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Advantages and Drawbacks of Migrating to Multi-Cloud Infrastructure


The multi-cloud management is an innovative solution to increase business effectiveness. Because of the custom-made IT solutions on multi-cloud used by businesses for rapid deployments, it results in greater profitability. The use of multi-cloud by large and medium size organizations is based on the advantages offered by cloud computing. The competitive edge to select from the best cloud solution provider is a unique tool for business growth. The global organizations with maximum workloads gets benefitted from multi-cloud operations. The multi-cloud management offers uniqueness to business organizations and makes their operations reliable and safe. However, a business organization can also get negative impacts from technology. There are pros and cons of multi-cloud computing for organizations moving to multi-cloud infrastructure from private cloud services.

Multi-cloud infrastructure

Multi-cloud Migration Pros and Cons#

Businesses always migrate from one technolgical platform to other searching profitability. Cloud based migration is enabling businesses to open up to innovative solutions. Currently, there is an on-demand scope of migrating to multi-cloud architecture. The aim is to get benefitted from the pile of IT solutions available from across the best on the cloud. Businesses are carefully selecting the most competitive cloud management considering pros and cons simultanesouly.

Cloud migration

Benefits of Migrating to Multi-Cloud Solutions#

There are various benefits that organizations can drive from multi-cloud management elaborated below:

Rapid Innovation#

  • Modern businesses migrating to multi-cloud deployment are seeking innovation at a rapid pace that results in changing branding and scalability.
  • The use of multi-cloud management offers limitless solutions to business that improves customer approachability.
  • Best outcomes from the selection of best services on multi-cloud gives freedom to choose from the very best.

Risk Mitigation#

  • Using the multi-cloud infrastructure the businesses are given a risk-free workability that is generated through an independent copy of the application on the cloud server.
  • The use of multi-cloud deployment in case of any disruption ensures that businesses on the multi-cloud computing management are working continuously.

Avoiding Vendor Lock-In#

  • This is one of the greater benefits to organizations moving their business onto multi-cloud computing management. The private and public cloud services offer restricted access to the services and capabilities.
  • Hence, businesses using public or private cloud services offer a lock-In that does not generate competitiveness of the services. Thus, multi-cloud management and multi-cloud providers effectively render opportunities that enable the business to switch services reducing its dependency.

Lower Latency#

  • The use of multi-cloud computing is effective in transferring data from one application to another. Migration of the business to a multi-cloud management platform offers lower latency that enables the application and services to transfer their data at a rapid pace.
  • This is directly connected with the application usage and its effectiveness for the user and is an advantage to the business migrating to the multi-cloud service.

Drawbacks of Migrating to Multi-Cloud Solutions#

The following are the drawbacks that businesses had to look into when migrating to the multi-cloud management platform:

Talent Management#

  • with the growing conversion of business into multi-cloud computing platforms, organizations are struggling to find the right talent to operate and function effectively on the cloud systems.
  • The decision to move to multi-cloud management requires skilled people who know how to work on cloud computing systems. With the increased pace of migration to multi-cloud, there is a shortage in the market for the right talent.

Increased Complexity#

  • Adding a multi-cloud management platform into the business results in taking in services from the multi vendors as a part of risk mitigation, but it also adds complexity to the business.

  • Handling various operational frameworks of software used by various vendors requires knowledge and training, a level of transparency, and technical know-how.

  • The cost of managing a multi-talent team comes at accost along with managing the licensing, compliance, and security of the data.

  • Thus, businesses migrating to multi-cloud management need to prepare a comprehensive cloud handling strategy to restrict the operational and financial dead-load.

Security Issues#

  • The bitter truth is that realizes migrating to a multi-cloud management platform system is an increased risk to data safety.
  • Multi-cloud services are provided by various vendors and thus create a vulnerability of IT risks.
  • There is a regular issue of access control and ID verification as reported by users.
  • Thus, a multi-cloud infrastructure is more difficult to handle as compared to a private cloud.
  • Encryption keys and resource policies, requires multi-layer security because of different vendor accessibility.
Cloud security

It is evident that the use of multi-cloud infrastructure to innovate and grow the business has resulted in large-scale migration of businesses and companies across the globe. Post-pandemic work culture and business strategies also place migrating to multi-cloud as a part of future sustainability. Subsequently, there are issues in migrating to multi-cloud management and seeking multi-cloud services from various vendors. The advantages such as risk mitigation, rapid innovation, and avoiding vendor lock-in are the biggest motivation for businesses to migrate to multi-cloud as compared to the high security risks and need for expertise and its associated cost to hire and retain the talent within an organization are some of the positives. Thus, the future belongs to the multi cloud as the benefit offered are more then negatives.

If your enterprise is looking for a way to save cloud budget, do check out this video!

Generate 95% more profits every month by easy Cloud deployment on Nife

Cloud use is increasing, and enterprises are increasingly implementing easy cloud deployment tactics to cut IT expenses. New digital businesses must prioritize service costs. When organizations first launch digital services, the emphasis is on growth rather than cost. However, as a new service or firm expands, profitability becomes increasingly important. New digital service businesses frequently go public while still losing money. However, attention shifts to how they can begin to increase the top line faster than expenses grow. Creating profitable digital services and enterprises requires having a plan, a cheap cloud alternative and knowing how expenses scale.

Cloud Deployment

Why Cloud Deployment on Nife is profitable?#

[Nife] is a serverless and cost-effective cloud alternative platform for developers that allows enterprises to efficiently manage, launch, and scale applications internationally. It runs your apps near your users and scales computing in locations where your program is most frequently used.

Nife's Hybrid Cloud is constructed in the style of a Lego set. To build a multi-region architecture for your applications over a restricted number of cloud locations, you must understand each component—network, infrastructure, capacity, and computing resources. Manage and monitor the infrastructure as well. This does not affect application performance.

Nife's PaaS Platform enables you to deploy various types of services near the end-user, such as entire web apps, APIs, and event-driven serverless operations, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Nife includes rapid, continuous deployments as well as an integrated versioning mechanism for managing applications. To allow your apps to migrate across infrastructure globally, you may deploy standard Docker containers or plug your code directly from your Git repositories. Applications may be deployed in many locations as NIFE is a Multi-Cloud platform in Singapore/US/Middle East. The Nife edge network includes an intelligent load balancer and geo-routing based on rules.

Hybrid Cloud Computing

How can Cloud Deployment on Nife drive business growth?#

Here are 7 ways you can use Nife's hybrid cloud to grow your business.

1. Increase your output.#

Easy cloud deployment from Nife improves productivity in various ways. For example, you may use your accounting software to conduct reports to identify which items or services sell the best and which salespeople generate the most income. The instant availability of precise, up-to-date business information and a cheap cloud alternative makes it easier to identify and correct inefficiencies inside your organization [(Asmus, Fattah, and Pavlovski, 2016)].

2. Maintain current business data.#

On NIFE, easy cloud deployment makes it easier than ever to keep data and records from all departments in one place. When a business app connects to the central database, it obtains the most recent version. When a database entry is added or altered, it does not need to be manually transferred across to other databases.

3. Protect your company's data and paperwork.#

The latest cloud data encryption technology on NIFE guarantees that all data transmitted to and from your devices is secure, even if it is intercepted by thieves. This covers all documents and communications, both internal and external.

4. Scale as necessary.#

Before investing in an on-premises IT system, you must be certain that you will use it to its maximum capacity to justify the significant initial expenditure [(Attaran and Woods, 2018)]. It also takes months of preparation and specification. NIFE's easy cloud deployment technology adapts to changing business demands significantly better than traditional IT infrastructure and is far less expensive.

5. More chores should be automated.#

Cloud task automation minimizes employee burdens, providing them with more time to be productive. Productivity software plans out the work that needs to be done in the next days and weeks and informs team members well before anything is due, allowing employees to achieve more while requiring less day-to-day supervision [(Surbiryala and Rong, 2019)].

6. Spend less money.#

Cloud computing eliminates the need for IT infrastructure, hardware, and software. This saves money on power and is a terrific way to demonstrate to your clients that you can be socially responsible while still making more money by using cheap cloud alternatives [(Shah and Dubaria, 2019)].

7. Hire fewer programmers and IT personnel.#

The less equipment you need to maintain on-site, the better. You may get started with Nife's cloud computing by sending an email to their customer care staff.

Cloud Computing Technology


The cost of easy cloud deployment is determined by the company you select and the services you require. You must decide which cloud type is ideal for your company, how much data you will save, and why you are transferring to the cloud.

NIFE's Hybrid Cloud Platform is the quickest method to build, manage, deploy, and scale any application securely globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or infrastructure management and it's the cheap cloud alternative and Multi-Cloud platform in Singapore/US/Middle East.

Learn more about Hybrid Cloud Deployment.

How does cloud computing affect budget predictability for CIOs?

Cloud computing companies may assist IT executives in laying the groundwork for success, such as increasing deployment speed and assuring future flexibility. However, the landscape is complicated. While technology is rapidly changing the corporate landscape, technology investment procedures have not always kept up. Let's look at how cloud computing may affect CIO budget predictability.

Cloud computing companies

Role of CIOs in Cloud Budget Predictability#

CIOs will need to remain up to date on the newest innovations to make the best decisions on behalf of their businesses to drive their digital transformation. Because of the cloud's influence, as well as the DevOps movement, software development and IT operations have been merged and simplified. As infrastructure and applications are no longer independent, the CIO is no longer required to manage manual IT chores [(Makhlouf, 2020)]. Cost-effectiveness and efficiency must be prioritised in their strategy to save cloud budgets, which will bring a new dimension to their conventional job inside a company.

CIOs must also become more adaptable and agile. There are now so many distinct cloud providers that enterprises must employ a multi-access edge computing-cloud approach.

This implies:

  • Businesses will be free to select cloud solutions based on their merits rather than being dependent on a single source.
  • The CIO will be in charge of expanding a multi-access edge computing-cloud strategy, which means they must think about things like security, service integration, and cost.

Cloud computing companies will increasingly rely on their CIO to develop useful solutions to support digital transformation as cloud computing platforms evolve. As demand grows more than ever, businesses will have a broader selection of cloud-based solutions to choose from. As a result, the CIO's function will be expanded to include both technical expertise and business-oriented strategic thinking.

cloud computing technology

CIOs Perspective: From Cost to Investment#

CIOs have long struggled with the impression of IT as a cost centre. The convergence of technology and business strategy might provide CIOs with the chance to abandon a cost-cutting attitude in favour of an investment philosophy that values strategic expenditure to boost revenue, growth, stock price, or other measures of company and shareholder value.

As the technology function assumes a more prominent role, CIOs may need to address critical issues such as core modernization, cloud business models, investment governance and value measurement, the incompatibility of fixed budgets with Agile development, and the impact of automation on the workforce to save cloud budgets [(Liu et al., 2020)].

Cloud Computing Affecting Core Modernization#

Many CIOs acknowledge that old core systems lack the agility required to build and scale creative and disruptive new technology solutions. Legacy systems can be rehosted, re-platformed, rearchitected, rebuilt, or replaced—strategies that vary in impact, cost, risk, and value. However, core modernization should be considered as a technological investment with other options. A big distribution company's CIO opted to postpone a modernization initiative and shift funding to a bespoke warehouse management program that provided the firm with a competitive edge.


Cloud Business Models on OPEX/CAPEX#

Cloud computing companies have welcomed cloud solutions with open arms, drawn by their ease of use and deployment. Cloud computing platforms may foster innovation and encourage experimentation by removing the burden of purchasing and maintaining technological infrastructure [(Kholidy, 2020)]. However, every investment involves risks, and cloud computing platforms are no exception. Because the cloud switches technology spending from the capital expense column to the operating expense column, rushing to the cloud might have a significant impact on firm financials. Finance and IT divisions may collaborate to properly identify these expenses and analyze and maximize the impact to save cloud budgets.

Cloud computing platforms

Governance and Value Assessment#

Technology leaders may improve their capacity to create convincing business cases that properly anticipate technology project ROI and assess the performance and value of each investment [(Liu et al., 2018)]. It can be beneficial to have a specialized financial team responsible for modeling, administering, and analyzing the value of IT investments to save cloud budgets.

Taking such actions can help decrease the notion that technology is an incomprehensible black box, make it simpler for technology executives to justify spending, and help them create closer connections with CFOs.

Incompatibility of Fixed Budgets#

Agile and other flexible delivery techniques are on the increase. CIOs may manage investment portfolios in the same way that venture capitalists do, but only if financing mechanisms are changed to favor Agile, product-focused settings. A flexible budgeting methodology may provide product teams with the necessary creativity and responsibility to achieve business value and save cloud budgets.

Automation Impact#

Automation and robotics' ability to streamline and accelerate IT delivery is changing the way technology and cloud computing companies work, collaborate, and create value [(Raj and Raman, 2018)]. Better workflows and various resource needs might drive increased production output and save cloud budgets as automation enables teams to exchange manual and repetitive jobs for those requiring higher-order abilities.

What to look out for when evaluating potential cloud providers?

The lack of a standardized methodology for evaluating Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), along with the reality that no two Cloud Service Providers are alike, complicates the process of picking the best one for your firm. This post will help you work through the characteristics you may use to pick a supplier that can best meet your organization's technological and operational demands.

So, how do you go about selecting a Cloud hosting provider? To begin, it is useful to understand who the primary players are today.

cloud service providers

The Players#

The sector is crowded, with the big three — AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Services — as well as smaller specialized firms. Of course, AWS, Google Cloud Services, and Azure reign supreme. There are many cloud providers in Singapore such as NIFE, which is a developer-friendly serverless platform designed to let businesses quickly manage, deploy, and scale applications globally.

cloud service providers

Criteria for Primary Evaluation#

When deciding which Cloud Service Providers to utilize, consider the alternatives that different providers supply and how they will complement your specific company characteristics and objectives. The following are the main factors to consider for practically any business:

1. Cloud Security#

You want to know exactly what your security objectives are, the security measures provided by each provider, and the procedures they employ to protect your apps and data. Furthermore, ensure that you properly grasp the exact areas for which each party is accountable.

Security is a primary priority in Cloud Computing Services, therefore it's vital to ask specific questions about your specific use cases, industry, legal needs, and any other issues you may have [(Kumar and Goyal, 2019)]. Do not fail to assess this key element of functioning in the cloud.

2. Cloud Compliance#

Next, select a Cloud Computing Service that can assist you in meeting compliance criteria specific to your sector and business. Whether you are subject to GDPR, SOC 2, PCI DSS, HIPAA, or another standard, ensure that you understand what it will take to accomplish compliance once your apps and data are housed on a public cloud architecture [(Brandis et al., 2019)]. Make sure you understand your duties and which parts of compliance the supplier will assist you in checking off.

3. Architecture#

Consider how the architecture will be integrated into your processes today and in the future when selecting a cloud provider. If your company depends heavily on Amazon or Google Cloud Services, it could be wise to go to such Cloud hosting providers for ease of integration and consolidation. When making your selection, you should also consider cloud storage designs. When it comes to storage, the three major suppliers have comparable architectures and offer a variety of storage options to meet a variety of demands, but they all have various forms of archive storage [(Narasayya and Chaudhuri, 2021)].

4. Manageability#

You should also spend some time establishing what different [Cloud hosting providers] will need you to handle. Each service supports several orchestration tools and interfaces with a variety of other services. If your firm relies heavily on certain services, ensure that the cloud provider you select has a simple method to interface with them.

Before making a final selection, you should assess how much time and effort it will take your team to handle various components of the cloud infrastructure.

5. Service Levels#

This aspect is critical when a company's availability, reaction time, capacity, and support requirements are stringent. Cloud Service Level Agreements (Cloud SLAs) are an essential consideration when selecting a provider. Legal considerations for the security of data hosted in the cloud service, particularly in light of GDPR rules, should also be given special consideration [(World Bank, 2022)]. You must be able to rely on your cloud service provider to do the correct thing, and you must have a legal agreement in place to protect you when something goes wrong.

6. Support#

Another factor that must be carefully considered is support. In certain circumstances, the only way to receive help is through a chat service or a contact center. You may or may not find this acceptable. In other circumstances, you may have access to a specialized resource, but there is a significant likelihood that time and access will be limited. Before selecting a Cloud Computing Services, inquire about the amount and type of assistance you will receive. The cloud providers in Singapore like NIFE provide excellent customer support.

7. Costs#

While cost should never be the sole or most essential consideration, there is no disputing that price will play a significant influence in determining which cloud service providers you use.

8. Container Capabilities#

If your company wants to move its virtual server workloads to containers, container orchestration, managed containers, and/or serverless architecture, you should thoroughly examine each Cloud hosting provider's container capabilities. The cloud providers in Singapore like NIFE use Docker Containers.

best Cloud Company platforms


Brandis, K., Dzombeta, S., Colomo-Palacios, R. and Stantchev, V. ([2019]). Governance, Risk, and Compliance in Cloud Scenarios. Applied Sciences, online 9(2), p.320. doi:10.3390/app9020320.

Kumar, R. and Goyal, R. ([2019]). On cloud security requirements, threats, vulnerabilities and countermeasures: A survey. Computer Science Review, 33, pp.1-48. doi:10.1016/j.cosrev.2019.05.002.

Narasayya, V. and Chaudhuri, S. ([2021]). Cloud Data Services: Workloads, Architectures and Multi-Tenancy. Foundations and Trends® in Databases, 10(1), pp.1-107. doi:10.1561/1900000060.

World Bank. ([2022]). Government Migration to Cloud Ecosystems: Multiple Options, Significant Benefits, Manageable Risks.

Wu, Y., Lei, L., Wang, Y., Sun, K. and Meng, J. ([2020]). Evaluation on the Security of Commercial Cloud Container Services. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.160-177. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-62974-8_10.