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Securing Your Cloud Applications: Best Practices for Developers

Securing cloud applications is paramount in today's digital landscape. It is important to protect sensitive data, mitigate cyber threats, and ensure compliance by implementing robust security measures for your cloud-based solutions.

As more and more organizations are adopting cloud applications, the security of cloud applications has become a major concern. Businesses of all sizes are leveraging cloud applications for efficiency, flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. However, with all these benefits come threats of data security in the cloud that need to be addressed.

Cloud Applications Security: Best Practices for Developers#

Cloud applications store sensitive data which in the wrong hands can cause financial and reputational damage. That is why developers need to implement best practices for cloud security. These practices can mitigate risk and save the cloud from cyber-attacks and data breaches.

In this article, we will explore some of the key practices for cloud security. We will cover topics like identity and access control, encryption, and security monitoring. We will also explore the features of Nife, a cloud platform that provides reliable and efficient cloud application hosting for developers. Let's dive into the article.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)#

cloud application security

Identity and Access Management is an important part of cloud security. It involves the management of access control, passwords, and cloud resources. Here are the best practices for IAM in cloud applications.

Password Management is the first step in IAM. Passwords are the primary method of accessing information. The best practice for creating strong passwords is to use a mixture of lower and upper case letters, numbers, and special characters. Users should be encouraged to change passwords regularly.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MAF) provides an extra layer of security. It involves requesting a one-time password from users, generated by an app or using a fingerprint each time a person logs in to the cloud.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is also a useful practice in cloud computing for developers. It helps organizations distribute and monitor cloud resources effectively. It involves distributing access to resources among users according to their assigned roles. This practice helps ensure the security of sensitive areas of the cloud.

Monitor Access: User access and activities should be monitored to identify potential threats. This includes tracking authentication, failed login attempts, and location tags for unusual activities. It helps mitigate risk and take necessary action.

There are several IAM services and tools in cloud computing for developers such as Google Cloud Identity, AWS IAM, and Azure Active Directory.


Encryption is another important practice for data security in cloud. It is the process of converting data into code using algorithms. It helps protect data from hackers. Here are the best practices of encryption for cloud computing security.

Encrypting Data at Rest and In Transit:#

Data on the cloud should be encrypted whether it is at rest(on the cloud) or in transit. Data encryption on the cloud secures it in case of data breaches and cyber-attacks. While in transit encryption keeps it secure in case someone interferes between the cloud and the end user. Various cloud platforms provide encryption leverage which developers can leverage for their use.

Usage of key Management Algorithms:#

Another important practice for data security in cloud is the use of key management tools. Often encryption keys are distributed in different places within a cloud infrastructure which makes the cloud applications vulnerable. Developers should use key management tools to keep all the encryption keys secure in one place.

Security Monitoring#

cloud data security

Security monitoring is also an important aspect of data security in cloud. It involves continuous monitoring of cloud resources to identify and respond to potential threats and attacks. It provides live accurate insights on cloud security, allowing you to take action. Here are the best practices of security monitoring for cloud computing security.

Continuous Monitoring:#

Cloud Applications are highly complicated. It is important to continuously monitor activities across all the resources for cloud computing security. That's where intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) come in. This system tirelessly looks for vulnerabilities, potential threats, and unusual activities. Once any vulnerabilities or threats are found it neutralizes it and keeps your applications safe and sound.

Logging and Log Analysis:#

In cloud computing for developers logging and log analysis mechanisms are very important. It helps identify unusual activities and find security gaps. Logging data also helps trace back intruders and compromised systems. With logging data valuable you can get valuable insights that can be used for cloud computing security.

Alerting and Response:#

It is important to have a proper alerting and incident response mechanism in cloud computing for developers for data security in cloud. In case of a security incident, it is crucial to have an alerting mechanism and incident plan set up. This will help minimize the effect of any loss. Incident plans must clearly define responsibilities and every step of the way to secure the cloud applications.

Nife's Solutions for Securing Cloud Applications#

cloud applications security

Nife is a cloud platform that provides robust security solutions and offers cloud application hosting for developers. Nife understands the current security needs and provides a multi-layered approach. It provides a robust RBAC(Roll Based Access Control) feature to keep your resources in check and minimizes the risk of unauthorized breaches.

With Nife, developers can save user-specific data as secrets in transit with industry-standard encryption algorithms and seamless key management.

Nife also has built-in continuous monitoring and alerting mechanisms to scan all cloud resources periodically for vulnerabilities. What sets Nife apart is cloud application hosting for developers.

Nife understands developers want a streamlined hosting experience. That is why it allows them to only work on development without worrying about underlying infrastructure and security issues.

Nife is helping businesses secure their cloud applications with robust security features.

Visit Nife to get started on your secure cloud journey


Securing cloud applications is crucial in this modern age. To cope with evolving threats developers need to adopt best security practices to protect sensitive data.

Throughout this article, we have explored best practices for securing cloud applications, which include Identity and Access Management (IAM), the Use of encryption, and security monitoring. In the end, we discussed Nife, a cloud platform that provides robust security for cloud applications.

The Role of Cloud Computing In Enhancing Customer Experience In Financial Services and Banking

Cloud computing has been a topic of discussion for quite a while now. Cloud computing refers to the distribution of services online or "over the cloud". These services include storage, servers, software, databases, and analytics. Cloud Computing allows organizations to utilize resources without the need for any on-premise infrastructure.

In recent years business dynamics have changed very much. Everything service is driven by customer experience. Good customer experience creates loyalty and customer retention. It has become an important factor in the success of an organization. Technology is largely used in financial services and banking for the delivery of services.

Cloud Computing provides many benefits to organizations including flexibility, scalability, reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness. It allows organizations to channel resources into enhancing customer experience. That is why global organizations of all sizes are moving towards cloud computing.

Benefits of Cloud Computing in Financial Services and Banking#

cloud gaming services

There has never been a change so big and innovative in the financial services and banking industry as cloud computing. It has provided organizations with flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. These features are the reason for satisfactory customer experience. Here are some benefits of cloud computing in financial services and banking.

Cost Effectiveness#

One of the main benefits of cloud computing in financial services is cost-effectiveness. With Cloud-based solutions, organizations are no longer dependent on physical IT infrastructure. Instead, organizations can now utilize cloud computing resources according to their need. These online resources are better than on-prem IT infrastructure and provide efficiency.


Scalability is a very important factor, especially in financial services and banking. Cloud computing allows organizations to scale up and down on the basis of their needs. This helps organizations deploy new services fast, and control their resources based on changing customer needs.


Another benefit of cloud computing in financial services and banking is flexibility. Many cloud service providers are available in the market. Organizations can choose a cloud provider based on their specific needs. Cloud-based infrastructure enables organizations to provide the best customer experience by enabling access to resources from anywhere anytime.


Security is another important benefit of cloud computing. Cloud-based solutions have better security measures to handle breaches and other cybersecurity-related issues as compared to independent organizations. Cloud-based solutions have dedicated teams to look for vulnerabilities and threats every hour of the day. Moreover, cloud solutions have built-in security features that provide extra layers of security.

Data Analytics#

Cloud computing provides financial services and banking organizations with plenty of useful analytics tools. These tools help financial institutions analyze the behavior patterns of their customer and market trends. These two features combined help them make important decisions about their services.

Customer Experience in Financial Services#

In recent years business dynamics have changed completely. Customer experience is now a big factor in the success of a financial institution. Customers expect a personalized experience that addresses all of their pain points.

Financial services and banking organizations need to focus on enhancing customer experience to retain existing customers and gain new ones.

Customer experience in financial services can be enhanced by understanding key factors influencing it. These factors include personalization, trust, efficiency, and constant innovation. Financial services organizations can also use a technique called customer journey mapping. It involves tracking customers' histories to give personalized suggestions.

Enhancing Customer Experience with Cloud Computing#

cloud gaming services

Here are some of the ways cloud computing services can enhance the customer experience in financial services and banking industry.


Personalization is a key factor in improving customer experience. It can be improved by using cloud computing services. Financial services and banks can use analytics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to understand customer behavior and tailor their services accordingly.

Financial organizations can use customer data and insight to create targeted ads and customized products. For example, they can target insurance ads if a person's financial record shows a purchase of a car or house. They can also tailor products like credit cards based on specific needs. These personalizations create loyalty and customer retention.

Speed and Efficiency#

In today's world speed and efficiency is very important to improve customer experience, especially in the financial services and banking industry. One of the key benefits of cloud computing in financial services and banking is its speed and efficiency. Cloud-based solutions provide users with seamless processing power in real-time. This allows financial organizations to process large volumes of transactions and access customer data in real-time.

Cloud computing services like project management and instant messaging allow teams to collaborate efficiently. This results in fast decision-making and constant deployment of features.

Seamless Integration#

Seamless Integration is another factor that can enhance the customer experience in the financial services and banking industry. Cloud computing services offer various software to ensure the accessibility of different services seamlessly.

It also helps financial institutes to remain consistent across devices. This means customers can access banking applications on their smartphones and desktops.

Enhanced Data Analysis#

cloud gaming services

Enhanced data analysis provided by cloud computing can also increase customer satisfaction. Financial services and banks can use data analysis to give their customers personalized services. This data is very useful for these institutions to understand changing customer behavior and market trends. By using this data seamless customer experience can be provided across all channels.

Case Studies#

Here are some case studies that demonstrate the benefits of cloud computing in enhancing customer experience in financial services and banking.

JP Morgan Chase#

JP Morgan is one the world's largest financial companies and an early adopter of cloud computing services. The organization has been using cloud computing to manage risk, streamline workflow, and enhance customer experience.

JP Morgan Chase has utilized cloud computing to scale up and down based on their customer needs. Moreover, with the help of cloud computing, they have been able to roll out services to fulfill their customer's needs. They have also effectively managed their cost by moving their resources to the cloud.

Capital One#

Capital One is another financial institution that has adopted cloud computing to enhance its customer experience. They have been using cloud computing to roll out services according to the needs of their customers. Capital One has used cloud computing services to make the customer experience seamless across all platforms. Moreover, they have also moved many of their important resources to the cloud to save costs.

Challenges and Risks#

There is no doubt that cloud computing has completely changed the dynamics of the financial services and banking industry. But the technology is still new and there are some challenges and risks that need to be taken into account. Here are some of the challenges that organizations should consider before moving to the cloud.

Data Privacy and Security#

cloud gaming services

One of the major challenges financial services and banks face in adopting cloud computing is security. Cloud computing involves storing and processing data on third-party servers. This information includes customer personal details and transaction history.

Due to the nature of the information, these servers are most likely to be attacked by cybercriminals. Financial organizations need to choose a cloud service provider that can ensure data privacy and security.

Regulatory Compliance#

Financial Services and banking is a sensitive industry and is regulated by different government bodies. Some of these regulations are about the storage of customer data. These organizations need to make sure they comply with all the regulations before making a transition. This will help them avoid any issues with regulatory bodies and ensure the privacy and security of their customers.

Technical Issues#

Another important challenge for financial services in adopting cloud computing is technical issues. Cloud computing relies completely on complex technology. Any glitch can cause downtime that disrupts important operations. This affects customer experience negatively. That is why financial institutions should take necessary measures to ensure the reliability of their systems.

Vendor Lock-In#

Vendor Lock-in is another challenge for financial services and banks in adopting cloud infrastructure. These organizations sign long-term contracts with other companies. Long-term contracts with a single cloud provider may result in vendor lock-in. This causes less flexibility, higher costs, and a low level of security. Financial organizations should diversify the use of cloud services. Depending only on one cloud provider is a recipe for disaster.

Future of Cloud Computing in Financial Services and Banking#

cloud gaming services

The adoption of cloud computing in financial services and banking has already started on a massive scale. According to a recent survey around 79% of all the banks in the US have adopted cloud computing infrastructure.

This number is expected to grow. This is because the cloud provides organizations with benefits like security, flexibility, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Organizations resisting cloud adoption will be left way behind.

Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing#

The future of cloud computing in banking and finance will be shaped by emerging trends like AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain, and IoT (Internet of Things). AI is expected to improve customer experience. While the blockchain can be used to store important customer data. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to create personalized services for customers in the future.


Cloud computing plays a crucial role in enhancing customer experience in the financial services and banking industry. It provides benefits like flexibility, availability, security, and reduced cost.

Organizations are using it successfully to enhance customer experience. Many financial institutions like JP Morgan Chase and Capital One have already adopted cloud computing.

Cloud computing has also some security and regulatory challenges. Financial institutions can overcome these challenges with proper planning and infrastructure. It is important for financial organizations to adopt cloud computing to remain competitive in the long run.

Types of cloud infrastructure needed for BFSI to have continuous operations.

We have seen a lot more digital transformation globally in recent years. Cloud computing has become an increasingly popular technology in the banking industry. Banks use cloud computing to improve their operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. In this blog, you will learn about various cloud infrastructures, how the banking industry will grow using cloud computing services, and what challenges they face while working on cloud computing. So let's get started with our very first topic.

Various types of Cloud Infrastructure are needed to get BFSI.#

cloud infrastructure

The banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) sector rely heavily on technology to conduct day-to-day operations. These operations include processing transactions, managing customer data, and analyzing financial data. To ensure continuous operations, BFSI organizations need to have a robust and reliable cloud infrastructure in place.

BFSI organizations can use several types of cloud infrastructure to achieve continuous operations. These include:

Public Cloud:#

Public cloud infrastructure is provided by third-party providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These providers offer a wide range of services, such as storage, computing, and networking. Public cloud infrastructure is ideal for BFSI organizations that do not want to invest in building and maintaining their data centers.

Private Cloud:#

The organization owns and operates private cloud infrastructure. BFSI organizations with strict security and compliance requirements typically use it. Private cloud infrastructure allows organizations full control over their data and applications, which is crucial for the BFSI sector.

Hybrid Cloud:#

Hybrid cloud architecture combines public and private cloud benefits. It allows organizations to use public cloud infrastructure for non-sensitive workloads and private cloud infrastructure for sensitive workloads. This approach is ideal for BFSI organizations that must balance cost and security.


The Multi-cloud infrastructure allows organizations to use multiple cloud providers for different workloads. This approach is ideal for BFSI organizations that want to take advantage of the strengths of other cloud providers. For example, an organization may use AWS for storage and GCP for computing.

Another important aspect of cloud infrastructure for BFSI organizations is disaster recovery (DR). This refers to the ability to recover from a disaster or outage quickly. BFSI organizations need to have a DR plan that allows them to restore operations in case of an outage promptly. This can be achieved using cloud-based DR solutions such as AWS Backup and Azure Site Recovery.

In addition, BFSI organizations need to ensure compliance with various regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and GCP offer compliance solutions that allow organizations to meet these regulations.

How Cloud Computing is Used in Banks#

One of the main ways that banks are using cloud computing is through the use of cloud-based storage solutions. Banks must store and manage large amounts of data, including customer information, transaction records, and other sensitive information. Cloud storage solutions offer a cost-effective and scalable way for banks to store this data, allowing them to increase storage capacity as needed easily. Additionally, with cloud storage, data is stored in a centralized location, making it more secure and easier to manage.

Another way that banks are using agile and adaptive cloud computing is through the use of cloud-based applications. Cloud-based applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, allow banks to access and use these applications without maintaining them on their servers. This reduces the need for expensive hardware and software licenses and will enable banks to scale the number of users accessing the applications easily.

Cloud-based analytics is another important area where banks are using cloud computing. Banks use cloud-based analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, transactions, and other data. This information can be used to improve marketing efforts, detect fraud, and identify potential risks. Additionally, with cloud-based analytics, banks can access real-time data and insights, allowing them to make more informed decisions.

Banks are also using cloud computing to improve the customer experience. Banks are using cloud-based mobile banking and online banking solutions to allow customers to access their accounts from anywhere at any time. Additionally, banks are using cloud-based chatbots and virtual assistants to provide customers with 24/7 support and assistance.

Finally, banks are also using cloud computing to improve their security. Cloud-based security solutions, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, can be used to protect banks' networks and data. Additionally, banks can take advantage of the latest security technologies and best practices with cloud computing without investing in expensive hardware and software.

Hence, cloud computing is being used by banks in a variety of ways to improve operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. By leveraging the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing, banks can serve their customers better, reduce risks, and stay competitive in the ever-changing banking industry.

Challenges faced by the Banking Industry that come with cloud computing.#

Several challenges come with implementing cloud computing in the banking industry, including:


Banking and payment sector handle sensitive financial information and must ensure that this information is protected from cyber threats. Cloud providers must meet strict security regulations, and banks must trust that the cloud provider can adequately protect their data.


Banks must comply with various regulations such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. These regulations can be difficult to navigate and comply with when using cloud services.


Banks often have legacy systems and infrastructure that can be difficult to integrate with cloud services. This can be a significant challenge for banks looking to move to the cloud.


Banks must ensure that their systems and services are always available to customers. Cloud providers must provide a high level of service availability to meet the needs of banks.


While cloud computing can offer cost savings, it can also be expensive, depending on the services and providers used. Banks must carefully evaluate the cost and benefits of cloud computing to ensure that it is the right fit for their organization.

Data sovereignty, data privacy, and data residency issues:#

Banks need to ensure that their data is stored in a compliant location and also should be in control of their data.


BFSI organizations must have robust and reliable cloud solutions to ensure continuous operations. Several types of cloud infrastructure can be used, including public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud. Organizations must also have a disaster recovery plan and ensure compliance with various regulations. By having a well-planned and executed cloud infrastructure, BFSI organizations can ensure their operations remain uninterrupted and their customers and partners can rely on them.

Why multi-cloud is the first choice of financial services to become cloud-native?

As the financial services industry continues to evolve and adapt to new technologies, many organizations are turning to cloud computing as a way to modernize their IT infrastructure and gain a competitive edge. However, not all cloud providers are created equal, and many financial services organizations are finding that a multi-cloud strategy is the best way to take full advantage of the benefits of cloud computing by minimizing the risks.

One of the main reasons why multi-cloud is becoming the go-to strategy for financial services organizations is the need for business continuity and disaster recovery. Financial services organizations handle sensitive customer data and are subject to strict regulatory requirements. A single point of failure in their IT infrastructure could have serious consequences. By spreading their data and workloads across multiple cloud providers, they can ensure that their systems will continue to function even if one provider experiences an outage or face any other issue.

The advantage of multi-cloud is the ability to comply with a wide range of regulatory requirements. Financial services organizations are subject to a variety of laws and standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Going for the multi-cloud option by spreading data and workload across multiple cloud providers, it becomes simple and easy to comply with these regulations by default.

multi cloud computing in finance

Beyond business continuity and compliance, financial services organizations are also turning to multi-cloud to take advantage of the best performance options available. Quick turn-around gives an overall smooth experience to the users.

Different cloud providers have different strengths and capabilities, and by spreading their workloads across multiple providers, financial services organizations can ensure that they are taking full advantage of these capabilities. For example, one provider may be better suited for running large-scale data analytics, while another may be better for running high-performance trading systems.

Of course, cost is always a major concern for financial services organizations, and multi-cloud allows them to take advantage of different pricing models and cost-saving options offered by different providers. The savings could be reinvested by the company for some other operations.

For example, they may choose to run certain workloads on a provider that offers a pay-per-use model, while running other workloads on a provider that offers a reserved capacity model. It allows financial services organizations to be more flexible and adapt quickly to changing business needs. As new technologies become available, they can take advantage of them without being locked into a single provider.

Why is multi-cloud the first choice?#

cloud technology for banking

● Geographical diversity:#

Financial services organizations often operate on a global scale and may need to comply with different laws and regulations in different regions. Multi-cloud allows them to store their data and run their workloads in different regions, which can help them to comply with local laws and regulations and reduce the risks associated with data sovereignty.

● Global reach:#

Multi-cloud enables companies to use providers with data centers in different geographic locations, providing better performance and reducing latency for global users. By having a hotspot of service at different locations in different countries they can provide their services seamlessly and smoothly to customers and service providers. By cloud, we can reach any country because it won't be required any infrastructure to provide services or be limited to any particular place. It can get a diversified audience.

● Cloud agnostic:#

Multi-cloud can also be considered as a cloud-agnostic approach, which means that organizations can select the best cloud provider for their specific use case without being limited by the technology. This allows them to leverage the best-suited provider for each workload based on the required performance, security, and cost, without the limitations of a single provider.

● Scalability:#

Multi-cloud allows financial services organizations to scale their IT infrastructure as needed, without being limited by the capabilities of a single provider. This can be especially important for organizations that need to handle large amounts of data or support high-traffic workloads.

● Customization:#

Multi-cloud allows financial services organizations to tailor their IT infrastructure to their specific needs, without being limited by the capabilities of a single provider. This can be useful for organizations that need to run specialized workloads or use specific technologies. It also enables financial services providers to act as per the latest system running at that time by providing the latest features.

● Cloud Brokerage:#

Multi-cloud enables companies to use a third-party service that can manage and optimize their cloud usage across different providers. Which allover makes it easy to calculate where and how much amount we spent with help of third-party services.

● Cloud-Native:#

cloud technology for banking

It refers to the design and development of applications specifically for deployment in cloud computing environments. Multi-cloud allows companies to take advantage of the latest cloud-native technologies and practices, such as containers, serverless, and Kubernetes. By using multi-cloud, companies can take advantage of the latest cloud-native technologies and practices to improve their agility, scalability, and cost-efficiency.

The financial services industry is increasingly turning to cloud computing to shape its IT infrastructure as per present-day needs and expectations. Technology has made it necessary for everyone to adapt new strategies for staying in the market. According to a study by Accenture, 84% of financial services organizations are already using cloud computing, and this number is expected to grow in the coming years.

In conclusion, multi-cloud is becoming the first choice for financial services organizations looking to become cloud-native. It allows them to ensure business continuity, comply with regulatory requirements, take advantage of the best performance options, control costs, and adapt to new technologies. With multi-cloud, financial services organizations can have more control over their IT infrastructure and take advantage of the strengths of multiple cloud providers, while minimizing the risks associated with relying on a single provider.

Top 5 strategies for Cloud Migration in a Multi-cloud Architecture

The global trend in a post-pandemic world shows that businesses are moving towards to digital environment. The increased availability of options to digitalize business management is a healthy sign for any business.


The invention of cloud computing techniques has already impacted the pace of transformation and transition. The benefit of having a cloud-based business certainly boosts risk-free business growth. Thus, according to new trends, business migration to cloud computing has created new demand and insights about handling business on the cloud. Among the cloud computing techniques, migration to multi-cloud is getting highly popular. Based on the success case of migration, other businesses are likely to follow migrating to cloud infrastructure.

But the migration to a multi-cloud system or for that matter any cloud computing system requires thorough background research. Migration to cloud infrastructure needs keen introspection from the business future perspective that must involve a roll-back strategy if the migration fails. Successful migration to cloud infrastructure also deals with the continuous challenges of complex computing systems. Therefore, it is desirable that businesses must gain cloud visibility before migrating to the cloud system. Every business is required to follow certain strategies before migrating to cloud infrastructure. The benefit of looking at certain key strategies is to make a risk-free transition of business on the cloud.

Cloud Migration strategies

Cloud Migration Strategies#

The importance of setting the key strategies before migration to multi-cloud infrastructure is to mitigate the risk post-migration. It is obvious that every business will prioritize the strategies based on the business area and service delivery. The basic charting of key strategies to look at before migration helps businesses in a swift and hassle-free transfer. It also enables the optimization of resources required in the migration. A look at the five best strategic actions that every business must work on before migrating to cloud infrastructure is elaborated.

1. Pre and Post-Planning for the cloud migration#

Planning is an essential part of any business activity. Migration to cloud infrastructure requires pre-planning that starts right from the moment the idea to migrate comes to light. Planning before and after the migration is so important more than 60% of migration fails only because of a lack of planning.

  • The business organizations while planning must consider the residual data and machine workload along with main operations.
  • A simple and meaningful illustration of the business conditions must be completed "before" migration.
  • This will help to compare to "after" migration business flow and will highlight the success or failure.
  • An inventory of applications, servers, and support systems must be documented based on the machine data.
  • The visualization of key performance metrics is also essential to take the business growth in a pre and post-migration assessment.

2. Monitoring Application Performance#

The monitoring of applications when shifted to multi-cloud infrastructure empowers the working efficiency of resources. This monitoring is vital to the transition-related economy. When a business decides to migrate to multi-cloud, the economic cost of migration is one of the criteria that facilitates or hinders the change-over. Hence, putting in place an effective and working customized system of monitoring the application performance will impact the outcome of the migration. NIFE as a key service provider helps monitor businesses when working on multi-cloud architecture. It shares the monthly reports of assessment with the businesses and also helps in analyzing the performance to improve productivity.

3. Establish key KPIs#

The key performance indicator (KPIs) are used to track the effectiveness of the transition to multi-cloud. The setting up of KPIs for migration to multi-cloud infrastructure will enable to replacement of larger non-functioning assets with more predictable operational activities. Businesses need to pay attention to prioritizing the scalable model with the flexibility to use cloud capabilities. The customization of KPIs as per the business requirement and assessment will generate key strategic decisions. The KPIs will be a guiding factor to ensure the cost-effectiveness of business using cloud computing strengths.

4. Codify workflows#

The business operates on a cloud system that generates and streams data signals. Such data signals carry vital customer and business information. The cloud infrastructure enables one to put an observation to flowing data and be able to collate for business insights. NIFE can collect the observed data for businesses, interpolate the data, and can provide a holistic vision for future business actions. The use of codification to monitor the workflows also enables the protection of residual data. Simultaneously also allows the technicians to code, edit, review, and revise the data flow.

5. In-place data portability and interoperability#

The changeover from one cloud to multi-cloud has changed the way data is being observed and analyzed. The business functions that are operated on multi-cloud require to be shared between various service providers. Thus, the effectiveness of data portability without compromising the authenticity of the data and the information generated. With the increasing trend to shift business to multi-cloud infrastructure, the issue of interoperability has become evident. Businesses on multi-cloud use vendors from multiple cloud systems. Hence it is important to place an organizational policy of data portability and interoperability. The effectiveness of working on multi-cloud will only be possible when data interchange is swift and secure. It is mandatory to capture the data in a seamless manner. This will be helpful during the analysis process that will help in making useful business decisions.


multi-cloud infrastructure

The migration to multi-cloud infrastructure is an ongoing process. Businesses want to migrate to multi-cloud to reap the benefits of cloud computing. Cost-effectiveness and scalability are key attractions for businesses migrating to the cloud. But certain key strategies require adherence before moving to multi-cloud. The importance of such strategies is it offers risk-free transition of business on multi-cloud and ensures productivity.

  • Planning becomes one of the key aspects of migration to multi-cloud.
  • A pre and post-planning simulation is required to think accordingly about the plans are made to migrate.
  • A pre and post-planning simulation shall be made available to help manage the business in pre and post-migration.
  • Monitoring the application performance is a key aspect that highlights the success or failure of the decision.
  • The NIFE-based monitoring application is an example of monitoring the workflow on the cloud.
  • The codification of workflow will generate cost-effective business decisions using residual information.

Edge Computing Market trends in Asia

Edge Computing is booming all around the globe, so let us look in to what the latest Edge Computing Market trends in Asia are.

What is Edge Computing?#

The world of computing has been changing inter-dimensions venturing into new models and platforms. It is one such innovation that is an emerging concept of interconnected networks and devices which are nearby of one another. Edge computing results in greater processing speeds, with greater volumes to be shared among each user which also leads to real-time data processing. The model of edge computing has various benefits and advantages wherein the computing is conducted from a centralized data centre. With the growing knowledge about edge computing in organizations across the world, the trends are growing positively across all regions. The generation and growth of edge computing for enterprises in Asia is an incremental path with major countries' data consumers such as Singapore, China, Korea, India, and Japan looking to explore edge computing for IT-based benefits.

The emergence of the Asian Computing Market#

The development of the Asian computing market arises from the highest number of internet users in the countries like China, India, Singapore, Korea, and Japan. The development of the computing industry in small Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Bangladesh has also created a demand for the adoption of global technologies like edge computing. These economies are converging towards digital currency and digital public services that aim to take advantage of edge computing. Asian emerging market is also undergoing rapid growth and transitioning into a technological industry base. The Philippines for example have been growing its internet user base with a 30% annual increment till 2025. Vietnam, another Asian country with a growing economy is also aiming to become to fastest-growing internet economy in the next decade. The demand of domestic nature is resulting creation of computing for Enterprises in Asia that are bound to give intense challenges to multinational IT companies.

Critical Importance of Edge Computing to Emerging Asian Markets#

The business centered on edge computing is creating a network of the most efficient process of social media, IoT, virtual streaming video platforms, and online gaming platforms. Edge computing offers effective public services offered through smart cities and regions. The trends for edge computing in Asia are increasing to reach \$17.8 billion within the next 3 years till 2025. Edge computing is the next big innovation that generates decentralized computing activities in data centres and business call centres. Edge computing can be used by various business industries to support the market presence of Asian markets. Nife for example has been gaining a lot of traction as one of the best application deployment platforms in Singapore for the year 2022. It offers one of the best edge computing platforms in Asia with clients in Singapore and India.

The development of Multi-cloud platforms in Asia is contributed to the high-skill workforce engaged in computer engineering. Businesses focused on digital tools and techniques, technology-based cross-collaboration between countries such as Singapore and India in the field of digital health, smart cities, and IT-based infrastructure is an example of edge computing for enterprises in Asia which is taken up by other Asian countries as well. Using edge computing platforms Asian business organizations are preventing the bottlenecks in infrastructure and services owing to a large number of consumers. The example of a multi-cloud platform in Singapore is notable for the benefits it is providing to business organizations. Nife as an organization is helping enterprises to build future business models to provide stronger digital experiences with an extra layer of security. The models based on the edge computing platforms are rapidly scalable and have a global scaling factor that can save cost when taking business in off-shore new markets.

Key Influencing trends supporting Edge Computing Market#

Edge computing is regarded as the best application deployment platform in Singapore as per the survey performed by Gartner in 2022. Various reasons are driving the edge computing used for enterprises in Asia based on low-latency processes and the influx of big data. The use of IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and the adoption of 5G is fostering the development of multi-clouding platforms. There are key trends that are shaping the development and growth of edge computing in the Singapore/Asian market and are illustrated as follows:

  • IoT growth: Edge computing facilities the sharing of data when IoT devices are interconnected creating more secure data sharing with faster speed. The use of IoT devices based on edge computing renders optimization in real-time actions.
  • Partnerships and acquisitions: the application of multi-cloud computing ecosystems is still developing in Asia based on service providers to connect with networks, cloud and data centre providers and enterprising the IT and industrial applications.
edge computing technology


Edge computing development in Singapore/Asia is surfaced as the best application deployment platform. The progress of edge computing is changing business development in the Asian market. The trends of greater application in the Asian market are reflected based on the growing number of internet users which is probably the largest in the world, adoption of the digital economy as a new model of industrial and economic development by most Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, India, and China. Such factors are positively helping local Edge Computing Enterprises to grow and compete in the space of multi-cloud services against the best in the world.

You can also check out the latest trends in the Gaming industry here!

Top Cloud servers to opt for to skyrocket your gaming experience

The cloud hosting industry's growth pace continues to accelerate, with new developments becoming more interesting and enjoyable. The gaming industry is also jumping on board; cloud gaming entails hosting and processing games on cloud gaming servers.

In this blog, we will list down top cloud gaming servers for a better gaming experience.

cloud gaming services

What is Cloud Gaming?#

Cloud gaming is a type of internet or cloud gaming service that allows you to play video games over remote cloud gaming servers. Cloud gaming eliminates the need to download the game to your local device; instead, it streams straight to your device and remotely plays the game from the cloud.

How does Cloud Gaming function?#

Cloud gaming services execute it on their servers, which are outfitted with high-end graphics RAM [(Yates et al., 2017)]. The game will then respond to your orders, and each frame will be broadcast directly to your smartphone. If you have a solid internet connection, the end-user experience is fairly comparable to traditional gaming.

best game development software

Cloud Gaming Servers vs. Cloud Gaming Services#

A widespread misunderstanding is that Cloud Gaming Services and cloud gaming servers are synonymous. While there are some parallels between the two, they are essentially extremely distinct. Cloud gaming servers are a service used by game developers to manage members on their platforms All online multiplayer games require game servers to receive and reply to user replies.

Cloud Gaming Services, on the other hand, is a consumer-centric solution that allows you to stream any game of your choosing. After paying their subscription costs, cloud gaming providers often offer a variety of games from various genres that you may play.

Cloud Gaming Servers

Benefits of Cloud Gaming Servers#

The following are the benefit of cloud game servers:

  • Advanced processors and SSDs
  • High traffic handling
  • Increased uptime and bandwidth flexibility
  • No overheating concerns.
  • Smooth voice interactions.
  • Quick assistance
  • Many plugins, modifications, and gameplay environments.
  • Switching between games and simple control panels

Top Cloud Gaming Servers#

The following list of Cloud Game Servers to help you decide which one offers the finest mix of characteristics.


ScalaCube, a well-known company in the cloud game server hosting industry, is an ideal choice for you. It provides gaming servers for Minecraft, Minecraft PE, ARK, Rust, and Hytale. ScalaCube provides limitless and unrestricted bandwidth with no throttling.


HostHavoc is another well-known brand in the cloud game server hosting industry. Their gaming servers have sophisticated features and bespoke tools that are continuously updated alongside mod and game updates. With HostHavoc, you may pick from over 25 different games.


With Cloudzy's distinctive hosting options, you can set up your high-performance gaming servers. They provide gaming servers that run on both Windows and Linux. For extremely low pricing, you may receive a game hosting solution with ultra-high bandwidth, NVMe storage, and 1 Gbps connection speeds.


OVHcloud's dedicated servers provide the highest performance and stability for online gaming. Their servers are built on 3rd generation AMD Ryzen CPUs with ZEN-2 architecture to provide players with a lag-free online gaming experience. They can efficiently handle video and image processing, concurrent jobs, and multiplayer gaming.

Google Cloud#

Host your games on Google Cloud game servers for an uninterrupted gaming experience. With its solid worldwide infrastructure and no negative impacts on performance, server maintenance is straightforward here. Their gaming servers may operate at a maximum speed of 3.8 GHz.

Citadel Servers#

Choose Citadel Servers as your gaming server hosting partner to play your games without worrying about frequent delays and crashes. The hosting service fits all of the required characteristics of gamers, whether it is performance, server quality, or dependability. Citadel Servers provides server security with 24/7 network monitoring and anti-DDoS protection.

Amazon GameLift#

Use Amazon GameLift's gaming server hosting, which uses AWS and its capabilities to provide optimal performance, minimal latency, and cost savings. Take your game to the next level with dedicated servers that expand, install, and run rapidly.


Using Vultr's server hosting options, you can deploy high-quality gaming servers with a single click. After you click the deploy button, they will orchestrate the Vultr cloud platform and distribute your instances throughout the selected data centre.

So you Start#

Hire a gaming server from So you Start and feel the real power of innovation and organizational performance. They provide excellent specs and low latency.


The ever-changing gaming world is reaching new heights to help gamers discover new experiences and pleasures. To make things even simpler for you, technology companies provide complex cloud game servers with amazing features and functions, allowing you to play with anybody on the globe and have an unrivaled gaming experience.

So, immediately acquire your cloud gaming server from any platforms listed above.

xbox cloud gaming

What to look out for when evaluating potential cloud providers?

The lack of a standardized methodology for evaluating Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), along with the reality that no two Cloud Service Providers are alike, complicates the process of picking the best one for your firm. This post will help you work through the characteristics you may use to pick a supplier that can best meet your organization's technological and operational demands.

So, how do you go about selecting a Cloud hosting provider? To begin, it is useful to understand who the primary players are today.

cloud service providers

The Players#

The sector is crowded, with the big three — AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Services — as well as smaller specialized firms. Of course, AWS, Google Cloud Services, and Azure reign supreme. There are many cloud providers in Singapore such as NIFE, which is a developer-friendly serverless platform designed to let businesses quickly manage, deploy, and scale applications globally.

cloud service providers

Criteria for Primary Evaluation#

When deciding which Cloud Service Providers to utilize, consider the alternatives that different providers supply and how they will complement your specific company characteristics and objectives. The following are the main factors to consider for practically any business:

1. Cloud Security#

You want to know exactly what your security objectives are, the security measures provided by each provider, and the procedures they employ to protect your apps and data. Furthermore, ensure that you properly grasp the exact areas for which each party is accountable.

Security is a primary priority in Cloud Computing Services, therefore it's vital to ask specific questions about your specific use cases, industry, legal needs, and any other issues you may have [(Kumar and Goyal, 2019)]. Do not fail to assess this key element of functioning in the cloud.

2. Cloud Compliance#

Next, select a Cloud Computing Service that can assist you in meeting compliance criteria specific to your sector and business. Whether you are subject to GDPR, SOC 2, PCI DSS, HIPAA, or another standard, ensure that you understand what it will take to accomplish compliance once your apps and data are housed on a public cloud architecture [(Brandis et al., 2019)]. Make sure you understand your duties and which parts of compliance the supplier will assist you in checking off.

3. Architecture#

Consider how the architecture will be integrated into your processes today and in the future when selecting a cloud provider. If your company depends heavily on Amazon or Google Cloud Services, it could be wise to go to such Cloud hosting providers for ease of integration and consolidation. When making your selection, you should also consider cloud storage designs. When it comes to storage, the three major suppliers have comparable architectures and offer a variety of storage options to meet a variety of demands, but they all have various forms of archive storage [(Narasayya and Chaudhuri, 2021)].

4. Manageability#

You should also spend some time establishing what different [Cloud hosting providers] will need you to handle. Each service supports several orchestration tools and interfaces with a variety of other services. If your firm relies heavily on certain services, ensure that the cloud provider you select has a simple method to interface with them.

Before making a final selection, you should assess how much time and effort it will take your team to handle various components of the cloud infrastructure.

5. Service Levels#

This aspect is critical when a company's availability, reaction time, capacity, and support requirements are stringent. Cloud Service Level Agreements (Cloud SLAs) are an essential consideration when selecting a provider. Legal considerations for the security of data hosted in the cloud service, particularly in light of GDPR rules, should also be given special consideration [(World Bank, 2022)]. You must be able to rely on your cloud service provider to do the correct thing, and you must have a legal agreement in place to protect you when something goes wrong.

6. Support#

Another factor that must be carefully considered is support. In certain circumstances, the only way to receive help is through a chat service or a contact center. You may or may not find this acceptable. In other circumstances, you may have access to a specialized resource, but there is a significant likelihood that time and access will be limited. Before selecting a Cloud Computing Services, inquire about the amount and type of assistance you will receive. The cloud providers in Singapore like NIFE provide excellent customer support.

7. Costs#

While cost should never be the sole or most essential consideration, there is no disputing that price will play a significant influence in determining which cloud service providers you use.

8. Container Capabilities#

If your company wants to move its virtual server workloads to containers, container orchestration, managed containers, and/or serverless architecture, you should thoroughly examine each Cloud hosting provider's container capabilities. The cloud providers in Singapore like NIFE use Docker Containers.

best Cloud Company platforms


Brandis, K., Dzombeta, S., Colomo-Palacios, R. and Stantchev, V. ([2019]). Governance, Risk, and Compliance in Cloud Scenarios. Applied Sciences, online 9(2), p.320. doi:10.3390/app9020320.

Kumar, R. and Goyal, R. ([2019]). On cloud security requirements, threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures: A survey. Computer Science Review, 33, pp.1-48. doi:10.1016/j.cosrev.2019.05.002.

Narasayya, V. and Chaudhuri, S. ([2021]). Cloud Data Services: Workloads, Architectures and Multi-Tenancy. Foundations and Trends® in Databases, 10(1), pp.1-107. doi:10.1561/1900000060.

World Bank. ([2022]). Government Migration to Cloud Ecosystems: Multiple Options, Significant Benefits, Manageable Risks.

Wu, Y., Lei, L., Wang, Y., Sun, K. and Meng, J. ([2020]). Evaluation on the Security of Commercial Cloud Container Services. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.160-177. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-62974-8_10.

What is Edge to Cloud? | Cloud Computing Technology

Multi-access edge computing. Server computing power has traditionally been utilised to execute activities such as data reduction or the creation of complex distributed systems. Such 'intelligent' operations are handled by servers in the cloud model so that they may be moved to other devices with little or no computational capacity.

Cloud Computing Technology

Why Edge Cloud?#

Edge cloud shifts a large portion of these processing chores to the client side, which is known as Edge Computing for Enterprises. Edge Network computing often refers to IoT devices, but it may also apply to gaming hardware that processes telemetry on the device rather than transmitting it to the cloud. This opens up several potentials for enterprises, particularly when it comes to providing low-latency services across apps or high-density platform utilisation using Multi-access edge computing.

Why is an edge to cloud connectivity required?#

The increased requirement for real-time data-driven decision-making, particularly by Edge Computing for Enterprises, is one driver of today's edge-to-cloud strategy [(Pastor-Vargas et al., 2020)]. For example, autonomous vehicle technologies rely on artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems that can discern whether an item on the roadway is another car, a human, or road debris in a fraction of a second.

Edge Computing for Enterprises

What is an edge-to-cloud platform?#

An edge-to-cloud platform is intended to provide a Cloud Computing technology and experience to all of an organization's apps and data, independent of location. It provides a uniform user experience and prioritizes security in its design. It also enables enterprises to seek new business prospects by providing new services with a point-and-click interface and easy scalability to suit changing business demands.

How is an edge-to-cloud platform work?#

To provide a cloud experience everywhere, a platform must have certain distinguishing features:

Self-service: Organizations want the ability to swiftly and simply spin up resources for new initiatives, such as Edge Computing for Enterprises, new virtual machines (VMs), or container or MLOps services. Users may pick and deploy the cloud services they require with a single click.

Rapid scalability: To deliver on the cloud's promise of agility, a platform must incorporate built-in buffer capacity, so that when additional capacity is required, it is already installed and ready to go [(Osia et al., 2018)].

Pay-as-you-go: Payment should be based on the real capacity used, allowing firms to launch new initiatives without incurring large upfront expenses or incurring procurement delays.

Managed on your behalf: An edge-to-cloud platform should alleviate the operational load of monitoring, updating infrastructure and utilising Multi-access edge computing, allowing IT to concentrate on growing the business and producing revenue.

edge-to-cloud platform

Why is an edge-to-cloud approach required?#

Organizations throughout the world are embracing digital transformation by using Edge Computing for Enterprises, but in many cases, their existing technological infrastructure must be re-examined to meet the needs of data growth, Edge networks, IoT, and remote workforces [(Nezami et al., 2021)]. A single experience with the same agility, simplicity, and pay-per-use flexibility across an organization's whole hybrid IT estate is provided via an edge-to-cloud strategy and Multi-access edge computing. This implies that enterprises no longer have to make concessions to operate mission-critical programmes, and essential enterprise data services may now access both on-premises and public Cloud Computing technology resources.

What does this signify for your network design?#

By merging Edge Computing for Enterprises and Cloud Computing technology, you may make use of the power of distributed systems by processing data on devices that then transfer it to the cloud. It can be processed, analysed, or saved here with minimal (or even no) processing power. Because of an Edge Network and cloud architecture, linked automobiles that exchange information, for example, may analyse data without relying on a server's processing capability.

What are the Advantages of Edge -to- Cloud Computing technology?#

Organizations benefit from the edge-to-cloud experience in several ways:

  • Increase agility: Edge Networks and cloud solutions enable enterprises to respond rapidly to business needs, capitalise on market opportunities as they occur, and reduce time to market for new products.
  • Application modernization: Even mission-critical workloads that are not suitable for moving to the public cloud may be performed efficiently on today's as-a-service platforms.
  • Make use of the capabilities of hybrid cloud systems without complications: The edge-to-cloud platform provides the benefits of hybrid cloud adoption and Multi-access edge computing without the associated administrative issues. The user experience of applications operating on an as-a-service platform remains consistent.
  • With Edge-to-Cloud Computing technology, enterprises can simply establish the ideal blend of on- and off-premises assets and swiftly move between them when business and market conditions change (Milojicic, 2020).

Recognize the transformative power of applications and data:

Some data sets are either too vast or too important to migrate to the cloud.

Save Cloud Budget with NIFE | Edge Computing Platform

Cloud cost optimization is the process of finding underutilized resources, minimizing waste, obtaining more discounted capacity, and scaling the best cloud computing services to match the real necessary capacity—all to lower infrastructure as a service price [(Osypanka and Nawrocki, 2020)].

cloud gaming services

Nife is a Singapore-based Unified Public Cloud Edge best cloud computing platform for securely managing, deploying, and scaling any application globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or infrastructure management. There are currently many best cloud computing companies in Singapore and NIFE is one of the best cloud computing companies in Singapore.

What makes Nife the best Cloud Company in Singapore?#

Public cloud services are well-known for their pay-per-use pricing methods, which charge only for the resources that are used. However, in most circumstances, public cloud services charge cloud clients based on the resources allocated, even if those resources are never used. Monitoring and controlling cloud services is a critical component of cloud cost efficiency. This can be challenging since purchasing choices are often spread throughout a company, and people can install cloud services and commit to charges with little or no accountability [(Yahia et al., 2021)]. To plan, budget, and control expenses, a cloud cost management approach is required. Nife utilizes cloud optimization to its full extent thus making it one of the best cloud companies in Singapore.

What Factors Influence Your Cloud Costs?#

Several factors influence cloud expenses, and not all of them are visible at first.

Public cloud services typically provide four price models:

1. **Pay as you go:** Paying for resources utilized on an hourly, minutely, or secondary basis.

2. **Reserved instances:** Paying for a resource in advance, often for one or three years.

3. **Spot instances:** Buying the cloud provider's excess capacity at steep prices, but with no assurance of dependability [(Domanal and Reddy, 2018)].

4. **Plans for savings:** Some cloud providers provide volume discounts based on the overall amount of cloud services ordered by an enterprise.

cloud gaming services

What cost factors make Nife the best cloud computing platform?#

The cost factors which make Nife the best cloud computing platform are:

  • Utilization of computes instances — with prices variable depending on the instance type and pricing strategy.
  • Utilization of cloud storage services — with varying costs depending on the service, storage tier, storage space consumed, and data activities done.
  • Database services are commonly used to run managed databases on the cloud, with costs for compute instances, storage, and the service itself [(Changchit and Chuchuen, 2016)].
  • Most cloud providers charge for inbound and outgoing network traffic.
  • Software licensing – even if the cost of a managed service is included in the per-hour price, the software still has a cost in the cloud.
  • Support and consultancy – In addition to paying for support, the best cloud computing platforms may require extra professional services to implement and manage their cloud systems.
best cloud computing platform

What are Nife's Cost Saving Strategies that make it the best cloud computing services provider?#

Here is the list of cost factors making NIFE the best cloud computing services provider:

Workload schedules

Schedules can be set to start and stop based on the needs of the task. There is no point to activate and pay for a resource if no one is utilising it.

Make use of Reserved Instances.

Businesses considering long-term cloud computing investments might consider reserved instances. Cloud companies such as NIFE offer savings of up to 75% for pledging to utilise cloud resources in advance.

Utilize Spot Instances

Spot instances have the potential to save much more than allocated instances. Spot instances are a spare capacity that is sold at a discount by the cloud provider [(Okita et al., 2018)]. They are back on the market and can be acquired at a discount of up to 90%.

Utilize Automation

Use cloud automation to deploy, set up, and administer Nife's best cloud computing services wherever possible. Automation operations like backup and storage, confidentiality and availability, software deployment, and configuration reduce the need for manual intervention. This lowers human mistakes and frees up IT employees to focus on more critical business operations.

Automation has two effects on cloud costs:

1. You obtain central control by automating activity. You may pick which resources to deploy and when at the department or enterprise level.

2. Automation also allows you to adjust capacity to meet current demand. Cloud providers give extensive features for sensing application load and usage and automatically scaling resources based on this data.

Keep track of storage use.

The basic cost of cloud storage services is determined by the storage volumes provisioned or consumed. Users often close projects or programs without removing the data storage. This not only wastes money but also raises worries about security. If data is rarely accessed but must be kept for compliance or analytics, it might be moved to archive storage.

Transformation of Edge | Cloud Computing Companies


edge computing for businesses

Organizations are constantly concentrating on lowering network latency and computing delay duration, as well as the volume of data communicated or maintained in the server. Organizations recognise the need to modify their processing practices and are adopting Edge Computing to speed their Digitalization activities [(Dokuchaev, 2020)]. The job of digital transformation is primarily reliant on data processing. However, to make substantial modifications, organisations must frequently make major changes as far as how data is being collected, handled, and analysed. As organizational edge computing apps acquire traction, it is increasingly evident how much they will interact with digitalization programmes. Edge computing might be the connection that amplifies prospective corporate goals in the form of different continuous innovations, such as deep learning or the Internet of things.

Traditional cloud Vs. Edge Computing#

The traditional cloud-based model relies on a centralized database, where data is obtained on the periphery and then transported to the main data centres for analysis. Edge computing negates such a need to send raw information to the central network infrastructure. It implements a decentralized IT infrastructure in which data is processed near the edge, in which it is created and absorbed and it also empowers more instantaneous impact of analysis tools and AI functionality.

Edge Computing's Role in Digital Transformation

Edge Computing's role in Digital Business transformation could indeed allow rapid, less constrictive data processing, allowing for additional insight, quicker reaction times, and enhanced client interactions. Edge and AI-powered products and AI can instantly comprehend, understand, and make decisions and Data processes. Edge Computing on Internet of things devices can significantly decrease delay, boost performance, and enable enhanced decisions, laying the groundwork for simplified IT facilities. Furthermore, the coming of 5G technology, paired with both the potential of Edge Computing and IoT, has the potential to provide endless future opportunities.

Edge Computing's Digital Transformation across various business#

Manufacturing & Operations

Edge computing enables improved preventative analysis, improves efficiency, and energy usage, and improves dependability and effective availability in industrial enterprises [(Albukhitan, 2020)]. Edge Computing may assist businesses in making quicker and more effective marketing choices about their operational functions. Edge computing may be extremely advantageous for manufacturers engaged in places with limited or non-existent broadband.

Distribution Network

Distribution Network in Edge computing

A lot of things happen along the distribution chain's edge, and a much may go incorrect. Businesses may extend the accessibility and exposure of their distribution networks by separating activities into groups of lesser, relatively controllable activities by digitally linking and managing the operations at the edge. The information gained from the edges of distribution networks, supported by AI and computerized technologies, would assist businesses to efficiently respond to market circumstances, foresee lengthy patterns ahead of their rivals, and adapt plans at the moment down to its regional scale [(Ganapathy, 2021)].

Workplace security#

Edge computing has the potential to improve safety regulations across enterprises. The said Edge technology could indeed integrate and interpret information from on-site camera systems, worker security devices, and numerous other detectors to assist businesses in keeping tabs on employment conditions or make sure that all staff have significant compliance safety procedures, particularly when a place of work is distant or exceptionally risky [(Atieh, 2021)].

Autonomous Vehicles#

To function properly, autonomous cars will have to collect and evaluate massive volumes of data about their settings, routes, weather patterns, communicating with several other on-road automobiles, and so forth [(Liu et al., 2019)]. Edge Computing will allow self-driving cars to gather, analyse, and distribute information in real-time across automobiles and larger networks.


Edge Computing may assist retail enterprises in maximising the usage of IoT devices and transmitting a multitude of data in real-time including monitoring, inventory management, retail sales, and so on [(Ganapathy, 2021)]. This innovation may be used to fuel Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, and also uncover commercial possibilities such as an efficient endcap or promotion, anticipate sales, optimise supplier procurement, and so forth.


The healthcare business has seen an exponential increase in the amount of client data collected by gadgets, monitors, as well as other medical devices. Edge Computing enables organisations to gain access to data, particularly issue data, so that professionals may take quick action to assist patients to prevent health crises instantaneously (Hartmann, Hashmi and Imran, 2019).


Since Edge Computing has yet to see widespread acceptance, the potential of this digitalization cannot be underestimated. Edge Computing, being the most practical infrastructure for placing computing infrastructure directly to the data source, may help organisations accelerate their Digital Transformation emphasis. The edge technology's importance will be seen broadly soon because it can successfully handle developing network difficulties connected with transporting massive amounts of data that enterprises create and consume today. It is no longer only an issue of quantity, but also of latencies because apps rely on analysis and reactions that are more time-sensitive.

What are Cloud Computing Services [IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS, SaaS]

DevOps Automation

Everyone is now heading to the Cloud World (AWS, GCP, Azure, PCF, VMC). A public cloud, a private cloud, or a hybrid cloud might be used. These cloud computing services offer on-demand computing capabilities to meet the demands of consumers. They provide options by keeping IT infrastructure open, from data to apps. The field of cloud-based services is wide, with several models. It might be difficult to sort through the abbreviations and comprehend the differences between the many sorts of services (Rajiv Chopra, 2018). New versions of cloud-based services emerge as technology advances. No two operations are alike, but they do have some qualities. Most crucially, they simultaneously exist in the very same space, available for individuals to use.

DevOps Automation
cloud computing technology

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)#

IaaS offers only a core infrastructure (VM, Application Define Connection, Backup connected). End-users must set up and administer the platform and environment, as well as deploy applications on it (Van et al., 2015).

Examples - Microsoft Azure (VM), AWS (EC2), Rackspace Technology, Digital Ocean Droplets, and GCP (CE)

Advantages of IaaS

  • Decreasing the periodic maintenance for on-premise data centers.
  • Hardware and setup expenditures are eliminated.
  • Releasing resources to aid in scaling
  • Accelerating the delivery of new apps and improving application performance
  • Enhancing the core infrastructure's dependability.
  • IaaS providers are responsible for infrastructure maintenance and troubleshooting.

During service failures, IaaS makes it simpler to access data or apps. Security is superior to in-house infrastructure choices.

Container as a Service (CaaS)#

CaaS is a type of container-based virtualization wherein customers receive container engines, management, and fundamental computing resources as a service from the cloud service provider (Smirnova et al., 2020).

Examples - are AWS (ECS), Pivotal (PKS), Google Container Engine (GKE), and Azure (ACS).

Advantages of CaaS

  • Containerized applications have all the necessary to operate.

  • Containers can accomplish all that VM could without the additional resource strain.

  • Containers need lower requirements and do not require a separate OS.

  • Containers are maintained isolated from each other despite both having the very same capabilities.

  • The procedure of building and removing containers is rapid. This speeds up development or operations and reduces time to market.

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)#

It offers a framework for end-users to design, operate, and administer applications without having to worry about the complexities of developing and managing infrastructure (Singh et al., 2016).

Examples - Google App Engine, AWS (Beanstalk), Heroku, and CloudFoundry.

Advantages of PaaS

  • Achieve a competitive edge by bringing their products to the marketplace sooner.

  • Create and administer application programming interfaces (APIs).

  • Data mining and analysis for business analytics

  • A database is used to store, maintain, and administer information in a business.

  • Build frameworks for creating bespoke cloud-based applications.

  • Put new languages, OS, and database systems into the trial.

  • Reduce programming time for platform tasks such as security.

Function as a Service (FaaS)#

FaaS offers a framework for clients to design, operate, and manage application features without having to worry about the complexities of developing and managing infrastructure (Rajan, 2020).

Examples - AWS (Lamda), IBM Cloud Functions, and Google Cloud Function

Advantages of FaaS

  • Businesses can save money on upfront hardware and OS expenditures by using a pay-as-you-go strategy.

  • As cloud providers deliver on-demand services, FaaS provides growth potential.

  • FaaS platforms are simple to use and comprehend. You don't have to be a cloud specialist to achieve your goals.

  • The FaaS paradigm makes it simple to update apps and add new features.

  • FaaS infrastructure is already highly optimized.

Software as a Service (SaaS)#

SaaS is also known as "on-demand software" at times. Customers connect a thin client using a web browser (Sether, 2016). Vendors may handle everything in SaaS, including apps, services, information, interfaces, operating systems, virtualisation, servers, storage, and communication. End-users must utilize it.

Examples - Gmail, Adobe, MailChimp, Dropbox, and Slack.

Advantages of SaaS

  • SaaS simplifies bug fixes and automates upgrades, relieving the pressure on in-house IT workers.

  • Upgrades pose less risk to customers and have lower adoption costs.

  • Users may launch applications without worrying about managing software or application. This reduces hardware and license expenses.

  • Businesses can use APIs to combine SaaS apps with other software.

  • SaaS providers are in charge of the app's security, performance, and availability to consumers.

  • Users may modify their SaaS solutions to their organizational processes without having any impact according to their infrastructures.

Conclusion for Cloud Computing Services#

Cloud services provide several options for enterprises in various industries. And each of the main — PaaS, CaaS, FaaS, SaaS, and IaaS – has advantages and disadvantages. These services are available on a pay-as-you-go arrangement through the Internet. Rather than purchasing the software or even other computational resources, users rent them from a cloud computing solution (Rajiv Chopra, 2018). Cloud services provide the advantages of sophisticated IT infrastructure without the responsibility of ownership. Users pay, users gain access, and users utilise. It's as easy as that.