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Cloud Computing And Business Continuity: Why Startups And SMEs Need A Disasters Recovery Plan

A cloud disaster recovery plan is vital for Startups and SMEs, as it safeguards critical data, minimizing the risk of permanent loss during unexpected events or system failures.

In today's digital age, companies of all sizes depend on technology for everyday operations. The introduction of cloud computing has completely altered how companies manage their data. The flexibility and cheap fixed costs of cloud computing make it particularly attractive for startups and SMEs. However, the danger of data loss and downtime due to system failures, cyber-attacks, or unforeseen events has grown, along with the rising dependency on technology. Here's when your disaster recovery and business continuity strategies come in handy.

What is Cloud Computing and why a Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan is required?#

Let us first have a recap of what Cloud Computing means...

"Cloud computing" refers to delivering data center resources such as servers, storage, databases, software, analytics, and intelligence to users remotely through the internet.

It allows companies to get these services on demand without buying expensive servers and other software. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) are just some of the services from cloud computing companies.

Many businesses implement disaster recovery in cloud computing to ensure the safety of data in any incident.

Let us now have a detailed look at the benefits provided by cloud computing and how startups and SMEs can leverage it.

Benefits of Cloud Computing for Startups and SMEs#

cloud computing for startups

The use of cloud computing has several advantages for small and medium-sized businesses. Also, business continuity and disaster recovery in cloud computing are necessary which we will discuss further.

  • Cost-effectiveness:

    The use of cloud computing has helped small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) by removing the financial burden of purchasing and installing costly hardware and software infrastructure.

  • Scalability:

    Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) may easily modify or expand their operations as needed.

  • Accessibility:

    Cloud computing allows organizations to access their data and apps from any location with an internet connection.

  • Data Security:

    Cloud service providers secure their customers' data from hackers and other online threats using advanced security protocols, including encryption and firewalls.

What is Business Continuity Planning?#

Business continuity planning is a process that includes finding possible threats to a business's operations and making a plan that minimizes the effect of these threats on the business. This process usually involves figuring out the most important business functions, coming up with plans to make sure these functions can keep going even if there is a breakdown, and trying these plans to ensure they work.

A solid cloud disaster recovery plan is essential for company continuity and minimizing downtime during unexpected interruptions.

Why Startups and SMEs Need Business Continuity#

Compared to bigger companies, startups, and SMEs often need more resources and infrastructure to deal effectively with disruptions. These companies may take a major impact in the form of financial loss, damaged image, and even bankruptcy if they experience a single downfall. Some examples of why small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) require business continuity:

  1. To Ensure Business Survival
  2. To Mitigate Risks
  3. To Protect Reputations

Disaster Recovery Plan#

cloud disaster recovery

Disaster recovery in cloud computing is an essential component of business continuity planning. A business's disaster recovery plan is an in-depth plan outlining the steps that must be taken in the case of catastrophic events to restore the company's essential IT infrastructure, software, and data.

Whether natural (such as floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes) or man-made (such as cyber-attacks and system failures), incidents may strike at any moment and for various reasons. Organizations need to have a disaster recovery in cloud computing to guarantee that they can swiftly and easily restore their mission-critical information technology (IT) infrastructure and data in the event of a catastrophe, therefore mitigating the damage to their operations, reputation, and bottom line.

A disaster recovery plan typically includes the following components:

1. Risk Assessment:#

A comprehensive evaluation of the potential hazards that may lead to interruptions in the organization's IT infrastructure and information.

2. Recovery Time Objective (RTO):#

Determining the duration the organization can tolerate the unavailability of its essential IT systems and information.

3. Recovery Point Objective (RPO):#

A well-defined establishment of the timeframe within which the organization must restore its data, ensuring that the information is as current as feasible.

4. Backup Strategy:#

cloud backup recovery

A comprehensive strategy for routinely backing up essential IT systems, applications, and data, guaranteeing a swift and efficient recovery of the information in case of a catastrophe.

5. Recovery Strategy:#

A comprehensive plan describes the measures and protocols the organization must adhere to recover its essential IT systems and information in the event of a calamity.

6. Communication Plan:#

A strategy for effectively communicating with stakeholders, including employees and customers, during and after a catastrophe.

7. Testing and Maintenance:#

A strategy for periodically testing and maintaining the disaster recovery plan to ensure that it is current and efficient.

8. DRaas:#

Disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) is essential for business as it provides a flexible and cost-effective solution to the business. Disaster recovery as a service enables automated backup, replication, and recovery of essential systems and data to ensure business continuity.

Benefits of a Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan#

business continuity and disaster recovery in cloud computing

As expected, a cloud disaster recovery plan lays out potential outcomes to minimize interruptions in service and quickly restart normal operations following an unfortunate event. Data loss prevention and adequate IT recovery should be prioritized as part of its design because of their critical role in the business continuity strategy.

The most obvious advantage of having a cloud disaster recovery plan is that it ensures the firm's operations will continue regardless of the conditions.

  • Cost-efficiency

    Disaster recovery in cloud computing includes several components that can enhance cost-effectivenesses, such as prevention, detection, and correction. Organizations can reduce the risks associated with artificial disasters by implementing preventative measures. Detection measures enable rapid identification of issues when they occur, while corrective measures facilitate the restoration of lost data and a prompt resumption of operations.

    Regular maintenance of IT systems and comprehensive analysis of potential threats are essential to achieve cost-efficiency objectives. Innovative cybersecurity solutions should also be implemented. Ensuring that software is up-to-date and systems are optimally maintained saves time and reduces costs.

    In addition, incorporating cloud-based data management into a disaster recovery plan can further decrease the costs of backups and maintenance.

  • Increased productivity

    To enhance the effectiveness and productivity of your team in disaster recovery planning, it is crucial to assign specific roles and responsibilities and establish accountability. This approach also guarantees redundancy in personnel for critical tasks, which improves productivity in case of sick days and minimizes turnover costs.

  • Improved customer retention

    In the competitive market, customers have high expectations and are less likely to forgive an organization for failures or downtime, particularly if it results in losing sensitive data. Planning Business continuity and disaster recovery in cloud computing is crucial to meet and maintain a high standard of service in all circumstances.

    By minimizing the risks of data loss and downtime for your customers, you can ensure that they receive superior service during and after a disaster, strengthening their loyalty to your organization.

  • Compliance

    Enterprises, financial markets, healthcare patients, and government entities heavily depend on critical organizations' availability, uptime, and disaster recovery plans. Moreover, these organizations rely on disaster recovery plans to comply with industry regulations such as HIPAA and FINRA.

  • Scalability

    Disaster recovery planning helps businesses to discover innovative solutions to minimize the expenses associated with archive maintenance, backups, and recovery. Implementing cloud-based data storage and related technologies simplifies and improves the process, providing additional flexibility and scalability. Moreover, the disaster recovery planning process helps reduce the risk of human error, eliminates unnecessary hardware, and streamlines the entire IT process.

    Also, business continuity and disaster recovery in cloud computing become an advantage of disaster recovery planning by optimizing the business operations and making them more resilient and profitable, even before any disaster occurs.


The small business owners need business continuity and disaster recovery plans to secure their data from unforeseen circumstances. Companies may protect their essential data, reduce the damage caused by interruptions, and maintain business operations by using a cloud-based disaster recovery strategy. The cloud's scalability, cost-efficiency, and ease of use make it a great option for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) wishing to implement disaster recovery plans.

A disaster recovery plan may ensure that companies can continue running even if a disaster disrupts their regular operations. Having a robust disaster recovery plan that includes risk assessment, backup, and recovery plans, and communication protocols, ensures a company can continue operating even in unforeseen circumstances. If you are a startup or SME, cloud disaster recovery plan solutions offer advantages such as cost-efficiency, enhanced security, increased productivity, improved customer retention, and regulatory compliance.


1. What is a disaster recovery plan, and why is it essential for businesses?

A disaster recovery plan outlines a business's approach to recovering IT infrastructure, applications, and data after an incident like a natural disaster or cyberattack. It is essential for minimizing downtime, protecting data, and ensuring business continuity.

2. How does cloud computing benefit startups and SMEs in disaster recovery?

Cloud computing offers cost-effective, scalable, and accessible solutions that enhance disaster recovery capabilities. It provides robust data security, regular backups, and quick recovery options, making it ideal for startups and SMEs with limited resources.

3. What are the key components of a disaster recovery plan?

Key components include risk assessment, recovery time and point objectives, backup strategy, recovery strategy, communication plan, testing and maintenance, and, if applicable, Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS).

4. How can a cloud disaster recovery plan improve customer retention?

By ensuring minimal downtime and maintaining data security during a disaster, businesses can provide consistent and reliable services, thereby improving customer trust and retention.

5. Why is regular testing and maintenance important for a disaster recovery plan?

Regular testing and maintenance ensure the disaster recovery plan remains effective and up-to-date, addressing any new risks and ensuring all components function as intended during an actual disaster.

Discover more on how our innovative solutions can provide peace of mind and enhance your business continuity planning. Contact us today to learn more about our cloud disaster recovery plans tailored for startups and SMEs.

The Role of Cloud Computing In Enhancing Customer Experience In Financial Services and Banking

Cloud computing has been a topic of discussion for quite a while now. Cloud computing refers to the distribution of services online or "over the cloud". These services include storage, servers, software, databases, and analytics. Cloud Computing allows organizations to utilize resources without the need for any on-premise infrastructure.

In recent years business dynamics have changed very much. Everything service is driven by customer experience. Good customer experience creates loyalty and customer retention. It has become an important factor in the success of an organization. Technology is largely used in financial services and banking for the delivery of services.

Cloud Computing provides many benefits to organizations including flexibility, scalability, reliability, security, and cost-effectiveness. It allows organizations to channel resources into enhancing customer experience. That is why global organizations of all sizes are moving towards cloud computing.

Benefits of Cloud Computing in Financial Services and Banking#

cloud gaming services

There has never been a change so big and innovative in the financial services and banking industry as cloud computing. It has provided organizations with flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. These features are the reason for satisfactory customer experience. Here are some benefits of cloud computing in financial services and banking.

Cost Effectiveness#

One of the main benefits of cloud computing in financial services is cost-effectiveness. With Cloud-based solutions, organizations are no longer dependent on physical IT infrastructure. Instead, organizations can now utilize cloud computing resources according to their need. These online resources are better than on-prem IT infrastructure and provide efficiency.


Scalability is a very important factor, especially in financial services and banking. Cloud computing allows organizations to scale up and down on the basis of their needs. This helps organizations deploy new services fast, and control their resources based on changing customer needs.


Another benefit of cloud computing in financial services and banking is flexibility. Many cloud service providers are available in the market. Organizations can choose a cloud provider based on their specific needs. Cloud-based infrastructure enables organizations to provide the best customer experience by enabling access to resources from anywhere anytime.


Security is another important benefit of cloud computing. Cloud-based solutions have better security measures to handle breaches and other cybersecurity-related issues as compared to independent organizations. Cloud-based solutions have dedicated teams to look for vulnerabilities and threats every hour of the day. Moreover, cloud solutions have built-in security features that provide extra layers of security.

Data Analytics#

Cloud computing provides financial services and banking organizations with plenty of useful analytics tools. These tools help financial institutions analyze the behavior patterns of their customer and market trends. These two features combined help them make important decisions about their services.

Customer Experience in Financial Services#

In recent years business dynamics have changed completely. Customer experience is now a big factor in the success of a financial institution. Customers expect a personalized experience that addresses all of their pain points.

Financial services and banking organizations need to focus on enhancing customer experience to retain existing customers and gain new ones.

Customer experience in financial services can be enhanced by understanding key factors influencing it. These factors include personalization, trust, efficiency, and constant innovation. Financial services organizations can also use a technique called customer journey mapping. It involves tracking customers' histories to give personalized suggestions.

Enhancing Customer Experience with Cloud Computing#

cloud gaming services

Here are some of the ways cloud computing services can enhance the customer experience in financial services and banking industry.


Personalization is a key factor in improving customer experience. It can be improved by using cloud computing services. Financial services and banks can use analytics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) to understand customer behavior and tailor their services accordingly.

Financial organizations can use customer data and insight to create targeted ads and customized products. For example, they can target insurance ads if a person's financial record shows a purchase of a car or house. They can also tailor products like credit cards based on specific needs. These personalizations create loyalty and customer retention.

Speed and Efficiency#

In today's world speed and efficiency is very important to improve customer experience, especially in the financial services and banking industry. One of the key benefits of cloud computing in financial services and banking is its speed and efficiency. Cloud-based solutions provide users with seamless processing power in real-time. This allows financial organizations to process large volumes of transactions and access customer data in real-time.

Cloud computing services like project management and instant messaging allow teams to collaborate efficiently. This results in fast decision-making and constant deployment of features.

Seamless Integration#

Seamless Integration is another factor that can enhance the customer experience in the financial services and banking industry. Cloud computing services offer various software to ensure the accessibility of different services seamlessly.

It also helps financial institutes to remain consistent across devices. This means customers can access banking applications on their smartphones and desktops.

Enhanced Data Analysis#

cloud gaming services

Enhanced data analysis provided by cloud computing can also increase customer satisfaction. Financial services and banks can use data analysis to give their customers personalized services. This data is very useful for these institutions to understand changing customer behavior and market trends. By using this data seamless customer experience can be provided across all channels.

Case Studies#

Here are some case studies that demonstrate the benefits of cloud computing in enhancing customer experience in financial services and banking.

JP Morgan Chase#

JP Morgan is one the world's largest financial companies and an early adopter of cloud computing services. The organization has been using cloud computing to manage risk, streamline workflow, and enhance customer experience.

JP Morgan Chase has utilized cloud computing to scale up and down based on their customer needs. Moreover, with the help of cloud computing, they have been able to roll out services to fulfill their customer's needs. They have also effectively managed their cost by moving their resources to the cloud.

Capital One#

Capital One is another financial institution that has adopted cloud computing to enhance its customer experience. They have been using cloud computing to roll out services according to the needs of their customers. Capital One has used cloud computing services to make the customer experience seamless across all platforms. Moreover, they have also moved many of their important resources to the cloud to save costs.

Challenges and Risks#

There is no doubt that cloud computing has completely changed the dynamics of the financial services and banking industry. But the technology is still new and there are some challenges and risks that need to be taken into account. Here are some of the challenges that organizations should consider before moving to the cloud.

Data Privacy and Security#

cloud gaming services

One of the major challenges financial services and banks face in adopting cloud computing is security. Cloud computing involves storing and processing data on third-party servers. This information includes customer personal details and transaction history.

Due to the nature of the information, these servers are most likely to be attacked by cybercriminals. Financial organizations need to choose a cloud service provider that can ensure data privacy and security.

Regulatory Compliance#

Financial Services and banking is a sensitive industry and is regulated by different government bodies. Some of these regulations are about the storage of customer data. These organizations need to make sure they comply with all the regulations before making a transition. This will help them avoid any issues with regulatory bodies and ensure the privacy and security of their customers.

Technical Issues#

Another important challenge for financial services in adopting cloud computing is technical issues. Cloud computing relies completely on complex technology. Any glitch can cause downtime that disrupts important operations. This affects customer experience negatively. That is why financial institutions should take necessary measures to ensure the reliability of their systems.

Vendor Lock-In#

Vendor Lock-in is another challenge for financial services and banks in adopting cloud infrastructure. These organizations sign long-term contracts with other companies. Long-term contracts with a single cloud provider may result in vendor lock-in. This causes less flexibility, higher costs, and a low level of security. Financial organizations should diversify the use of cloud services. Depending only on one cloud provider is a recipe for disaster.

Future of Cloud Computing in Financial Services and Banking#

cloud gaming services

The adoption of cloud computing in financial services and banking has already started on a massive scale. According to a recent survey around 79% of all the banks in the US have adopted cloud computing infrastructure.

This number is expected to grow. This is because the cloud provides organizations with benefits like security, flexibility, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Organizations resisting cloud adoption will be left way behind.

Emerging Trends in Cloud Computing#

The future of cloud computing in banking and finance will be shaped by emerging trends like AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain, and IoT (Internet of Things). AI is expected to improve customer experience. While the blockchain can be used to store important customer data. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to create personalized services for customers in the future.


Cloud computing plays a crucial role in enhancing customer experience in the financial services and banking industry. It provides benefits like flexibility, availability, security, and reduced cost.

Organizations are using it successfully to enhance customer experience. Many financial institutions like JP Morgan Chase and Capital One have already adopted cloud computing.

Cloud computing has also some security and regulatory challenges. Financial institutions can overcome these challenges with proper planning and infrastructure. It is important for financial organizations to adopt cloud computing to remain competitive in the long run.

Types of cloud infrastructure needed for BFSI to have continuous operations.

We have seen a lot more digital transformation globally in recent years. Cloud computing has become an increasingly popular technology in the banking industry. Banks use cloud computing to improve their operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. In this blog, you will learn about various cloud infrastructures, how the banking industry will grow using cloud computing services, and what challenges they face while working on cloud computing. So let's get started with our very first topic.

Various types of Cloud Infrastructure are needed to get BFSI.#

cloud infrastructure

The banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) sector rely heavily on technology to conduct day-to-day operations. These operations include processing transactions, managing customer data, and analyzing financial data. To ensure continuous operations, BFSI organizations need to have a robust and reliable cloud infrastructure in place.

BFSI organizations can use several types of cloud infrastructure to achieve continuous operations. These include:

Public Cloud:#

Public cloud infrastructure is provided by third-party providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These providers offer a wide range of services, such as storage, computing, and networking. Public cloud infrastructure is ideal for BFSI organizations that do not want to invest in building and maintaining their data centers.

Private Cloud:#

The organization owns and operates private cloud infrastructure. BFSI organizations with strict security and compliance requirements typically use it. Private cloud infrastructure allows organizations full control over their data and applications, which is crucial for the BFSI sector.

Hybrid Cloud:#

Hybrid cloud architecture combines public and private cloud benefits. It allows organizations to use public cloud infrastructure for non-sensitive workloads and private cloud infrastructure for sensitive workloads. This approach is ideal for BFSI organizations that must balance cost and security.


The Multi-cloud infrastructure allows organizations to use multiple cloud providers for different workloads. This approach is ideal for BFSI organizations that want to take advantage of the strengths of other cloud providers. For example, an organization may use AWS for storage and GCP for computing.

Another important aspect of cloud infrastructure for BFSI organizations is disaster recovery (DR). This refers to the ability to recover from a disaster or outage quickly. BFSI organizations need to have a DR plan that allows them to restore operations in case of an outage promptly. This can be achieved using cloud-based DR solutions such as AWS Backup and Azure Site Recovery.

In addition, BFSI organizations need to ensure compliance with various regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and GCP offer compliance solutions that allow organizations to meet these regulations.

How Cloud Computing is Used in Banks#

One of the main ways that banks are using cloud computing is through the use of cloud-based storage solutions. Banks must store and manage large amounts of data, including customer information, transaction records, and other sensitive information. Cloud storage solutions offer a cost-effective and scalable way for banks to store this data, allowing them to increase storage capacity as needed easily. Additionally, with cloud storage, data is stored in a centralized location, making it more secure and easier to manage.

Another way that banks are using agile and adaptive cloud computing is through the use of cloud-based applications. Cloud-based applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, allow banks to access and use these applications without maintaining them on their servers. This reduces the need for expensive hardware and software licenses and will enable banks to scale the number of users accessing the applications easily.

Cloud-based analytics is another important area where banks are using cloud computing. Banks use cloud-based analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, transactions, and other data. This information can be used to improve marketing efforts, detect fraud, and identify potential risks. Additionally, with cloud-based analytics, banks can access real-time data and insights, allowing them to make more informed decisions.

Banks are also using cloud computing to improve the customer experience. Banks are using cloud-based mobile banking and online banking solutions to allow customers to access their accounts from anywhere at any time. Additionally, banks are using cloud-based chatbots and virtual assistants to provide customers with 24/7 support and assistance.

Finally, banks are also using cloud computing to improve their security. Cloud-based security solutions, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, can be used to protect banks' networks and data. Additionally, banks can take advantage of the latest security technologies and best practices with cloud computing without investing in expensive hardware and software.

Hence, cloud computing is being used by banks in a variety of ways to improve operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. By leveraging the scalability and flexibility of cloud computing, banks can serve their customers better, reduce risks, and stay competitive in the ever-changing banking industry.

Challenges faced by the Banking Industry that come with cloud computing.#

Several challenges come with implementing cloud computing in the banking industry, including:


Banking and payment sector handle sensitive financial information and must ensure that this information is protected from cyber threats. Cloud providers must meet strict security regulations, and banks must trust that the cloud provider can adequately protect their data.


Banks must comply with various regulations such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. These regulations can be difficult to navigate and comply with when using cloud services.


Banks often have legacy systems and infrastructure that can be difficult to integrate with cloud services. This can be a significant challenge for banks looking to move to the cloud.


Banks must ensure that their systems and services are always available to customers. Cloud providers must provide a high level of service availability to meet the needs of banks.


While cloud computing can offer cost savings, it can also be expensive, depending on the services and providers used. Banks must carefully evaluate the cost and benefits of cloud computing to ensure that it is the right fit for their organization.

Data sovereignty, data privacy, and data residency issues:#

Banks need to ensure that their data is stored in a compliant location and also should be in control of their data.


BFSI organizations must have robust and reliable cloud solutions to ensure continuous operations. Several types of cloud infrastructure can be used, including public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud. Organizations must also have a disaster recovery plan and ensure compliance with various regulations. By having a well-planned and executed cloud infrastructure, BFSI organizations can ensure their operations remain uninterrupted and their customers and partners can rely on them.

Digital Transformations in Banking & Ways BFSI can thrive in dynamic technological advancements

Ways BFSI can thrive in dynamic technological advancements#

The banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) sector are facing unprecedented challenges as technological advancements continue to disrupt the industry. From digital transformation to data analytics, cybersecurity to partnerships, the BFSI sector must adapt to stay competitive.

Digital Transformation

In this article, we will explore ways in which BFSI companies can thrive in the face of these challenges. The key way that BFSI companies can thrive in the face of dynamic technological advancements is by embracing digital transformation.

Using AI, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Cloud Computing#

This means investing in technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, Big Data, and cloud computing to improve operations and customer experience.

For example, using AI-powered chatbots can improve customer service and reduce costs for banks, while blockchain technology can increase transparency and security for financial transactions. By leveraging these technologies, BFSI companies can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and gain a competitive edge.

Using Data Analytics#

Another good option for BFSI companies to thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape is by leveraging data analytics. By analysing data based on customer behaviour, market trends, and business performance, BFSI companies can gain valuable insights that can help them identify new opportunities and make more accurate decisions.

For example, data analytics can help insurers identify fraudulent claims, while banks can use data to identify potential customers for loans. By using data analytics, BFSI companies can improve the effectiveness of their marketing and sales efforts, as well as reduce risks.

Role of Cybersecurity#

Cybersecurity is also crucial for BFSI companies as they increasingly rely on digital technologies. With the increasing use of digital technologies, BFSI companies must prioritize cybersecurity to protect customer data, prevent cyber-attacks, and protect customers from any frauds or scams. This means investing in security protocols, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems, as well as training employees on best practices for data security. By doing so, BFSI companies can protect their customer's sensitive information and prevent costly data breaches.

Partnerships and Alliances#

It is important for BFSI companies to build partnerships and collaborations with tech giants to have their technological advancement. By working with fintech firms, tech companies, and other partners, BFSI companies can gain access to the newest technologies and services, as well as new markets.

For example, partnering with a fintech firm can help a bank offer new digital services to customers while collaborating with a tech company can help an insurer develop new products and services. By building these partnerships and collaborations, BFSI companies can stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing landscape.


cloud computing in financial services

Innovation is also a key element for BFSI to thrive in the dynamic technological advancements. Developing new products and services that meet the changing needs of customers is critical for staying competitive.

For example, a bank could develop a new mobile app that allows customers to deposit checks using their smartphones, while an insurer could develop a new policy that covers damages from cyber attacks. By developing new products and services, BFSI companies can attract new customers and retain existing ones. These small innovations could make a huge impact on their overall market.

Employee Training and Development#

Investing in employee training and development is crucial for BFSI companies to thrive in a rapidly changing technological landscape. By providing employees with the skills and knowledge needed to work with new technologies, BFSI companies can ensure they have the talent they need to stay competitive.

For example, training employees in data analytics can help them make more accurate decisions, while training in cybersecurity can help them protect customer data. By investing in employee training and development, BFSI companies can ensure that they have the workforce they need to succeed in a dynamic technological landscape.

Building a Strong Digital Ecosystem#

BFSI companies should build a strong digital ecosystem by integrating various technologies and services to create a seamless customer experience. This includes leveraging technologies such as biometrics, natural language processing, and machine learning. It will make the BFSI ecosystem strong and improve the overall customer experience. BFSI can strengthen its security, privacy, and user experience by upgrading its ecosystem digitally.

Identify Emerging Technologies#

BFSI companies should stay updated about emerging technologies such as quantum computing, 5G, and the Internet of Things, and assess how they can be leveraged to improve operations or create new products and services. By adopting emerging digital technologies for services such as mobile banking, online banking, and blockchain, it can improve its customer experience and automate operations.

Digital Identity#

Implementing digital identity solutions to improve security and convenience for customers. Nowadays, we find many fake websites and frauds operating in the name of huge financial companies. Such scammers hunt down customers by spamming them with emails and SMSs. They sell collected data to the 3rd party services for financial gains. Digital identity solutions reduce these scams.

Digital Wallets#

Developing digital wallets to enable customers to store, manage, and transact with digital currency anytime. Supporting contactless payments such as NFC, QR codes, and digital wallets to improve convenience for customers and reduce the risk of fraud.

The BFSI sector is facing unprecedented challenges as technological advancements continue to disrupt the industry. By embracing digital transformation, leveraging data analytics, focusing on cybersecurity, building partnerships and collaborations, developing new products and services, and investing in employee training and development, the BFSI sector could thrive very well.

So the conclusion is like, It's important to note that BFSI companies should also be aware of the regulatory and compliance requirements that come with the adoption of new technologies. They must ensure that their operations and services remain compliant with local and international laws and regulations to avoid any legal issues. To thrive in this dynamic landscape, BFSI companies must take a strategic approach, embracing digital transformation, leveraging data analytics, prioritizing cybersecurity, building partnerships, innovating new products and services, and investing in employee training and development. By doing so, BFSI companies can stay competitive, improve efficiency and customer experience, and ultimately achieve long-term success.

5 examples to understand Multi-cloud and its future


The nature of technology reflects a gradual shift towards leaner, affordable, and resilient innovation. The conversion of LAN-based internet access into remote access to 5G internet has made the approach to new information smarter. This change in computing data storage devices from bulky hard drives to cloud storage. Every transformation and innovation story relates to the changing human needs. Multi-Cloud is an effective tool for future business, offering cheaper storage for databases to save data. Similarly, the multi-cloud use is diverse and unique and showcases the future applicability of multi-cloud computing.

The role of multi-cloud computing systems and processes will transform to deliver future applications aiming to change business propositions. The future of cloud computing is now hybrid and multi–cloud computing applications. The future holds more promises and new innovations within multi-cloud computing.

Future Applications of Multi-Cloud#

The future holds promises for multi-cloud computing to be developed in Next-Gen business platforms. Hence organizations are re-inventing their product platform and service delivery based on multi-cloud computing. Significantly, to adapt to safe working environments where data is created daily, multi-cloud computing techniques hold future applications. The difference between conventional and multi-cloud storage is the flexibility of business adoption.

Diverse Product and Service Application Utility#

The recent projections conducted by IBM Survey showcase that Covid-19 jitters and uncertainty in the physical workspace have accelerated the demand for multi-cloud business presence for global organizations. This is in response to creating a risk-free business to cope with future pandemics and disasters. Multi-cloud enables businesses to operate with high precision that effectively manages services and applications. The resultant use of multi-cloud offers risk-free business and better profitability. The operational cost of running a product or services on multi-cloud computing boosts the application profitability of running the business.

The multi-cloud applications help organizations scale up the deployments that may be required to enter into a new market as per the demand. As illustrated in Figure 02, businesses are using multi-cloud architecture for a variety of purposes to effectively diversify their product and services. It is evident that multi-cloud applications are offering greater freedom to businesses to increase their efficiency.

Multi-cloud computing

Independence Nature of Business#

The new mantra of working within the global IT business is Independence first; which means zero vendor lock-in along with a function of high integration whenever demand arises. The multi-cloud computing renders the organizational approach independent yet offers multiple vendors to select from, resulting in the use of the best possible vendor without any last-minute vendor lock-in. The future selection criteria for cloud computing is the independent nature of services offered to organizations that improve the space for course correction and innovation in vendor selection.

Automation First#

IT firms around the world are looking towards automated work processes. The pandemic period was a reminder to the IT sector that certain parts of the business work best when automated. The use of Multi-Cloud computing systems enables organizations to automate access to the information stored centrally on the cloud, making it approachable to everyone irrespective of remote locations. Multi-cloud computing offers built-in functions that help run and optimize the business activities by it, therefore helping the organization to function automatically even if the employees are fewer as well. This is in sync with the future work policies wherein technology is replacing man-enabled applications and services such as driverless cars, drones, or the use of robots.

Technology Stacks#

Cloud-computing stacks are a technology comprised of layers of cloud-computing services and components that create individual applications like a stack. Organizations thus require obtaining services based on stacks to gain maximum productivity from a single vendor. The multi-cloud selection enables organizations to avoid vendor lock-in. Thereafter, the stacking technology of multi-cloud enables organizations to work on scalability and ensure network stability offering a high degree of services. Surely, the business preferences using multi-cloud stacking will run the service components based on the vendor's expertise. It will also aim to develop effective productivity by analyzing detailed workflow patterns and tracing the delivery speed of the products and services.

Cloud computing technology


  • It is evident that the future of the computing business is hooked to multi-cloud computing systems and processes.
  • Organizations across the IT sector and associated areas are adapting to the working functionality based on multi-cloud system networking.
  • The effectiveness of multi-cloud computing for the future is perfectly aligned with new business development.
  • Therefore organizations developing products and services are to be deployed on the multi-cloud system only to enhance customer outreach.
  • The future is about managing the terabytes of data that require multi-cloud management and computing systems.
  • Multi-cloud computing enables the availability of technology stacks coupled with automation features.
  • Therefore marking multi-cloud computing as perfect for future applications and being the next face of cloud computing technology.

Edge Computing Market trends in Asia

Edge Computing is booming all around the globe, so let us look in to what the latest Edge Computing Market trends in Asia are.

What is Edge Computing?#

The world of computing has been changing inter-dimensions venturing into new models and platforms. It is one such innovation that is an emerging concept of interconnected networks and devices which are nearby of one another. Edge computing results in greater processing speeds, with greater volumes to be shared among each user which also leads to real-time data processing. The model of edge computing has various benefits and advantages wherein the computing is conducted from a centralized data centre. With the growing knowledge about edge computing in organizations across the world, the trends are growing positively across all regions. The generation and growth of edge computing for enterprises in Asia is an incremental path with major countries' data consumers such as Singapore, China, Korea, India, and Japan looking to explore edge computing for IT-based benefits.

The emergence of the Asian Computing Market#

The development of the Asian computing market arises from the highest number of internet users in the countries like China, India, Singapore, Korea, and Japan. The development of the computing industry in small Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Bangladesh has also created a demand for the adoption of global technologies like edge computing. These economies are converging towards digital currency and digital public services that aim to take advantage of edge computing. Asian emerging market is also undergoing rapid growth and transitioning into a technological industry base. The Philippines for example have been growing its internet user base with a 30% annual increment till 2025. Vietnam, another Asian country with a growing economy is also aiming to become to fastest-growing internet economy in the next decade. The demand of domestic nature is resulting creation of computing for Enterprises in Asia that are bound to give intense challenges to multinational IT companies.

Critical Importance of Edge Computing to Emerging Asian Markets#

The business centered on edge computing is creating a network of the most efficient process of social media, IoT, virtual streaming video platforms, and online gaming platforms. Edge computing offers effective public services offered through smart cities and regions. The trends for edge computing in Asia are increasing to reach \$17.8 billion within the next 3 years till 2025. Edge computing is the next big innovation that generates decentralized computing activities in data centres and business call centres. Edge computing can be used by various business industries to support the market presence of Asian markets. Nife for example has been gaining a lot of traction as one of the best application deployment platforms in Singapore for the year 2022. It offers one of the best edge computing platforms in Asia with clients in Singapore and India.

The development of Multi-cloud platforms in Asia is contributed to the high-skill workforce engaged in computer engineering. Businesses focused on digital tools and techniques, technology-based cross-collaboration between countries such as Singapore and India in the field of digital health, smart cities, and IT-based infrastructure is an example of edge computing for enterprises in Asia which is taken up by other Asian countries as well. Using edge computing platforms Asian business organizations are preventing the bottlenecks in infrastructure and services owing to a large number of consumers. The example of a multi-cloud platform in Singapore is notable for the benefits it is providing to business organizations. Nife as an organization is helping enterprises to build future business models to provide stronger digital experiences with an extra layer of security. The models based on the edge computing platforms are rapidly scalable and have a global scaling factor that can save cost when taking business in off-shore new markets.

Key Influencing trends supporting Edge Computing Market#

Edge computing is regarded as the best application deployment platform in Singapore as per the survey performed by Gartner in 2022. Various reasons are driving the edge computing used for enterprises in Asia based on low-latency processes and the influx of big data. The use of IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and the adoption of 5G is fostering the development of multi-clouding platforms. There are key trends that are shaping the development and growth of edge computing in the Singapore/Asian market and are illustrated as follows:

  • IoT growth: Edge computing facilities the sharing of data when IoT devices are interconnected creating more secure data sharing with faster speed. The use of IoT devices based on edge computing renders optimization in real-time actions.
  • Partnerships and acquisitions: the application of multi-cloud computing ecosystems is still developing in Asia based on service providers to connect with networks, cloud and data centre providers and enterprising the IT and industrial applications.
edge computing technology


Edge computing development in Singapore/Asia is surfaced as the best application deployment platform. The progress of edge computing is changing business development in the Asian market. The trends of greater application in the Asian market are reflected based on the growing number of internet users which is probably the largest in the world, adoption of the digital economy as a new model of industrial and economic development by most Asian countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, India, and China. Such factors are positively helping local Edge Computing Enterprises to grow and compete in the space of multi-cloud services against the best in the world.

You can also check out the latest trends in the Gaming industry here!

Adapt to the latest technologies to deliver a world-class customer experience

Modern tech in customer support, assistance, and business is generating a lot of buzz. The majority of new technology will only assist customer-facing workers to accomplish their tasks more efficiently. Cloud computing technology, cloud-native application development, Edge Computing for Enterprises, multimedia, real-time messaging, chatbots, and artificial intelligence (AI), cryptocurrency, and even self-service, itself all have the potential to deliver a world-class customer experience.

Cloud computing technology

How Cloud computing technology is Transforming Customer Experience?

Retail, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing are all industries that generate massive volumes of data daily. To truly exploit this data, you must first store and analyse it, something traditional data solutions are incapable of doing owing to their fragmented nature.

Cloud computing technologies are a means to many goals that each organisation must identify as part of a unified cloud strategy. There are several ways that Cloud computing technology may have a real-world influence across industries for companies aiming to change the customer experience. The banking, insurance, and healthcare industries all generate massive amounts of data, have regulatory compliance requirements, and have high client demand for services and goods [(Deb, Jain and Deb, 2018)]. They require strategies to provide, track, expand, and enhance such services while also meeting consumers' financial and healthcare demands.

Cloud computing technology is critical to reaching this aim since it provides:

Analytics and data processing#

Compliance with regulatory data protection requirements#

Detection of Fraud#

Elimination of mainframe technological debt through cloud-native app integration#

Loan processing and underwriting examination#

New banking and financial planning goods and services#

Inventory control#

What Edge Computing for Enterprises means for the Customer Experience?

Processing data at the source rather than a centralized or cloud-based server may appear to be a technical problem, but Edge computing for enterprises only benefits marketers. Marketers can participate in the following activities with data processing occurring closer to the source:

Real-time marketing:#

Because data is analyzed at the source, marketers may create automated systems that respond promptly to customer inputs by using Edge computing for enterprises

Offline experiences:#

Edge computing for enterprises isn't entirely dependent on a connection between an IoT device and a centralized server, actions can be carried out even when no internet connection is available [(Noghabi et al., 2020)].

Personalization and interactive experiences:#

Edge computing for enterprises will be able to react quickly to consumer involvement, resulting in a hyper-personalized experience defined and controlled by the end user.

Edge computing for enterprises

Cloud-native Software Development for customer experience

To survive the upheaval, businesses need to have access to highly qualified workers, a strong infrastructure, and the flexibility to create high-quality apps. Organizations must embrace new technologies such as DevOps, Agile, microservices, containers, Agile, and platform-as-a-service to implement contemporary techniques such as provisioning, automated testing, and cloud-native application development to thrive in today's digital edge [(Kosińska and Zieliński, 2020)].

Today's businesses rely heavily on software to differentiate their service and product offerings. Businesses are shifting to design such apps for the best performance in the cloud to take advantage of the flexibility and speed of the cloud. As a result, an early user of cloud-native apps has enjoyed exceptional business velocity and growth. Cloud-native Software Development enables companies to fully realize the promise of cloud-native capabilities to achieve maximum speed, agility, and DevOps efficiency and fully embrace the true benefits of Cloud-native Software Development.

How can the latest technologies assist businesses in improving the customer experience?

Understanding customer behaviour is critical for any corporation seeking to become a market leader in today's volatile business environment. Customer experience management may be time-consuming and costly, and it generally necessitates uniformity across channels, such as closed-loop procedures, customer service centre encounters, SMS, website engagement, and so on [(Gellweiler, and Krishnamurthi, 2020)].

Edge computing

Companies are focused on automation and uncovering an organization's latent potential with the assistance of Cloud computing technology, Cloud-native Software Development, and Edge computing for enterprises in the following ways to further simplify these operations and have a direct influence on customers:

Effective business strategy optimization#

In today's fast-paced business world, tapping into uncharted territory might be one of the things that firms can use to ensure long-term success.

Data gathering and review generation#

Businesses must be agile and responsive in their procedures to adapt to today's fast-paced business climate.

Recommendations customized to you.#

With the use of AI and sophisticated data analytics in the business domain, predictive analytics tools may assist businesses in producing informed forecasts by providing wiser ideas and intelligent recommendations for future data-driven strategy creation [(Rekettye and Rekettye, 2019)].

Technology that brings customers closer together.#

AI is the market's next big thing and for all the right reasons. Or perhaps technology has already become an important part of our life without our recognizing it. With a fantastic customer-centric strategy, any firm hopes to generate revenue at the end of the day.

Adapt to the latest technologies to deliver a world-class customer experience

Modern tech in customer support, assistance, and business is generating a lot of buzz. The majority of new technology will only assist customer-facing workers to accomplish their tasks more efficiently. Cloud computing technology, cloud-native application development, Edge Computing for Enterprises, multimedia, real-time messaging, chatbots, and artificial intelligence (AI), cryptocurrency, and even self-service, itself all have the potential to deliver a world-class customer experience.

Cloud computing technology

How Cloud computing technology is Transforming Customer Experience?

Retail, healthcare, finance, and manufacturing are all industries that generate massive volumes of data daily. To truly exploit this data, you must first store and analyse it, something traditional data solutions are incapable of doing owing to their fragmented nature.

Cloud computing technologies are a means to many goals that each organisation must identify as part of a unified cloud strategy. There are several ways that Cloud computing technology may have a real-world influence across industries for companies aiming to change the customer experience. The banking, insurance, and healthcare industries all generate massive amounts of data, have regulatory compliance requirements, and have high client demand for services and goods [(Deb, Jain and Deb, 2018)]. They require strategies to provide, track, expand, and enhance such services while also meeting consumers' financial and healthcare demands.

Cloud computing technology is critical to reaching this aim since it provides:

Analytics and data processing#

Compliance with regulatory data protection requirements#

Detection of Fraud#

Elimination of mainframe technological debt through cloud-native app integration#

Loan processing and underwriting examination#

New banking and financial planning goods and services#

Inventory control#

What Edge Computing for Enterprises means for the Customer Experience?

Processing data at the source rather than a centralized or cloud-based server may appear to be a technical problem, but Edge computing for enterprises only benefits marketers. Marketers can participate in the following activities with data processing occurring closer to the source:

Real-time marketing:#

Because data is analyzed at the source, marketers may create automated systems that respond promptly to customer inputs by using Edge computing for enterprises

Offline experiences:#

Edge computing for enterprises isn't entirely dependent on a connection between an IoT device and a centralized server, actions can be carried out even when no internet connection is available [(Noghabi et al., 2020)].

Personalization and interactive experiences:#

Edge computing for enterprises will be able to react quickly to consumer involvement, resulting in a hyper-personalized experience defined and controlled by the end user.

Edge computing for enterprises

Cloud-native Software Development for customer experience

To survive the upheaval, businesses need to have access to highly qualified workers, a strong infrastructure, and the flexibility to create high-quality apps. Organizations must embrace new technologies such as DevOps, Agile, microservices, containers, Agile, and platform-as-a-service to implement contemporary techniques such as provisioning, automated testing, and cloud-native application development to thrive in today's digital edge [(Kosińska and Zieliński, 2020)].

Today's businesses rely heavily on software to differentiate their service and product offerings. Businesses are shifting to design such apps for the best performance in the cloud to take advantage of the flexibility and speed of the cloud. As a result, an early user of cloud-native apps has enjoyed exceptional business velocity and growth. Cloud-native Software Development enables companies to fully realize the promise of cloud-native capabilities to achieve maximum speed, agility, and DevOps efficiency and fully embrace the true benefits of Cloud-native Software Development.

How can the latest technologies assist businesses in improving the customer experience?

Understanding customer behaviour is critical for any corporation seeking to become a market leader in today's volatile business environment. Customer experience management may be time-consuming and costly, and it generally necessitates uniformity across channels, such as closed-loop procedures, customer service centre encounters, SMS, website engagement, and so on [(Gellweiler, and Krishnamurthi, 2020)].

Edge computing

Companies are focused on automation and uncovering an organization's latent potential with the assistance of Cloud computing technology, Cloud-native Software Development, and Edge computing for enterprises in the following ways to further simplify these operations and have a direct influence on customers:

Effective business strategy optimization#

In today's fast-paced business world, tapping into uncharted territory might be one of the things that firms can use to ensure long-term success.

Data gathering and review generation#

Businesses must be agile and responsive in their procedures to adapt to today's fast-paced business climate.

Recommendations customized to you.#

With the use of AI and sophisticated data analytics in the business domain, predictive analytics tools may assist businesses in producing informed forecasts by providing wiser ideas and intelligent recommendations for future data-driven strategy creation [(Rekettye and Rekettye, 2019)].

Technology that brings customers closer together.#

AI is the market's next big thing and for all the right reasons. Or perhaps technology has already become an important part of our life without our recognizing it. With a fantastic customer-centric strategy, any firm hopes to generate revenue at the end of the day.

What is 5G Telco Edge? Telco Edge Computing

5G and edge computing are creating plenty of new income opportunities in industries like manufacturing, transportation, and gaming. How can communication service providers acquire a competitive advantage? Everything you need to know is provided here.


What is Telco Edge?#

Telecommunications companies frequently associate edge computing with mobile edge computing or multi-access edge computing - computing at the network's edge. Telco edge computing, on the other hand, comprises workloads operating on client-premises equipment and other points of presence at the customer site. The term "telco edge" refers to distributed computation maintained by the operator that may extend beyond the network edge and onto the customer edge. Telco Edge combines the advantages of both local and cloud computing. Telco edge computing should be adaptable and scalable. Telco edge computing can handle unexpected surges in workloads caused by increased end-user activity or answer organizations' need to grow fast while building, testing, and deploying new applications [(Klas, 2017)].


What exactly is Telco Edge Cloud (TEC)?#

The Telco Edge Cloud is a worldwide platform solution for exposing, managing, and marketing Edge Computing, Network resources, and capabilities across multiple operators and national borders, utilising existing and future network assets. Telco Edge Cloud is building a platform built on open technologies and telecom standards. MNOs may monetize their edge resources thanks to Telco Edge Cloud.

The Telco Edge Cloud idea and architecture are beneficial not only to MNOs but may also be utilised by other service and edge providers to improve their services since capabilities like NaaS are made available to these third parties [(Baliosian et al., 2021)]. Other edge and cloud providers can give methods to their application development communities to optimise edge application performance and experience by consuming Telco Edge Cloud NaaS capabilities and implementing them into their platform offerings.

Telco Edge Computing#

Telco Edge computing is also known as Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) or Multi-Access Edge Computing (MAEC). Telco Edge computing provides execution resources for applications that need networking close to end users, often within or near the operator network's boundary [(Gebhardt et al., 2012)].

Telco Edge computing may also be installed on corporate premises. Communication service providers or service providers can manage or host the edge infrastructure. Several use cases necessitate the deployment of distinct apps at multiple locations. In such cases, a distributed cloud may be viewed as an execution environment for applications spread over numerous sites, with connections maintained as a single solution. The key advantages of Telco Edge computing are low latency, high bandwidth, device processing, and data offload, and trusted computing and storage.

What is a 5G Telco Cloud?#

A 5G Telco Cloud is a software-based cloud architecture that allows for the placement of 5G network functions/applications and the division of a single infrastructure into various network slices for the delivery of a wide variety of services ranging from eMBB to URLLC [(Gebremariam et al., 2021)]. It enables you to swiftly add services, respond fast, and manage resources efficiently and automatically.

Network function virtualization, software-defined networks (SDN), edge computing, and microservices are components of 5G Telco Cloud.

  1. Network Functions Virtualization of 5G Telco Cloud enables you to abstract operations from hardware. This enables conventional servers to execute operations that would otherwise necessitate the utilization of hardware.
  1. Software-Defined networking (SDN), a new backhaul/mid-haul design of 5G Telco Cloud, is adaptive, manageable, and versatile. It is perfect for the fluidity of 5G applications. This design isolates network control from forwarding services, allowing network control to be programmed directly.
  1. Microservices are a method of separating applications and network operations into loosely linked systems. DevOps cycles or CI/CD can be used to manage them.

5g and Edge computing#

5G and edge computing are intricately related technologies: both are set to greatly increase application performance and enable massive volumes of data to be handled in real-time. 5G speeds can be up to 10 times faster than 4G, while mobile edge computing minimises latency by putting computational capabilities closer to the end user.

5G and edge computing are technologies that can work together to power a new generation of smart devices and apps. 5G's enhanced performance can improve edge computing applications by lowering latency, improving application response times, and enhancing organizations' capacity to gather and analyze data.

Benefits of the Relationship between 5G and Edge Computing#

Ultra-low latency use cases: The combination of 5G with edge computing is important for achieving ultra-low latency in a variety of edge devices and use cases.

Near real-time performance: Using 5G and edge computing together allows organizations to collect and process large amounts of real-time data to optimize various operational processes and increase productivity and customer experiences.

Improved bandwidth usage: The connection between 5G and edge computing influences the success of 5G network technologies.


5G Technology Shaping the Experience of Sports Audiences


Sports fans are seeking an enhanced experience through their portable devices in this era of online and mobile usage. As consumers grow more intelligent and demand interactive, inventive, and entertaining experiences, the number of virtual events is expanding. This pushes the envelope for the style and durability of events. The future development of cellular wireless communication technology can produce improved engagement, changing how audiences experience sports, including live-streaming video, 3D virtual interactions, and real-time access to sports statistics. The integration of 5G, AR, and VR in sports allows for entirely new user interactions, breaking limits and bringing the audience closer to the action. In an evolving sports network, connectivity and flexibility offer new benefits for teams playing in front of crowded arenas or single racers on a wooded course. This is why 5G can become a valuable resource for the sports industry as it strives to revolutionize audience engagement both at home and in the stadium. Sporting activities might offer a greater experience for both the traveling fan who attends each event live and the die-hard fan who watches every event on TV.

5G tech for sports audience
5G for sports

5G is a Dependable and Tremendously Fast Network#

5G is 5 to 20 times more efficient than 4G. It can broadcast and read packets almost instantly, with times as low as 10 milliseconds in certain conditions. Beyond high-speed internet connections, there will be significant improvements in the reliability and performance of visual and voice calls, as well as faster playback. Due to its speed and latency, 5G will facilitate technological advances such as AR and VR, touch-capable devices, robotics, self-driving vehicles, and the IoT. Furthermore, it can be used in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. 5G is a game-changer, with the potential to usher in the next technological revolutions.

Influence of 5G in Sports (Present and Future)#

The increased capacity and reduced latency of 5G will unlock a variety of new capabilities for spectators and athletes alike. Here are some advantages:

A Thrilling and Comprehensive Stadium Experience#

Sports fans are searching for new ways to interact with the game on a virtual level. With the emergence of 360º camera systems, AR, and VR, there is an opportunity to develop more realistic fan interactions. Fans may stroll the sidelines, see from the athletes' perspectives, and enjoy celebrations in the dressing room, all from the comfort of their homes. 5G could add a new level of sophistication to stadium experiences. Real-time AR technologies and immersive VR options will enhance pre-game festivities and allow spectators to experience 4K/UHD data without a large physical display. Fans could also explore various parts of the event virtually as if they were there in person.

Creating an Integrated Arena#

Attending live sports events requires a positive stadium environment. 5G can enhance this experience by connecting equipment in real-time with incredibly low latency, creating new possibilities. It could improve the overall environment for spectators by providing high-quality video streaming and new perspectives from 360º, ultra-high-resolution VR cameras using smartphones.

Digital Transformation of Sports#

The sports and entertainment sectors are leveraging 5G to transform fan experiences. Telecommunications operators, organizations, clubs, event coordinators, and media firms are all investing in this technology. Key focus areas for the digital transformation of sports include:

  1. Improve the live experience for fans at venues.
  2. Bring fans at home closer to the action.
  3. Integrate pre and post-event activities into the holistic experience.
  4. Develop experience-centric sports districts.

Conclusion for 5G in Sports#

The launch of 5G will significantly impact the sporting industry. It will not only provide lightning-fast speeds but also support advanced technologies like VR and AR, and enhance network connectivity. Fans, players, trainers, venues, and spectators will all benefit. 5G also enables fixed wireless connectivity for higher-quality streaming in 4K, 360 videos, or AR/VR formats in areas without fiber connectivity. The deployment of 5G in sports arenas will create a broad framework supporting various applications, allowing fans to experience performances in real-time during practice and competition. This presents a significant opportunity for network operators to deploy upgraded connections in sports stadiums and ensure effective engagement. 5G is poised to revolutionize sports with fresh applications, and the transformation is already underway.

AI and ML | Edge Computing Platform for Anomalies Detection

There is a common debate on how Edge Computing Platforms for Anomalies Detection can be used. In this blog, we will cover details about it.


Anomalies are a widespread problem across many businesses, and the telecommunications sector is no exception. Anomalies in telecommunications can be linked to system effectiveness, unauthorized access, or forgery, and therefore can present in a number of telecommunications procedures. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has become more prominent in overcoming these issues. Telecommunication invoices are among the most complicated invoices that may be created in any sector. With such a large quantity and diversity of goods and services available, mistakes are unavoidable. Products are made up of product specifications, and the massive amount of these features, as well as their numerous pairings, gives rise to such diversity (Tang et al., 2020). Goods and services – and, as a result, the invoicing process – are becoming even more difficult under 5G. Various corporate strategies, such as ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC), enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), and large machine-type communication, are being addressed by service providers. Alongside 5G, the 3GPP proposed the idea of network slicing (NW slice) and the related service-level agreements (SLAs), adding still another layer to the invoicing procedure's complexities.

How Do Network Operators Discover Invoice Irregularities?#

Invoice mistakes are a well-known issue in the telecom business, contributing to invoicing conflicts and customer turnover. These mistakes have a significant monetary and personal impact on service providers. To discover invoice abnormalities, most network operators use a combination of traditional and computerized techniques. The manual method is typically dependent on sampling procedures that are determined by company regulations, availability of materials, personal qualities, and knowledge. It's sluggish and doesn't cover all of the bills that have been created. These evaluations can now use regulation digitization to identify patterns and provide additional insight into massive data sets, thanks to the implementation of IT in business operations (Preuveneers et al., 2018). The constant character of the telecom business must also be considered, and keeping up would imply a slowdown in the introduction of new goods and services to the marketplace.

Edge Computing Platform for Anomalies Detection

How AI and Machine Learning Can Help Overcome Invoice Anomaly Detection#

An AI-based system may detect invoicing abnormalities more precisely and eliminate false-positive results. Non-compliance actions with concealed characteristics that are hard for humans to detect are also easier to identify using AI (Oprea and Bâra, 2021). Using the procedures below, an AI system learns to recognize invoice anomalous behavior from a collection of data:

  1. Data from invoices is incorporated into an AI system.
  2. Data points are used to create AI models.
  3. Every instance a data point detracts from the model, a possible invoicing anomaly is reported.
  4. The invoice anomaly is approved by a specific domain.
  5. The system applies what it has learned from the activity to the data model for future projections.
  6. Patterns continue to be collected throughout the system.

Before delving into the details of AI, it's vital to set certain ground rules for what constitutes an anomaly. Anomalies are classified as follows:

  • Point anomalies: A single incident of data is abnormal if it differs significantly from the others, such as an unusually low or very high invoice value.
  • Contextual anomalies: A data point that is ordinarily regular but becomes an anomaly when placed in a specific context.
  • Collective anomalies: A group of connected data examples that are anomalous when viewed as a whole but not as individual values. When many point anomalies are connected together, they might create collective anomalies (Anton et al., 2018).
Key Benefits of Anomaly Detection

Implications of AI and Machine Learning in Anomaly Detection#

All sectors have witnessed a significant focus on AI and Machine Learning technologies in recent years, and there's a reason why AI and Machine Learning rely on data-driven programming to unearth value hidden in data. AI and Machine Learning can now uncover previously undiscovered information and are the key motivation for their use in invoice anomaly detection (Larriva-Novo et al., 2020). They assist network operators in deciphering the unexplained causes of invoice irregularities, provide genuine analysis, increased precision, and a broader range of surveillance.

Challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI)#

The data input into an AI/ML algorithm is only as strong as the algorithm itself. When implementing the invoice anomaly algorithm, it must react to changing telecommunications data. Actual data may alter its features or suffer massive reforms, requiring the algorithm to adjust to these changes. This necessitates continual and rigorous monitoring of the model. Common challenges include a loss of confidence and data skew. Unawareness breeds distrust, and clarity and interpretability of predicted results are beneficial, especially in the event of billing discrepancies (Imran, Jamil, and Kim, 2021).

Conclusion for Anomaly Detection#

Telecom bills are among the most complicated payments due to the complexity of telecommunications agreements, goods, and billing procedures. As a result, billing inconsistencies and mistakes are widespread. The existing technique of manually verifying invoices or using dynamic regulation software to detect anomalies has limits, such as a limited number of invoices covered or the inability to identify undefined problems. AI and Machine Learning can assist by encompassing all invoice information and discovering different anomalies over time (Podgorelec, Turkanović, and Karakatič, 2019). Besides invoice anomalies, a growing number of service providers are leveraging AI and Machine Learning technology for various applications.


  • Anton, S.D., Kanoor, S., Fraunholz, D., & Schotten, H.D. (2018). Evaluation of Machine Learning-based Anomaly Detection Algorithms on an Industrial Modbus/TCP Data Set. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
  • Imran, J., Jamil, F., & Kim, D. (2021). An Ensemble of Prediction and Learning Mechanism for Improving Accuracy of Anomaly Detection in Network Intrusion Environments. Sustainability, 13(18), p.10057.
  • Larriva-Novo, X., Vega-Barbas, M., Villagrá, V.A., Rivera, D., Álvarez-Campana, M., & Berrocal, J. (2020). Efficient Distributed Preprocessing Model for Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Detection over Large-Scale Cybersecurity Datasets. Applied Sciences, 10(10), p.3430.
  • Oprea, S.-V., & Bâra, A. (2021). Machine learning classification algorithms and anomaly detection in conventional meters and Tunisian electricity consumption large datasets. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 94, p.107329.
  • Podgorelec, B., Turkanović, M., & Karakatič, S. (2019). A Machine Learning-Based Method for Automated Blockchain Transaction Signing Including Personalized Anomaly Detection. Sensors, 20(1), p.147.
  • Preuveneers, D., Rimmer, V., Tsingenopoulos, I., Spooren, J., Joosen, W., & Ilie-Zudor, E. (2018). Chained Anomaly Detection Models for Federated Learning: An Intrusion Detection Case Study. Applied Sciences, 8(12), p.2663.
  • Tang, P., Qiu, W., Huang, Z., Chen, S., Yan, M., Lian, H., & Li, Z. (2020). Anomaly detection in electronic invoice systems based on machine learning. Information Sciences, 535, pp.172–186.