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How to Manage Containers in DevOps?

DevOps Automation and Containerization in DevOps#

DevOps Automation refers to the practice of using automated tools and processes to streamline software development, testing, and deployment, enabling organizations to achieve faster and more efficient delivery of software products.

In today's world, almost all software is developed using a microservices architecture. Containerization makes it simple to construct microservices. However, technological advancement and architectural design are just one design part.

The software development process is also significantly impacted by corporate culture and techniques. DevOps is the most common strategy here. Containers and DevOps are mutually beneficial to one another. This article will explain what containerization and DevOps are. Also, you will learn the relationship between the two.

What is a Container?#

Companies all across the globe are swiftly adapting to using containers. Research and Markets estimate that over 3.5 billion apps are already being deployed in Docker containers and that 48 percent of enterprises use Kubernetes to manage containers at scale. You can easily manage and orchestrate containers across many platforms and settings with the help of container management software.

container management software

Containers make it easy to package all the essential parts of your application, like the source code, settings, libraries, and anything else it needs, into one neat package. Whether small or big, your application can run smoothly on just one computer.

Containers are like virtual boxes that run on a computer. They let us run many different programs on the same computer without them interfering with each other. Containers keep everything organized and ensure each program has space and resources. This helps us deploy our programs consistently and reliably, no matter the computer environment.

Containers are different from servers or virtual machines because they don't have their operating system inside them. This makes containers much more straightforward, taking up less space and costing less.

Multiple containers are deployed as part of one or more container clusters to facilitate the deployment of more comprehensive applications. A container management software, such as Kubernetes, is currently responsible for controlling and managing these clusters.

Why use Containers in DevOps?#

When a program is relocated from one computing environment to another, there is sometimes a risk of encountering a problem. Inconsistencies between the two environments' needed setup and software environments might cause issues. It's possible that "the developer uses Red Hat, but Debian is used in production." When we deploy applications, various problems can come up. These issues can be related to things like security rules, how data is stored, and how devices are connected. The critical thing to remember is that these issues can be different in each environment. So, we need to be prepared to handle these differences when we deploy our applications. Containers are going to be essential in the process of resolving this issue. Red Hat OpenShift is a container management software built on top of Kubernetes.

Containers are like special boxes that hold everything an application needs, such as its code, settings, and other important files. They work in a unique way called OS-level virtualization, which means we don't have to worry about different types of operating systems or the machines they run on. Containers make it easy for the application to work smoothly, no matter where it is used.

Log monitoring software comes into play when discussing troubleshooting issues, log data and identity. Log monitoring software facilitates log analysis by supporting many log formats, offering search and filtering functions, and providing visualization tools. ELK Stack is a widely used open-source log monitoring and analytics platform.

What distinguishes a container from a Virtual Machine?#

With virtual machine technology, you get the application and the operating system. A hypervisor and two guest operating systems are the three main components of a hardware platform that hosts two virtual machines. Joint container registries, such as Docker Hub and Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR), are typically integrated with or included in container management software.

When we use Docker (Containers) with one operating system, the computer runs two applications divided into containers. All the containers share the same functional system core. This setup makes it easier for even a first-grade student to understand.

Sharing just the OS's read-only portion makes the containers much smaller and less resource-intensive than virtual machines. With Docker, two apps may be packaged and run independently on the same host machine while sharing a single OS and its kernel.

Unlike a virtual machine, which may be several gigabytes and host a whole operating system, a container is limited to tens of megabytes. This allows many more containers to run on a single server than can run as virtual machines.

What are the Benefits of Containers in DevOps?#

Containers make it easy for developers to create, test, and deploy software in different places. Whether they're working on their computer or moving the software to a broader environment like the cloud, containers help make this process smooth and easy. It's like having a magic tool that removes all the troubles and makes everything run seamlessly!

Ability to Run Anywhere#

Containers may run on various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and MacOS. Containers may be operated on VMs, physical servers, and the developer's laptop. They exhibit consistent performance in both private and public cloud environments.

Resource Efficiency and Capacity#

Since containers don't need their OS, they're more efficient. A server may host many more containers than virtual machines (VMs) since containers often weigh just tens of megabytes, whereas VMs might entertain several gigabytes. Containers allow for higher server capacities with less hardware, cutting expenses in the data center or the cloud.

Container Isolation and Resource Sharing#

On a server, we can have many containers, each with its resources, like a separate compartment. These containers don't know about or affect each other. Even if one container has a problem or an app inside it stops working, the different containers keep working fine.

If we design the containers well to keep the main computer safe from attacks, they make an extra shield of protection. This way, even a first-grade student can understand how containers work without changing the meaning.

Speed: Start, Create, Replicate or Destroy Containers in Seconds#

Containers bundle everything an application needs, including the code, OS, dependencies, and libraries. They're quick to install and destroy, making deploying multiple containers with the same image easy. Containers are lightweight, making it easy to distribute updated software quickly and bring products to market faster.

High Scalability#

Distributed programs may be easily scaled horizontally with the help of containers. Multiple identical containers may produce numerous application instances. Intelligent scaling is a feature of container orchestrators that allows you to run only as many containers as you need to satisfy application loads while efficiently using the container cluster's resources.

Improved Developer Productivity#

Using containers, programmers may establish consistent, reproducible, and separated runtime environments for individual application components, complete with all necessary software dependencies. From the developer's perspective, this ensures that their code will operate similarly regardless of where it is deployed. Container technology eliminates the age-old problem of "it worked on my machine" alone.

DevOps automation teams can spend more time creating and launching new product features in a containerized setup than fixing issues or dealing with environmental differences. It means they can concentrate on making cool things and let them be more creative and productive in their work.

DevOps Automation

Developers may also use containers for testing and optimization, which helps reduce mistakes and makes containers more suitable for production settings. DevOps automation improves software development and operations by automating processes, optimizing workflows, and promoting teamwork.

Also, log monitoring software is a crucial component of infrastructure and application management since it improves problem identification, problem-solving, system health, and performance visibility.


DevOps automation helps make things faster and better. It can use containers, like special packages, to speed up how programs are delivered without making them worse. First, you need to do a lot of studying and careful planning. Then, you can create a miniature version of the system using containers as a test. If it works well, you can start planning to use containers in the whole organization step by step. This will keep things running smoothly and provide ongoing support.

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Best Practices For Testing And Security in DevOps, Including Automated Security

DevOps security combines three words: development, operations, and security and its very goal is to remove any barriers that may exist between software development and IT operations._

A survey found that over 58% of businesses had a data breach the previous year, with 41% resulting from software flaws. Infractions may cost businesses millions of dollars and potentially damage their reputation in the industry._

Yet, there has been tremendous progress in the application development processes. Businesses in the modern day often use DevOps practices and technologies while developing new applications and systems. The DevOps method emphasizes incremental deployment rather than a single massive deployment. Daily releases are possible in certain instances. It is not simple, however, to identify security flaws in the daily updates. Thus, security is an extremely important part of the DevOps workflow. Each application development team—development, testing, operations, and production—must take security precautions to prevent breaches. This article discusses DevOps Security's recommended practices for developing and deploying apps safely._

DevOps Security Challenges and Considerations#

Testing and Security in DevOps

The DevOps philosophy has revolutionized how businesses create, run, and maintain their applications and IT infrastructure, whether on or in the cloud. DevOps merges IT development with IT operations, combining demands and specifications, coding, testing, high availability, implementation, and more.

DevOps often collaborates with agile software development procedures, which encourages cross-team alignment, cooperation, and individualized development. DevOps software development is characterized by a constant pursuit of velocity, automation, and monitoring across the whole process, from code integration and testing through release and deployment, as well as infrastructure management. These methods shorten the time it takes to create a product and get it to market while ensuring its features and capabilities evolve in response to market demand and company goals.

Best practices of security in DevOps#

DevOps Security

When it comes to safety, what impact does DevOps have? Let's explore how DevOps methods and popular tools create unique security concerns.

1. Implementation of the DevSecOps Model#

Another famous name in the field of DevOps is "DevSecOps." Divorce is the core security technique that all IT companies have been using. The term really refers to the combination of three distinct but interrelated disciplines: development, security, and operations.

DevSecOps is an approach to leveraging security technologies in the DevOps life cycle. Hence, from the outset of application development, security has to be a part of it. By incorporating security into the DevOps process, businesses can create apps that are both reliable and safe from exploits. This strategy is also useful for breaking down barriers between different departments, such as IT and security.

A few fundamental practices are required for a DevSecOps methodology:

  • Embed security technologies into your development workflow.
  • Experts in cyber security must review all automated testing.
  • Developing threat models requires cooperation between development and security teams.
  • The product backlog should provide top priority to security needs.
  • Before deploying any new infrastructure, all existing security policies should be examined.

2. Review the code in a smaller size#

You need to read the code in a smaller size to understand it. Reviewing too much code at once is a bad idea, as is reviewing the whole program in one sitting. Examine the piece of the code by piece to ensure thorough examination.

3. Establish a system for dealing with future changes#

Set up a method for handling upcoming changes. After an application has reached the deployment phase, it is no longer desirable to have new features added or old ones taken away by developers. The only thing that can assist you is to start using the change management strategy.

Thus, the change management strategy should be used for application modifications. The developer should be able to make adjustments after the project has been authorized.

4. Maintain active application monitoring#

Security is often overlooked when an application is deployed to a production environment.

The application process should be in a constant state of evaluation. To ensure no new vulnerabilities have been added, you should routinely analyze its code and conduct security tests.

5. Train the development team on security#

Security best practices should also be taught to the development team.

For example, if a new developer doesn't know about SQL injection, you must educate them on what it is, how it works, and how it might damage the program. Don't get technical. Therefore, you must inform the development team of new security regulations and best practices at a wide level.

6. Secure Coding Standards#

Developers focus on the features of an app rather than its security since it is not a top concern for them. Yet, with the growth of cyber risks in the modern day, you must ensure that your development team understands the best security measures before building the application.

For this reason, developers need to be familiar with security technologies that may detect flaws in their code during development and suggest solutions.

7. Use DevOps Security Automation Tools#

If you want to save time and effort in the DevOps processes, you should use security automation tools.

Use automation tools to test an application and create repeatable tests. It will be simple to create safe products with the help of automated tools for code analysis, remote management, configuration management, vulnerability management, etc.

8. Segregate the DevOps Network#

Segmenting the network is a good idea for the company.

A company's resources, including software, hardware, data storage, and more, should not depend on a single network. Hackers who breach your network will have complete access to your company's resources. Hence, having a distinct network for each logical element would be best.

For instance, keeping your development and production networks completely separate is recommended.


DevOps security may assist in detecting and fixing code vulnerabilities and operational shortcomings before they cause problems. DevOps security guarantees that application and system development is secure from the start. This increases availability lowers data breaches and assures the development and distribution of sophisticated technology to fulfill corporate objectives.

A company that cares about its customers' data security should adhere to these DevOps security best practices. Combining security best practices with the DevOps approach may save a company millions. Start using the security best practices described here for safer and quicker app releases.

Automating Deployment And Scaling In Cloud Environments Like AWS and GCP


Automating the deployment of an application in cloud environments like AWS (Amazon Web Services) and GCP (Google Cloud Platform) can provide a streamlined workflow and reduce errors._

Cloud services have transformed the way businesses work. On the one hand, cloud computing provides benefits like reduced cost, flexibility, and scalability. On the other hand, it introduces new challenges that can be addressed through automation._

Automating Deployment in AWS and GCP#

Deployment and Scaling

Deployment of applications and services in a cloud-based system can be complex and time-consuming. Automating deployment in cloud systems like AWS and GCP streamlines the workflow. In this section, we will discuss the benefits of automation, tools available in GCP and AWS, and strategies for automation.

Benefits of Automation in Deployment#

Automating deployment provides many benefits, including:

  • Speed: Automation accelerates deployment processes, allowing timely incorporation of changes based on market requirements.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity across different environments.
  • Efficiency: Reduces manual effort, enabling organizations to scale deployment processes without additional labor.

Overview of GCP and AWS Deployment Services#

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers several services for automating deployment, including:

  • Jenkins and Spinnaker for CI/CD pipelines.
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Cloud Build, Google Cloud Functions, and Google Cloud Deployment Manager for various deployment needs.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides several automation services, such as:

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CloudFormation, and AWS SAM.
  • AWS SAM is used for serverless applications, while AWS CodePipeline facilitates continuous delivery.

Strategies for Automating Deployment#

Auto Deployment

Effective strategies for automating deployment in cloud infrastructure include:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Manage infrastructure through code, using tools like AWS CloudFormation and Terraform.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Regularly incorporate changes using tools such as Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI.

Best Practices for Automating Deployment#

To ensure effective automation:

  • Continuous Integration and Version Control: Build, test, and deploy code changes automatically.
  • IaC Tools: Use tools like Terraform for consistent deployments.
  • Automated Testing: Identify issues promptly to prevent critical failures.
  • Security: Ensure that only authorized personnel can make code changes.

Scaling in AWS and GCP#

Scaling is crucial for maintaining application responsiveness and reliability. Both AWS and GCP offer tools to manage scaling. This section covers the benefits of scaling in the cloud, an overview of scaling services, and strategies for automating scaling.

Benefits of Scaling in Cloud Environments#

Scaling in cloud environments provides:

  • Flexibility: Adjust resources according to traffic needs.
  • Cost Efficiency: Scale up or down based on demand, reducing costs.
  • Reliability: Ensure continuous application performance during varying loads.

Overview of AWS and GCP Scaling Services#

Both AWS and GCP offer tools for managing scaling:

  • Auto Scaling: Adjust resource levels based on traffic, optimizing cost and performance.
  • Load Balancing: Distribute traffic to prevent downtime and crashes.

Strategies for Automating Scaling#

Auto Scaling

Key strategies include:

  • Auto-Scaling Features: Utilize auto-scaling to respond to traffic changes.
  • Load Balancing: Evenly distribute traffic to prevent server overload.
  • Event-Based Scaling: Set auto-scaling rules for anticipated traffic spikes.

Best Practices for Automating Scaling#

Best practices for effective scaling automation:

  • Regular Testing: Ensure smooth operation of scaling processes.
  • IaC and CI/CD: Apply these practices for efficient and consistent scaling.
  • Resource Monitoring: Track resources to identify and address issues proactively.

Comparing AWS and GCP Automation#

AWS and GCP offer various automation tools and services. The choice between them depends on:

  • Implementation Approach: AWS tends to be more general, while GCP offers more customization.
  • Service Differences: For example, AWS Elastic Beanstalk provides a managed CI/CD experience, while GCP's Kubernetes offers container orchestration.

Choosing Between AWS and GCP for Automation#

Both platforms offer robust automation services. The decision to choose AWS or GCP should consider factors such as cost-effectiveness, reliability, scalability, and organizational needs.


Automating deployment and scaling in cloud environments like AWS and GCP is crucial for efficiency and cost savings. This article explores the benefits, strategies, and tools for automating these processes and provides a comparison between AWS and GCP to help you choose the best solution for your needs.

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Best Practices and Case Studies for DevOps in Finance

DevOps in finance is one of the most innovative development practices in the financial sector.

Moving quickly in response to market developments is essential if you want your firm to remain relevant in the current digital world. This is especially true for the financial services sector. In the financial sector, sustaining services while meeting client expectations is more important than ever.

And, DevOps technologies, methods, & concepts have developed as the mechanism to drive this change from pattern recognition to the discovery of new income streams. It covers governance, risk, security, and compliance methods and enhances the quality of application releases. In this article, we will discuss some best practices and case studies for implementing DevOps for finance services.

What is DevOps?#

DevOps is the combination of the words "development" and "operations." It is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. It aims to improve software development, deployment speed, quality, and efficiency. In the financial industry, DevOps can be especially valuable for improving the performance and scalability of financial systems and reducing the risk of errors and outages.

DevOps in Finance

Best Practices for DevOps in Finance#

1. Increase in Collaboration and Communication between Teams

One of the key best practices for implementing DevOps in finance is to focus on collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. This can be achieved by creating cross-functional teams that include development and operations members and implementing tools and processes that facilitate communication and collaboration. For example, an issue-tracking system like Jira or GitHub can help development and operations teams stay on top of bugs and feature requests. In contrast, a chat tool like Slack or Microsoft Teams can help teams stay in touch and share information quickly.

2. Automation Process

Another best practice for implementing DevOps in finance is to focus on automation. Automation can reduce the risk of errors and outages and improve software development and deployment speed and efficiency. Automation tools such as Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet can help automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual errors. Automation can also help with testing and deployment by automating the testing process and deploying code to production quickly and efficiently.

3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are also important practices for DevOps in finance. CI/CD is a methodology that emphasizes the continuous integration of code changes and delivery of new features to production. This can be achieved by implementing a continuous integration server like Jenkins or Travis CI and automating the testing and deployment process.

4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as code is another important practice for DevOps in finance. Infrastructure as code is a methodology that enables the management of infrastructure as code rather than as manual configurations. This can be achieved using tools like Terraform and Ansible, which enable the provisioning and management of infrastructure as code. This can help reduce the risk of errors and outages and improve the scalability and performance of financial systems.

5. Monitoring and Logging

Monitoring and logging are also important practices for DevOps in finance. Monitoring and logging help to ensure that financial systems are working properly and that any issues are identified and addressed quickly. Monitoring tools such as Prometheus and Grafana can help monitor system performance and resources. In contrast, logging tools such as Elasticsearch and Kibana can help analyze log data.

Various Case Studies about DevOps#

1. JPMorgan Chase:

JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest financial institutions in the world and has implemented DevOps for financial services to improve the speed, quality, and efficiency of software development and deployment. They have implemented a continuous integration and delivery pipeline, automated testing, and deployment. They have also implemented infrastructure as code and have a dedicated team for monitoring and logging. This has helped them to reduce the risk of errors and outages, as well as improve the scalability and performance of their financial systems.

2. Barclays DevOps Adoption

In 2015, Barclays announced that DevOps was being used as part of its digital transformation strategy. At the moment, Barclays is in charge of managing payments, which make up over 30% of the UK's GDP. The leadership team credited DevOps at Barclays with significantly reducing the complexity of their programs, which allowed them to lower delivery risk and, in turn, improve the quality of their services. Developer satisfaction and code quality increased as a consequence.

3. Capital One:

Capital One is a financial services company that has implemented DevOps for financial services improvements such as performance and scalability. They have implemented a continuous integration and delivery pipeline, automated testing, and deployment. They have also implemented infrastructure as code and have a dedicated team for monitoring and logging. This has helped them to reduce the risk of errors and outages, as well as improve the scalability and performance of their financial systems.

4. DevOps the Lunar Way

An experience that shows Kubernetes doesn't require a large organization to be used. The large monolithic application was divided into more manageable microservices as the first step in their cloud-native DevOps journey. Ansible, Terraform, and Jenkins were used to spin up these microservices and deploy them as a single unit.

They then suddenly began encountering some of the microservices' scaling problems. They thus did not gain in any way from microservices.

DevOps for Financial Services

They thus began seeking solutions to this complexity by reorienting their attention from machine-oriented to application-oriented design. They didn't care where the containers were operating and instead picked Kubernetes and AWS as the abstraction layer, which allowed them to manage microservices and unleash their velocity. Additionally, they chose Kubernetes for its security features and to describe how the apps should function. With the help of Kubernetes, they currently manage over 80 microservices in production.


Companies in the financial services industry are under a lot of pressure to embrace sophisticated and demanding software development methodologies that satisfy stringent corporate and regulatory standards. With DevOps, the financial sector can deploy software faster than ever to keep up with demand and outperform the competition they face.