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Deploying Microservices in the Cloud: Best Practices for Developers

Adopting a Cloud Platform Solution refers to implementing a comprehensive infrastructure and service framework that leverages cloud technologies. It enables organizations to harness the benefits of scalability, flexibility, cost optimization, and streamlined operations, empowering them to innovate and thrive in the digital landscape.

In recent years, developers have increasingly opted for deploying microservices-based applications in the cloud instead of traditional monolithic applications. Microservices architecture provides better scalability, flexibility, and fault tolerance.

Microservices architecture in the cloud allows developers to break complex applications into small, independently scalable services, providing more agility and faster response times.

In this blog, we'll explore the best practices for deploying microservices in the cloud, covering aspects like service discovery, load balancing, scaling, and more.

We will also delve into cloud platforms suited for the Middle East to address the region's unique needs. This blog will help you deploy robust and scalable microservices. Read till the end for valuable insights.

Best Practices for Deploying Microservices in the Cloud#

Cloud platform solution

Service Discovery#

Imagine a big city with all similar-looking buildings housing thousands of businesses without any brand boards. Without a map or reliable directory, it would be impossible for you to find the service you are looking for. In the same way, service discovery is crucial for microservices in the cloud. Service discovery connects different microservices to work together seamlessly.

Service Discovery Best Practices#

There are different methods of navigating a business in a big city. Likewise, service discovery has different methods to navigate and connect microservices.

DNS-based Service Directory#

In this method, service names are mapped to their IP addresses. Services can query and find other services, similar to an online phone directory.

Client-side Service Directory#

In this method, each available service registers itself with the service discovery server. Clients can easily find and communicate with the required service.

Comparison of Cloud Platforms#

Here is a comparison of cloud application development services. Google Cloud Platform has its own service discovery service called Cloud DNS. Cloud DNS creates DNS records and simplifies deploying microservices in Google Cloud. On the other hand, Amazon offers Route 53, which creates DNS records and routes microservices, making it easier to deploy Java microservices in AWS.

Nife is another cloud platform providing a seamless service discovery solution that integrates with both Google Cloud and AWS. Nife's service discovery module automatically registers and updates microservices information in the service registry, facilitating communication between microservices.

Load Balancing#

Load balancing is another critical aspect of microservices architecture. With multiple microservices applications working independently with varying loads, managing these microservices efficiently is essential for a streamlined workflow. Load balancing acts as a traffic controller, distributing incoming requests to all available service instances.

Load Balancing Best Practices#

Just as there are different methods for controlling traffic, there are various practices for load balancing in a microservices architecture.

Round Robin#

In this load-balancing method, requests are distributed among services in a rotating fashion. Services are queued, and each new request is transferred to service instances following their position in the queue.

Weighted Round Robin#

In this method, each service is assigned a weight, and requests are served proportionally among all services based on their weight.

Least Connections#

In this load-balancing method, requests are directed according to the load on service instances. Requests are sent to services handling the least amount of load.

Comparison of Cloud Platforms#

Here is a comparison of two renowned cloud application development services. Google Cloud Platform offers load balancing services including HTTP(S) Load Balancing, TCP/UDP Load Balancing, and Internal Load Balancing, simplifying the deployment of microservices in Google Cloud. In contrast, Amazon provides Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), offering various load balancing options to handle load efficiently and making it easier to deploy Java microservices in AWS.

cloud platform

Nife is another cloud platform offering comprehensive load-balancing options. It integrates with both Google Cloud and AWS, leveraging effective load-balancing techniques for microservices architecture to ensure an efficient and streamlined workflow.


Scaling is another crucial aspect of microservices deployment, especially for cloud platforms in the Middle East region. Microservices break down complex applications into smaller, manageable services. The workload on each of these services can increase dramatically with higher demand. To manage these loads, a scalable infrastructure is essential. Here are some primary scaling approaches:

Horizontal Scaling#

In this practice, additional microservices are added to handle increasing load.

Vertical Scaling#

In this practice, the resources of microservices are increased to handle growing demand.

Nife: Simplifying Microservices Deployment in the Cloud | Cloud Platform Solution#

Deploying Microservices in the Cloud

Developers are always seeking efficient and streamlined solutions for deploying microservices. That's where Nife comes in, a leading platform for cloud application development services. It simplifies the deployment of microservices and provides a wide range of features tailored to developers' needs. With Nife, you can enjoy a unified experience, whether deploying microservices in Google Cloud or Java microservices in AWS.

By leveraging Nife's Cloud Platform for the Middle East, developers can address the unique needs of that region. Nife's strength lies in its seamless integration of service discovery, load balancing, and scaling capabilities. Nife provides a service discovery mechanism to enable communication between microservices, automatic load balancing to distribute traffic across services, and automatic scaling to ensure optimal resource utilization based on demand.

To experience the power of Nife and simplify your microservices deployment, visit nife.io.

Discover Nife's Cloud Platform for Efficient Deployment of Microservices


Are you looking to deploy microservices in the cloud? Discover the best practices for developers in this comprehensive article. Explore how to deploy microservices in Google Cloud and AWS, utilizing their cloud application development services.

Learn about service discovery, load balancing, and scaling techniques to ensure seamless communication and optimal resource utilization.

Discover how the Cloud Platform for the Middle East caters to developers' unique needs in the region. Experience the power of Nife's cloud platform solution, simplifying microservices deployments and empowering developers to build exceptional applications. Revolutionize your cloud journey today with Nife's comprehensive suite of tools and services.

Generate 95% more profits every month by easy Cloud deployment on Nife

Cloud use is increasing, and enterprises are increasingly implementing easy cloud deployment tactics to cut IT expenses. New digital businesses must prioritize service costs. When organizations first launch digital services, the emphasis is on growth rather than cost. However, as a new service or firm expands, profitability becomes increasingly important. New digital service businesses frequently go public while still losing money. However, attention shifts to how they can begin to increase the top line faster than expenses grow. Creating profitable digital services and enterprises requires having a plan, a cheap cloud alternative and knowing how expenses scale.

Cloud Deployment

Why Cloud Deployment on Nife is profitable?#

[Nife] is a serverless and cost-effective cloud alternative platform for developers that allows enterprises to efficiently manage, launch, and scale applications internationally. It runs your apps near your users and scales computing in locations where your program is most frequently used.

Nife's Hybrid Cloud is constructed in the style of a Lego set. To build a multi-region architecture for your applications over a restricted number of cloud locations, you must understand each component—network, infrastructure, capacity, and computing resources. Manage and monitor the infrastructure as well. This does not affect application performance.

Nife's PaaS Platform enables you to deploy various types of services near the end-user, such as entire web apps, APIs, and event-driven serverless operations, without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Nife includes rapid, continuous deployments as well as an integrated versioning mechanism for managing applications. To allow your apps to migrate across infrastructure globally, you may deploy standard Docker containers or plug your code directly from your Git repositories. Applications may be deployed in many locations as NIFE is a Multi-Cloud platform in Singapore/US/Middle East. The Nife edge network includes an intelligent load balancer and geo-routing based on rules.

Hybrid Cloud Computing

How can Cloud Deployment on Nife drive business growth?#

Here are 7 ways you can use Nife's hybrid cloud to grow your business.

1. Increase your output.#

Easy cloud deployment from Nife improves productivity in various ways. For example, you may use your accounting software to conduct reports to identify which items or services sell the best and which salespeople generate the most income. The instant availability of precise, up-to-date business information and a cheap cloud alternative makes it easier to identify and correct inefficiencies inside your organization [(Asmus, Fattah, and Pavlovski, 2016)].

2. Maintain current business data.#

On NIFE, easy cloud deployment makes it easier than ever to keep data and records from all departments in one place. When a business app connects to the central database, it obtains the most recent version. When a database entry is added or altered, it does not need to be manually transferred across to other databases.

3. Protect your company's data and paperwork.#

The latest cloud data encryption technology on NIFE guarantees that all data transmitted to and from your devices is secure, even if it is intercepted by thieves. This covers all documents and communications, both internal and external.

4. Scale as necessary.#

Before investing in an on-premises IT system, you must be certain that you will use it to its maximum capacity to justify the significant initial expenditure [(Attaran and Woods, 2018)]. It also takes months of preparation and specification. NIFE's easy cloud deployment technology adapts to changing business demands significantly better than traditional IT infrastructure and is far less expensive.

5. More chores should be automated.#

Cloud task automation minimizes employee burdens, providing them with more time to be productive. Productivity software plans out the work that needs to be done in the next days and weeks and informs team members well before anything is due, allowing employees to achieve more while requiring less day-to-day supervision [(Surbiryala and Rong, 2019)].

6. Spend less money.#

Cloud computing eliminates the need for IT infrastructure, hardware, and software. This saves money on power and is a terrific way to demonstrate to your clients that you can be socially responsible while still making more money by using cheap cloud alternatives [(Shah and Dubaria, 2019)].

7. Hire fewer programmers and IT personnel.#

The less equipment you need to maintain on-site, the better. You may get started with Nife's cloud computing by sending an email to their customer care staff.

Cloud Computing Technology


The cost of easy cloud deployment is determined by the company you select and the services you require. You must decide which cloud type is ideal for your company, how much data you will save, and why you are transferring to the cloud.

NIFE's Hybrid Cloud Platform is the quickest method to build, manage, deploy, and scale any application securely globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or infrastructure management and it's the cheap cloud alternative and Multi-Cloud platform in Singapore/US/Middle East.

Learn more about Hybrid Cloud Deployment.

8 Reasons Why Modern Businesses Should Adapt to DevOps

Development and operations are critical aspects of every software company. Your company's success depends on effectively coordinating these roles to increase software delivery speed and quality. DevOps as a service is also crucial to delivering software more quickly and efficiently.

Development and operations teams often operate in isolation, but DevOps acts as a bridge to enhance cooperation and efficiency.

DevOps as a service platform

Why Does DevOps Matter in Modern Business?#

Implementing DevOps methods successfully in your firm can substantially influence efficiency, security, and corporate cooperation. According to the 2017 State of DevOps Report, firms that use DevOps principles spend 21% less time on unplanned work and rework and 44% more time on additional work, resulting in improved efficiency (Díaz et al., 2021).

DevOps for modern businesses

8 Reasons Why DevOps is Essential for Modern Businesses#

1. Reduced Development Cycles#

Companies thrive by innovating more quickly than their competition. The primary goals of DevOps are automation, continuous delivery, and a short feedback loop, similar to Microsoft Azure DevOps. Immediate and constant feedback allows for speedier releases. In Cloud DevOps, merging development and operations activities results in the rapid creation and distribution of applications to the market [(Khan et al., 2022)]. The overall advantage is a shorter cycle time to fully realize an idea, with superior quality and precise alignment.

2. Reduced Failure Rates of Implementation#

DevOps automation encourages regular code versions, leading to easier and quicker identification of coding errors. Teams can use agile programming techniques to reduce the number of implementation failures (Maroukian and Gulliver, 2020). Recovery from mistakes is faster when development and operations teams collaborate, addressing issues collectively.

3. Continuous Improvement and Software Delivery#

Implementing DevOps principles enhances software quality while releasing new features and enables rapid changes. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) involves making incremental changes and swiftly merging them into the source code, as seen in Azure DevOps. This approach allows software to reach the market faster while addressing consumer complaints promptly. [DevOps as a service] fosters higher quality and efficiency in continuous release and deployment.

4. Improved Inter-Team Communication#

DevOps automation enhances business agility by promoting a culture of cooperation, effective communication, and integration among all global teams within an IT company. The DevOps culture values performance over individual ambitions, making procedures more transparent and allowing employees to learn quickly and impact the business significantly.

5. Increased Value Delivery Scope#

Using DevOps as a service fosters a continuous delivery environment, focusing on innovations and better value generation through digital transformation (Wiedemann et al., 2019). This approach ensures that work is adequately integrated and managed in a conducive environment.

DevOps Continuous Delivery

6. Reduced Deployment Time#

DevOps methods improve the effectiveness of building new systems by incorporating feedback from developers, stakeholders, and colleagues (Plant, van Hillegersberg, and Aldea, 2021). This approach results in consistent execution and faster deployment compared to competitors.

7. Faster Response#

One of the primary benefits of Cloud DevOps' continuous deployment cycle is the ability for firms to iterate rapidly based on consumer feedback and evaluations. This enhances the ability to manage uncertainty and speeds up procedures.

8. Reduces Waste#

Enterprises that adopt lean practices and iterate quickly use resources more effectively and minimize waste. DevOps as a service helps firms reduce operational inefficiencies by shifting various responsibilities to the development team.

Cloud Deployment Models and Their Types

We have access to a common pool of computer resources in the cloud (servers, storage, applications, and so on) when we use cloud computing. You just need to request extra resources as needed. Continue reading as we discuss the various types of cloud deployment models and service models to assist you in determining the best option for your company.

cloud deployment models

What is a cloud deployment model?#

A cloud deployment model denotes a specific cloud environment depending on who controls security, who has access to resources, and whether they are shared or dedicated. The cloud deployment model explains how your cloud architecture will appear, how much you may adjust, and whether or not you will receive services [(Patel and Kansara, 2021)]. The links between the infrastructure and your users are also represented by types of cloud deployment models. Because each type of cloud deployment model may satisfy different organizational goals, you should choose the model that best suits the approach of your institution.

Different Types of Cloud Deployment Models#

The cloud deployment model specifies the sort of cloud environment based on ownership, scalability, and access, as well as the nature and purpose of the cloud [(Gupta, Gupta and Shankar, 2021)]. It defines the location of the servers you're using and who owns them. The cloud deployment model describes the appearance of your cloud infrastructure, what you may alter, and whether you will be provided with services or must design everything yourself.

Types of cloud deployment models

Types of cloud deployment models are:

Public Cloud Deployment#

Anyone may use the public cloud to access systems and services. Because it is exposed to everybody, the public cloud may be less secure. The public cloud is one in which cloud infrastructure services are made available to the general public or significant industrial organizations over the internet. In this deployment model, the infrastructure is controlled by the organization that provides the cloud services, not by the user.

Private Cloud Deployment#

The private cloud deployment approach is opposed to that of the public cloud. It is a one-on-one setting for a single user (customer). It is not necessary to share your hardware with anyone. The contrast between private and public clouds is in how all of the hardware is handled. In this deployment model of cloud computing, the cloud platform is deployed in a secure cloud environment secured by robust firewalls and overseen by an organization's IT staff.

Hybrid Cloud Deployment#

Hybrid cloud deployment provides the best of both worlds by linking the public and private worlds with a layer of proprietary software. With hybrid cloud deployment, you may host the app in a secure environment while benefiting from the cost benefits of the public cloud. In this, organizations can migrate data and applications between clouds by combining two or more cloud deployment strategies. The hybrid cloud deployment is also popular for 'cloud bursting.' It means that if a company operates an application on-premises, but it experiences a high load, it might explode onto the public cloud.

Community Cloud Deployment#

It enables a collection of businesses to access systems and services. It is a distributed system formed by combining the services of many clouds to meet the special demands of a community, industry, or enterprise. The community's infrastructure might be shared by organizations with similar interests or duties. In this deployment model of cloud computing, cloud deployment is often handled by a third party or a collaboration of one or more community organizations.

Cloud Computing Service Models#

Cloud computing enables the delivery of a variety of services defined by roles, service providers, and user firms. The following are major categories of cloud deployment models and services:

Cloud Computing Service Models

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)#

IaaS refers to the employment and use of a third-party provider's IT Physical Infrastructure (network, storage, and servers) [(Malla and Christensen, 2019)]. Users can access IT resources via an internet connection because they are hosted on external servers.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)#

PaaS provides for the outsourcing of physical infrastructure as well as the software environment, which includes databases, integration layers, runtimes, and other components.

Software as a Service (SaaS)#

SaaS is delivered through the internet and does not require any prior installation. The services are available from anywhere in the world for a low monthly charge.


Over time, the cloud has changed drastically. It was initially only an unusual choice with a few modifications. It is available in a variety of flavors, and you can even establish your Private cloud deployment or Hybrid Cloud deployment in your data center. Each deployment model of cloud computing offers a unique offering that may considerably boost your company's worth. You may also change your Cloud deployment model as your needs change.