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Enhancing user experience and facilitating innovation with Edge Compute


Edge computing, which is appropriate for serverless apps and other new ways of computing, is becoming more popular among developers. Edge computation moves development services and data directly to end-users by locating the computing functionality on the network's perimeter instead of in a centralised centre [(Cao et al., 2020)]. Many businesses have centralised their operations within massive data centres as a result of cloud technology. But, emerging end-user experiences, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), necessitate service delivery nearer to the network's "edges," where actual objects reside.

edge computing platform

What is Edge Compute?#

Edge computing is the process of operating programs at the network's edge instead of on centralised equipment in a data centre or the cloud [(Premsankar, Di Francesco and Taleb, 2018)]. Nowadays, this implies virtualized computing, while various kinds of edge computing have existed in the past. The word also encompasses the whole set of technology, resources, and procedures that enable the capacity. This involves having an edge runtime environment, a programmer platform that is aligned with edge computing, an edge code deployment method, and so on.

What is an Edge device?#

Edge devices are pieces of physical machine positioned at the network's edge that have sufficient storage, processing capabilities, and computational capabilities to gather data, analyse it, and operate on it in near real-time with only little assistance from other sections of the network [(Gomes et al., 2015)]. Edge devices required network access to enable back-and-forth connectivity between both the machine and a centralised server. The data is gathered and analysed at the edge device.

When is Edge Computing useful?#

Edge computing is an attractive computing solution for a wide range of applications. It is not, though, a substitute for data centres or the cloud. Instead, the edge is indeed an extra location for code to execute. When target customers could gain through edge computing, it represents the largest value. For several reasons, developers seek to place computing near the edge when an online platform demands the lowest feasible amount of delay, and executing application programs closer to the people will achieve this aim [(Satyanarayanan, 2017)].

What are the typical use cases of edge computing?#

Edge computing can supplement a hybrid computing architecture in situations where centralised computing is employed, such as:

  • Computation-intensive workloads
  • Data collection and storage
  • Machine learning/artificial intelligence
  • Vehicles that drive themselves
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Smart Cities

Edge computing could also aid in the resolution of issues at the source of data in real-time. In general, there is indeed a use case for edge computing if decreased delay and/or real-time surveillance can serve business objectives.

The Internet of Things (IoT) - There may be several network stages in getting and processing a response for an IoT device. The greater the computing capability accessible on the machine physically, or near this in the network, the greater the customer experience.

5G - 5G is a use case for edge computing that also supports additional edge use cases.

5G and Edge computing

Mobile technologies - When concerns develop in mobile computing, issues frequently focus on delay and disruption of services. By lowering data transmission delays, it can assist solve for strict latency limitations.

Telecommunications - As network operators update their networks, workload, and operations are being moved from the network infrastructure (datacentres) to the network's edge: surrounding stations and main locations [(Moura and Hutchison, 2019)].

What are the benefits of Edge Compute?#

Edge computing has several benefits for programmers and developers. The key beneficial effect, which leads to better end-user experiences, is low latency, although it is far from the only one. Putting computation at the edge promotes innovation. It moves to control and trust choices to the edge, allowing for more real-time apps and experiences with little personal data transit. Edge computing allows programmers to "simply code" without having to handle the difficulties of procuring computing resources and distributing code just at the edge with the correct tooling [(Cao et al., 2020)].

Why do IoT and edge computing have to collaborate?#

IoT generates a tremendous volume of data, which must be handled and evaluated before use. Edge computing brings computer resources closer to the edge or source of data, including an IoT system. Edge computing is indeed a localized resource of storage and processing for IoT device information and processing requirements, reducing communication latency between IoT systems and the main IT network to which they are linked [(Ai, Peng and Zhang, 2018)].

Final Thought#

Edge computing is a valuable resource and technique in today's data centre. Many telecommunication businesses are prioritizing edge as they update their network and explore new revenue streams. Many network operators, in particular, are shifting workloads and services out from the network infrastructure (in cloud data centres) and toward the network's edge, to global locations and main offices.

Containers or Virtual Machines? Get the Most Out of Our Edge Computing Tasks

The vast majority of service providers now implement cloud services, and it has shown to be a success, with increased speed capacity installations, easier expandability and versatility, and much fewer hours invested on multiple hardware data center equipment. Conventional cloud technology, on the opposite side, isn't suitable in every situation. Azure by Microsoft, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and AWS by Amazon are all conventional cloud providers with data centers all over the globe. Although each supplier's data center capacity is continually growing, such cloud services providers are not near enough to clients whenever a program requires the best performance and low delay. Consider how aggravating it is to enjoy a multiplayer game and have the frame rate decrease, or to stream a video and have the visual or sound connection delay. Edge computing is useful whenever speed is important or produced data has to be kept near to the consumers (Shi et al., 2016). This article evaluates two approaches to edge computing: 'Edge virtual machines (VMs)' and 'Edge containers', and helps developers determine which would be ideal for business.

What is Edge Computing?#

There are just a few data center areas available from the main cloud service providers. Despite their remarkable computing processing capability, the three top cloud service providers have only roughly 150 areas, most of which are in a similar region. These only cover a limited portion of the globe. Edge computing is powered by a considerably higher number of tiny data centers all over the globe. It employs a point of presence (PoP), which is often placed near wherever data is accessed or created. These PoPs operate on strong equipment and have rapid, dependable network access (Shi and Dustdar, 2016). It isn't an "either-or" situation when it comes to choosing between standard cloud and edge computing. Conventional cloud providers' data centers are supplemented or enhanced by edge computing.

Edge Computing platform

[Edge computing] ought to be the primary supplier in several situations such as:

Streaming - Instead of downloading, customers are increasingly opting to stream anything. They anticipate streams to start right away, creating this a perfect application for edge computing.

Edge computing for live streaming

Gaming - Ultra-low lag is beneficial to high scores in games and online gameplay.

Manufacturing - In manufacturing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and operational technology (OT) offer exciting new ways to improve monitoring systems and administration as well as run machines.

Edge Virtual Machines (Edge VMs)#

In a nutshell, virtual machines are virtual machines regardless of wherever they operate. Beginning with the hardware layer, termed as a bare-metal host server, virtual machines depend on a hypervisor such as VMware or Hyper-V to distribute computational resources across distinct virtual machine cases. Every virtual machine is a self-contained entity with its OS, capable of handling almost any program burden. The flexibility, adaptability, and optimum durability of these operations are significantly improved by virtual machine designs. Patching, upgrades, and improvement of the virtual machine's OS are required on a routine basis. Surveillance is essential for ensuring the virtual machine instances' and underpinning physical hardware infrastructure's stability (Zhao et al., 2017). Backup and data restoration activities must also be considered. All this amounts to a lot of time spent on inspection and management.

Virtual machines (VMs) are great for running several apps on the very same computer. This might be advantageous based on the demand. Assume users wish to run many domains using various Tomcat or .NET platforms. Users can operate them simultaneously without interfering with some other operations. Current apps may also be simply ported to the edge using VMs. If users utilize an on-premises VM or public cloud infrastructure, users could practically transfer the VM to an edge server using a lifting and shifting strategy, wherein users do not even affect the configuration of the app configuration or the OS.

Edge Containers#

A container is a virtualized, separated version of a component of a programme. Containers can enable flexibility and adaptability, although usually isn't for all containers inside an application framework, only for the one that needs expanding. It's simple to spin up multiple versions of a container image and bandwidth allocation among them after developers constructed one. Edge containers, like the containers developers have already seen, aren't fully virtualized PCs. Edge containers only have userspace, and they share the kernel with other containers on the same computer (Pires, Simão, and Veiga, 2021). It is often misinterpreted as meaning that physical machines provide less separation than virtual ones. Containers operating on the very same server, for instance, utilize the very same virtualization layer and also have recourse to a certain OS. Even though this seldom creates issues, it can be a stumbling barrier for services that run on the kernel for extensive accessibility to OS capabilities.

Difference Between VMs and Edge Containers#

Edge containers are appropriate whenever a developer's software supports a microservice-based design, which enables software systems to operate and scale individually. There is also a reduction in administrative and technical costs. Since the application needs specific OS integration that is not accessible in a container, VM is preferred when developers need access to a full OS. VM is required for increased capabilities over the technology stack, or if needed to execute many programs on the very same host (Doan et al., 2019).


Edge computing is a realistic alternative for applications that require high-quality and low-delay access. Conventional systems, such as those found in data centers and public clouds, are built on VMs and Edge containers, with little change. The only significant distinction would be that edge computing improves users' internet access by allowing them to access quicker (Satyanarayanan, 2017). Developers may pick what's suitable for their requirements now that they understand further about edge computing, such as the differences between edge VMs and edge containers.

Smart Stadiums: The World and the World It Can Be!

What are Smart Stadiums? Can intelligent Edge be used for Smart Stadiums and Sports in general? Find out below.

Smart Stadiums#

Fans expect high-definition, real-time streaming on their devices and computers at today's sports activities. Games can be held in an arena, in various locations, or outside. Especially outside competitions range from fixed-track contests to competitions that begin in one area and conclude hundreds of kilometers and perhaps even days back. Stations employ High-Definition (HD) equipment to live to transmit programming in these places. Huge volumes of visual data are generated by these devices. This information must be handled and examined. The worldwide video streaming business is expected to hit \$240 billion by 2030, according to estimates (Kariyawasam and Tsai, 2017). It's difficult to imagine a market wherein live broadcast streaming isn't an essential component, thanks to the entertainment and media businesses, which have been supported by an ever-increasing amount of lateral use scenarios.

Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing
Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing Frameworks

Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing Frameworks for Stadiums#

Edge computing, sometimes known as smart edge computer technology or just "edge," maintains graphics processing locally, low latency, and traffic while also removing the need for costly transport cables. Edge designs save substantial amounts of network transport traffic by drastically lowering video delay. As a result, onsite visitors will have a good user experience and procedures will be more effective. Many types of application scenarios are supported by the edge, including visual information sharing between both the edge and multiple clouds either between edge nodes (Bilal and Erbad, 2017). Edge allows streamers to send enhanced and processed footage to the server for extended storage. Edge technology for real-time video augments cloud capability by doing numerous visual processing activities onsite, complementing cloud capabilities.

Edge-Based Deployment#

Video data is transferred to a cloud data centre in a cloud-only architecture. This might result in increased delay, making it even harder for transmitters to provide pleasant television quality to paying customers. Conventional cloud-based options need a substantial expenditure in backhaul hardware, fibre lines, and satellite connectivity, among other things. Edge computing implements a decentralized and multi-layered framework for successfully constructing live video systems. Edge nodes may combine all of the capabilities of a centralized server regionally, resulting in increased organizational effectiveness. Additional capabilities, which include image processing and information security, may be hosted on the very same architecture with no need to create a distinct connection to maintain (Wang and Binstin, 2020). Compatibility is a basic architectural principle of edge networks, making it much easier to introduce additional applications to the very same system. The edge platform's multi-tenancy feature allows multiple parties' contract to execute their respective applications on the very same network edge.

Edge-Delivered streaming sequence#

The procedure for producing live stream broadcasts uses an edge that includes:

  • Technology for streaming video is rapidly advancing, and HD equipment is now in use at every sports event all over the globe.
  • To gather and combine information from numerous cameras, local edge-based multimedia processors could be placed all along the path.
  • Whenever a smartphone or tablet asks for video streaming or live stream, the edge node establishes a communication link with the end devices.
  • People who are at sporting events may keep an eye on the competitors and then use their smartphones and tablets to view live video streaming of the sport from beginning to end.
  • Huge volumes of data are generated by the Camera system. This information must be transported to the cloud for graphics processing under a cloud services approach. As a result, backhaul capacity is quite costly. Traffic will impair the quality of the video if capacity is inadequate. It may also have an impact on other programs that use the backhaul network (Dautov and Distefano, 2020).

Intelligent Edge at Sports Streaming Enables the Following Features#

Connectivity, communications, and interfacing requirements are all provided by the smart edge computing method, allowing for real-time, streaming video during sporting events.

  • Security: With computation to networking transfer, the intelligent edge safeguards visual data at all logical layers.
  • Scalability: Edge can shift memory and computing capabilities among inactive and active nodes for scalability.
  • Open: Various carriers' edge node architecture and streaming platforms from different suppliers will collaborate.
  • Autonomy: Edge-based live stream solutions are self-contained and may function without the use of the cloud (Abeysiriwardhana, Wijekoon and Nishi, 2020).
  • Reliability: In higher edge nodes, framework administration can be set and provide management solutions.
  • Agility: Without using cloud services, live stream video is analyzed and transmitted between edge nodes.

Streaming Contracts#

The licenses to live-streamed sporting events are controlled by numerous teams and leagues, who license such assets to different Television stations and, progressively, streaming sites. However, in addition to financial price and conditions of the contracts, broadcast rights transactions must typically specify the breadth of the materials being licensed, yet if the license is exclusionary, the relevant area, and, in many cases, the rights holder's advertising prospects (Secular, 2018). In the case of streaming services, each has its system of defined issues to address.

Exclusivity and Range of Streaming Contracts#

There have rarely existed greater options for sports to engage viewers, whether, through broadcasting, television, or online means of displaying programming, and they are motivated to use them all. Stations that have their streaming platforms are attempting to widen the range of licenses as often as feasible to protect any remaining television income while attracting new digital customers. Streaming services have the chance to accelerate the change in how people follow by having sports entirely available online.

Conclusion for Smart Stadiums#

[Edge technology] for streaming sports video enhances cloud capacity by doing a variety of visual data processing on-site. As streaming companies continue to demonstrate that sports can be viewed completely online, more industry heavyweights may decide to enter the fray (Mathews, 2018). The corporation hoping to have control over sports streaming rights should carefully assess the breadth of the rights they are licensing, balancing financial concerns with exclusivity. Lastly, as streaming platforms innovate and change how people watch sports, they should ensure that their Terms and Conditions are thorough and compatible with the terms & conditions of streaming contracts.

Videos at Edge | Unilateral Choice

Why are videos the best to use with Edge? What makes edge special for Videos? This article will cover aspects of Video at Edge why it is a Unilateral choice! Read on!

The Simplest, Smartest, Fastest way for Enterprise to deploy any application

With advancements in computing, we are making newer technologies to improve end-user performance. The tool to help us in getting the best user experiences is edge computing. As cloud computing is gaining momentum, we have created better applications that were impossible earlier. Given the vast arena of edge computing, we can get several benefits from it. Therefore, we should not restrict to only content and look beyond what is available presently.

We all know that our computer applications depend on the cloud for efficient operations. Still, certain drawbacks of this dependence include buffering, loading time, reduced efficiency, irritation, etc. This article will look at how we can get the best video experience at the Edge.

edge computing for videos operating system

How can the Edge help us in getting the best video experience?#

We all love to watch different genre videos on our smartphones, laptops, PC and other devices. But these are only limited to a restricted view; we don't feel them in reality. Therefore, several tech projects look into the possibility of creating a 360-degree video experience. Several tools like head-mounted Display (HMD), also called virtual reality, can come in handy for this 360-degree video viewing. It creates more interest and unique ways than a traditional video viewing experience. However, there are several challenges that this technology has to overcome to provide a better user experience.

Challenges for better user experience for videos at edge#

  • High Bandwidth is required to run these immersive videos
  • Latency sensitivity is another problem.
  • Requirement of Heterogeneous HMD devices for getting a 360-degree experience

However, edge computing can help us overcome these challenges and enhance the user experience.

What is edge computing?#

The Edge often termed the next-gen solution, can help us get the best video experience because it allows us to view unlimited content on different devices. The quality is improved because the content is stored near the end-user. Interestingly, Edge can help get an enjoyable experience with no regard to the location.

Take videos loading, for example, it is faster in edge computing rather than cloud computing. To check the video experience in edge computing, users played an edge gaming app(a smartphone multiplayer video game). They did the entire process on edge rather than on a mobile phone. This experiment showed spectacular results with remarkable speed.

In a video operating system that gets help from the Edge, the viewers get a 360-degree viewpoint on edge servers. The algorithms involved in Edge can help implement and solve the problems of video streaming systems.

Benefits for using Edge for video streaming

  • Edge helps in reducing bandwidth usage. Therefore, there is a reduction in loading and buffering issues.
  • The computation workload on HMD (Head Mounted Display) is reduced because lightweight models are used.
  • The users could realise lower network latency.
  • Let's compare it with traditional video streaming platforms. We will get 62% better performance because it reduces bandwidth consumption by almost sixty-two per cent and renders the highest video quality to the viewer.
  • The battery life is also enhanced because the Edge consumes far less battery than traditional video streaming platforms.

Imagine the possibility of hosting a whole application on edge computing

We have seen how edge computing can offer wonderful video experiences. Let's see how edge computing can help us in hosting a whole application and getting maximum satisfaction. According to the study, if we upload the entire application at the Edge, we would need o

edge computing for video streaming platforms

nly a front-facing client to operate with no other requirement.

An excellent example to understand this concept is Google glass. If we watch an application on Google glass, we can see that it is not hosting the application, but it is only a medium to view it. Similarly, smartphones would not host the application but become a medium to view the application. It could therefore show spectacular performance.

Enhanced Experience is not the only benefit by hosting on Edge

  • We will see the first change in the landscape of application.

Edge will make the application more interactive, intelligent and exciting, thus giving a better user experience.

  • The application hosted on Edge will not need to depend on a smartphone but only on the network.
  • The requirements for allied technology like power, battery, memory for smartphones will reduce since we host the applications on Edge and not on the smartphone.

In addition, it will help smartphone manufacturers to give necessary attention to hardware components like display, screen, etc.

Hosting applications at the Edge will bring a revolution and how we perceive smartphones. We will, then, use smartphones only for viewing the application and not for storing the application.

As the load on smartphones reduces, companies can remove unnecessary technology from smartphones. Users can get slim, thin, foldable (as the latest technology is trying to give) and even unimagined smartphones in the future.

multi access edge computing

How does an application get to be a part of edge computing?#

We saw how edge computing could help us in getting an excellent video and application experience. But we don't want to give this to theory, only instead bring it to practical use. For making it a reality, there are specific requirements. The first requirement for hosting applications or videos on Edge rather than a smartphone is an edge computing platform. Only an edge computing platform will enable us to get the benefit of network and application. Therefore, several companies like Nife.io are working on creating an ‘OS for the edge'.

Rounding up:

In this article, we saw how edge computing could help render better quality videos, solve the existing problems of video streaming platforms and give the best user experience. But for all of this to be a reality, we require platforms to adopt edge computing.

Therefore, welcome the future of video streaming and reap the benefits of edge devices by reaching out to us. We are soon to realise the benefits of the videos listed above due to edge computing.

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