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7 Proven Methods to Address DevOps Challenges

In today's article, we'll go over 7 Proven Methods for Addressing DevOps Challenges.

Dev and Ops have cemented their place in the global software development community and are being adopted by an increasing number of organizations worldwide. DevOps effectively speeds up the resolution of certain types of problems and challenges that may arise during a project's lifecycle. DevOps as a Service in Singapore focuses on leveraging the best DevOps practices and tools to fast-track your cloud adoption.

Proven Approaches to Addressing Dev and Ops Challenges#

While Dev and Ops may introduce security flaws and compatibility issues among SDLC teams, there are ways to overcome these obstacles.

Consider implementing the following methods in your organization to strengthen DevOps security while maintaining a balance between different teams and DevOps as a Service for agility.

DevOps as a Service

1. Implement Security-Oriented Policies#

Governance implementation and good communication are critical in creating comprehensive security settings. Develop a set of cybersecurity processes and regulations that are simple, easy to understand, and transparent in areas like access restrictions, software testing, gateways, and configuration management.

The notion of "Infrastructure as Code" (IaC) is central to DevOps. IaC eliminates environmental drifting in the workflow. Teams must maintain the parameters of each application area without IaC. IaC-integrated DevOps teams collaborate with a consistent set of security standards and tools to assist infrastructure and ensure safe, rapid, and scalable operations [(Tanzil et al., 2022)].

2. Adopt a DevSecOps Approach#

Encourage cross-functional partnerships across the DevOps lifecycle to ensure effective DevOps security. DevOps teams should collaborate and actively engage in the development lifecycle to achieve mutual security goals.

DevSecOps combines cybersecurity functions with governance to decrease the risk of security breaches caused by lax account restrictions and other flaws [(Nisha T. N. and Khandebharad, 2022)]. It goes beyond technical tools and software to ensure that security is a fundamental tenet of the company. DevSecOps encourages teams to understand and implement core security principles.

3. Use Automation to Increase Speed and Scalability#

Automation is critical for developing secure applications and environments. It mitigates the risks associated with manual mistakes and reduces vulnerabilities and downtime.

Effective automated technology and techniques are essential for security staff to keep pace with DevOps as a Service teams [(Jamal, 2022)]. Automated tools can be used for configuration management, vulnerability assessments, verification management, and code analysis.

4. Effectively Manage Vulnerabilities#

Incorporating security from the start of the SDLC helps in the early discovery of faults and vulnerabilities. Implement an effective vulnerability management system to track and prioritize the resolution of each vulnerability (remediation, acceptance, transfer, etc.).

Successful vulnerability management programs regularly adapt to comply with the latest risk reduction goals of the organization's cybersecurity rules and regulations.

5. Comply with the DevOps Lifecycle#

DevOps refers to the agile interaction between development and operations. It is a method followed by development teams and operational engineers throughout the product's lifecycle [(P P, 2019)].

Understanding the DevOps lifecycle phases is crucial to learning DevOps as a Service. The DevOps lifecycle is divided into seven stages:

DevOps Lifecycle
  • Continuous Development
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Testing
  • Continuous Monitoring
  • Continuous Feedback
  • Continuous Deployment
  • Continuous Operations

6. Implement Efficient DevOps Secrets Management#

Remove private data such as credentials from code, files, accounts, services, and other platforms for effective DevOps secrets management. When not in use, store passwords in a centralized password safe.

Privileged password management software ensures that scripts and programs request passwords from a centralized password safe. Develop APIs in the system to gain control over code, scripts, files, and embedded keys.

7. Implement Efficient Privileged Access Management#

Limiting privileged account access can greatly reduce the chances of abuse by internal and external attackers. Enforce a restrictive privileged model by limiting developers' and testers' access to specific development, production, and management systems.

Consider deploying advanced privileged access management systems, such as OpenIAM, to automate privileged access control, monitoring, and auditing across the development lifecycle [(Sairam, 2018)].


The extended DevOps platform has propelled enterprises forward by delivering efficient solutions that aid in faster delivery, improve team communication, and foster an Agile environment.

While DevOps as a Service offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges. Integrating security early in the DevOps lifecycle ensures that it is embedded at the core of the system and maintains its effectiveness throughout the product's lifespan. This approach protects the code against data breaches and cybersecurity threats.

5G Monetization | Multi Access Edge Computing


Consumers want quicker, better, more convenient, and revolutionary data speeds in this internet age. Many people are eager to watch movies on their smartphones while also downloading music and controlling many IoT devices. They anticipate a 5G connection, which will provide 100 times quicker speeds, 10 times more capacity, and 10 times reduced latency. The transition to 5G necessitates significant expenditures from service providers. To support new income streams and enable better, more productive, and cost-effective processes and exchanges, BSS must advance in tandem with 5G network installations (Pablo Collufio, 2019). Let's get ready to face the challenges of 5G monetization.

5G and Cloud Computing

cloud gaming services

Why 5G monetization?#

The appropriate 5G monetization solutions may be a superpower, allowing CSPs to execute on 5G's potential from the start. The commercialization of 5G is a hot topic. "Harnessing the 5G consumer potential" and "5G and the Enterprise Opportunity" are two studies that go through the various market prospects. They illustrate that, in the long term, there is a tremendous new income opportunity for providers at various implementation rates, accessible marketplaces, and industry specializations. “Getting creative with 5G business models” highlights how AR/VR gameplay, FWA (Fixed Wireless Access), and 3D video encounters could be offered through B2C, B2B, and B2B2X engagement models in a variety of use scenarios. To meet the 5G commitments of increased network speeds and spectrum, lower latency, assured service quality, connectivity, and adaptable offers, service suppliers must discuss their BSS evolution alongside their 5G installations, or risk being unable to monetize those new use cases when they become a real thing (Munoz et al., 2020). One of the abilities that will enable providers to execute on their 5G promises from day one is 5G monetization. CSPs must update their business support systems (BSS) in tandem with their 5G deployment to meet 5G use scenarios and provide the full promise of 5G, or risk slipping behind in the 5G race for lucrative 5G services (Rao and Prasad, 2018).

Development of the BSS architecture#

To fully realize the benefits of 5G monetization, service providers must consider the growth of their telecom BSS from a variety of angles:

  • Integrations with the network - The new 5G Basic standards specify a 5G Convergent Charging System (CCS) with a 5G Charging Function (CHF) that enables merged charging and consumption limit restrictions in the new service-based architecture that 5G Core introduces.
  • Service orchestration - The emergence of distributed systems and more business services need more complicated and stricter service coordination and fulfillment to ensure that goods, packages, ordeals, including own and third-party products, are negotiated, purchased, and activated as soon as clients require them.
  • Expose - Other BSS apps, surrounding levels such as OSS and Central networks, or 3rd parties and collaborators who extend 5G services with their abilities might all be consumers of BSS APIs (Mor Israel, 2021).
  • Cloud architecture - The speed, reliability, flexibility, and robustness required by 5G networks and services necessitate a new software architecture that takes into consideration BSS deployments in the cloud, whether private, public, or mixed.

Challenges to 5G Monetization#

Even though monetizing 5G networks appears to be a profitable prospect for telecommunications, it is not without flaws. The following are the major challenges:

  • Massive upfront investments in IT infrastructure, network load, and a radio access system, among other things.
  • To get optimal ROI, telecommunications companies must establish viable monetization alternatives (Bega et al., 2019).
  • The commercialization of 5G necessitates a change in telecom operations.

Case of Augmented Reality Games and Intelligent Operations#

With the 5G Core, BSS, and OSS in place, it's time to bring on a new partner: a cloud gaming firm that wants to deliver augmented reality monetization strategies to the operator's users (Feng et al., 2020). For gaming traffic, they want a specific network slice with assured service quality. Through a digital platform, a member in a smart, completely automated network may request their network slice and specify their SLAs. BSS decomposes this order into multiple sub-orders, such as the construction and provisioning of the particular portion through the OSS, once it receives it. The operator additionally uses their catalog-driven design to describe the item offered that its customers will acquire to get onboard new on the partner's network slice all in one location. This deal is immediately disseminated to all relevant systems, including online charging, CRM, and digital platforms, and may be generally consumed.

cloud gaming services


5G can impact practically every industry and society. Even though there is a lot of ambiguity around 5G and a lot of technical concerns that need to be resolved, one thing is certain: 5G is the next big thing. Finally, whenever a user buys a new plan, he or she is automatically onboarded in the particular portion, often without affecting the system. The partnership will be able to monitor the network health and quality of various types of services for each customer in real time and will be able to take immediate decisions or conduct promotions based on this data (Bangerter et al., 2014). New platforms may adapt to changes based on factual resource use thanks to the BSS cloud architecture. All information regarding purchases, items, network usage, and profitability, among other things, is given back into circulation and utilized as feeds for infrastructure and catalog design in a closed-loop method.


  • Bangerter, B., Talwar, S., Arefi, R., and Stewart, K. (2014). Networks and devices for the 5G era. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(2), pp.90–96.
  • Bega, D., Gramaglia, M., Banchs, A., Sciancalepore, V. and Costa-Perez, X. (2019). A Machine Learning approach to 5G Infrastructure Market optimization. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, pp.1–1.
  • Feng, S., Niyato, D., Lu, X., Wang, P. and Kim, D.I. (2020). Dynamic Game and Pricing for Data Sponsored 5G Systems With Memory Effect. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38(4), pp.750–765.
  • Mor Israel (2021). How BSS can enable and empower 5G monetization. online Available at: https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2021/4/how-bss-can-enable-and-empower-5g-monetization.
  • Munoz, P., Adamuz-Hinojosa, O., Navarro-Ortiz, J., Sallent, O. and Perez-Romero, J. (2020). Radio Access Network Slicing Strategies at Spectrum Planning Level in 5G and Beyond. IEEE Access, 8, pp.79604–79618.
  • Pablo Collufio, D. (2019). 5G: Where is the Money? e-archivo.uc3m.es. online.
  • Rao, S.K. and Prasad, R. (2018). Telecom Operators’ Business Model Innovation in a 5G World. Journal of Multi Business Model Innovation and Technology, 4(3), pp.149–178.

Learn more about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields. Keep reading our blogs.

5G in Healthcare Technology | Nife Cloud Computing Platform


In the field of healthcare technology, we are at the start of a high-tech era. AI technology, cloud-based services, the Internet of Things, and big data have all become popular topics of conversation among healthcare professionals as a way to provide high-quality services to patients while cutting costs. Due to ambitions for global application, the fifth generation of cellular technology, or 5G, has gotten a lot of interest. While the majority of media attention has centered on the promise of "the internet of things," the ramifications of 5G-enabled technologies in health care are yet to be addressed (Zhang and Pickwell-Macpherson, 2019). The adoption of 5G in healthcare is one of the elements that is expected to have a significant impact on patient value. 5G, or fifth-generation wireless communications, would not only provide much more capacity but also be extremely responsive owing to its low latency. 5G opens up a slew of possibilities for healthcare, including remote diagnostics, surgery, real-time surveillance, and extended telemedicine (Thayananthan, 2019). This article examines the influence of 5G technology on healthcare delivery and quality, as well as possible areas of concern with this latest tech.

cloud gaming services

What is 5G?#

The fifth generation of wireless communication technology is known as 5G. Like the preceding fourth generation, the core focus of 5G is speed. Every successive generation of wireless networks improves on the previous one in terms of speed and capability. 5G networks can deliver data at speeds of up to 10 terabytes per second. Similarly, while older networks generally have a delay of 50 milliseconds, 5G networks have a latency of 1–3 milliseconds. With super-fast connection, ultra-low latency, and extensive coverage, 5G marks yet another step ahead (Carlson, 2020). From 2021 to 2026, the worldwide 5G technology market is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 122.3 percent, reaching $667.90 billion. These distinguishing characteristics of 5G enable the possible change in health care as outlined below.

5G's Importance in Healthcare#

Patient value has been steadily declining, resulting in rising healthcare spending. In addition, there is rising concern over medical resource imbalances, ineffective healthcare management, and uncomfortable medical encounters. To address these issues, technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud technology, advanced analytics, and artificial intelligence are being developed to enhance customer care and healthcare efficiency while lowering total healthcare costs (Li, 2019). The healthcare business is likely to see the largest improvements as a result of 5G's large bandwidth, reduced latency, and low-power-low-cost. Healthcare professionals investigated and developed several connected-care use cases, but widespread adoption was hampered by the limits of available telecommunications. High-speed and dependable connections will be critical as healthcare systems migrate to a cloud-native design. High data transfer rates, super-low latency, connection and capacity, bandwidth efficiency, and durability per unit area are some of the distinctive properties of 5G technology that have the potential to assist tackle these difficulties (Soldani et al., 2017). Healthcare stakeholders may reorganize, transition to comprehensive data-driven individualized care, improve medical resource use, provide care delivery convenience, and boost patient value thanks to 5G.

cloud gaming services

5 ways that 5G will change healthcare#

  • Large image files must be sent quickly.
  • Expanding the use of telemedicine.
  • Improving augmented reality, virtual reality, and spatial computing.
  • Remote monitoring that is reliable and real-time.
  • Artificial Intelligence

Healthcare systems may enhance the quality of treatment and patient satisfaction, reduce the cost of care, and more by connecting all of these technologies over 5G networks (Att.com, 2017). 5G networks can enable providers to deliver more tailored and preventative treatment, rather than just responding to patients' illnesses, which is why many healthcare workers joined providers during the first round.


As with other advances, many industry professionals are cautious about 5G technology's worldwide acceptance in healthcare, as evidenced by the following significant challenges:

  • Concerns about privacy and security - The network providers must adhere to the health - care industry's stringent privacy regulations and maintain end-to-end data protection across mobile, IoT, and connected devices.
  • Compatibility of Devices - The current generation of 4G/LTE smartphones and gadgets are incompatible with the upcoming 5G networks. As a result, manufacturers have begun to release 5G-enabled smartphones and other products.
  • Coverage and Deployment - The current generation of 4G/LTE smartphones and gadgets are incompatible with the upcoming 5G networks. The present 4G network uses certain frequencies on the radio frequency band, often around 6 GHz; however, such systems are available exclusively in a few nations' metro/urban regions, and telecom carriers must create considerable equipment to overcome this difficulty (Chen et al., 2017).
  • Infrastructure - As part of the 5G network needs, healthcare facilities, clinics, and other healthcare providers/organizations will need to upgrade and refresh their infrastructure, apps, technologies, and equipment.


5G has the potential to revolutionize healthcare as we know it. As we saw during the last epidemic, the healthcare business needs tools that can serve people from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Future improvements and gadgets based on new 5G devices and computers can stimulate healthcare transformation, expand consumer access to high-quality treatment, and help close global healthcare inequities (Thuemmler et al., 2017). For enhanced healthcare results, 5G offers network stability, speed, and scalability for telemedicine, as well as catalyzing broad adoption of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, data science, augmented reality, and the IoT. Healthcare organizations must develop, test, and deploy apps that make use of 5G's key capabilities, such as ultra-high bandwidth, ultra-reliability, ultra-low latency, and huge machine connections.


  • Att.com. (2017). 5 Ways 5G will Transform Healthcare | AT&T Business. [online] Available at: https://www.business.att.com/learn/updates/how-5g-will-transform-the-healthcare-industry.html.
  • Carlson, E.K. (2020). What Will 5G Bring? Engineering.
  • Chen, M., Yang, J., Hao, Y., Mao, S. and Hwang, K. (2017). A 5G Cognitive System for Healthcare. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 1(1), p.2.
  • Li, D. (2019). 5G and Intelligence Medicine—How the Next Generation of Wireless Technology Will Reconstruct Healthcare? Precision Clinical Medicine, 2(4).
  • Soldani, D., Fadini, F., Rasanen, H., Duran, J., Niemela, T., Chandramouli, D., Hoglund, T., Doppler, K., Himanen, T., Laiho, J. and Nanavaty, N. (2017). 5G Mobile Systems for Healthcare. 2017 IEEE 85th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring).
  • Thayananthan, V. (2019). Healthcare Management using ICT and IoT-based 5G. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(4).
  • Thuemmler, C., Gavras, A. and Roa, L.M. (2017). Impact of 5G on Healthcare. 5G Mobile and Wireless Communications Technology, pp. 593-613.
  • Zhang, M. and Pickwell-Macpherson, E. (2019). The future of 5G Technologies in healthcare. 5G Radio Technologies Seminar.

Edge VMs And Edge Containers | Edge Computing Platform

Edge VMs And Edge Containers are nothing but VMs and Containers used in Edge Locations, or are they different? This topic gives a brief insight into it.


If you have just recently begun learning about virtualization techniques, you could be wondering what the distinctions between containers and VMs. The issue over virtual machines vs. containers is at the centre of a discussion over conventional IT architecture vs. modern DevOps approaches. Containers have emerged as a formidable presence in cloud-based programming, thus it's critical to know what they are and isn't. While containers and virtual machines have their own set of features, they are comparable in that they both increase IT productivity, application portability, and DevOps and the software design cycle (Zhang et al., 2018). The majority of businesses have adopted cloud computing, and it has shown to be a success, with significantly faster workload launches, simpler scalability and flexibility, and fewer hours invested on underlying traditional data centre equipment. Traditional cloud technology, on the other hand, isn't ideal in every case.

Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) are all traditional cloud providers with data centres all around the world. Whereas each company's data centre count is continually growing, these data centres are not near enough to consumers when an app requires optimal speed and low lag (Li and Kanso, 2015). Edge computing is useful when speed is important or produced data has to be kept near to the consumers.

What is the benefit of Edge Computing?#

Edge computing is a collection of localized mini data centres that relieve the cloud of some of its responsibilities, acting as a form of "regional office" for local computing chores rather than transmitting them to a central data centre thousands of miles away. It's not meant to be a replacement for cloud services, but rather a supplement. Instead of sending sensitive data to a central data centre, edge computing enables you to analyse it at its origin (Khan et al., 2019). Minimal sensitive data is sent across devices and the cloud, which means greater security for both you and your users. Most IoT initiatives may also be completed at a lower cost by decreasing data transit and storage space using traditional techniques.

The key advantages of edge computing are as follows:
- Data handling technology is better
- Lower connection costs and improved security
- Uninterruptible, dependable connection

What are Edge VMs?#

Edge virtual machines (Edge VMs) are technological advancements of standard VM in which the storage and computation capabilities that support the VM are physically closer to the end-users. Each VM is a self-contained entity with its OS, capable of handling almost any program burden (Millhouse, 2018). The flexibility, adaptability, and optimum availability of such tasks are significantly improved by VM designs. Patching, upgrades, and care of the virtual machine's operating system are required regularly. Monitoring is essential for ensuring the virtual machine instances' and underpinning physical hardware infrastructure's stability. Backup and data recovery activities must also be considered. All of this adds up to a lot of time spent on repair and supervision.

### Benefits of Edge VMs are:-
- Apps have access to all OS resources.
- The functionality is well-known.
- Tools for efficient management.
- Security procedures and tools that are well-known.
- The capacity to run several OS systems on a single computer.
- When opposed to running distinct, physical computers, there are cost savings.

What are Edge Containers?#

Edge containers are decentralized computing capabilities that are placed as near to the end customer as feasible in an attempt to decrease delay, conserve data, and improve the overall user experiences. A container is a sandboxed, isolated version of a component of a programme. Containers still enable flexibility and adaptability, although usually isn't for every container in an application framework, only for the one that needs expanding (Pahl and Lee, 2015). It's simple to reboot multiple copies of a container image and bandwidth allocation between them once you've constructed one.

Benefits of Edge Containers are-
- IT management resources have been cut back.
- Spin ups that are faster.
- Because the actual computer is smaller, it can host more containers.
- Security upgrades have been streamlined and reduced.
- Workloads are transferred, migrated, and uploaded with less code.
containers and VMs

What's the difference Between VMs and Containers even without the context Edge?#

Containers are perfect where your programme supports a microservices design, which allows application programs to function and scale freely. Containers may operate anywhere as long as your public cloud or edge computing platform has a Docker engine (Sharma et al., 2016). Also, there is a reduction in operational and administrative costs. But when your application requires particular operating system integration that is not accessible in a container, VM is still suggested when you need access to the entire OS. VMs are required if you want or need additional control over the software architecture, or if you want or need to execute many apps on the same host.

Next Moves#

Edge computing is a viable solution for applications that require high performance and low latency communication. Gaming, broadcasting, and production are all common options. You may deliver streams of data from near to the user or retain data close to the source, which is more convenient than using open cloud data centres (Sonmez, Ozgovde and Ersoy, 2018). You can pick what is suitable for your needs now that you know more about edge computing, including the differences between edge VMs and edge containers.

Learn more about Edge Computing and its usage in different fields - Nife Blogs

Edge Gaming The Future


The gaming business, which was formerly considered a specialized sector, has grown to become a giant $120 billion dollar industry in the latest years (Scholz, 2019). The gaming business has long attempted to capitalize on new possibilities and inventive methods to offer gaming adventures, as it has always been the leading result of technology. The emergence of cloud gaming services is one of the most exciting advances in cloud computing technology in recent years. To succeed, today's gamers speed up connections. Fast connectivity contributes to improved gameplay. Gamers may livestream a collection of games on their smartphone, TV, platform, PC, or laptop for a monthly cost ranging from $10 to $35 (Beattie, 2020).

Cloud Gaming

Reasons to buy a gaming computer:

  • The gameplay experience is second to none.
  • Make your gaming platform future-proof.
  • They're prepared for VR.
  • Modified versions of your favourite games are available to play.
  • More control and better aim.

Why is Hardware PC gaming becoming more popular?#

Gamers are stretching computer hardware to its boundaries to get an edge. Consoles like the PlayStation and Xbox are commonplace in the marketplace, but customers purchasing pricey gaming-specific PCs that give a competitive advantage over the other gamers appear to be the next phenomenon. While the pull of consoles remains strong, computer gaming is getting more and more popular. It was no longer only for the die-hards who enjoy spending a weekend deconstructing their computer. A gaming PC is unrivalled when it comes to providing an unrivalled gaming experience. It's incredible to think that gamers could play the newest FPS games at 60fps or greater. Steam is a global online computer gaming platform with 125 million members, compared to 48 million for Xbox Live (Galehantomo P.S, 2015). Gaming computers may start around $500 and soon grow to $1500 or more, which is one of the most significant drawbacks of purchasing gaming PCs.

The majority of games are now downloadable and played directly on cell phones, video game consoles, and personal computers. With over 3 billion gamers on the planet, the possibility and effect might be enormous (Wahab et al., 2021). Cloud gaming might do away with the need for dedicated platforms, allowing players to play virtually any game on practically any platform. Users' profiles, in-game transactions, and social features are all supported by connectivity, but the videogames themselves are played on the gamers' devices. Gaming has already been growing into the cloud in this way for quite some time. Every big gaming and tech firm seems to have introduced a cloud gaming service in the last two years, like Project xCloud by Microsoft, PlayStation Now by Sony, and Stadia by Google.

Cloud Computing's Advantages in the Gaming World:

  • Security
  • Compatibility
  • Cost-effective
  • Accessibility
  • No piracy
  • Dynamic support
Cloud Gaming Services

What are Cloud Gaming Services, and how do they work?#

Cloud gaming shifts the processing of content from the user's device to the cloud. The game's perspective is broadcast to the person's devices through content delivery networks with local stations near population centres, similar to how different channels distribute the material. Size does matter, just like it does with video. A modest cell phone screen can show a good gaming feed with far fewer bits than a 55" 4K HDTV. In 2018, digital downloads accounted for more than 80% of all video game sales. A bigger stream requires more data, putting additional strain on the user's internet connection. Cloud streaming services must automatically change the bandwidth to offer the lowest amount of bits required for the best service on a specific device to control bandwidth (Cai et al., 2016).

Edge Gaming - The appeal of Edge Computing in Gaming#

Revenue from mobile gaming is growing more sociable, engaging, and dynamic. As games become more collaborative, realistic, and engaging, mobile gaming revenue is predicted to top $95 billion worth by 2022 (Choy et al., 2014). With this growth comes the difficulty of meeting consumers' desire for ultra-fast, low-latency connectivity, which traditional data centres are straining to achieve. Edge computing refers to smaller data centres that provide cloud-based computational services and resources closer to customers or at the network's edge. In smartphone games, even just a fraction of a millisecond of latency would be enough to completely ruin the gameplay. Edge technology and 5G connection assist in meeting low-latency, high-bandwidth needs by bringing high cloud computing power directly to consumers and equipment while also delivering the capacity necessary for high, multi-player gameplay.

Edge Computing in Gaming

Issues with Cloud Gaming#

Cloud technology isn't only the future of gaming it's also the future of hybridized multi-clouds and edge architecture as a contemporary internet infrastructure for businesses. However, this cutting-edge technology faces a few obstacles. Lag, also known as latency, is a delay caused by the time required for a packet of data to move from one place in a network to another. It's the misery of every online gamer's existence. Streaming video sputters, freezes, and fragments due to high latency networks (Soliman et al., 2013). While this might be frustrating when it comes to video material, it can be catastrophic when it comes to cloud gaming services.

Developers are Ready for the Change#

Gaming is sweeping the media landscape. Please have a look around if you are unaware of this information. Although cloud gameplay is still in its infancy, it serves as proof that processing can be done outside of the device. I hope that cloud gaming is treated as the proving point that it is. Because cloud gameplay always has physical issues, we should look to edge gaming to deliver an experience where gamers can participate in a real-time multiplayer setting.


  • https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/053115/how-video-game-industry-changing.asp
  • Beattie, A. (2020). How the Video Game Industry Is Changing. [online] Investopedia. Available at:
  • Cai, W., Shea, R., Huang, C.-Y., Chen, K.-T., Liu, J., Leung, V.C.M. and Hsu, C.-H. (2016). The Future of Cloud Gaming . Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(4), pp.687-691.
  • Choy, S., Wong, B., Simon, G. and Rosenberg, C. (2014). A hybrid edge-cloud architecture for reducing on-demand gaming latency. Multimedia Systems, 20(5), pp.503-519.
  • Galehantomo P.S, G. (2015). Platform Comparison Between Games Console, Mobile Games And PC Games. SISFORMA, 2(1), p.23.
  • Soliman, O., Rezgui, A., Soliman, H. and Manea, N. (2013). Mobile Cloud Gaming: Issues and Challenges. Mobile Web Information Systems, pp.121-128.
  • Scholz, T.M. (2019). eSports is Business Management in the World of Competitive Gaming. Cham Springer International Publishing.
  • Wahab, A., Ahmad, N., Martini, M.G. and Schormans, J. (2021). Subjective Quality Assessment for Cloud Gaming. J, 4(3), pp.404-419.

Computer Vision at Edge and Scale Story

Computer Vision at Edge is a growing subject with significant advancement in the new age of surveillance. Surveillance cameras can be primary or intelligent, but Intelligent cameras are expensive. Every country has some laws associated with Video Surveillance.

How do Video Analytics companies rightfully serve their customers, with high demand?

Nife helps with this.

Computer Vision at Edge

cloud gaming services


The need for higher bandwidth and low latency processing has continued with the on-prem servers. While on-prem servers provide low latency, they do not allow flexibility.

Computer Vision can be used for various purposes such as Drone navigation, Wildlife monitoring, Brand value analytics, Productivity monitoring, or even Package delivery monitoring can be done with the help of these high-tech devices. The major challenge in computing on the cloud is data privacy, especially when images are analyzed and stored.

Another major challenge is spinning up the same algorithm or application in multiple locations, which means hardware needs to be deployed there. Hence scalability and flexibility are the key issues. Accordingly, Computing and Computed Analytics are hosted and stored in the cloud.

On the other hand, managing and maintaining the on-prem servers is always a challenge. The cost of the servers is high. Additionally, any device failure adds to the cost of the system integrator.

Thereby, scaling the application to host computer vision on the network edge significantly reduces the cost of the cloud while providing flexibility of the cloud.

Key Challenges and Drivers of Computer Vision at Edge#

  • On-premise services
  • Networking
  • Flexibility
  • High Bandwidth
  • Low-Latency

Solution Overview#

Computer Vision requires high bandwidth and high processing, including GPUs. The Edge Cloud is critical in offering flexibility and a low price entry point of cloud hosting and, along with that, offering low latency necessary for compute-intensive applications.

Scaling the application to host on the network edge significantly reduces the camera's cost and minimizes the device capex. It can also help scale the business and comply with data privacy laws, e.g. HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI, requiring local access to the cloud.

How does Nife Help with Computer Vision at Edge?#

Use Nife to seamlessly deploy, monitor, and scale applications to as many global locations as possible in 3 simple steps. Nife works well with Computer Vision.

  • Seamlessly deploy and manage navigation functionality (5 min to deploy, 3 min to scale)
    • No difference in application performance (70% improvement from Cloud)
    • Manage and Monitor all applications in a single pane of glass.
    • Update applications and know when an application is down using an interactive dashboard.
    • Reduce CapEx by using the existing infrastructure.

A Real-Life Example of the Edge Deployment of Computer Vision and the Results#

Edge Deployment of Computer Vision

cloud gaming services

In the current practice, deploying the same application, which needs a low latency use case, is a challenge.

  • It needs man-hours to deploy the application.
  • It needs either on-prem server deployment or high-end servers on the cloud.

Nife servers are present across regions and can be used to deploy the same applications and new applications closer to the IoT cameras in Industrial Areas, Smart Cities, Schools, Offices, and in various locations. With this, you can monitor foot-fall, productivity, and other key performance metrics at lower costs and build productivity.


Technology has revolutionized the world, and devices are used for almost all activities to monitor living forms. The network edge lowers latency, has reduced backhaul, and supports flexibility according to the user's choice and needs. We can attribute IoT cameras to scalability and flexibility, which are critical for the device. Hence, ensuring that mission-critical monitoring would be smarter, more accurate, and more reliable.

Want to know how you can save up on your cloud budgets? Read this blog.