new and old games functionality that allows you to play games dating back to the PS2. With Cloud gaming services for PS2TM, PS3TM, and PS4TM games, as well as download choices for PS2 and PS4 titles, it has acquired 3.2 million customers.

Xbox® Cloud Gaming#

You can play Xbox Cloud Gaming on various platforms, including smartphones. Its library has over 270 games, with backward compatibility with the prior Xbox® library. With an astounding 25 million users, Xbox® Game Pass is the economic model to mimic for many businesses out there.


Cloud gaming is flourishing, and it's just getting better by the day. It transfers your favorite game from the server to a robust, industrial-strength machine within a secure data center. Cloud gaming allows you to play the most recent games on practically any device with a good internet connection.

However, there are still many obstacles to overcome before cloud-based games are fully accessible; we are on the verge of something significant. The deployment of 5G technology will boost the power of cloud gaming.


Five Essential Characteristics of Hybrid Cloud Computing

A hybrid cloud environment combines on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud, with orchestration across multiple platforms. If you use a mixture of public clouds, on-premises computing, and private clouds in your data center, you have a hybrid cloud infrastructure.

We recognize the significance of hybrid cloud in cloud computing and its role in organizational development. In this blog article, we'll explore the top five characteristics that define powerful and practical hybrid cloud computing.

Hybrid Cloud Computing

What is Hybrid Cloud Computing?#

A hybrid cloud computing approach combines a private cloud (or on-premises data center) with one or more public cloud products connected by public or private networks [(Tariq, 2018)]. Consistent operations enable the public cloud to serve as an extension of a private or on-premises system, with equivalent management processes and tools. Because nearly no one nowadays relies solely on the public cloud, hybrid cloud computing options are becoming increasingly popular. Companies have invested millions of dollars and thousands of hours in on-premises infrastructure. Combining a public and private cloud environment, such as an on-premises data center and a public cloud computing environment, is a common example of hybrid cloud computing provided by AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

Hybrid Cloud Providers#

The digital revolution has radically changed the IT sector with the introduction of cloud computing. There are several hybrid cloud providers on the market, including:

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  2. Microsoft Azure
  3. Google Cloud
  4. VMware
  5. VMware Cloud on AWS, VMware Cloud on Dell EMC, HCI powered by VMware vSAN, and VMware vRealize cloud management
  6. Rackspace
  7. Red Hat OpenShift
  8. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  9. Cisco HyperFlex solutions
  10. Nife Cloud Computing
Hybrid Cloud Providers

Characteristics of Hybrid Cloud Computing#

Characteristic #1: Speed#

The capacity to automatically adjust to changes in demand is critical for innovation and competitiveness. The market expects updates immediately, and rivals are optimizing rapidly. Hybrid computing must be quick and portable, with maximum flexibility. Technologies like Docker and hybrid cloud providers such as IBM Bluemix facilitate this agility in a virtualized environment.

Characteristic #2: Cost Reduction#

One advantage of cloud computing is lowering expenses. Previously, purchasing IT assets meant paying for unused capacity, impacting the bottom line. Hybrid computing reduces IT costs while allowing enterprises to pay only for what they use. This optimization frees up funds for innovation and market introduction, potentially saving enterprises up to 30%.

Characteristic #3: Intelligent Capabilities and Automation#

Creating a digital experience in hybrid cloud computing requires integrating various technologies, which can be challenging for DevOps teams traditionally relying on numerous tools [(Aktas, 2018)]. Leveraging intelligent, unified, and centralized management capabilities enhances productivity and flexibility. IT automation in hybrid computing reduces human error, enforces policies, supports predictive maintenance, and fosters self-service habits.

Characteristic #4: Security#

Hybrid computing provides critical control over data and enhanced security by reducing data exposure. Organizations can decide where to store data based on compliance, regulatory, or security concerns. Hybrid architectures also support centralized security features like encryption, automation, access control, orchestration, and endpoint security, which are crucial for disaster recovery and data insurance [(Gordon, 2016)].

Characteristic #5: Lightweight Applications#

The final characteristic pertains to application size. DevOps teams need to develop agile apps that load quickly, boost efficiency, and occupy minimal space. Despite inexpensive storage, the focus should be on managing and understanding client data. Hybrid cloud computing supports DevOps in creating applications for global markets while meeting technological demands.

Hybrid Cloud Computing


Aktas, M.S. (2018). Hybrid cloud computing monitoring software architecture. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 30(21), p.e4694. doi:10.1002/cpe.4694.

Diaby, T. and Rad, B.B. (2017). Cloud computing: a review of the concepts and deployment models. International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 9(6), pp.50-58.

Gordon, A. (2016). The Hybrid Cloud Security Professional. IEEE Cloud Computing, 3(1), pp.82–86. doi:10.1109/mcc.2016.21.

Lee, I. (2019). An optimization approach to capacity evaluation and investment decision of hybrid cloud: a corporate customer's perspective. Journal of Cloud Computing, 8(1). doi:10.1186/s13677-019-0140-0.

Tariq, M.I. (2018). Analysis of the effectiveness of cloud control matrix for hybrid cloud computing. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 11(4), pp.1-10.

Read more on Hybrid Cloud Computing: All You Need to Know About Hybrid Cloud Deployment

Cloud Deployment Models and Cloud Computing Platforms

Organizations continue to build new apps on the cloud or move current applications to the cloud. A company that adopts cloud technologies and/or selects cloud service providers (CSPs) and services or applications without first thoroughly understanding the hazards associated exposes itself to a slew of commercial, economic, technological, regulatory, and compliance hazards. In this blog, we will learn about the hazards of application deployment, Cloud Deployment, Deployment in Cloud Computing, and Cloud deployment models in cloud computing.

Cloud Deployment Models

What is Cloud Deployment?#

Cloud computing is a network access model that enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or interaction from service providers [(Moravcik, Segec and Kontsek, 2018)].

Essential Characteristics:#

  1. On-demand self-service
  2. Broad network access
  3. Resource pooling
  4. Rapid elasticity
  5. Measured service

Service Models:#

  1. Software as a service (SaaS)
  2. Platform as a service (PaaS)
  3. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Deployment Models:#

  1. Private Cloud
  2. Community cloud
  3. Public cloud
  4. Hybrid cloud

Hazards of Application Deployment on Clouds#

At a high level, cloud environments face the same hazards as traditional data centre settings; the threat landscape is the same. That is, deployment in cloud computing runs software, and software contains weaknesses that attackers aim to exploit.

cloud data security

1. Consumers now have less visibility and control.

When businesses move assets/operations to the cloud, they lose visibility and control over those assets/operations. When leveraging external cloud services, the CSP assumes responsibility for some rules and infrastructure in Cloud Deployment.

2. On-Demand Self-Service Makes Unauthorized Use Easier.

CSPs make it very simple to add Cloud deployment models in cloud computing. The cloud's on-demand self-service provisioning features enable an organization's people to deploy extra services from the agency's CSP without requiring IT approval. Shadow IT is the practice of employing software in an organisation that is not supported by the organization's IT department.

3. Management APIs that are accessible through the internet may be compromised.

Customers employ application programming interfaces (APIs) exposed by CSPs to control and interact with cloud services (also known as the management plane). These APIs are used by businesses to provide, manage, choreograph, and monitor their assets and people. CSP APIs, unlike management APIs for on-premises computing, are available through the Internet, making them more vulnerable to manipulation.

4. The separation of several tenants fails.

Exploiting system and software vulnerabilities in a CSP's infrastructure, platforms, or applications that allow multi-tenancy might fail to keep tenants separate. An attacker can use this failure to obtain access from one organization's resource to another user's or organization's assets or data.

5. Incomplete data deletion

Data deletion threats emerge because consumers have little insight into where their data is physically housed in the cloud and a limited capacity to verify the secure erasure of their data. This risk is significant since the data is dispersed across several storage devices inside the CSP's infrastructure in a multi-tenancy scenario.

6. Credentials have been stolen.

If an attacker acquires access to a user's cloud credentials, the attacker can utilise the CSP's services such as deployment in cloud computing to provide new resources (if the credentials allow provisioning) and target the organization's assets. An attacker who obtains a CSP administrator's cloud credentials may be able to use them to gain access to the agency's systems and data.

7. Moving to another CSP is complicated by vendor lock-in.

When a company contemplates shifting its deployment in cloud computing from one CSP to another, vendor lock-in becomes a concern. Because of variables such as non-standard data formats, non-standard APIs, and dependency on one CSP's proprietary tools and unique APIs, the company realises that the cost/effort/schedule time required for the transition is substantially more than previously estimated.

8. Increased complexity puts a strain on IT staff.

The transition to the cloud can complicate IT operations. To manage, integrate, and operate in Cloud deployment models in cloud computing, the agency's existing IT employees may need to learn a new paradigm. In addition to their present duties for on-premises IT, IT employees must have the ability and skill level to manage, integrate, and sustain the transfer of assets and data to the cloud.

Cloud deployment models in cloud computing


It is critical to note that CSPs employ a shared responsibility security approach. Some features of security are accepted by the CSP. Other security concerns are shared by the CSP and the consumer. Finally, certain aspects of security remain solely the consumer's responsibility. Effective Cloud deployment models in cloud computing and cloud security are dependent on understanding and fulfilling all customs duties. The inability of consumers to understand or satisfy their duties is a major source of security issues in Cloud Deployment.

Hybrid Cloud Deployment and Its Advantages

What is the hybrid cloud architecture?#

Individually managing public and private cloud resources is preferable to uniformly managing cloud environments because it reduces the likelihood of process redundancy. By limiting the exposure of private data to the public cloud, a hybrid cloud architecture can eliminate many security risks. A hybrid cloud deployment infrastructure typically consists of a public infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform, a private cloud or data centre, and network access. Many hybrid cloud deployment models make use of both local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN).

What is the purpose of a hybrid cloud?#

[Hybrid clouds] can also be used to create multi-cloud environments, giving businesses more options for where they want their data stored and how they want it accessed. By allowing businesses to back up data in both public and private clouds, a hybrid cloud deployment environment can be beneficial for disaster recovery.

What are the benefits of hybrid cloud deployment?#

Governance of applications that works: A hybrid cloud method allows you to choose where your application will run and where hybrid computing will take place [(Kaviani, Wohlstadter and Lea, 2014)]. This can assist to increase privacy while also ensuring compliance for your regulated apps.

Enhanced speed and decreased latency: A hybrid cloud solution might sometimes assist dispersed programmes in faraway regions. Hybrid computing occurs near the end consumers for applications with low latency needs.

Flexible operations: Hybrid computing allows you to function in an environment that is ideal for you. You may, for example, construct portable apps and simply migrate between public and private clouds by creating using containers.

Better ROI: You may increase your cloud computing capacity without raising your data centre costs by adding a public cloud provider to your existing on-premises architecture.

Hybrid Cloud Deployment

Hybrid Cloud Deployment Models#

Hybrid cloud deployment models are classified into three types:

Hybrid cloud deployment model architecture with a phased migration

You migrate applications or workloads from an on-premises data centre to the architecture of a public cloud service provider. This can be done gradually or all at once. This paradigm has the advantage of allowing you to use only what you need, assigning as much or as little as needed for each application or transaction. The negative is that it may not provide you as much control over how things work as if they were on using a private cloud deployment model [(Biswas and Verma, 2020)].

Hybrid cloud deployment model with apps that are only partially integrated

This concept entails migrating some but not all apps or transactions to the public cloud while maintaining others on-premises. If your organisation has apps that can operate in private cloud deployment model settings or public clouds like AWS or Azure, this is a terrific solution. Based on performance requirements or financial limits, you may determine which ones are a better fit for each case.

Hybrid cloud deployment model with integrated apps

The hybrid cloud strategy with integrated apps entails integrating applications running a private cloud deployment model and in the public cloud utilising PaaS software on the public cloud. The applications on the private cloud deployment model are installed using IaaS software and then integrated into the public cloud using PaaS software.

Is Hybrid Cloud the Best Option for Me?#

Hybrid cloud deployments are a popular choice for businesses that want to take advantage of cloud computing's flexibility and cost benefits while keeping control over their data and applications. To accomplish the intended business objective, hybrid cloud deployment often employs private, public, and third-party resources.

Hybrid Cloud Deployment Environment#

The following approaches can be used to deploy hybrid clouds:

Non-critical workloads should be outsourced to a public cloud: You can outsource a mission-critical system that does not require quick response times, such as a human resources application, to a public cloud provider [(Sturrus and Kulikova, 2014)]. This allows you to host and maintain applications on the public cloud while maintaining control over your data.

Use a virtual private cloud to deploy mission-critical workloads: The alternative is to host important workloads in a virtual private cloud (VPC). It is also the most widely used hybrid cloud deployment option since it mixes on-premises infrastructure with public cloud resources.

Dedicated hardware should be used to host the private cloud: Instead of depending entirely on public or private clouds, you host your private infrastructure on the private cloud deployment model's hardware under this architecture.

hybrid cloud computing

Save Cloud Budget with NIFE | Edge Computing Platform

Cloud cost optimization is the process of finding underutilized resources, minimizing waste, obtaining more discounted capacity, and scaling the best cloud computing services to match the real necessary capacity—all to lower infrastructure as a service price [(Osypanka and Nawrocki, 2020)].

cloud gaming services

Nife is a Singapore-based Unified Public Cloud Edge best cloud computing platform for securely managing, deploying, and scaling any application globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or infrastructure management. There are currently many best cloud computing companies in Singapore and NIFE is one of the best cloud computing companies in Singapore.

What makes Nife the best Cloud Company in Singapore?#

Public cloud services are well-known for their pay-per-use pricing methods, which charge only for the resources that are used. However, in most circumstances, public cloud services charge cloud clients based on the resources allocated, even if those resources are never used. Monitoring and controlling cloud services is a critical component of cloud cost efficiency. This can be challenging since purchasing choices are often spread throughout a company, and people can install cloud services and commit to charges with little or no accountability [(Yahia et al., 2021)]. To plan, budget, and control expenses, a cloud cost management approach is required. Nife utilizes cloud optimization to its full extent thus making it one of the best cloud companies in Singapore.

What Factors Influence Your Cloud Costs?#

Several factors influence cloud expenses, and not all of them are visible at first.

Public cloud services typically provide four price models:

1. **Pay as you go:** Paying for resources utilized on an hourly, minutely, or secondary basis.

2. **Reserved instances:** Paying for a resource in advance, often for one or three years.

3. **Spot instances:** Buying the cloud provider's excess capacity at steep prices, but with no assurance of dependability [(Domanal and Reddy, 2018)].

4. **Plans for savings:** Some cloud providers provide volume discounts based on the overall amount of cloud services ordered by an enterprise.

cloud gaming services

What cost factors make Nife the best cloud computing platform?#

The cost factors which make Nife the best cloud computing platform are:

  • Utilization of computes instances — with prices variable depending on the instance type and pricing strategy.
  • Utilization of cloud storage services — with varying costs depending on the service, storage tier, storage space consumed, and data activities done.
  • Database services are commonly used to run managed databases on the cloud, with costs for compute instances, storage, and the service itself [(Changchit and Chuchuen, 2016)].
  • Most cloud providers charge for inbound and outgoing network traffic.
  • Software licensing – even if the cost of a managed service is included in the per-hour price, the software still has a cost in the cloud.
  • Support and consultancy – In addition to paying for support, the best cloud computing platforms may require extra professional services to implement and manage their cloud systems.
best cloud computing platform

What are Nife's Cost Saving Strategies that make it the best cloud computing services provider?#

Here is the list of cost factors making NIFE the best cloud computing services provider:

Workload schedules

Schedules can be set to start and stop based on the needs of the task. There is no point to activate and pay for a resource if no one is utilising it.

Make use of Reserved Instances.

Businesses considering long-term cloud computing investments might consider reserved instances. Cloud companies such as NIFE offer savings of up to 75% for pledging to utilise cloud resources in advance.

Utilize Spot Instances

Spot instances have the potential to save much more than allocated instances. Spot instances are a spare capacity that is sold at a discount by the cloud provider [(Okita et al., 2018)]. They are back on the market and can be acquired at a discount of up to 90%.

Utilize Automation

Use cloud automation to deploy, set up, and administer Nife's best cloud computing services wherever possible. Automation operations like backup and storage, confidentiality and availability, software deployment, and configuration reduce the need for manual intervention. This lowers human mistakes and frees up IT employees to focus on more critical business operations.

Automation has two effects on cloud costs:

1. You obtain central control by automating activity. You may pick which resources to deploy and when at the department or enterprise level.

2. Automation also allows you to adjust capacity to meet current demand. Cloud providers give extensive features for sensing application load and usage and automatically scaling resources based on this data.

Keep track of storage use.

The basic cost of cloud storage services is determined by the storage volumes provisioned or consumed. Users often close projects or programs without removing the data storage. This not only wastes money but also raises worries about security. If data is rarely accessed but must be kept for compliance or analytics, it might be moved to archive storage.

Save Cloud Budget with NIFE | Edge Computing Platform

Cloud cost optimization is the process of finding underutilized resources, minimizing waste, obtaining more discounted capacity, and scaling the best cloud computing services to match the real necessary capacity—all to lower infrastructure as a service price [(Osypanka and Nawrocki, 2020)].

cloud gaming services

Nife is a Singapore-based Unified Public Cloud Edge best cloud computing platform for securely managing, deploying, and scaling any application globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or infrastructure management. There are currently many best cloud computing companies in Singapore and NIFE is one of the best cloud computing companies in Singapore.

What makes Nife the best Cloud Company in Singapore?#

Public cloud services are well-known for their pay-per-use pricing methods, which charge only for the resources that are used. However, in most circumstances, public cloud services charge cloud clients based on the resources allocated, even if those resources are never used. Monitoring and controlling cloud services is a critical component of cloud cost efficiency. This can be challenging since purchasing choices are often spread throughout a company, and people can install cloud services and commit to charges with little or no accountability [(Yahia et al., 2021)]. To plan, budget, and control expenses, a cloud cost management approach is required. Nife utilizes cloud optimization to its full extent thus making it one of the best cloud companies in Singapore.

What Factors Influence Your Cloud Costs?#

Several factors influence cloud expenses, and not all of them are visible at first.

Public cloud services typically provide four price models:

1. **Pay as you go:** Paying for resources utilized on an hourly, minutely, or secondary basis.

2. **Reserved instances:** Paying for a resource in advance, often for one or three years.

3. **Spot instances:** Buying the cloud provider's excess capacity at steep prices, but with no assurance of dependability [(Domanal and Reddy, 2018)].

4. **Plans for savings:** Some cloud providers provide volume discounts based on the overall amount of cloud services ordered by an enterprise.

cloud gaming services

What cost factors make Nife the best cloud computing platform?#

The cost factors which make Nife the best cloud computing platform are:

  • Utilization of computes instances — with prices variable depending on the instance type and pricing strategy.
  • Utilization of cloud storage services — with varying costs depending on the service, storage tier, storage space consumed, and data activities done.
  • Database services are commonly used to run managed databases on the cloud, with costs for compute instances, storage, and the service itself [(Changchit and Chuchuen, 2016)].
  • Most cloud providers charge for inbound and outgoing network traffic.
  • Software licensing – even if the cost of a managed service is included in the per-hour price, the software still has a cost in the cloud.
  • Support and consultancy – In addition to paying for support, the best cloud computing platforms may require extra professional services to implement and manage their cloud systems.
best cloud computing platform

What are Nife's Cost Saving Strategies that make it the best cloud computing services provider?#

Here is the list of cost factors making NIFE the best cloud computing services provider:

Workload schedules

Schedules can be set to start and stop based on the needs of the task. There is no point to activate and pay for a resource if no one is utilising it.

Make use of Reserved Instances.

Businesses considering long-term cloud computing investments might consider reserved instances. Cloud companies such as NIFE offer savings of up to 75% for pledging to utilise cloud resources in advance.

Utilize Spot Instances

Spot instances have the potential to save much more than allocated instances. Spot instances are a spare capacity that is sold at a discount by the cloud provider [(Okita et al., 2018)]. They are back on the market and can be acquired at a discount of up to 90%.

Utilize Automation

Use cloud automation to deploy, set up, and administer Nife's best cloud computing services wherever possible. Automation operations like backup and storage, confidentiality and availability, software deployment, and configuration reduce the need for manual intervention. This lowers human mistakes and frees up IT employees to focus on more critical business operations.

Automation has two effects on cloud costs:

1. You obtain central control by automating activity. You may pick which resources to deploy and when at the department or enterprise level.

2. Automation also allows you to adjust capacity to meet current demand. Cloud providers give extensive features for sensing application load and usage and automatically scaling resources based on this data.

Keep track of storage use.

The basic cost of cloud storage services is determined by the storage volumes provisioned or consumed. Users often close projects or programs without removing the data storage. This not only wastes money but also raises worries about security. If data is rarely accessed but must be kept for compliance or analytics, it might be moved to archive storage.

Cloud Computing Platforms | Free Cloud Server

best cloud servers

Cloud computing is exploding across a multitude of businesses, particularly with the rise of remote employment. Although it is a time-consuming procedure, the cloud may deliver significant financial benefits such as budget savings and better workplace efficiency. Many firms profit from hosting workloads on the cloud, but this cloud infrastructure services paradigm is not sustainable if your cloud expenses are out of control. Cloud computing companies must carefully consider the costs of cloud services. Cloud expenses soar for a variety of reasons, including overprovisioned resources, superfluous capacity, and a lack of insight into the environment. Cost optimization also assists businesses in striking a balance between cloud performance and expense. The best cloud computing platforms in the USA are Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, and others.

Private Clouds vs Public Clouds#

Private clouds are hosted by the cloud computing companies that store their data in the cloud such as some of the cloud computing platforms in the USA. These clouds contain no data from other organisations, which is sometimes necessary for enterprises in highly regulated sectors to fulfill compliance norms. Because each cloud environment has only one organisation, the cost is frequently greater than with public clouds. This also implies that the organisation is in charge of upkeep.

Public clouds are hosted by cloud computing companies such as NIFE Cloud Computing, Amazon, and Google, and each can host several organisations. Although the data is separated to make it orderly and safe, multitenancy keeps pricing low. Furthermore, the seller maintains public clouds, lowering operational expenses for the organisation acquiring cloud space.

Reduces the Amount of Hardware Required

The reduction in hardware expenses is one advantage of public cloud computing. Instead of acquiring in-house equipment, hardware requirements are outsourced to a vendor (Chen, Xie and Li, 2018). New hardware may be enormous, costly, and difficult for firms that are fast expanding. Cloud computing solves these problems by making resources available fast and easily like those used by the best cloud computing platforms in the USA. Furthermore, the expense of maintaining or replacing equipment is passed on to the suppliers. In addition to purchasing prices, off-site hardware reduces internal power costs and saves space. Large data centres may consume valuable office space and generate a lot of heat.

Less demanding work and upkeep

Cloud solutions can also result in significant savings in labour and maintenance expenses. Because vendor-owned gear is housed in off-site locations, there is less requirement for in-house IT professionals. If servers or other gear require repairs or updates, this is the vendor's duty and does not cost your firm any time or money. By eliminating regular maintenance, your IT personnel will be able to focus on essential projects and development. In certain circumstances, this may even imply a reduction in workforce size. The cloud will enable organisations such as those among the best cloud computing platforms in the USA who do not have the means to hire an in-house IT team to reduce costly third-party hardware maintenance fees (Chen et al., 2017).

Increased output

Aside from direct labour savings, cloud computing may be incredibly cost-effective for businesses due to increased staff efficiency. Cloud software deployment is far faster than a traditional installation. Instead of taking weeks or months to complete a traditional cloud computing companies-wide installation, cloud software deployment may be completed in a matter of hours. Employees may now spend less time waiting and more time working (Masdari et al., 2016).

Lower initial capital outlay

Cloud solutions are often provided on a pay-as-you-go basis (Zhang et al., 2020). This format offers savings and flexibility in a variety of ways and is used by the best cloud computing platforms in the USA. First and foremost, your cloud computing company does not have to pay for software that is not being used. Unlike a one-time fee for a licence, cloud software is often charged on a per-user basis. Furthermore, pay-as-you-go software can be terminated at any moment, lowering the financial risk of any product that does not function properly.

Switch to NIFE Cloud Computing & Cloud-Native Development to save your Cloud Budget#

cloud budget

Nife Cloud Computing platform which is a Unified Public Cloud Edge Platform for securely managing, deploying, and scaling any application globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or cloud infrastructure services management. Nife collaborates with a wide range of new-generation technology businesses working on data centre infrastructure, cloud infrastructure services, and stateless microservices architectures to assist engineers and customers in making the deployment, administration, and scaling of their technology simpler. When compared to conventional cloud infrastructure services, applications on Nife can have latencies ranging from 20 to 250 milliseconds and total cost savings of up to 20%. Nife moves and deploys applications near clients' end-users, reducing application latencies.

Overall, Nife eliminates the requirement for bespoke DevOps, CloudOps, InfraOps, and cloud infrastructure services compliances - Security and Privacy. As a member of the Nife Grid, Nife has access to over 500 areas worldwide to assist clients in scaling. Nife Launchpad offers internal apps that can be launched with a single click to help startups develop functionality quicker. NIFE also has GIT integrations and is on the GIT marketplace, and our customer base includes some of the world's largest corporations, as well as numerous developers and engineers.

Develop Digital-First Culture | Edge Computing Applications

A technology-first mindset change is happening. Digital leaders want to grow worldwide with flexibility, surge forward, and provide new world-class user experiences while doubling digital output. Making the transfer to the cloud is not only a technological or operational problem but also a huge culture shift that begins at the top, with the computers and systems accountable for assuring the success of the transformation.

Edge Computing Applications

Digital-First Culture#

Developing a digital-first culture entails more than just using cutting-edge technologies. Create an agile company where technologies and business culture collaborate to optimize processes, maximize efficiency, and provide an outstanding customer experience (Merkt, Lang, and Schmidt, 2021). To do this, corporate leaders must first work on instilling a digital-first attitude in their employees, ensuring that they are digitally literate and comfortable adjusting to new technology.

Need to Adopt a Digital-First Culture#

Business leaders cannot afford to overlook the importance of culture. It is critical to comprehend the magnitude of the digital transformation's core strategic paradigm change. Culture is the collection of attitudes and behaviors that define how things are done in a company (Tuukkanen, Wolgsjö, and Rusu, 2022).

A digitalization-friendly culture possesses the following characteristics:

  1. Encourages an external rather than an internal orientation.
  2. Delegation takes precedence over control.
  3. Emphasizes daring rather than prudence.
  4. Focuses on action rather than preparation.
  5. Prefers teamwork over solo effort.

Benefits of a Digital-First Culture#

A digital-first culture can assist the leader in future-proofing the organization and emerging as a leader who establishes new industry norms and standards. At the very least, it will assist the company in being fluid and responsive to market and socioeconomic conditions (Ghosh et al., 2021). Among the more precise benefits of engaging in a digital-first workplace are:

  • Reducing team silos and increasing openness.
  • Increasing overall agility and adaptability.
  • Enhancing data collection.

Strategies for Creating a Digital-First Culture#

  1. Concentrate on the People: Since people are typically resistant to change, introducing new technology without adequate support will not produce the expected outcomes. Furthermore, some people are concerned that automation and technology will eliminate their jobs. To effectively develop a digital-first culture, address these concerns as soon as feasible.

  2. Begin at the Top: Senior management has the key to developing a business culture. Leaders must advocate the strategy in everything they do while attempting to develop a digital-first culture. Set a good example.

  3. Embrace Technology: Digitization reduces the possibility of data loss or missing crucial information. That is why it is critical to integrate your various technologies as much as possible so that diverse company operations can run smoothly.

  4. Share a Common Vision: Managers, executives, and employees all need to push for the same goal: the success of the company. When writing job descriptions, be sure to include the technological tools, talents, and working style that the company anticipates (Kontić and Vidicki, 2018).

Developing a Cloud Mindset#

Hybrid cloud migration is about more than just technology; it is also a huge culture shift that necessitates careful consideration of the systems and technology involved in the journey. A transition to the cloud necessitates a much broader change in management style than other innovation initiatives due to the impact on skills and money, as well as on both commercial and technology goals (Marty, 2014).

Bringing the "cloud mindset" to use!

Edge Computing for Enterprises

A transition to the cloud necessitates a much deeper change in management style than many other technology-driven initiatives due to the influence on skills and money, as well as on both business and technical goals. Rather than lifting VM instances and throwing them over the wall into somebody else's data center, organizations should shift to a "move and improve" mindset that allows them to accept the cloud's native functionality to deliver various business benefits (Solberg, Traavik, and Wong, 2020).

Thinking “Cloud-First” vs “Lift and Shift”#

The capacity to benefit from the cloud's flexibility, scalability, and safety does not come by just transferring VM instances to a cloud computing platform; leaders must think very differently regarding existing software and services and think cloud-first.

Leaders should look for a cloud partner that not only knows how to construct and maintain world-class data centers but will also work with them to establish the culture and processes required for the business to be successful in the cloud (Baumgartner, Hartl, and Hess, 2021).


Certainly, digital transformation is all about a new attitude as much as it is about technology. As part of the overall organizational change plan, organizations should be able to create a cultural roadmap and a cultural change strategy, which will then be a component of the entire transformation program (Ghosh et al., 2021).

Following a meaningful digital transformation, a plan is more than just checking boxes. Cloud - Check. Mobile app - Check. A brand-new website - Check. If it were that simple, everyone would have done it by now.

Why Hybrid Cloud? An overview of the top benefits of hybrid

[hybrid cloud computing

Hybrid cloud Solutions are becoming more popular. A hybrid cloud infrastructure combines workload mobility, automation, and administration over two or several data centres, generally a mix of private (on-premise) and public (off-premise) clouds. Originally, public clouds were hosted off-site, whereas private clouds were hosted on-site. Some public cloud services are hosted in their clients; on-premise data centres, while some businesses are increasingly constructing private clouds in vendor-owned, off-premises data centres. The mix of private and public cloud platforms that allows applications to migrate between both the two interrelated domains is the cornerstone of a hybrid cloud paradigm (Aktas, 2018). This portability across cloud services allows enterprises to be more flexible and agile in their information configurations. Every hybrid cloud system is unique since the specific architecture is determined by the organization's objectives and goals. In this article, we'll go over the fundamentals of hybrid cloud services and describe the primary benefits of moving to a hybrid model.

hybrid cloud computing
cloud computing solutions

The Most Common Applications of a Hybrid Cloud#


In the last decade, hybrid cloud solutions have enabled enterprises to gain a competitive edge by gaining on-demand access to greater capacity features and functionality than they could build up in their data centres (Celesti et al., 2019).

Typical hybrid cloud use cases include:#

  • Ease into Cloud Migration

  • Optimize Workload Resources

  • Protect Your Data

  • Process Large Data Sets

Hybrid cloud benefits

Enterprise businesses may benefit from hybrid cloud computing in a variety of ways.

Cloud Bursting can help you meet high service demand:

Hybrid clouds enable enterprises to meet peak load for applications or services without incurring the significant expense of functionality to support their existing data centres.

Make Data and Applications Available to Remote Workers:

Employees of any business with valid authorisation can access cloud-hosted data and apps from anywhere around the globe. Organizations that use hybrid cloud solutions may use their network to give employees remote connection to cloud-based and on-premises data and apps (Talaat et al., 2020).

Observe Data Privacy and Localization Laws:

Organizations that use hybrid cloud solutions do not have to create data centres in each nation in which they operate. They could store domestically collected customer information in public cloud locations that meet data localization criteria while still protecting their customers' privacy as needed by law.

Improve Data Security and Protect Sensitive Data:

When it comes to digital security, hybrid cloud solutions provide enterprises with more options. Businesses can keep their more confidential material in on-premise data centres that are difficult to assault by hostile actors.

Increase the operational scalability:

Public cloud service providers have enabled storage capacity and computational power more inexpensive and available to enterprises on a large scale. Organizations may grow their operations as required, avoiding capital expenses and management obligations (Segec et al., 2020).

Enhance your disaster recovery and business continuity:

When an organisation encounters a service outage and must implement its disaster recovery strategy to ensure business continuity and minimise unexpected downtime that negatively affects the customer experience, portable apps through hybrid clouds provide a substantial competitive advantage.

Reduced IT and operational costs:

Higher utilisation rates for IT resources, lower costs and more effective IT expenditure are all advantages of hybrid cloud enterprises.

Get your hands on cutting-edge tools and technologies:

When it comes to researching and adopting best-of-breed solutions to meet any application workload, organisations with hybrid cloud capabilities have the most options.

Encourage innovation:

Hybrid cloud solutions are boosting innovation by making it easier for businesses to establish new services and enabling them to better fulfil their consumers' demands

(Barbierato et al., 2021). Businesses may utilise public cloud services to build and test new apps before deploying them to production.

Cons of moving to the hybrid cloud:

While a hybrid cloud model has numerous advantages, it may not be the best choice for every firm. Depending on the company's aims, funding, and experience, the disadvantages may exceed the benefits.

Hardware costs:

One of the benefits of a hybrid cloud approach is its flexibility, control, and personalization. However, such advantages come at the expense of extra hardware expenses (Vera et al., 2019).

Need to manage multiple vendors and platforms

Running a hybrid cloud requires keeping track of different suppliers and platforms and managing them across two computing environments.

Lack of visibility:

Cloud solutions are always complicated. When your computing environments are spread across two or more clouds, the task becomes considerably more challenging.

This might make establishing a clear image of your total cloud environment challenging.


Finally, you must assess the advantages and downsides of a hybrid solution with the organization's needs and priorities, but just a hybrid cloud model is a wonderful alternative for corporate firms seeking the most of both technological environments.

A hybrid model allows for keeping control over highly sensitive information while also allowing businesses to extend their activities quickly and reliably without spending a lot of money (Feng et al., 2019).

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Edge VMs And Edge Containers | Edge Computing Platform

Edge VMs And Edge Containers are nothing but VMs and Containers used in Edge Locations, or are they different? This topic gives a brief insight into it.


If you have just recently begun learning about virtualization techniques, you could be wondering what the distinctions between containers and VMs. The issue over virtual machines vs. containers is at the centre of a discussion over conventional IT architecture vs. modern DevOps approaches. Containers have emerged as a formidable presence in cloud-based programming, thus it's critical to know what they are and isn't. While containers and virtual machines have their own set of features, they are comparable in that they both increase IT productivity, application portability, and DevOps and the software design cycle (Zhang et al., 2018). The majority of businesses have adopted cloud computing, and it has shown to be a success, with significantly faster workload launches, simpler scalability and flexibility, and fewer hours invested on underlying traditional data centre equipment. Traditional cloud technology, on the other hand, isn't ideal in every case.

Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are all traditional cloud providers with data centres all around the world. Whereas each company's data centre count is continually growing, these data centres are not near enough to consumers when an app requires optimal speed and low lag (Li and Kanso, 2015). Edge computing is useful when speed is important or produced data has to be kept near to the consumers.

What is the benefit of Edge Computing?#

Edge computing is a collection of localized mini data centres that relieve the cloud of some of its responsibilities, acting as a form of "regional office" for local computing chores rather than transmitting them to a central data centre thousands of miles away. It's not meant to be a replacement for cloud services, but rather a supplement. Instead of sending sensitive data to a central data centre, edge computing enables you to analyse it at its origin (Khan et al., 2019). Minimal sensitive data is sent across devices and the cloud, which means greater security for both you and your users. Most IoT initiatives may also be completed at a lower cost by decreasing data transit and storage space using traditional techniques.

The key advantages of edge computing are as follows:
- Data handling technology is better
- Lower connection costs and improved security
- Uninterruptible, dependable connection

What are Edge VMs?#

Edge virtual machines (Edge VMs) are technological advancements of standard VM in which the storage and computation capabilities that support the VM are physically closer to the end-users. Each VM is a self-contained entity with its OS, capable of handling almost any program burden (Millhouse, 2018). The flexibility, adaptability, and optimum availability of such tasks are significantly improved by VM designs. Patching, upgrades, and care of the virtual machine's operating system are required regularly. Monitoring is essential for ensuring the virtual machine instances' and underpinning physical hardware infrastructure's stability. Backup and data recovery activities must also be considered. All of this adds up to a lot of time spent on repair and supervision.

### Benefits of Edge VMs are:-
- Apps have access to all OS resources.
- The functionality is well-known.
- Tools for efficient management.
- Security procedures and tools that are well-known.
- The capacity to run several OS systems on a single computer.
- When opposed to running distinct, physical computers, there are cost savings.

What are Edge Containers?#

Edge containers are decentralized computing capabilities that are placed as near to the end customer as feasible in an attempt to decrease delay, conserve data, and improve the overall user experiences. A container is a sandboxed, isolated version of a component of a programme. Containers still enable flexibility and adaptability, although usually isn't for every container in an application framework, only for the one that needs expanding (Pahl and Lee, 2015). It's simple to reboot multiple copies of a container image and bandwidth allocation between them once you've constructed one.

Benefits of Edge Containers are-
- IT management resources have been cut back.
- Spin ups that are faster.
- Because the actual computer is smaller, it can host more containers.
- Security upgrades have been streamlined and reduced.
- Workloads are transferred, migrated, and uploaded with less code.
containers and VMs

What's the difference Between VMs and Containers even without the context Edge?#

Containers are perfect where your programme supports a microservices design, which allows application programs to function and scale freely. Containers may operate anywhere as long as your public cloud or edge computing platform has a Docker engine (Sharma et al., 2016). Also, there is a reduction in operational and administrative costs. But when your application requires particular operating system integration that is not accessible in a container, VM is still suggested when you need access to the entire OS. VMs are required if you want or need additional control over the software architecture, or if you want or need to execute many apps on the same host.

Next Moves#

Edge computing is a viable solution for applications that require high performance and low latency communication. Gaming, broadcasting, and production are all common options. You may deliver streams of data from near to the user or retain data close to the source, which is more convenient than using open cloud data centres (Sonmez, Ozgovde and Ersoy, 2018). You can pick what is suitable for your needs now that you know more about edge computing, including the differences between edge VMs and edge containers.

Learn more about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields - Nife Blogs