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How Can 5G Connections Deliver 100 Times Faster Speeds and Monetize

In this age of the internet, customers seek faster, stronger, better accessible, and more innovative data rates. Most users want to view videos on their phones as well as download files and operate a variety of IoT devices. They expect a 5G connection to deliver 100 times faster speeds, ten times greater capacity, and ten times lower latency. The shift to 5G requires considerable expenditures from telecommunications companies (Ahokangas et al., 2019). To provide new income streams and enable better effects and cost-effective processes, BSS should advance in tandem with 5Generation network installations. So get ready to face the difficulties of 5G monetization.

What is 5G Monetization?#

The commercialization of 5G is a hot topic. "Utilising the 5G customer possibility" and "5G, as well as the Business Potential" are two studies that go through the various market prospects. It illustrates that, in the long term, there is still a tremendous new income opportunity for carriers at multiple solution rates, targeted regions, and industrial control. "Taking liberties with 5G commercial patterns" highlights what AR/VR entertainment, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA), and 3D graphics experience might be supplied via B2C, B2B, and B2B2X interaction designs. Network operators should analyse their BSS progression along with their 5G facilities to fulfil the 5G obligations of greater network rate of speed and frequency band, ultra-low latency, fully convinced quality of service, communication, and flexibility. Operators must take the chance or risk missing out on some of these potential applications when they become a reality (Dramitinos, Stamoulis, and Lonsethagen, 2017). 5G monetization is among the capabilities that will allow companies to deliver on their 5G commitments right away. To satisfy 5G use cases and deliver the full potential of 5G, CSPs must upgrade their BSS in parallel with their 5G rollout, or face falling behind in the 5G competition for profitable technology.

Addressing the Development of the BSS Architecture#

To effectively understand the benefits of 5G monetization, network operators must consider the growth of their telecommunication BSS from a range of viewpoints:

  • 5G Convergent Charging System (CCS): These latest 5G Basic specifications define a CCS, which includes a 5G Charging Function (CHF), that enables merged charges and expenditure limitation management in the modern business design. The CHF is triggered by both physical and digital activities and either triggers the OCS (online charging system) for internet grading or generates an uncensored EDR (event data record) for offline grading (Stojanović, Radenković, and Bogdanović, 2021).

  • Orchestration, Completion, and Guarantee of Service: As more distributed systems and commercial services arise, service synchronization and fulfilment must become more difficult and stringent to guarantee that commodities, bundles, and trials, involving own and third-party items, are discussed, acquired, and engaged as soon as customers demand them.

  • Exposure: As the 5G network connects new business opportunities and sectors, distributors must ensure that existing BSS features are available to anyone who wants to safely use those via standardized TMF Open APIs. Additional BSS apps, adjacent layers including OSS and Core network, or third parties and collaborators who extend 5G products with their own capabilities might all be consumers of BSS APIs.

  • Cloud Architecture: The productivity, efficiency, versatility, and robustness required by 5G systems and services necessitate a new software design that considers BSS installations in the cloud, whether private, public, or hybrid.

Network operators are unlikely to entirely alter current BSS in all of these sectors at the very same time. Future 5G earnings won't all be available right away; they'll arrive in waves as various markets and sectors mature. To determine when business development will begin or how this process or path will appear, carriers must consider their unique scenario, success in the market, desired place in the 5G supply chain, and evolutionary competence (Yeh et al., 2020).

The AR Gaming Use Case and Intelligent Operations#

The 5G Core along with BSS and OSS all in place will bring along a potential partner: a cloud gaming provider that intends to promote [AR gaming] to the carrier's subscribers. For such gaming data, companies want a specific network segment with an assured level of service. Each collaborator can demand their network connection and establish their SLAs using distribution platforms in a smart, fully automated network. BSS breaks down this ordering into multiple sub-orders, like the construction and deployment of the particular portion via the OSS, when it receives it. All specified SLAs are simply assigned in the particular portion at the very same time, and verification begins monitoring the defined indications immediately. There is no human interference in any of this.

The operator additionally uses its archive design to describe the service offering that its customers will acquire in addition to being implemented on the partner's particular portion all in one location (Smith and Ugolini, 2021). This promotion is immediately disseminated to all relevant systems, including online charging, CRM, and digital platforms, and may be consumed immediately. It's also accessible to partners via an API, who may combine it with additional perks while offering it to customers. The operators can utilize smart suggestions to target individual customers with the new offer depending on their consumption habits and behavior.

cloud gaming services
cloud gaming services

Conclusion for 5G Monetization#

Ultimately, whenever a customer decides to buy a package, they automatically implement it in the network segment, often without touching the system. The partners would be able to monitor the networking health-related level of performance details for every customer instantaneously and will also be ready to obtain immediate decisions or conduct offers based on this data. New platforms can adapt to changes based on factual capacity because of the BSS cloud architecture (Peterson and Sunay, 2020). Every detail relating to transactions, items, network bandwidth, and profitability goals, along with other factors, is given back into circulation and utilized as parameters for networking and inventory development in a confined manner.

How and Why of Edge and AR | Edge Computing Platform

Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) can aid is with real estate property browsing. MEC can provide a two-fold answer. Most buyers look at many residences and don't make decisions without viewing them. Engaging Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) applications like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) demonstrate strong opportunities to connect the external and simulated worlds, whether it's putting a virtual couch in your sitting room as part of an interactive retail setting or allowing forecasting refurbishment steered by actual data as well as a layering of step-by-step graphic guidelines. As an element of synchronized and safe processes, the objective is to allow all sides to see what other sees. Combining smartphones and tablets, iPads, and smartwatches with virtual collaborative technologies redefine learning and allow product specialists to help from a distance (Ambrose and Shen, 2021). The goal is to make the distant assessment, replacement, and service of existing goods more efficient.

AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) are still considered specialized innovations which have yet to be widely accepted. A lot of it comes down to the issues that edge computing can now solve. Following the commercial release of 5G, AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) encompasses a slew of innovative application cases that, when combined by the edge of the network, will provide significant value to the sector and businesses. Applying virtual layers to live sights is what augmented reality is all about. It can be performed with a device, but in business, wearable technology is much more probably to be used. VR is total absorption in a digital perspective that requires the use of a set of glasses that block the user's view of the world surrounding them (Gerasimova, 2019).

The real estate sector is likely to be transformed by this technology, which some belief would make property hunting more effective. It can help purchaser's picture houses in progress and alleviate the stress of moving to the new location or purchasing from overseas.

Virtual Reality | Edge Computing Technology
Virtual Reality | Edge Computing Technology

What role does Edge and AR play in wooing customers in property hunting?#

With AR (augmented reality), real estate reaches new heights in terms of providing consumers with a more efficient and interesting visual journey. Retailers may now transport them to any destination they like. Offer visitors a digital tour to relieve the stress of having to figure out road signs and building numbers while travelling. People will also have a complete image of the place after they have had the opportunities to explore it. Aside from the ease, it provides to property buyers, it also assists real estate brokers in other ways. Augmented Reality may also be used for branding and advertising (Lang and Sittler, 2012).

The following are some of the marketing aspects of augmented reality for property investment:

  • More dynamic print catalogues and large boards are being developed.
  • Spatial that really can help for-sale properties in real-time.
  • Get an interactive function in the app so a potential buyer may reach out to the retailer right away.
  • A larger audience

How to Use Virtual Reality in Property Hunting?#

Virtual reality performs a vital part in the property market, from real estate development to housing developments. Let's take a look at several ways that may use virtual reality property hunting:

  • Guided Visits: Property hunters, on the whole, compile a list of properties they wish to see and then go to the locations. Some residences are nearby, while some are on the periphery. As a result, planning a visit and narrowing down a list of prospective homes becomes physiologically and psychologically demanding. VR in the housing market efficiently overcomes all of these issues (Pleyers and Poncin, 2020).

  • Participatory Visits: Participatory visits are growing in popularity these days. The key difference between supervised and participatory trips would be that active trips allow property hunters to tap on the display and zoom in on certain areas of the property.

  • Virtual Staging: The term "virtual staging" refers to the technique of electronically furnishing vacant places. Simply defined, VS is a property investment internet marketing tactic that lets customers see themselves in completely furnished homes.

  • Communication: Modern residences and ultra-luxury homes now provide a variety of public utilities. While such products and services provide convenience, they may also be perplexing sometimes.

The Benefits of Edge-VR in Property Hunting:#

  • Time and money-saving.
  • Creates an emotional bond.
  • Profits increased.
  • Experimentation is simple.
  • Reach Out to a Larger Audience

What is the difference between VR and AR?#

AR and VR are both disruptive technologies, they have some significant distinctions:

Virtual Reality (VR)Augmented Reality (AR)
Creates a fantastical world.The real world is mingled with visuals or other factors.
A portable device or a head-mounted gadget is required.Apps are available for smartphones, tablets, and PCs.
Objects cannot be added or changed by customers.It's simple to add, remove, or edit items.

Conclusion for Edge and AR#

Several businesses that are willing to embrace augmented reality are unable to do so due to limitations in their capacity to exchange data on the cloud. Companies may utilise graphical tools and applications like Zoom or Microsoft Exchange for normal communication, but they can't use the same cloud-based solutions for critical organisational activities like learning, support, or technical access because of data security and privacy ownership issues. AR and VR are on the verge of allowing participants to take their immersive experience with others, which is something that most people like about property hunting. In terms of what's feasible, both AR and VR are advancing at breakneck speed (Deaky and Parv, 2017). It's nearly a perfect match for property hunting.

To know the benefits of Edge Computing please read: Differentiation Between Edge Computing and Cloud Computing

5G Monetization | Multi Access Edge Computing


Consumers want quicker, better, more convenient, and revolutionary data speeds in this internet age. Many people are eager to watch movies on their smartphones while also downloading music and controlling many IoT devices. They anticipate a 5G connection, which will provide 100 times quicker speeds, 10 times more capacity, and 10 times reduced latency. The transition to 5G necessitates significant expenditures from service providers. To support new income streams and enable better, more productive, and cost-effective processes and exchanges, BSS must advance in tandem with 5G network installations (Pablo Collufio, 2019). Let's get ready to face the challenges of 5G monetization.

5G and Cloud Computing

cloud gaming services

Why 5G monetization?#

The appropriate 5G monetization solutions may be a superpower, allowing CSPs to execute on 5G's potential from the start. The commercialization of 5G is a hot topic. "Harnessing the 5G consumer potential" and "5G and the Enterprise Opportunity" are two studies that go through the various market prospects. They illustrate that, in the long term, there is a tremendous new income opportunity for providers at various implementation rates, accessible marketplaces, and industry specializations. “Getting creative with 5G business models” highlights how AR/VR gameplay, FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), and 3D video encounters could be offered through B2C, B2B, and B2B2X engagement models in a variety of use scenarios. To meet the 5G commitments of increased network speeds and spectrum, lower latency, assured service quality, connectivity, and adaptable offers, service suppliers must discuss their BSS evolution alongside their 5G installations, or risk being unable to monetize those new use cases when they become a real thing (Munoz et al., 2020). One of the abilities that will enable providers to execute on their 5G promises from day one is 5G monetization. CSPs must update their business support systems (BSS) in tandem with their 5G deployment to meet 5G use scenarios and provide the full promise of 5G, or risk slipping behind in the 5G race for lucrative 5G services (Rao and Prasad, 2018).

Development of the BSS architecture#

To fully realize the benefits of 5G monetization, service providers must consider the growth of their telecom BSS from a variety of angles:

  • Integrations with the network - The new 5G Basic standards specify a 5G Convergent Charging System (CCS) with a 5G Charging Function (CHF) that enables merged charging and consumption limit restrictions in the new service-based architecture that 5G Core introduces.
  • Service orchestration - The emergence of distributed systems and more business services need more complicated and stricter service coordination and fulfillment to ensure that goods, packages, ordeals, including own and third-party products, are negotiated, purchased, and activated as soon as clients require them.
  • Expose - Other BSS apps, surrounding levels such as OSS and Central networks, or 3rd parties and collaborators who extend 5G services with their abilities might all be consumers of BSS APIs (Mor Israel, 2021).
  • Cloud architecture - The speed, reliability, flexibility, and robustness required by 5G networks and services necessitate a new software architecture that takes into consideration BSS deployments in the cloud, whether private, public, or mixed.

Challenges to 5G Monetization#

Even though monetizing 5G networks appears to be a profitable prospect for telecommunications, it is not without flaws. The following are the major challenges:

  • Massive upfront investments in IT infrastructure, network load, and a radio access system, among other things.
  • To get optimal ROI, telecommunications companies must establish viable monetization alternatives (Bega et al., 2019).
  • The commercialization of 5G necessitates a change in telecom operations.

Case of Augmented Reality Games and Intelligent Operations#

With the 5G Core, BSS, and OSS in place, it's time to bring on a new partner: a cloud gaming firm that wants to deliver augmented reality monetization strategies to the operator's users (Feng et al., 2020). For gaming traffic, they want a specific network slice with assured service quality. Through a digital platform, a member in a smart, completely automated network may request their network slice and specify their SLAs. BSS decomposes this order into multiple sub-orders, such as the construction and provisioning of the particular portion through the OSS, once it receives it. The operator additionally uses their catalog-driven design to describe the item offered that its customers will acquire to get onboard new on the partner's network slice all in one location. This deal is immediately disseminated to all relevant systems, including online charging, CRM, and digital platforms, and may be generally consumed.

cloud gaming services


5G can impact practically every industry and society. Even though there is a lot of ambiguity around 5G and a lot of technical concerns that need to be resolved, one thing is certain: 5G is the next big thing. Finally, whenever a user buys a new plan, he or she is automatically onboarded in the particular portion, often without affecting the system. The partnership will be able to monitor the network health and quality of various types of services for each customer in real time and will be able to take immediate decisions or conduct promotions based on this data (Bangerter et al., 2014). New platforms may adapt to changes based on factual resource use thanks to the BSS cloud architecture. All information regarding purchases, items, network usage, and profitability, among other things, is given back into circulation and utilized as feeds for infrastructure and catalog design in a closed-loop method.


  • Bangerter, B., Talwar, S., Arefi, R., and Stewart, K. (2014). Networks and devices for the 5G era. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(2), pp.90–96.
  • Bega, D., Gramaglia, M., Banchs, A., Sciancalepore, V. and Costa-Perez, X. (2019). A Machine Learning approach to 5G Infrastructure Market optimization. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp.1–1.
  • Feng, S., Niyato, D., Lu, X., Wang, P. and Kim, D.I. (2020). Dynamic Game and Pricing for Data Sponsored 5G Systems With Memory Effect. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38(4), pp.750–765.
  • Mor Israel (2021). How BSS can enable and empower 5G monetization. online Available at: https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2021/4/how-bss-can-enable-and-empower-5g-monetization.
  • Munoz, P., Adamuz-Hinojosa, O., Navarro-Ortiz, J., Sallent, O. and Perez-Romero, J. (2020). Radio Access Network Slicing Strategies at Spectrum Planning Level in 5G and Beyond. IEEE Access, 8, pp.79604–79618.
  • Pablo Collufio, D. (2019). 5G: Where is the Money? e-archivo.uc3m.es. online.
  • Rao, S.K. and Prasad, R. (2018). Telecom Operators’ Business Model Innovation in a 5G World. Journal of Multi Business Model Innovation and Technology, 4(3), pp.149–178.

Learn more about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields. Keep reading our blogs.

5G in Healthcare Technology | Nife Cloud Computing Platform


In the field of healthcare technology, we are at the start of a high-tech era. AI technology, cloud-based services, the Internet of Things, and big data have all become popular topics of conversation among healthcare professionals as a way to provide high-quality services to patients while cutting costs. Due to ambitions for global application, the fifth generation of cellular technology, or 5G, has gotten a lot of interest. While the majority of media attention has centered on the promise of "the internet of things," the ramifications of 5G-enabled technologies in health care are yet to be addressed (Zhang and Pickwell-Macpherson, 2019). The adoption of 5G in healthcare is one of the elements that is expected to have a significant impact on patient value. 5G, or fifth-generation wireless communications, would not only provide much more capacity but also be extremely responsive owing to its low latency. 5G opens up a slew of possibilities for healthcare, including remote diagnostics, surgery, real-time surveillance, and extended telemedicine (Thayananthan, 2019). This article examines the influence of 5G technology on healthcare delivery and quality, as well as possible areas of concern with this latest tech.

cloud gaming services

What is 5G?#

The fifth generation of wireless communication technology is known as 5G. Like the preceding fourth generation, the core focus of 5G is speed. Every successive generation of wireless networks improves on the previous one in terms of speed and capability. 5G networks can deliver data at speeds of up to 10 terabytes per second. Similarly, while older networks generally have a delay of 50 milliseconds, 5G networks have a latency of 1–3 milliseconds. With super-fast connection, ultra-low latency, and extensive coverage, 5G marks yet another step ahead (Carlson, 2020). From 2021 to 2026, the worldwide 5G technology market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 122.3 percent, reaching $667.90 billion. These distinguishing characteristics of 5G enable the possible change in health care as outlined below.

5G's Importance in Healthcare#

Patient value has been steadily declining, resulting in rising healthcare spending. In addition, there is rising concern over medical resource imbalances, ineffective healthcare management, and uncomfortable medical encounters. To address these issues, technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud technology, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence are being developed to enhance customer care and healthcare efficiency while lowering total healthcare costs (Li, 2019). The healthcare business is likely to see the largest improvements as a result of 5G's large bandwidth, reduced latency, and low-power-low-cost. Healthcare professionals investigated and developed several connected-care use cases, but widespread adoption was hampered by the limits of available telecommunications. High-speed and dependable connections will be critical as healthcare systems migrate to a cloud-native design. High data transfer rates, super-low latency, connection and capacity, bandwidth efficiency, and durability per unit area are some of the distinctive properties of 5G technology that have the potential to assist tackle these difficulties (Soldani et al., 2017). Healthcare stakeholders may reorganize, transition to comprehensive data-driven individualized care, improve medical resource use, provide care delivery convenience, and boost patient value thanks to 5G.

cloud gaming services

5 ways that 5G will change healthcare#

  • Large image files must be sent quickly.
  • Expanding the use of telemedicine.
  • Improving augmented reality, virtual reality, and spatial computing.
  • Remote monitoring that is reliable and real-time.
  • Artificial Intelligence

Healthcare systems may enhance the quality of treatment and patient satisfaction, reduce the cost of care, and more by connecting all of these technologies over 5G networks (Att.com, 2017). 5G networks can enable providers to deliver more tailored and preventative treatment, rather than just responding to patients' illnesses, which is why many healthcare workers joined providers during the first round.


As with other advances, many industry professionals are cautious about 5G technology's worldwide acceptance in healthcare, as evidenced by the following significant challenges:

  • Concerns about privacy and security - The network providers must adhere to the health - care industry's stringent privacy regulations and maintain end-to-end data protection across mobile, IoT, and connected devices.
  • Compatibility of Devices - The current generation of 4G/LTE smartphones and gadgets are incompatible with the upcoming 5G networks. As a result, manufacturers have begun to release 5G-enabled smartphones and other products.
  • Coverage and Deployment - The current generation of 4G/LTE smartphones and gadgets are incompatible with the upcoming 5G networks. The present 4G network uses certain frequencies on the radio frequency band, often around 6 GHz; however, such systems are available exclusively in a few nations' metro/urban regions, and telecom carriers must create considerable equipment to overcome this difficulty (Chen et al., 2017).
  • Infrastructure - As part of the 5G network needs, healthcare facilities, clinics, and other healthcare providers/organizations will need to upgrade and refresh their infrastructure, apps, technologies, and equipment.


5G has the potential to revolutionize healthcare as we know it. As we saw during the last epidemic, the healthcare business needs tools that can serve people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Future improvements and gadgets based on new 5G devices and computers can stimulate healthcare transformation, expand consumer access to high-quality treatment, and help close global healthcare inequities (Thuemmler et al., 2017). For enhanced healthcare results, 5G offers network stability, speed, and scalability for telemedicine, as well as catalyzing broad adoption of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, data science, augmented reality, and the IoT. Healthcare organizations must develop, test, and deploy apps that make use of 5G's key capabilities, such as ultra-high bandwidth, ultra-reliability, ultra-low latency, and huge machine connections.


  • Att.com. (2017). 5 Ways 5G will Transform Healthcare | AT&T Business. [online] Available at: https://www.business.att.com/learn/updates/how-5g-will-transform-the-healthcare-industry.html.
  • Carlson, E.K. (2020). What Will 5G Bring? Engineering.
  • Chen, M., Yang, J., Hao, Y., Mao, S. and Hwang, K. (2017). A 5G Cognitive System for Healthcare. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 1(1), p.2.
  • Li, D. (2019). 5G and Intelligence Medicine—How the Next Generation of Wireless Technology Will Reconstruct Healthcare? Precision Clinical Medicine, 2(4).
  • Soldani, D., Fadini, F., Rasanen, H., Duran, J., Niemela, T., Chandramouli, D., Hoglund, T., Doppler, K., Himanen, T., Laiho, J. and Nanavaty, N. (2017). 5G Mobile Systems for Healthcare. 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring).
  • Thayananthan, V. (2019). Healthcare Management using ICT and IoT-based 5G. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(4).
  • Thuemmler, C., Gavras, A. and Roa, L.M. (2017). Impact of 5G on Healthcare. 5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology, pp. 593-613.
  • Zhang, M. and Pickwell-Macpherson, E. (2019). The future of 5G Technologies in healthcare. 5G Radio Technologies Seminar.