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How to Set Up a DevOps Pipeline Using Popular Tools like Jenkins and GitHub

Setup a DevOps pipeline using popular tools like Jenkins, GitHub#

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, or CI/CD for short, is a comprehensive DevOps method that focuses on the creation of a mix that is compatible with the process of software development and the process of software operation. Improving ROI may be accomplished via the use of automated updates and the automation of procedures. Developing a CI/CD pipeline is the linchpin of the DevOps paradigm. This implementation makes the process of bringing a product to market far more efficient than it was previously possible.

How to Use GitHub Actions to Construct a CI/CD Pipeline#

Before we dive in, here are a few quick notes:

It is important to clearly understand what a CI/CD pipeline is and what it should perform. This is only a quick remark, but it's essential. When your code is modified, a continuous integration pipeline will run to ensure that all of your changes are compatible with the rest of the code before it is merged. In addition to this, it should build your code, perform tests, and validate that it works properly. The produced code is then sent into production via a CD pipeline, which takes the process one step further.

GitHub Actions take a choose-your-own-adventure-style approach to continuous integration and continuous delivery. You will be presented with this message when you launch GitHub Actions for the first time in a repository. You have access to a plethora of guided alternatives that come with pre-built CI processes that you may exploit following the specifications of your technology. On the other hand, if you want to, you may construct your CI process from the ground up.

Key advantages of using GitHub Actions for CI/CD pipelines#


Advantages of using GitHub Actions

But before we get into that, let's take a moment to review a few of the advantages of using GitHub Actions; after all, quite a few different solutions are now available. Permit me to break out the following four major advantages that I've found:

CI/CD pipeline setup is simple:#

Because developers built GitHub Actions specifically for developers, you won't need specialized resources to establish and manage your pipeline. There is no need to set up CI/CD since it is unnecessary manually. You won't need to install webhooks, acquire hardware, reserve certain instances elsewhere, keep them updated, apply security updates, or spool down idle machines. You need to add one file to your repository for it to be functional.

Respond to any webhook on GitHub:#

You can use any webhook as an event trigger for an automation or CI/CD pipeline since GitHub Actions is completely linked. This covers things like pull requests, bugs, and comments. Still, it also includes webhooks from any application that you have linked to your GitHub repository. Let's imagine you've decided to run a portion of your development pipeline using any of the numerous tools now available on the market. With GitHub Actions, you can initiate CI/CD processes and pipelines of webhooks from these applications (even something as basic as a chat app message, provided, of course, that you have connected your chat app to your GitHub repository).

Community-powered, reusable workflows:#

You can make your workflows public and accessible to the larger GitHub community, or you may browse the GitHub Marketplace for pre-built CI/CD workflows (there are more than 11,000 actions available!). Did I mention that every action is reusable? All you have to do is reference its name. That is correct as well.

Support for any platform, language, and cloud:#

Actions on GitHub are compatible with any platform, language, or cloud environment without restriction. That indicates that you can utilize it with any technology you choose.

Steps to setup DevOps Pipeline#

DevOps Pipeline

In this article, we'll walk through the steps to set up a DevOps pipeline using popular tools like Jenkins and GitHub.

Step 1: Set up a version control system#

Installing and configuring a version control system (VCS) to store and administer the application's source code is the first stage in establishing a DevOps pipeline. GitHub is one of the most widely used version control systems (VCS) solutions. It allows users to save and share code in a repository that is hosted in the cloud. Create an account on GitHub and follow the on-screen directions to set up a new repository. This may be done by clicking here.

Step 2: Set up a build tool#

Next, you must configure a build tool to compile, test, and package your code automatically. This will take you to the next phase. Jenkins is an open-source automation server with hundreds of plugins to automate different phases of the software development lifecycle. It is one of the most common build tools and one of the most used tools overall. Download Jenkins, then install it on a server or cloud instance. Once that's done, follow the on-screen directions to configure it after setting it up.

Step 3: Configure your pipeline#

After installing and configuring your build tool and version control system, the following step is to set up and configure your pipeline. Your application's construction, testing, and deployment may all be automated via a pipeline consisting of a sequence of phases. A Jenkinsfile is a text file that explains the steps of your pipeline. You may use Jenkins to establish a pipeline; the file you use to do so is called a Jenkins file. Your application's construction, testing, packaging, and deployment may be stages. You can use plugins to automate the process.

Step 4: Add testing and quality checks#

It is essential to include testing and quality checks into your pipeline if you want to guarantee the satisfactory performance of your application. Automating unit, integration, and end-to-end tests may be accomplished with a wide range of testing frameworks and tools. In addition, you may check for problems with the code's quality and security by using tools that analyze static code. You may incorporate third-party tools into your pipeline or use one of the numerous plugins included with Jenkins for testing and quality checks.

Step 5: Deploy your application#

Deploying your application to a production environment should be the last step in your DevOps pipeline. To automate the deployment process and guarantee consistency in various contexts, you may use applications such as Ansible, Docker, and Kubernetes. You may also track the performance of your application by using monitoring tools, which will allow you to spot any problems that may emerge.


In conclusion, establishing a DevOps pipeline via the use of well-known technologies such as Jenkins and GitHub may assist in the process of software development life cycle streamlining, hence enhancing both the rate at which software is delivered and its overall quality. You may improve the quality of your application's development as well as the productivity of your development team by automating the processes of developing, testing, and deploying your application.

Understanding Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) in DevOps

In a world full of software innovation, delivering apps effectively and promptly is a major concern for most businesses. Many teams have used DevOps techniques, which combine software development and IT operations, to achieve this goal. The two most important techniques are continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD). In this article, we will discuss these two important techniques in-depth.

An Overview of CI and CD in DevOps#

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)

Modern software development methodologies such as Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment (CD) need frequent and efficient incremental code updates. CI uses automated build and testing processes to ensure that changes to the code are reliable before being merged into the repository.

As part of the software development process, the CD ensures that the code is delivered promptly and without problems. In the software industry, the CI/CD pipeline refers to the automated process that enables code changes made by developers to be delivered quickly and reliably to the production environment.

Why is CI/CD important?#

By integrating CI/CD into the software development process, businesses can develop software products fast and effectively. The best delivery method produces a steady stream of new features and problem fixes. It provides a useful way for continuously delivering code to production. As a result, companies could sell their software products more quickly than they used to be able to.

What is the difference between CI and CD?#

Continuous Integration(CI)#

As part of the continuous integration (CI) software development process, developers progressively enhance their code and often test it. This method is automated because of the complexity of the procedure and the volume of the demands. Teams can now develop, test, and deploy their apps regularly and securely. By accelerating the process of making code adjustments, CI gives developers additional time to contribute to the program's progress.

What do you need?#

  • To ensure code quality, it is necessary to create automated tests for each new feature, improvement, or bug fix.
  • For this purpose, a continuous integration server should be set up to monitor the main repository and execute the tests automatically for every new commit pushed.
  • It is recommended that developers merge their changes frequently, at a minimum of once a day.

Continuous Delivery(CD)#

Continuous Delivery (CD) refers to the automated Delivery of finished code to environments such as development and testing. CD provides a reliable and automated approach for delivering code to these environments in a consistent manner.

What do you need?#

  • To ensure a smooth and efficient development process, it is essential to have a solid understanding of continuous integration and a comprehensive test suite covering a significant portion of the codebase.
  • Deployments should be automated, with manual intervention required only to initiate the process. Once the Deployment is underway, human involvement should not be needed.
  • To avoid any negative impact on customers, it is recommended that the team adopts feature flags. This allows incomplete or experimental features to be isolated and prevented from affecting the overall production environment.

Continuous Deployment(CD)#

Continuous Deployment is the natural progression from Continuous Delivery. It involves every change that passes the automated tests being automatically deployed to production, which leads to multiple production deployments.

What do you need?#

  • To ensure the highest level of software quality, it is crucial to have a strong testing culture in place. The effectiveness of the test suite will determine the quality of each release.
  • As deployment frequency increases, the documentation process should be able to keep up with the pace to ensure that all changes are adequately documented.
  • When releasing significant changes, feature flags should be utilized as an integral part of the process. This will enable better coordination with other departments, such as support, marketing, and public relations, to ensure a smooth and effective release.

For most companies not bound by regulatory or other requirements, Continuous Deployment should be the ultimate objective.

CI and CD in DevOps: How does CI/CD relate to DevOps?#

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD)

DevSecOps' primary objective is to incorporate security into all stages of the DevOps workflows. Organizations can detect vulnerabilities quickly and make informed decisions about risks and mitigation by conducting security activities early and consistently throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). In traditional security practices, security is typically only addressed during the production stage, which is incompatible with the faster and more agile DevOps approach.

Consequently, security tools must now seamlessly integrate into the developer workflow and the CI/CD pipeline to keep pace with CI and CD in DevOps and prevent slowing down development velocity.

The CI/CD pipeline is a component of the wider DevOps/DevSecOps framework. For successful implementation and operation of a CI/CD pipeline, organizations require tools that eliminate any sources of friction that can hinder integration and Delivery. Teams need an interconnected set of technologies to enable seamless and collaborative development processes.

What AppSec tools are required for CI/CD pipelines?#

To adopt CI/CD, development teams require technologies to avoid integration and delivery delays. Groups need an integrated toolchain of technologies to allow joint and unhindered development operations. With the help of CI/CD pipelines, new product features may be released much more quickly, making consumers happy and reducing the load on developers.

One of the primary hurdles for development teams using a CI/CD pipeline is effectively dealing with security concerns. Business groups must incorporate security measures without compromising the pace of their integration and delivery cycles. An essential step in achieving this objective is to move security testing to earlier stages in the life cycle. This is particularly vital for DevSecOps organizations that depend on automated security testing to maintain pace with the speed of Delivery.

Using the appropriate tools at the right time minimizes overall DevSecOps friction, accelerates release velocity, and boosts quality and efficiency.

What are the benefits of CI/CD?#

CI/CD offers various benefits to the software development company. Some of the benefits are listed below:

  • Continuous delivery enabled by automated testing improves software quality and security, resulting in higher code profitability in production.
  • Deployment of CI/CD pipelines greatly improves time to market for new product features, increasing customer satisfaction and relieving the development team's workload.
  • The significant increase in delivery speed provided by CI/CD pipelines boosts enterprises' competitiveness.
  • Routine task automation allows team members to focus on their core strengths, resulting in superior final results.
  • Companies that have successfully deployed CI/CD pipelines can attract top talent by avoiding repetitive processes that are typical in conventional waterfall systems and are frequently dependent on other tasks.


Implementing CI/CD pipelines is crucial for modern software development practices. By combining continuous integration and deployment, teams can ensure that they deliver software quickly, reliably, and at a high level of quality. The benefits of this approach include faster time to market, better collaboration, and an increased ability to innovate and compete in the market. By investing in the right tools and processes, organizations can achieve their DevOps goals and meet the demands of their customers.

Potential Issues With CI/CD In Finance And How We Can Solve Them

Creating a functional Continuous Integration and Delivery pipeline involves a series of successful events. Still, common issues may arise during the setup and use of the pipeline.

Due to the complexity of a CI/CD pipeline, many common issues can occur. These can range from simple to fix problems to deceptive issues that are difficult to troubleshoot. Many people find these issues can arise quickly and be challenging to resolve. Let us discuss some issues related to CI/CD in finance.

CI/CD in Finance

Various Issues with CI/CD in the Finance Sector#

Continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) are popular practices in software development that involve continuously integrating code changes and deploying them to a production environment. At the same time, these practices have been widely adopted in many industries. They can present challenges in the finance sector due to the sensitive nature of financial data and the strict regulations that govern it.

1. Security#

One potential issue with CI/CD in finance is security. Financial data is often sensitive and confidential and must be protected from unauthorized access or breaches. However, frequent code deployments in a CI/CD pipeline can increase the risk of vulnerabilities being introduced into the system. This can be mitigated by implementing strict security controls and testing procedures throughout the pipeline. But this can be a significant challenge for organizations that are not well-equipped to handle it.

2. Performance Issues#

The CI/CD pipeline aims to deliver software and code updates quickly through automation. However, if not done properly, it can lead to performance issues in the software. One solution is implementing an automated testing system to detect potential performance issues, such as inefficient code, and alert developers for further evaluation. This can prevent the release of poorly performing software builds to customers.

3. Communication#

When working within a CI/CD pipeline, it is common to collaborate with multiple individuals, potentially divided into teams with specific responsibilities. One of the main challenges in CI/CD is effective communication, particularly when issues arise during software deployment. Clear and timely communication is essential for resolving problems quickly.

Effective communication is crucial in the CI/CD pipeline, as failure to properly convey information, such as an error in an automated build test, can lead to serious consequences. This is just one example of why communication is vital in this field.

4. Complexity of CI/CD#

Finally, organizations may also face challenges with managing the complexity of their CI/CD pipeline. With multiple teams and departments working on different parts of the system, it cannot be easy to coordinate and manage all the different components. This can lead to delays in deployments and an increased risk of errors, which can be costly and time-consuming.

How one can overcome the challenges faced in CI/CD#

continuous operations and development

Solving the issues associated with CI/CD in the finance sector requires a comprehensive approach that addresses security, compliance, system stability and reliability, and complexity management. By taking a proactive approach and implementing the right measures, organizations can successfully implement CI/CD practices while maintaining the security and compliance of their financial systems. Additionally, Organizations should consider investing in a good CI/CD tool specifically designed to meet the needs of financial institutions to support compliance, security, and risk management.

Implementation of security controls#

First and foremost, organizations must prioritize security in their CI/CD pipeline. This can be achieved by implementing strict security controls and testing procedures throughout the pipeline.

An effective way to maintain a high level of security in your pipeline is to implement a monitoring system that covers all sections and to quickly detect and lock down any irregularity. Additionally, minimizing the amount of sensitive information transmitted through code and using code analysis tools to identify and replace vulnerable sections can also enhance security.

To ensure maximum security in your pipeline, it is important to closely monitor access to all components and keep it as restricted as possible.

Regular performance checking#

To comply with regulations, organizations should perform regular audits and assessments of their CI/CD pipeline to ensure that it complies with the laws and regulations that apply to their industry. They should also seek advice from legal and compliance experts to identify the specific requirements they need to meet.

Performance testing allows for easy and efficient comparison of build performance. It can identify bottlenecks and bugs that can significantly decrease performance. Additionally, load simulation testing should also be a crucial part of the performance testing process. To be effective, it is important to have a robust set of tools for this method.

Implement a strategy to check stability and reliability#

Organizations should implement additional testing and quality assurance procedures to ensure system stability and reliability throughout the pipeline. This can include unit testing, integration testing, and performance testing, as well as monitoring and logging systems to detect and respond to any issues that may arise. Additionally, organizations should implement a rollback plan that allows them to quickly restore the system to a stable state in case of an emergency.

Management of the complexity of their CI/CD pipeline#

Finally, organizations must take steps to manage the complexity of their CI/CD pipeline. This can include implementing a centralized configuration management system and establishing clear communication channels between different teams and departments. By implementing a governance model, organizations can ensure that all teams are working together towards the same goal and that there is a clear chain of command in case of issues or conflicts.

CI/CD pipelines heavily rely on automation, but there are aspects that are not automated, such as communication, collaboration and teamwork. These three factors are crucial for the success of the pipeline, and optimizing communication and transparency is essential for a smooth workflow.


While CI/CD practices can bring significant benefits to organizations regarding efficiency and speed, they can also present significant challenges in the finance sector. Organizations must take a proactive approach to address these challenges. Some solutions to the problems include implementing strict security controls and testing procedures, complying with regulations, ensuring system stability and reliability, and managing the complexity of the pipeline. With the right approach, organizations can successfully implement CI/CD practices while maintaining the security and compliance of their financial systems.

Best Practices and Case Studies for DevOps in Finance

DevOps in finance is one of the most innovative development practices in the financial sector.

Moving quickly in response to market developments is essential if you want your firm to remain relevant in the current digital world. This is especially true for the financial services sector. In the financial sector, sustaining services while meeting client expectations is more important than ever.

And, DevOps technologies, methods, & concepts have developed as the mechanism to drive this change from pattern recognition to the discovery of new income streams. It covers governance, risk, security, and compliance methods and enhances the quality of application releases. In this article, we will discuss some best practices and case studies for implementing DevOps for finance services.

What is DevOps?#

DevOps is the combination of the words "development" and "operations." It is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. It aims to improve software development, deployment speed, quality, and efficiency. In the financial industry, DevOps can be especially valuable for improving the performance and scalability of financial systems and reducing the risk of errors and outages.

DevOps in Finance

Best Practices for DevOps in Finance#

1. Increase in Collaboration and Communication between Teams

One of the key best practices for implementing DevOps in finance is to focus on collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. This can be achieved by creating cross-functional teams that include development and operations members and implementing tools and processes that facilitate communication and collaboration. For example, an issue-tracking system like Jira or GitHub can help development and operations teams stay on top of bugs and feature requests. In contrast, a chat tool like Slack or Microsoft Teams can help teams stay in touch and share information quickly.

2. Automation Process

Another best practice for implementing DevOps in finance is to focus on automation. Automation can reduce the risk of errors and outages and improve software development and deployment speed and efficiency. Automation tools such as Jenkins, Ansible, and Puppet can help automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual errors. Automation can also help with testing and deployment by automating the testing process and deploying code to production quickly and efficiently.

3. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) are also important practices for DevOps in finance. CI/CD is a methodology that emphasizes the continuous integration of code changes and delivery of new features to production. This can be achieved by implementing a continuous integration server like Jenkins or Travis CI and automating the testing and deployment process.

4. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as code is another important practice for DevOps in finance. Infrastructure as code is a methodology that enables the management of infrastructure as code rather than as manual configurations. This can be achieved using tools like Terraform and Ansible, which enable the provisioning and management of infrastructure as code. This can help reduce the risk of errors and outages and improve the scalability and performance of financial systems.

5. Monitoring and Logging

Monitoring and logging are also important practices for DevOps in finance. Monitoring and logging help to ensure that financial systems are working properly and that any issues are identified and addressed quickly. Monitoring tools such as Prometheus and Grafana can help monitor system performance and resources. In contrast, logging tools such as Elasticsearch and Kibana can help analyze log data.

Various Case Studies about DevOps#

1. JPMorgan Chase:

JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest financial institutions in the world and has implemented DevOps for financial services to improve the speed, quality, and efficiency of software development and deployment. They have implemented a continuous integration and delivery pipeline, automated testing, and deployment. They have also implemented infrastructure as code and have a dedicated team for monitoring and logging. This has helped them to reduce the risk of errors and outages, as well as improve the scalability and performance of their financial systems.

2. Barclays DevOps Adoption

In 2015, Barclays announced that DevOps was being used as part of its digital transformation strategy. At the moment, Barclays is in charge of managing payments, which make up over 30% of the UK's GDP. The leadership team credited DevOps at Barclays with significantly reducing the complexity of their programs, which allowed them to lower delivery risk and, in turn, improve the quality of their services. Developer satisfaction and code quality increased as a consequence.

3. Capital One:

Capital One is a financial services company that has implemented DevOps for financial services improvements such as performance and scalability. They have implemented a continuous integration and delivery pipeline, automated testing, and deployment. They have also implemented infrastructure as code and have a dedicated team for monitoring and logging. This has helped them to reduce the risk of errors and outages, as well as improve the scalability and performance of their financial systems.

4. DevOps the Lunar Way

An experience that shows Kubernetes doesn't require a large organization to be used. The large monolithic application was divided into more manageable microservices as the first step in their cloud-native DevOps journey. Ansible, Terraform, and Jenkins were used to spin up these microservices and deploy them as a single unit.

They then suddenly began encountering some of the microservices' scaling problems. They thus did not gain in any way from microservices.

DevOps for Financial Services

They thus began seeking solutions to this complexity by reorienting their attention from machine-oriented to application-oriented design. They didn't care where the containers were operating and instead picked Kubernetes and AWS as the abstraction layer, which allowed them to manage microservices and unleash their velocity. Additionally, they chose Kubernetes for its security features and to describe how the apps should function. With the help of Kubernetes, they currently manage over 80 microservices in production.


Companies in the financial services industry are under a lot of pressure to embrace sophisticated and demanding software development methodologies that satisfy stringent corporate and regulatory standards. With DevOps, the financial sector can deploy software faster than ever to keep up with demand and outperform the competition they face.