Containers or Virtual Machines? Get the Most Out of Our Edge Computing Tasks

The vast majority of service providers now implement cloud services, and it has shown to be a success, with increased speed capacity installations, easier expandability and versatility, and much fewer hours invested on multiple hardware data center equipment. Conventional cloud technology, on the opposite side, isn't suitable in every situation. Azure by Microsoft, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and AWS by Amazon are all conventional cloud providers with data centers all over the globe. Although each supplier's data center capacity is continually growing, such cloud services providers are not near enough to clients whenever a program requires the best performance and low delay. Consider how aggravating it is to enjoy a multiplayer game and have the frame rate decrease, or to stream a video and have the visual or sound connection delay. Edge computing is useful whenever speed is important or produced data has to be kept near to the consumers (Shi et al., 2016). This article evaluates two approaches to edge computing: 'Edge virtual machines (VMs)' and 'Edge containers', and helps developers determine which would be ideal for business.

What is Edge Computing?#

There are just a few data center areas available from the main cloud service providers. Despite their remarkable computing processing capability, the three top cloud service providers have only roughly 150 areas, most of which are in a similar region. These only cover a limited portion of the globe. Edge computing is powered by a considerably higher number of tiny data centers all over the globe. It employs a point of presence (PoP), which is often placed near wherever data is accessed or created. These PoPs operate on strong equipment and have rapid, dependable network access (Shi and Dustdar, 2016). It isn't an "either-or" situation when it comes to choosing between standard cloud and edge computing. Conventional cloud providers' data centers are supplemented or enhanced by edge computing.

Edge Computing platform

[Edge computing] ought to be the primary supplier in several situations such as:

Streaming - Instead of downloading, customers are increasingly opting to stream anything. They anticipate streams to start right away, creating this a perfect application for edge computing.

Edge computing for live streaming

Gaming - Ultra-low lag is beneficial to high scores in games and online gameplay.

Manufacturing - In manufacturing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology (OT) offer exciting new ways to improve monitoring systems and administration as well as run machines.

Edge Virtual Machines (Edge VMs)#

In a nutshell, virtual machines are virtual machines regardless of wherever they operate. Beginning with the hardware layer, termed as a bare-metal host server, virtual machines depend on a hypervisor such as VMware or Hyper-V to distribute computational resources across distinct virtual machine cases. Every virtual machine is a self-contained entity with its OS, capable of handling almost any program burden. The flexibility, adaptability, and optimum durability of these operations are significantly improved by virtual machine designs. Patching, upgrades, and improvement of the virtual machine's OS are required on a routine basis. Surveillance is essential for ensuring the virtual machine instances' and underpinning physical hardware infrastructure's stability (Zhao et al., 2017). Backup and data restoration activities must also be considered. All this amounts to a lot of time spent on inspection and management.

Virtual machines (VMs) are great for running several apps on the very same computer. This might be advantageous based on the demand. Assume users wish to run many domains using various Tomcat or .NET platforms. Users can operate them simultaneously without interfering with some other operations. Current apps may also be simply ported to the edge using VMs. If users utilize an on-premises VM or public cloud infrastructure, users could practically transfer the VM to an edge server using a lifting and shifting strategy, wherein users do not even affect the configuration of the app configuration or the OS.

Edge Containers#

A container is a virtualized, separated version of a component of a programme. Containers can enable flexibility and adaptability, although usually isn't for all containers inside an application framework, only for the one that needs expanding. It's simple to spin up multiple versions of a container image and bandwidth allocation among them after developers constructed one. Edge containers, like the containers developers have already seen, aren't fully virtualized PCs. Edge containers only have userspace, and they share the kernel with other containers on the same computer (Pires, Simão, and Veiga, 2021). It is often misinterpreted as meaning that physical machines provide less separation than virtual ones. Containers operating on the very same server, for instance, utilize the very same virtualization layer and also have recourse to a certain OS. Even though this seldom creates issues, it can be a stumbling barrier for services that run on the kernel for extensive accessibility to OS capabilities.

Difference Between VMs and Edge Containers#

Edge containers are appropriate whenever a developer's software supports a microservice-based design, which enables software systems to operate and scale individually. There is also a reduction in administrative and technical costs. Since the application needs specific OS integration that is not accessible in a container, VM is preferred when developers need access to a full OS. VM is required for increased capabilities over the technology stack, or if needed to execute many programs on the very same host (Doan et al., 2019).


Edge computing is a realistic alternative for applications that require high-quality and low-delay access. Conventional systems, such as those found in data centers and public clouds, are built on VMs and Edge containers, with little change. The only significant distinction would be that edge computing improves users' internet access by allowing them to access quicker (Satyanarayanan, 2017). Developers may pick what's suitable for their requirements now that they understand further about edge computing, such as the differences between edge VMs and edge containers.