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Benefits of 5G For Business in App Development


5G in app development will foster an era not only of high-speed internet networks but will also open up various avenues of application development beyond imagination.

5G For Business

In recent decades, technology has evolved radically, especially in the telecommunication sector. The demand for a fast connection, easy accessibility, and reliability of a wireless network has led us to the development of 5G technology.

Two decades ago, the only way to communicate was through a cell phone or email. But now, technological advancements have provided us with the ability to communicate in a thousand different ways.

According to a survey, by the year 2027, the number of subscriptions for 5G will reach 4.39 billion. There is no doubt that in the near future, 5G will capture the mobile market. The release of 5G will not only affect consumers but also greatly impact the Mobile App Development business.

The release of 5G will provide a ground zero for Mobile App Development businesses to experiment and create new applications to enhance user experience. Read the full article to know more about 5G and how it will benefit App Development Businesses.

5G Explained#

5G is the Fifth Generation of mobile technology after 4G. 5G offers great advancements including high speed, easy connectivity, and many others. It will provide users with the opportunity to transfer large chunks of data in seconds.

5G will have a speed almost 10 times faster than 4G. It provides data transfer speeds up to 10Gbps, whereas 4G only provides data transfer speeds up to several hundred Mbps. This technology will open new gates for business in app development.

With this technology, user experience will enhance greatly, providing a fast and reliable network. New applications will emerge that will help solve daily problems more efficiently.

Features of 5G#

To understand the benefits of 5G in App Development, one must understand its features first. Here are some of the amazing features of 5G technology:

Increased Speed#

5G provides an amazing speed of 10Gbps. This speed is the highest anyone has ever used till now. It is 100 times faster than current speeds. This speed will help users download a large amount of data in a couple of seconds.

5G will change the world completely with all of its amazing features. This fast speed, when combined with emergency systems like car boxes or other devices, will also save lives.

Low Latency#

5G provides users with a low latency feature that ensures a lag-free experience. 5G reduces the possibility of any delay to help users perform real-time tasks with ease. This feature will help users perform any online task without network interference, such as taking an online test or having an online meeting.

Improved Connectivity#

4G is not capable of handling connectivity with the current population growth. It only has the capability of handling several thousand devices in the same area. 5G is way ahead in connectivity.

It has the capability of handling millions of devices in the same area without any network interference.

Wide Bandwidth#

5G provides the opportunity to transfer data over a variety of frequencies. Users will be able to use all spectrums including low band, high bands, and mid bands to increase efficiency.

Benefits of 5G in App Development#

5G in App Development

Implementation of IoT#

With the seamless connectivity of 5G, it will be easier to share data across devices. This will provide an opportunity for developers to create more applications around IoT. Large chunks of data will be shared easily to help create a perfect IoT environment.

With 5G, these devices will be able to run more efficiently, consuming less power and working on a range of bandwidths.

Media-Rich Experience#

5G is expected to provide a rich experience in all kinds of media (audio, video, picture, etc.). With its high speed and low latency, users will be able to enjoy a delay-free experience at a much higher speed. Videos in 4K will be watched without any lag.

Video calling will offer a different experience with 5G. Users will be able to enjoy long-distance, lag-free video calls for hours. Developers will be able to incorporate high-quality videos to showcase features to their users.

Incorporation of AR and VR#

AR and VR services in an application work by connecting to a server online and processing available data online to give users results. However, 4G does not provide enough speed to process that much data on online servers for AR and VR.

With the amazing features of 5G, such as high speed and low latency, developers will be able to correctly incorporate AR and VR technologies into their applications. With innovative 5G technology, data will be processed on the server in seconds, allowing users to enjoy these technologies from anywhere.

Improved GPS Accuracy#

GPS-based app development will assure accuracy. With the current 4G network, information exchange is limited and slow. But with the wide connectivity and high-speed features of 5G, GPS-based app development will assure 100% accurate GPS results.

These results will be used by EVs (Electric Vehicles) to improve their efficiency.

Smart City Apps#

With new 5G technology, smart cities will be built. Millions of devices will be interconnected, and data will be shared across devices. All of this will be possible through the connectivity and speed of 5G. This will create an opportunity for app developers to create thousands of apps to share and process different kinds of data.

This data sharing in smart cities will help authorities save lives by preventing accidents, solving crimes, and more.


New technology is knocking on the door. Soon, 5G technology will take over the world just like 4G. With this technology change, a demand for applications will be created in the market. 4G will not be able to meet these new consumer demands. At that time, businesses in app development will thrive. Every day, a new application will be released to improve the user experience.

5G, with its high speed, connectivity, and low latency, will revolutionize the world. Big data chunks will be transferred in seconds. Streaming will be smoother than ever. New technologies will be incorporated into your smartphones, leading to a significant technology shift.

Here's the video format for this article: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzhqBWTOzaI

How and Why of Edge and AR | Edge Computing Platform

Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) can aid is with real estate property browsing. MEC can provide a two-fold answer. Most buyers look at many residences and don't make decisions without viewing them. Engaging Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) applications like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) demonstrate strong opportunities to connect the external and simulated worlds, whether it's putting a virtual couch in your sitting room as part of an interactive retail setting or allowing forecasting refurbishment steered by actual data as well as a layering of step-by-step graphic guidelines. As an element of synchronized and safe processes, the objective is to allow all sides to see what other sees. Combining smartphones and tablets, iPads, and smartwatches with virtual collaborative technologies redefine learning and allow product specialists to help from a distance (Ambrose and Shen, 2021). The goal is to make the distant assessment, replacement, and service of existing goods more efficient.

AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) are still considered specialized innovations which have yet to be widely accepted. A lot of it comes down to the issues that edge computing can now solve. Following the commercial release of 5G, AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) encompasses a slew of innovative application cases that, when combined by the edge of the network, will provide significant value to the sector and businesses. Applying virtual layers to live sights is what augmented reality is all about. It can be performed with a device, but in business, wearable technology is much more probably to be used. VR is total absorption in a digital perspective that requires the use of a set of glasses that block the user's view of the world surrounding them (Gerasimova, 2019).

The real estate sector is likely to be transformed by this technology, which some belief would make property hunting more effective. It can help purchaser's picture houses in progress and alleviate the stress of moving to the new location or purchasing from overseas.

Virtual Reality | Edge Computing Technology
Virtual Reality | Edge Computing Technology

What role does Edge and AR play in wooing customers in property hunting?#

With AR (augmented reality), real estate reaches new heights in terms of providing consumers with a more efficient and interesting visual journey. Retailers may now transport them to any destination they like. Offer visitors a digital tour to relieve the stress of having to figure out road signs and building numbers while travelling. People will also have a complete image of the place after they have had the opportunities to explore it. Aside from the ease, it provides to property buyers, it also assists real estate brokers in other ways. Augmented Reality may also be used for branding and advertising (Lang and Sittler, 2012).

The following are some of the marketing aspects of augmented reality for property investment:

  • More dynamic print catalogues and large boards are being developed.
  • Spatial that really can help for-sale properties in real-time.
  • Get an interactive function in the app so a potential buyer may reach out to the retailer right away.
  • A larger audience

How to Use Virtual Reality in Property Hunting?#

Virtual reality performs a vital part in the property market, from real estate development to housing developments. Let's take a look at several ways that may use virtual reality property hunting:

  • Guided Visits: Property hunters, on the whole, compile a list of properties they wish to see and then go to the locations. Some residences are nearby, while some are on the periphery. As a result, planning a visit and narrowing down a list of prospective homes becomes physiologically and psychologically demanding. VR in the housing market efficiently overcomes all of these issues (Pleyers and Poncin, 2020).

  • Participatory Visits: Participatory visits are growing in popularity these days. The key difference between supervised and participatory trips would be that active trips allow property hunters to tap on the display and zoom in on certain areas of the property.

  • Virtual Staging: The term "virtual staging" refers to the technique of electronically furnishing vacant places. Simply defined, VS is a property investment internet marketing tactic that lets customers see themselves in completely furnished homes.

  • Communication: Modern residences and ultra-luxury homes now provide a variety of public utilities. While such products and services provide convenience, they may also be perplexing sometimes.

The Benefits of Edge-VR in Property Hunting:#

  • Time and money-saving.
  • Creates an emotional bond.
  • Profits increased.
  • Experimentation is simple.
  • Reach Out to a Larger Audience

What is the difference between VR and AR?#

AR and VR are both disruptive technologies, they have some significant distinctions:

Virtual Reality (VR)Augmented Reality (AR)
Creates a fantastical world.The real world is mingled with visuals or other factors.
A portable device or a head-mounted gadget is required.Apps are available for smartphones, tablets, and PCs.
Objects cannot be added or changed by customers.It's simple to add, remove, or edit items.

Conclusion for Edge and AR#

Several businesses that are willing to embrace augmented reality are unable to do so due to limitations in their capacity to exchange data on the cloud. Companies may utilise graphical tools and applications like Zoom or Microsoft Exchange for normal communication, but they can't use the same cloud-based solutions for critical organisational activities like learning, support, or technical access because of data security and privacy ownership issues. AR and VR are on the verge of allowing participants to take their immersive experience with others, which is something that most people like about property hunting. In terms of what's feasible, both AR and VR are advancing at breakneck speed (Deaky and Parv, 2017). It's nearly a perfect match for property hunting.

To know the benefits of Edge Computing please read: Differentiation Between Edge Computing and Cloud Computing

Smart Stadiums: The World and the World It Can Be!

What are Smart Stadiums? Can intelligent Edge be used for Smart Stadiums and Sports in general? Find out below.

Smart Stadiums#

Fans expect high-definition, real-time streaming on their devices and computers at today's sports activities. Games can be held in an arena, in various locations, or outside. Especially outside competitions range from fixed-track contests to competitions that begin in one area and conclude hundreds of kilometers and perhaps even days back. Stations employ High-Definition (HD) equipment to live to transmit programming in these places. Huge volumes of visual data are generated by these devices. This information must be handled and examined. The worldwide video streaming business is expected to hit \$240 billion by 2030, according to estimates (Kariyawasam and Tsai, 2017). It's difficult to imagine a market wherein live broadcast streaming isn't an essential component, thanks to the entertainment and media businesses, which have been supported by an ever-increasing amount of lateral use scenarios.

Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing
Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing Frameworks

Sports Live stream with Smart Edge-computing Frameworks for Stadiums#

Edge computing, sometimes known as smart edge computer technology or just "edge," maintains graphics processing locally, low latency, and traffic while also removing the need for costly transport cables. Edge designs save substantial amounts of network transport traffic by drastically lowering video delay. As a result, onsite visitors will have a good user experience and procedures will be more effective. Many types of application scenarios are supported by the edge, including visual information sharing between both the edge and multiple clouds either between edge nodes (Bilal and Erbad, 2017). Edge allows streamers to send enhanced and processed footage to the server for extended storage. Edge technology for real-time video augments cloud capability by doing numerous visual processing activities onsite, complementing cloud capabilities.

Edge-Based Deployment#

Video data is transferred to a cloud data centre in a cloud-only architecture. This might result in increased delay, making it even harder for transmitters to provide pleasant television quality to paying customers. Conventional cloud-based options need a substantial expenditure in backhaul hardware, fibre lines, and satellite connectivity, among other things. Edge computing implements a decentralized and multi-layered framework for successfully constructing live video systems. Edge nodes may combine all of the capabilities of a centralized server regionally, resulting in increased organizational effectiveness. Additional capabilities, which include image processing and information security, may be hosted on the very same architecture with no need to create a distinct connection to maintain (Wang and Binstin, 2020). Compatibility is a basic architectural principle of edge networks, making it much easier to introduce additional applications to the very same system. The edge platform's multi-tenancy feature allows multiple parties' contract to execute their respective applications on the very same network edge.

Edge-Delivered streaming sequence#

The procedure for producing live stream broadcasts uses an edge that includes:

  • Technology for streaming video is rapidly advancing, and HD equipment is now in use at every sports event all over the globe.
  • To gather and combine information from numerous cameras, local edge-based multimedia processors could be placed all along the path.
  • Whenever a smartphone or tablet asks for video streaming or live stream, the edge node establishes a communication link with the end devices.
  • People who are at sporting events may keep an eye on the competitors and then use their smartphones and tablets to view live video streaming of the sport from beginning to end.
  • Huge volumes of data are generated by the Camera system. This information must be transported to the cloud for graphics processing under a cloud services approach. As a result, backhaul capacity is quite costly. Traffic will impair the quality of the video if capacity is inadequate. It may also have an impact on other programs that use the backhaul network (Dautov and Distefano, 2020).

Intelligent Edge at Sports Streaming Enables the Following Features#

Connectivity, communications, and interfacing requirements are all provided by the smart edge computing method, allowing for real-time, streaming video during sporting events.

  • Security: With computation to networking transfer, the intelligent edge safeguards visual data at all logical layers.
  • Scalability: Edge can shift memory and computing capabilities among inactive and active nodes for scalability.
  • Open: Various carriers' edge node architecture and streaming platforms from different suppliers will collaborate.
  • Autonomy: Edge-based live stream solutions are self-contained and may function without the use of the cloud (Abeysiriwardhana, Wijekoon and Nishi, 2020).
  • Reliability: In higher edge nodes, framework administration can be set and provide management solutions.
  • Agility: Without using cloud services, live stream video is analyzed and transmitted between edge nodes.

Streaming Contracts#

The licenses to live-streamed sporting events are controlled by numerous teams and leagues, who license such assets to different Television stations and, progressively, streaming sites. However, in addition to financial price and conditions of the contracts, broadcast rights transactions must typically specify the breadth of the materials being licensed, yet if the license is exclusionary, the relevant area, and, in many cases, the rights holder's advertising prospects (Secular, 2018). In the case of streaming services, each has its system of defined issues to address.

Exclusivity and Range of Streaming Contracts#

There have rarely existed greater options for sports to engage viewers, whether, through broadcasting, television, or online means of displaying programming, and they are motivated to use them all. Stations that have their streaming platforms are attempting to widen the range of licenses as often as feasible to protect any remaining television income while attracting new digital customers. Streaming services have the chance to accelerate the change in how people follow by having sports entirely available online.

Conclusion for Smart Stadiums#

[Edge technology] for streaming sports video enhances cloud capacity by doing a variety of visual data processing on-site. As streaming companies continue to demonstrate that sports can be viewed completely online, more industry heavyweights may decide to enter the fray (Mathews, 2018). The corporation hoping to have control over sports streaming rights should carefully assess the breadth of the rights they are licensing, balancing financial concerns with exclusivity. Lastly, as streaming platforms innovate and change how people watch sports, they should ensure that their Terms and Conditions are thorough and compatible with the terms & conditions of streaming contracts.

Case Study: Scaling up deployment of AR Mirrors

cloud computing technology

AR Mirrors or Smart mirrors, the future of mirrors, is known as the world's most advanced Digital Mirrors. Augmented Reality mirrors are a reality today, and they hold certain advantages amidst COVID-19 as well.

Learn More about how to deploy and scale Smart Mirrors.


AR Mirrors are the future and are used in many places for ease of use for the end-users. AR mirrors are also used in Media & Entertainment sectors because the customers get easy usage of these mirrors, the real mirrors. The AI improves the edge's performance, and the battery concern is eradicated with edge computing.


Augmented Reality, Artificial intelligence, Virtual reality and Edge computing will help to make retail stores more interactive and the online experience more real-life, elevating the customer experience and driving sales.

Recently, in retail markets, the use of AR mirrors has emerged, offering many advantages. The benefits of using these mirrors are endless, and so is the ability of the edge.

For shoppers to go back to the stores, the touch and feel are the last to focus on. Smart Mirrors bring altogether a new experience of visualizing different garments, how the clothes actually fit on the person, exploring multiple choices and sizes to create a very realistic augmented reflection, yet avoiding physical wear and touch.


We use real mirrors in trial rooms to try clothes and accessories. Smart mirrors have become necessary with the spread of the pandemic.

The mirrors make the virtual objects tangible and handy, which provides maximum utility to the users building on customer experience. Generally, as human nature, the normal mirrors in the real world more often to get a look and feel.

Hence, these mirrors take you to the virtual world, help you with looking at jewellery, accessories and even clothes making the shopping experience more holistic.

Smart Mirrors use an embedded processor with AI. The local processor ensures no lag when the user is using the Mirrors and hence provides an inference closest to the user. While this helps with the inference, the cost of the processor increases.

In order to drive large scale deployment, the cost of mirrors needs to be brought down. Today, AR mirrors have a high price, hence deploying them in retail stores or malls has become a challenge.

The other challenge includes updates to the AR application itself. Today, the System Integrator needs to go to every single location and update the application.

Nife.io delivers by using minimum unit architecture, each connected to the central edge server that can lower the overall cost and help to scale the application on Smart Mirror

Key challenges and drivers of AR Mirrors#

  • Localized Data Processing
  • Reliability
  • Application performance is not compromised
  • Reduced Backhaul


AR Mirrors deliver a seamless user experience with AI. It is a light device that also provides data localization for ease of access to the end-user.

AR Mirrors come with flexible features and can easily be used according to the user's preference.

Here, edge computing helps in reducing hardware costs and ensures that the customers and their end-users do not have to compromise with application performance.

  1. The local AI processing moves to the central server.
  2. The processor now gets connected to a camera to get the visual information and pass it on to the server.

Since the processing is moved away from the server itself, this helps AR mirrors also can help reduce battery life.

The critical piece here is lag in operations. The end-user should not face any lag, the central server then must have enough processing power and enough isolations to run the operations.

Since the central server with network connectivity is in the control of the application owner and the system integrator, the time spent to deploy in multiple servers is completely reduced.

How does Nife Help with AR Mirrors?#

Use Nife to offload device compute and deploy applications close to the Smart Mirrors.

  • Offload local computation
  • No difference in application performance (70% improvement from Cloud)
  • Reduce the overall price of the Smart Mirrors (40% Cost Reduction)
  • Manage and Monitor all applications in a single pane of glass.
  • Seamlessly deploy and manage applications ( 5 min to deploy, 3 min to scale)