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Power of Kubernetes and Container Orchestration

Welcome back to our ongoing exploration! Today we'll be exploring containers and container orchestration with Kubernetes.

Container Orchestration platforms have become a crucial aspect of DevOps in modern software development. They bring agility, automation and efficiency.

Before going deep into the topic let's understand some critical concepts and get familiar with some key terms. Whether you are a DevOps pro or a newbie, this journey will help you understand and harness the power of these technologies for faster and more reliable software delivery.

Kubernetes in DevOps

Before moving on to Kubernetes let's first understand the concept of containers.

What are containers?#

Containers are lightweight executable packages that confine an application with all the dependencies ( code, libraries, tools, etc.), crucial for the application's functioning. Containers provide a consistent environment for the software for deployment and testing.

Containers ensure your application runs smoothly regardless of the device and environment. Containers bring predictability and reliability to the software development process. That's why they've become a crucial part of the modern software development landscape.

Now that you've understood the concept of containers. It's time to turn our attention to container orchestration and Kubernetes.

What is Container Orchestration?#

Container orchestration is the management and automation of your containerized applications. As you scale, the management of containers across platforms becomes very difficult manually. This is where container orchestration comes into the picture.

To fully grasp the concept of container orchestration. Here are some key aspects.

Deployment: Container orchestration tools allow you to deploy and manage your container as you need. You can select the number of instances and resources for your container.

Scaling: Orchestration tools automatically manage the workloads and scale up and down whenever needed. Different metrics are analyzed for scaling which include CPU usage, traffic, etc.

Service Discovery: Orchestration tools provide mechanisms that enable communication between containers. This communication is critical, especially in a microservices architecture.

Load balancing: Load balancing is also a crucial aspect. Orchestration tools balance the load by distributing all incoming requests across container instances. This optimizes the application's performance and ensures availability.

Health Monitoring: Container orchestration tools ensure continuous monitoring of containers' health. Different metrics are monitored in real-time to ensure proper functioning. In case of any failure, containers are automatically replaced.

Now that you've understood the concept of containers and got familiar with container orchestration. Let's explore Kubernetes.

Let's start with some basics and background.

Kubernetes Overview:#

Kubernetes also abbreviated as k8s is an open-source container orchestration platform that helps developers manage, scale, and deploy their containerized applications efficiently and reliably. After the rise of containerization in the software development world developers felt the need for a container management platform.

Despite the containers' benefits, managing them manually was a tedious task. As a result, a gap in the market was created. This gap led to the birth of Kubernetes from Google's Internal container management system. Kubernetes made container orchestration efficient and more reliable by bringing automation into it.

As soon as it was released, it spread like wildfire throughout the industry. Organizations adopted Kubernetes for efficient container orchestration.

You've got an overview of Kubernetes. Now let's explore its components.

Kubernetes Architecture:

It's important to explore Kubernetes architecture to understand how Kubernetes manage, scale, and deploy containers behind the scenes. Kubernetes workload is distributed between master nodes and worker nodes.

You might be wondering what are master nodes and worker nodes.

Master nodes handle the bigger picture in the cluster and act as the brains of the architecture. It includes components like the API server, etcd, the scheduler, and the controller manager.

Worker nodes handle the workload in the Kubernetes cluster and act as hands of the architecture. It includes kubelet, container runtime, and kube-proxy.

Now let's explore these master and worker nodes.

Master Nodes:#

API Servers: API servers are the centre point of the Kubernetes control plane. It receives all the requests from users and applications and gives instructions. It's the point of contact in the Kubernetes cluster.

Etcd: Think of it as the memory keeper of the cluster. It stores important information related to the cluster like configurations and metadata. Its consistent distribution nature is essential to maintain the desired state of the cluster.

Scheduler: It's a matchmaker. It matches pods with worker nodes based on resource requirements and constraints. By doing so scheduler optimized resource utilization.

Controller Manager: It manages the state of your cluster. The controller manager has ReplicaSets and deployment controllers at its disposal to ensure pods and other resources align with your specifications. The controller manager ensures that the actual state of your cluster matches the desired state.

Worker Nodes:#

Kubelet: Kubelet manages the worker nodes and communicates with the API server on the condition of pods. It ensures containers in pods are running in the desired state. It also reports different metrics like resource usage and node's status back to the control plane.

Container Runtime: Container runtime runs containers inside pods. Kubernetes supports various container run times. One of the most popular container runtimes is docker and Kubernetes supports it, which launches and manages containers.

Kube Proxy: Kube proxy allows network communication between different resources. It enables pods to communicate with each other and external resources.

Now that you've become familiar with Kubernetes architecture, you can understand the Kubernetes ecosystem easily, Kubernetes manages containerized applications and handles scaling.

Kubernetes Ecosystem:#

Kubernetes ecosystem consists of a vast collection of tools, resources, and projects. These components enhance the capabilities of Kubernetes. As Kubernetes is open source, it evolves continuously due to the contribution of developers.

Here are some components of the ecosystem:

Kubectl and Kubeconfig: These are the most important commands in Kubernetes. Kubectl allows you to manage resources and deploy applications while Kubeconfig allows you to configure files stored in the cluster.

Helm: It is a package manager in Kubernetes. It allows you to manage complex applications. You can define different application components and configurations with Helm.

Operators: These are customer controllers that enhance Kubernetes functionality. They use custom resources to manage complex applications and services in Kubernetes.

There are also other components of the Kubernetes ecosystem which include, CI/CD pipelines, Networking solutions, storage solutions, security solutions, and many more.

That's all for today. Hope you've understood the concept of containerization and role of Kubernetes in orchestration. With its architecture and ecosystem, Kubernetes enhances scalability, fault tolerance, automation, and resource utilization.

We'll be back with another topic till then stay innovative, stay agile. Don't forget to follow. If you liked this story, a clap to our story would be phenomenal.

How to Manage Containers in DevOps?

DevOps Automation and Containerization in DevOps#

DevOps Automation refers to the practice of using automated tools and processes to streamline software development, testing, and deployment, enabling organizations to achieve faster and more efficient delivery of software products.

In today's world, almost all software is developed using a microservices architecture. Containerization makes it simple to construct microservices. However, technological advancement and architectural design are just one design part.

The software development process is also significantly impacted by corporate culture and techniques. DevOps is the most common strategy here. Containers and DevOps are mutually beneficial to one another. This article will explain what containerization and DevOps are. Also, you will learn the relationship between the two.

What is a Container?#

Companies all across the globe are swiftly adapting to using containers. Research and Markets estimate that over 3.5 billion apps are already being deployed in Docker containers and that 48 percent of enterprises use Kubernetes to manage containers at scale. You can easily manage and orchestrate containers across many platforms and settings with the help of container management software.

container management software

Containers make it easy to package all the essential parts of your application, like the source code, settings, libraries, and anything else it needs, into one neat package. Whether small or big, your application can run smoothly on just one computer.

Containers are like virtual boxes that run on a computer. They let us run many different programs on the same computer without them interfering with each other. Containers keep everything organized and ensure each program has space and resources. This helps us deploy our programs consistently and reliably, no matter the computer environment.

Containers are different from servers or virtual machines because they don't have their operating system inside them. This makes containers much more straightforward, taking up less space and costing less.

Multiple containers are deployed as part of one or more container clusters to facilitate the deployment of more comprehensive applications. A container management software, such as Kubernetes, is currently responsible for controlling and managing these clusters.

Why use Containers in DevOps?#

When a program is relocated from one computing environment to another, there is sometimes a risk of encountering a problem. Inconsistencies between the two environments' needed setup and software environments might cause issues. It's possible that "the developer uses Red Hat, but Debian is used in production." When we deploy applications, various problems can come up. These issues can be related to things like security rules, how data is stored, and how devices are connected. The critical thing to remember is that these issues can be different in each environment. So, we need to be prepared to handle these differences when we deploy our applications. Containers are going to be essential in the process of resolving this issue. Red Hat OpenShift is a container management software built on top of Kubernetes.

Containers are like special boxes that hold everything an application needs, such as its code, settings, and other important files. They work in a unique way called OS-level virtualization, which means we don't have to worry about different types of operating systems or the machines they run on. Containers make it easy for the application to work smoothly, no matter where it is used.

Log monitoring software comes into play when discussing troubleshooting issues, log data and identity. Log monitoring software facilitates log analysis by supporting many log formats, offering search and filtering functions, and providing visualization tools. ELK Stack is a widely used open-source log monitoring and analytics platform.

What distinguishes a container from a Virtual Machine?#

With virtual machine technology, you get the application and the operating system. A hypervisor and two guest operating systems are the three main components of a hardware platform that hosts two virtual machines. Joint container registries, such as Docker Hub and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), are typically integrated with or included in container management software.

When we use Docker (Containers) with one operating system, the computer runs two applications divided into containers. All the containers share the same functional system core. This setup makes it easier for even a first-grade student to understand.

Sharing just the OS's read-only portion makes the containers much smaller and less resource-intensive than virtual machines. With Docker, two apps may be packaged and run independently on the same host machine while sharing a single OS and its kernel.

Unlike a virtual machine, which may be several gigabytes and host a whole operating system, a container is limited to tens of megabytes. This allows many more containers to run on a single server than can run as virtual machines.

What are the Benefits of Containers in DevOps?#

Containers make it easy for developers to create, test, and deploy software in different places. Whether they're working on their computer or moving the software to a broader environment like the cloud, containers help make this process smooth and easy. It's like having a magic tool that removes all the troubles and makes everything run seamlessly!

Ability to Run Anywhere#

Containers may run on various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Containers may be operated on VMs, physical servers, and the developer's laptop. They exhibit consistent performance in both private and public cloud environments.

Resource Efficiency and Capacity#

Since containers don't need their OS, they're more efficient. A server may host many more containers than virtual machines (VMs) since containers often weigh just tens of megabytes, whereas VMs might entertain several gigabytes. Containers allow for higher server capacities with less hardware, cutting expenses in the data center or the cloud.

Container Isolation and Resource Sharing#

On a server, we can have many containers, each with its resources, like a separate compartment. These containers don't know about or affect each other. Even if one container has a problem or an app inside it stops working, the different containers keep working fine.

If we design the containers well to keep the main computer safe from attacks, they make an extra shield of protection. This way, even a first-grade student can understand how containers work without changing the meaning.

Speed: Start, Create, Replicate or Destroy Containers in Seconds#

Containers bundle everything an application needs, including the code, OS, dependencies, and libraries. They're quick to install and destroy, making deploying multiple containers with the same image easy. Containers are lightweight, making it easy to distribute updated software quickly and bring products to market faster.

High Scalability#

Distributed programs may be easily scaled horizontally with the help of containers. Multiple identical containers may produce numerous application instances. Intelligent scaling is a feature of container orchestrators that allows you to run only as many containers as you need to satisfy application loads while efficiently using the container cluster's resources.

Improved Developer Productivity#

Using containers, programmers may establish consistent, reproducible, and separated runtime environments for individual application components, complete with all necessary software dependencies. From the developer's perspective, this ensures that their code will operate similarly regardless of where it is deployed. Container technology eliminates the age-old problem of "it worked on my machine" alone.

DevOps automation teams can spend more time creating and launching new product features in a containerized setup than fixing issues or dealing with environmental differences. It means they can concentrate on making cool things and let them be more creative and productive in their work.

DevOps Automation

Developers may also use containers for testing and optimization, which helps reduce mistakes and makes containers more suitable for production settings. DevOps automation improves software development and operations by automating processes, optimizing workflows, and promoting teamwork.

Also, log monitoring software is a crucial component of infrastructure and application management since it improves problem identification, problem-solving, system health, and performance visibility.


DevOps automation helps make things faster and better. It can use containers, like special packages, to speed up how programs are delivered without making them worse. First, you need to do a lot of studying and careful planning. Then, you can create a miniature version of the system using containers as a test. If it works well, you can start planning to use containers in the whole organization step by step. This will keep things running smoothly and provide ongoing support.

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Should you optimize your Docker container?

This blog explains the reasons for Docker container optimization and responds to the question "Should you optimize your Docker container?"

Docker container optimization

How Docker Works?#

Docker is a leading containerization industry standard that aids in the packaging and distribution of programs in the most efficient manner feasible. Containers are a convenient approach to transporting software to various environments. They assist you in packaging your code with your desired environment settings and other platform-dependent parameters so that it may be quickly instantiated on other computers with little setup overhead [(Potdar et al., 2020)].

Simply put, Docker is an open-source solution that aids in the management of the containers we just covered. Docker, like containers, is platform-independent, as it supports both Windows and Linux-based platforms.

Docker container and cloud computing

The Kubernetes vs. Docker debate#

When stated as a "both-and" issue, the distinction between Kubernetes and Docker becomes clearer. The truth is that you don't have to choose—Kubernetes and Docker are fundamentally different technologies that complement each other effectively for developing, deploying, and [scaling containerized applications].

Kubernetes and Docker collaborate. Docker is an open standard for containerizing and delivering software. Docker allows you to construct and execute containers as well as store and distribute container images. A Docker build can be simply executed on a Kubernetes cluster, but Kubernetes is not a comprehensive solution. Implement extra tools and services to handle security, governance, identity, and access, as well as continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes and other DevOps principles, to optimize Kubernetes in production [(Shah and Dubaria, 2019)].

Docker List Containers#

To list docker containers, use the commands 'docker container ls' or 'docker ps'. Both commands use the same flags since they both act on the same item, a container. It includes many parameters to achieve the result we want because it only shows operating containers by default. The command 'docker ps' is shorter and easier to type.

What Causes Docker Performance Issues?#

Docker is a sophisticated system that is affected by a variety of circumstances, including host settings and network quality. The following are some of the most prevalent causes of Docker slowness:

  • Inadequate Resource Allocation
  • Docker Image Sizes
  • Size of Docker File Context
  • Docker's default configuration is still in use.
  • Latency in the network

How to Optimize Docker Containers?#

There are several ways to make Docker run quicker:

Appropriate Resource Allocation#

The host machine's performance has an impact on the container's performance. A sluggish CPU or inadequate RAM might create a bottleneck, causing Docker's performance to suffer [(Sureshkumar and Rajesh, 2017)].

Docker Image Optimization#

Examine the Dockerfile for the image and ensure that the file context is not too huge. The context contains a list of the files required by Docker to construct a container.

Examine the Dependencies#

Debian-based Docker images may create extra binaries and files while installing dependencies. Some of these interdependencies are not required for the container's usual operation and can be eliminated.

Consider Using Microservice Architecture#

Monolithic programs are typically slower than microservice-architected apps. If your Docker containers are struggling to operate, it might be because the app within the container is too large [(Wan et al., 2018)]. When the app is migrated to microservices, the workload may be distributed among several containers.

Make use of Dedicated Resources#

Hosting containers on the dedicated hardware of Bare Metal Cloud minimizes virtualization overhead and increases container performance. Containerized programs do not share system resources like RAM and CPU, which reduces latency and allows apps to fully exploit hardware.

Use a light operating system#

Building images using a lightweight system can save up to 100 MB of the final image size, resulting in much faster performance.

Dockerfile Layers Cache#

Layer caching can help you produce images faster. When Docker begins constructing an image, it searches the cache for layers with similar signatures and utilizes them [(Liu et al., 2018)]. This feature expedites the construction process.

Dockerfile Layers

Docker for Windows#

Docker containers initially only supported Linux operating systems. Docker may now operate natively on Windows, eliminating the requirement for Linux support. Instead, the Docker container will run on the Windows kernel itself, and the whole Docker tool set is now compatible with Windows. The Docker CLI (client), Docker compose, data volumes, and the other building pieces for Dockerized infrastructure are now Windows-compatible.


Docker Container optimization is critical for overall performance. As more applications migrate to containerization, it is critical to maintaining them up to date on best practices. Otherwise, you risk losing some of the important advantages Docker has over traditional methods of software delivery, which would defeat the point of using Docker containers in the first place.

What are Cloud Computing Services [IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS, SaaS]

DevOps Automation

Everyone is now heading to the Cloud World (AWS, GCP, Azure, PCF, VMC). A public cloud, a private cloud, or a hybrid cloud might be used. These cloud computing services offer on-demand computing capabilities to meet the demands of consumers. They provide options by keeping IT infrastructure open, from data to apps. The field of cloud-based services is wide, with several models. It might be difficult to sort through the abbreviations and comprehend the differences between the many sorts of services (Rajiv Chopra, 2018). New versions of cloud-based services emerge as technology advances. No two operations are alike, but they do have some qualities. Most crucially, they simultaneously exist in the very same space, available for individuals to use.

DevOps Automation
cloud computing technology

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)#

IaaS offers only a core infrastructure (VM, Application Define Connection, Backup connected). End-users must set up and administer the platform and environment, as well as deploy applications on it (Van et al., 2015).

Examples - Microsoft Azure (VM), AWS (EC2), Rackspace Technology, Digital Ocean Droplets, and GCP (CE)

Advantages of IaaS

  • Decreasing the periodic maintenance for on-premise data centers.
  • Hardware and setup expenditures are eliminated.
  • Releasing resources to aid in scaling
  • Accelerating the delivery of new apps and improving application performance
  • Enhancing the core infrastructure's dependability.
  • IaaS providers are responsible for infrastructure maintenance and troubleshooting.

During service failures, IaaS makes it simpler to access data or apps. Security is superior to in-house infrastructure choices.

Container as a Service (CaaS)#

CaaS is a type of container-based virtualization wherein customers receive container engines, management, and fundamental computing resources as a service from the cloud service provider (Smirnova et al., 2020).

Examples - are AWS (ECS), Pivotal (PKS), Google Container Engine (GKE), and Azure (ACS).

Advantages of CaaS

  • Containerized applications have all the necessary to operate.

  • Containers can accomplish all that VM could without the additional resource strain.

  • Containers need lower requirements and do not require a separate OS.

  • Containers are maintained isolated from each other despite both having the very same capabilities.

  • The procedure of building and removing containers is rapid. This speeds up development or operations and reduces time to market.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)#

It offers a framework for end-users to design, operate, and administer applications without having to worry about the complexities of developing and managing infrastructure (Singh et al., 2016).

Examples - Google App Engine, AWS (Beanstalk), Heroku, and CloudFoundry.

Advantages of PaaS

  • Achieve a competitive edge by bringing their products to the marketplace sooner.

  • Create and administer application programming interfaces (APIs).

  • Data mining and analysis for business analytics

  • A database is used to store, maintain, and administer information in a business.

  • Build frameworks for creating bespoke cloud-based applications.

  • Put new languages, OS, and database systems into the trial.

  • Reduce programming time for platform tasks such as security.

Function as a Service (FaaS)#

FaaS offers a framework for clients to design, operate, and manage application features without having to worry about the complexities of developing and managing infrastructure (Rajan, 2020).

Examples - AWS (Lamda), IBM Cloud Functions, and Google Cloud Function

Advantages of FaaS

  • Businesses can save money on upfront hardware and OS expenditures by using a pay-as-you-go strategy.

  • As cloud providers deliver on-demand services, FaaS provides growth potential.

  • FaaS platforms are simple to use and comprehend. You don't have to be a cloud specialist to achieve your goals.

  • The FaaS paradigm makes it simple to update apps and add new features.

  • FaaS infrastructure is already highly optimized.

Software as a Service (SaaS)#

SaaS is also known as "on-demand software" at times. Customers connect a thin client using a web browser (Sether, 2016). Vendors may handle everything in SaaS, including apps, services, information, interfaces, operating systems, virtualisation, servers, storage, and communication. End-users must utilize it.

Examples - Gmail, Adobe, MailChimp, Dropbox, and Slack.

Advantages of SaaS

  • SaaS simplifies bug fixes and automates upgrades, relieving the pressure on in-house IT workers.

  • Upgrades pose less risk to customers and have lower adoption costs.

  • Users may launch applications without worrying about managing software or application. This reduces hardware and license expenses.

  • Businesses can use APIs to combine SaaS apps with other software.

  • SaaS providers are in charge of the app's security, performance, and availability to consumers.

  • Users may modify their SaaS solutions to their organizational processes without having any impact according to their infrastructures.

Conclusion for Cloud Computing Services#

Cloud services provide several options for enterprises in various industries. And each of the main — PaaS, CaaS, FaaS, SaaS, and IaaS – has advantages and disadvantages. These services are available on a pay-as-you-go arrangement through the Internet. Rather than purchasing the software or even other computational resources, users rent them from a cloud computing solution (Rajiv Chopra, 2018). Cloud services provide the advantages of sophisticated IT infrastructure without the responsibility of ownership. Users pay, users gain access, and users utilise. It's as easy as that.

Containers or Virtual Machines? Get the Most Out of Our Edge Computing Tasks

The vast majority of service providers now implement cloud services, and it has shown to be a success, with increased speed capacity installations, easier expandability and versatility, and much fewer hours invested on multiple hardware data center equipment. Conventional cloud technology, on the opposite side, isn't suitable in every situation. Azure by Microsoft, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and AWS by Amazon are all conventional cloud providers with data centers all over the globe. Although each supplier's data center capacity is continually growing, such cloud services providers are not near enough to clients whenever a program requires the best performance and low delay. Consider how aggravating it is to enjoy a multiplayer game and have the frame rate decrease, or to stream a video and have the visual or sound connection delay. Edge computing is useful whenever speed is important or produced data has to be kept near to the consumers (Shi et al., 2016). This article evaluates two approaches to edge computing: 'Edge virtual machines (VMs)' and 'Edge containers', and helps developers determine which would be ideal for business.

What is Edge Computing?#

There are just a few data center areas available from the main cloud service providers. Despite their remarkable computing processing capability, the three top cloud service providers have only roughly 150 areas, most of which are in a similar region. These only cover a limited portion of the globe. Edge computing is powered by a considerably higher number of tiny data centers all over the globe. It employs a point of presence (PoP), which is often placed near wherever data is accessed or created. These PoPs operate on strong equipment and have rapid, dependable network access (Shi and Dustdar, 2016). It isn't an "either-or" situation when it comes to choosing between standard cloud and edge computing. Conventional cloud providers' data centers are supplemented or enhanced by edge computing.

Edge Computing platform

[Edge computing] ought to be the primary supplier in several situations such as:

Streaming - Instead of downloading, customers are increasingly opting to stream anything. They anticipate streams to start right away, creating this a perfect application for edge computing.

Edge computing for live streaming

Gaming - Ultra-low lag is beneficial to high scores in games and online gameplay.

Manufacturing - In manufacturing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology (OT) offer exciting new ways to improve monitoring systems and administration as well as run machines.

Edge Virtual Machines (Edge VMs)#

In a nutshell, virtual machines are virtual machines regardless of wherever they operate. Beginning with the hardware layer, termed as a bare-metal host server, virtual machines depend on a hypervisor such as VMware or Hyper-V to distribute computational resources across distinct virtual machine cases. Every virtual machine is a self-contained entity with its OS, capable of handling almost any program burden. The flexibility, adaptability, and optimum durability of these operations are significantly improved by virtual machine designs. Patching, upgrades, and improvement of the virtual machine's OS are required on a routine basis. Surveillance is essential for ensuring the virtual machine instances' and underpinning physical hardware infrastructure's stability (Zhao et al., 2017). Backup and data restoration activities must also be considered. All this amounts to a lot of time spent on inspection and management.

Virtual machines (VMs) are great for running several apps on the very same computer. This might be advantageous based on the demand. Assume users wish to run many domains using various Tomcat or .NET platforms. Users can operate them simultaneously without interfering with some other operations. Current apps may also be simply ported to the edge using VMs. If users utilize an on-premises VM or public cloud infrastructure, users could practically transfer the VM to an edge server using a lifting and shifting strategy, wherein users do not even affect the configuration of the app configuration or the OS.

Edge Containers#

A container is a virtualized, separated version of a component of a programme. Containers can enable flexibility and adaptability, although usually isn't for all containers inside an application framework, only for the one that needs expanding. It's simple to spin up multiple versions of a container image and bandwidth allocation among them after developers constructed one. Edge containers, like the containers developers have already seen, aren't fully virtualized PCs. Edge containers only have userspace, and they share the kernel with other containers on the same computer (Pires, Simão, and Veiga, 2021). It is often misinterpreted as meaning that physical machines provide less separation than virtual ones. Containers operating on the very same server, for instance, utilize the very same virtualization layer and also have recourse to a certain OS. Even though this seldom creates issues, it can be a stumbling barrier for services that run on the kernel for extensive accessibility to OS capabilities.

Difference Between VMs and Edge Containers#

Edge containers are appropriate whenever a developer's software supports a microservice-based design, which enables software systems to operate and scale individually. There is also a reduction in administrative and technical costs. Since the application needs specific OS integration that is not accessible in a container, VM is preferred when developers need access to a full OS. VM is required for increased capabilities over the technology stack, or if needed to execute many programs on the very same host (Doan et al., 2019).


Edge computing is a realistic alternative for applications that require high-quality and low-delay access. Conventional systems, such as those found in data centers and public clouds, are built on VMs and Edge containers, with little change. The only significant distinction would be that edge computing improves users' internet access by allowing them to access quicker (Satyanarayanan, 2017). Developers may pick what's suitable for their requirements now that they understand further about edge computing, such as the differences between edge VMs and edge containers.

Edge VMs And Edge Containers | Edge Computing Platform

Edge VMs And Edge Containers are nothing but VMs and Containers used in Edge Locations, or are they different? This topic gives a brief insight into it.


If you have just recently begun learning about virtualization techniques, you could be wondering what the distinctions between containers and VMs. The issue over virtual machines vs. containers is at the centre of a discussion over conventional IT architecture vs. modern DevOps approaches. Containers have emerged as a formidable presence in cloud-based programming, thus it's critical to know what they are and isn't. While containers and virtual machines have their own set of features, they are comparable in that they both increase IT productivity, application portability, and DevOps and the software design cycle (Zhang et al., 2018). The majority of businesses have adopted cloud computing, and it has shown to be a success, with significantly faster workload launches, simpler scalability and flexibility, and fewer hours invested on underlying traditional data centre equipment. Traditional cloud technology, on the other hand, isn't ideal in every case.

Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are all traditional cloud providers with data centres all around the world. Whereas each company's data centre count is continually growing, these data centres are not near enough to consumers when an app requires optimal speed and low lag (Li and Kanso, 2015). Edge computing is useful when speed is important or produced data has to be kept near to the consumers.

What is the benefit of Edge Computing?#

Edge computing is a collection of localized mini data centres that relieve the cloud of some of its responsibilities, acting as a form of "regional office" for local computing chores rather than transmitting them to a central data centre thousands of miles away. It's not meant to be a replacement for cloud services, but rather a supplement. Instead of sending sensitive data to a central data centre, edge computing enables you to analyse it at its origin (Khan et al., 2019). Minimal sensitive data is sent across devices and the cloud, which means greater security for both you and your users. Most IoT initiatives may also be completed at a lower cost by decreasing data transit and storage space using traditional techniques.

The key advantages of edge computing are as follows:
- Data handling technology is better
- Lower connection costs and improved security
- Uninterruptible, dependable connection

What are Edge VMs?#

Edge virtual machines (Edge VMs) are technological advancements of standard VM in which the storage and computation capabilities that support the VM are physically closer to the end-users. Each VM is a self-contained entity with its OS, capable of handling almost any program burden (Millhouse, 2018). The flexibility, adaptability, and optimum availability of such tasks are significantly improved by VM designs. Patching, upgrades, and care of the virtual machine's operating system are required regularly. Monitoring is essential for ensuring the virtual machine instances' and underpinning physical hardware infrastructure's stability. Backup and data recovery activities must also be considered. All of this adds up to a lot of time spent on repair and supervision.

### Benefits of Edge VMs are:-
- Apps have access to all OS resources.
- The functionality is well-known.
- Tools for efficient management.
- Security procedures and tools that are well-known.
- The capacity to run several OS systems on a single computer.
- When opposed to running distinct, physical computers, there are cost savings.

What are Edge Containers?#

Edge containers are decentralized computing capabilities that are placed as near to the end customer as feasible in an attempt to decrease delay, conserve data, and improve the overall user experiences. A container is a sandboxed, isolated version of a component of a programme. Containers still enable flexibility and adaptability, although usually isn't for every container in an application framework, only for the one that needs expanding (Pahl and Lee, 2015). It's simple to reboot multiple copies of a container image and bandwidth allocation between them once you've constructed one.

Benefits of Edge Containers are-
- IT management resources have been cut back.
- Spin ups that are faster.
- Because the actual computer is smaller, it can host more containers.
- Security upgrades have been streamlined and reduced.
- Workloads are transferred, migrated, and uploaded with less code.
containers and VMs

What's the difference Between VMs and Containers even without the context Edge?#

Containers are perfect where your programme supports a microservices design, which allows application programs to function and scale freely. Containers may operate anywhere as long as your public cloud or edge computing platform has a Docker engine (Sharma et al., 2016). Also, there is a reduction in operational and administrative costs. But when your application requires particular operating system integration that is not accessible in a container, VM is still suggested when you need access to the entire OS. VMs are required if you want or need additional control over the software architecture, or if you want or need to execute many apps on the same host.

Next Moves#

Edge computing is a viable solution for applications that require high performance and low latency communication. Gaming, broadcasting, and production are all common options. You may deliver streams of data from near to the user or retain data close to the source, which is more convenient than using open cloud data centres (Sonmez, Ozgovde and Ersoy, 2018). You can pick what is suitable for your needs now that you know more about edge computing, including the differences between edge VMs and edge containers.

Learn more about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields - Nife Blogs