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Cloud-based Computer Vision: Enabling Scalability and Flexibility

CV APIs are growing in popularity because they let developers build smart apps that read, recognize, and analyze visual data from photos and videos. As a consequence, the CV API market is likely to expand rapidly in the coming years to meet the rising demand for these sophisticated applications across a wide range of sectors.

According to MarketsandMarkets, the computer vision market will grow from $10.9 billion in 2019 to $17.4 billion in 2024, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.8 percent. The market for CV APIs is projected to be worth billions of dollars by 2030, continuing the upward trend seen since 2024.

What is Computer Vision?#

computer vision using cloud computing

Computer Vision is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to offer computers the same visual perception and understanding capabilities as humans. Computer Vision algorithms use machine learning and other cutting-edge methods to analyze and interpret visual input. These algorithms can recognize patterns, recognize features, and find anomalies by learning from large picture and video datasets.

The significance of Computer Vision as an indispensable tool in various industries continues to grow, with its applications continually expanding.

Below given are just a few examples of where computer vision is employed today:

  • Automatic inspection in manufacturing applications
  • Assisting humans in identification tasks
  • Controlling robots
  • Detecting events
  • Modeling objects and environments
  • Navigation
  • Medical image processing
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Military applications

Benefits of Using Computer Vision in Cloud Computing#

Computer Vision in cloud computing

Cloud computing is a common platform utilized for scalable and flexible image and video processing by implementing Computer Vision APIs.

Image and Video Recognition:#

Using cloud-based Computer Vision APIs enables the analysis and recognition of various elements within images and videos, such as objects, faces, emotions, and text.

Augmented Reality:#

The utilization of Computer Vision APIs in augmented reality (AR) applications allows for the detection and tracking of real-world objects, which in turn facilitates the overlaying of virtual content.


Computer Vision APIs, such as face recognition and object detection, may be used in security systems to detect and identify potential security risks.

Real-time Analytics:#

Real-time data processing is made possible by cloud-based Computer Vision APIs, resulting in quicker decision-making and an enhanced user experience.

Automated Quality Control:#

The automation of quality control processes and the identification of product defects can be achieved in manufacturing and production settings by utilizing Computer Vision APIs.

Visual Search:#

Visual search capabilities can be facilitated through the application of Computer Vision APIs, allowing for the upload of images to search for products in e-commerce and other related applications.

Natural Language Processing:#

Computer Vision APIs can be utilized alongside natural language processing (NLP) to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of text and images.

Way of Using Computer Vision on the Edge#

computer vision for edge computing

Certain conditions must be satisfied before computer vision may be deployed on edge. Computer vision often necessitates an edge device with a GPU or VPU (visual processing unit). Edge devices are often associated with IoT (Internet of Things) devices. However, a computer vision edge device might be any device that can interpret visual input to assess its environment.

The next phase of migration is application configuration. Having the program downloaded directly from the Cloud is the quickest and easiest method.

Once the device has been successfully deployed, it may stop communicating with the Cloud and start analyzing its collected data. The smartphone is an excellent example of a device that satisfies the requirements and is likely already known to most people.

Mobile app developers have been inadvertently developing on the Edge to some extent. Building sophisticated computer vision applications on a smartphone has always been challenging, partly due to the rapid evolution of smartphone hardware.

For instance, in 2021, Qualcomm introduced the Snapdragon 888 5G mobile platform, which will fuel top-of-the-line Android phones. This processor delivers advanced photography features, such as capturing 120 images per second at a resolution of 12 megapixels.

This processor provides advanced photography features, such as capturing 120 images per second at a resolution of 12 megapixels.

An edge device's power enables developers to build complicated apps that can run directly on the smartphone.

Beyond mobile phones, there are more extensive uses for computer vision on Edge. Computer vision at the border is increasingly used in many industries, especially manufacturing. Engineers can monitor the whole process in near real-time due to software deployed at the Edge that allows them to do so.

Real-time examples#

The following is an overview of some of the most well-known Computer Vision APIs and the services they provide:

1. Google Cloud Vision API:#

google cloud vision API

Images and videos can be recognized, OCR can be read, faces can be identified, and objects can be tracked with the help of Google's Cloud Vision API, a robust Computer Vision API. It has a solid record for accuracy and dependability and provides an easy-to-use application programming interface.

2. Amazon Rekognition:#

Other well-known Computer Vision APIs include Amazon's Rekognition, which can recognize objects, faces, texts, and even famous people. It's renowned for being user-friendly and scalable and works well with other Amazon Web Services.

3. Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API:#

Image and video recognition, optical character recognition, and face recognition are just a few of the capabilities provided by the Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API. It has a stellar history of clarity and speed and supports many languages.

4. IBM Watson Visual Recognition:#

Image recognition, face recognition, and individualized training are only some of the capabilities the IBM Watson Visual Recognition API provides. It may be customized to meet specific needs and works seamlessly with other IBM Watson offerings.

5. Clarifai:#


In addition to custom training and object detection, image and video identification are just some of the popular Computer Vision API capabilities offered by Clarifai. It has a solid record for accuracy and simplicity, including an accessible application programming interface.


In conclusion, AI's popularity has skyrocketed in the recent past. Companies that have already adopted AI are looking for ways to improve their processes, while those that still need to are likely to do so shortly.

Computer vision, a cutting-edge subfield of artificial intelligence, is more popular than ever and finds widespread application.

Cloud Deployment Models and Cloud Computing Platforms

Organizations continue to build new apps on the cloud or move current applications to the cloud. A company that adopts cloud technologies and/or selects cloud service providers (CSPs) and services or applications without first thoroughly understanding the hazards associated exposes itself to a slew of commercial, economic, technological, regulatory, and compliance hazards. In this blog, we will learn about the hazards of application deployment, Cloud Deployment, Deployment in Cloud Computing, and Cloud deployment models in cloud computing.

Cloud Deployment Models

What is Cloud Deployment?#

Cloud computing is a network access model that enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or interaction from service providers [(Moravcik, Segec and Kontsek, 2018)].

Essential Characteristics:#

  1. On-demand self-service
  2. Broad network access
  3. Resource pooling
  4. Rapid elasticity
  5. Measured service

Service Models:#

  1. Software as a service (SaaS)
  2. Platform as a service (PaaS)
  3. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

Deployment Models:#

  1. Private Cloud
  2. Community cloud
  3. Public cloud
  4. Hybrid cloud

Hazards of Application Deployment on Clouds#

At a high level, cloud environments face the same hazards as traditional data centre settings; the threat landscape is the same. That is, deployment in cloud computing runs software, and software contains weaknesses that attackers aim to exploit.

cloud data security

1. Consumers now have less visibility and control.

When businesses move assets/operations to the cloud, they lose visibility and control over those assets/operations. When leveraging external cloud services, the CSP assumes responsibility for some rules and infrastructure in Cloud Deployment.

2. On-Demand Self-Service Makes Unauthorized Use Easier.

CSPs make it very simple to add Cloud deployment models in cloud computing. The cloud's on-demand self-service provisioning features enable an organization's people to deploy extra services from the agency's CSP without requiring IT approval. Shadow IT is the practice of employing software in an organisation that is not supported by the organization's IT department.

3. Management APIs that are accessible through the internet may be compromised.

Customers employ application programming interfaces (APIs) exposed by CSPs to control and interact with cloud services (also known as the management plane). These APIs are used by businesses to provide, manage, choreograph, and monitor their assets and people. CSP APIs, unlike management APIs for on-premises computing, are available through the Internet, making them more vulnerable to manipulation.

4. The separation of several tenants fails.

Exploiting system and software vulnerabilities in a CSP's infrastructure, platforms, or applications that allow multi-tenancy might fail to keep tenants separate. An attacker can use this failure to obtain access from one organization's resource to another user's or organization's assets or data.

5. Incomplete data deletion

Data deletion threats emerge because consumers have little insight into where their data is physically housed in the cloud and a limited capacity to verify the secure erasure of their data. This risk is significant since the data is dispersed across several storage devices inside the CSP's infrastructure in a multi-tenancy scenario.

6. Credentials have been stolen.

If an attacker acquires access to a user's cloud credentials, the attacker can utilise the CSP's services such as deployment in cloud computing to provide new resources (if the credentials allow provisioning) and target the organization's assets. An attacker who obtains a CSP administrator's cloud credentials may be able to use them to gain access to the agency's systems and data.

7. Moving to another CSP is complicated by vendor lock-in.

When a company contemplates shifting its deployment in cloud computing from one CSP to another, vendor lock-in becomes a concern. Because of variables such as non-standard data formats, non-standard APIs, and dependency on one CSP's proprietary tools and unique APIs, the company realises that the cost/effort/schedule time required for the transition is substantially more than previously estimated.

8. Increased complexity puts a strain on IT staff.

The transition to the cloud can complicate IT operations. To manage, integrate, and operate in Cloud deployment models in cloud computing, the agency's existing IT employees may need to learn a new paradigm. In addition to their present duties for on-premises IT, IT employees must have the ability and skill level to manage, integrate, and sustain the transfer of assets and data to the cloud.

Cloud deployment models in cloud computing


It is critical to note that CSPs employ a shared responsibility security approach. Some features of security are accepted by the CSP. Other security concerns are shared by the CSP and the consumer. Finally, certain aspects of security remain solely the consumer's responsibility. Effective Cloud deployment models in cloud computing and cloud security are dependent on understanding and fulfilling all customs duties. The inability of consumers to understand or satisfy their duties is a major source of security issues in Cloud Deployment.

Cloud Computing Platforms | Free Cloud Server

best cloud servers

Cloud computing is exploding across a multitude of businesses, particularly with the rise of remote employment. Although it is a time-consuming procedure, the cloud may deliver significant financial benefits such as budget savings and better workplace efficiency. Many firms profit from hosting workloads on the cloud, but this cloud infrastructure services paradigm is not sustainable if your cloud expenses are out of control. Cloud computing companies must carefully consider the costs of cloud services. Cloud expenses soar for a variety of reasons, including overprovisioned resources, superfluous capacity, and a lack of insight into the environment. Cost optimization also assists businesses in striking a balance between cloud performance and expense. The best cloud computing platforms in the USA are Microsoft Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, and others.

Private Clouds vs Public Clouds#

Private clouds are hosted by the cloud computing companies that store their data in the cloud such as some of the cloud computing platforms in the USA. These clouds contain no data from other organisations, which is sometimes necessary for enterprises in highly regulated sectors to fulfill compliance norms. Because each cloud environment has only one organisation, the cost is frequently greater than with public clouds. This also implies that the organisation is in charge of upkeep.

Public clouds are hosted by cloud computing companies such as NIFE Cloud Computing, Amazon, and Google, and each can host several organisations. Although the data is separated to make it orderly and safe, multitenancy keeps pricing low. Furthermore, the seller maintains public clouds, lowering operational expenses for the organisation acquiring cloud space.

Reduces the Amount of Hardware Required

The reduction in hardware expenses is one advantage of public cloud computing. Instead of acquiring in-house equipment, hardware requirements are outsourced to a vendor (Chen, Xie and Li, 2018). New hardware may be enormous, costly, and difficult for firms that are fast expanding. Cloud computing solves these problems by making resources available fast and easily like those used by the best cloud computing platforms in the USA. Furthermore, the expense of maintaining or replacing equipment is passed on to the suppliers. In addition to purchasing prices, off-site hardware reduces internal power costs and saves space. Large data centres may consume valuable office space and generate a lot of heat.

Less demanding work and upkeep

Cloud solutions can also result in significant savings in labour and maintenance expenses. Because vendor-owned gear is housed in off-site locations, there is less requirement for in-house IT professionals. If servers or other gear require repairs or updates, this is the vendor's duty and does not cost your firm any time or money. By eliminating regular maintenance, your IT personnel will be able to focus on essential projects and development. In certain circumstances, this may even imply a reduction in workforce size. The cloud will enable organisations such as those among the best cloud computing platforms in the USA who do not have the means to hire an in-house IT team to reduce costly third-party hardware maintenance fees (Chen et al., 2017).

Increased output

Aside from direct labour savings, cloud computing may be incredibly cost-effective for businesses due to increased staff efficiency. Cloud software deployment is far faster than a traditional installation. Instead of taking weeks or months to complete a traditional cloud computing companies-wide installation, cloud software deployment may be completed in a matter of hours. Employees may now spend less time waiting and more time working (Masdari et al., 2016).

Lower initial capital outlay

Cloud solutions are often provided on a pay-as-you-go basis (Zhang et al., 2020). This format offers savings and flexibility in a variety of ways and is used by the best cloud computing platforms in the USA. First and foremost, your cloud computing company does not have to pay for software that is not being used. Unlike a one-time fee for a licence, cloud software is often charged on a per-user basis. Furthermore, pay-as-you-go software can be terminated at any moment, lowering the financial risk of any product that does not function properly.

Switch to NIFE Cloud Computing & Cloud-Native Development to save your Cloud Budget#

cloud budget

Nife Cloud Computing platform which is a Unified Public Cloud Edge Platform for securely managing, deploying, and scaling any application globally using Auto Deployment from Git. It requires no DevOps, servers, or cloud infrastructure services management. Nife collaborates with a wide range of new-generation technology businesses working on data centre infrastructure, cloud infrastructure services, and stateless microservices architectures to assist engineers and customers in making the deployment, administration, and scaling of their technology simpler. When compared to conventional cloud infrastructure services, applications on Nife can have latencies ranging from 20 to 250 milliseconds and total cost savings of up to 20%. Nife moves and deploys applications near clients' end-users, reducing application latencies.

Overall, Nife eliminates the requirement for bespoke DevOps, CloudOps, InfraOps, and cloud infrastructure services compliances - Security and Privacy. As a member of the Nife Grid, Nife has access to over 500 areas worldwide to assist clients in scaling. Nife Launchpad offers internal apps that can be launched with a single click to help startups develop functionality quicker. NIFE also has GIT integrations and is on the GIT marketplace, and our customer base includes some of the world's largest corporations, as well as numerous developers and engineers.

Differentiation between Edge Computing and Cloud Computing | A Study

Are you familiar with the differences between edge computing and cloud computing? Is edge computing a type of branding for a cloud computing resource, or is it something new altogether? Let us find out!

The speed with which data is being added to the cloud is immense. This is because the growing number of devices in the cloud are centralized, so it must transact the information from where the cloud servers are, hence data needs to travel from one location to another so the speed of data travel is slow. If this transaction starts locally, then the data travels at a shorter distance, making it faster. Therefore, cloud suppliers have combined Internet of Things strategies and technology stacks with edge computing for the best usage and efficiency.

In the following article, we will understand the differences between cloud and edge computing. Let us see what this is and how this technology works.


Edge computing platform

Edge Computing is a varied approach to the cloud. It is the processing of real-time data close to the data source at the edge of any network. This means applications close to the data generated instead of processing all data in a centralized cloud or a data center. It increases efficiency and decreases cost. It brings the storage and power closer to the device where it is most needed. This distribution eliminates lag and saves a scope for various other operations.

It is a networking system, within which data servers and data processing are closer to the computing process so that the latency and bandwidth problems can be reduced.

Now that we know what the basics of edge computing are, let's dive in a little deeper for a better understanding of terms commonly associated with edge computing:


Latency is the delay in contacting in real-time from a remotely located data center or cloud. If you are loading an image over the internet, the time to show up completely is called the latency time.


The frequency of the maximum amount of data sent over an Internet connection at a time is called Bandwidth. We refer to the speed of sent and received data over a network that is calculated in megabits per second or MBPS as bandwidth.

Leaving latency and bandwidth aside, we choose edge computing over cloud computing in hard-to-reach locations, where there is limited or no connectivity to a central unit or location. These remote locations need local computing, and edge computing provides the perfect solution for it.

Edge computing also benefits from specialized and altered device functions. While these devices are like personal computers, they are not regular computing devices and perform multiple functions benefiting the edge platform. These specialized computing devices are intelligent and respond to machines specifically.

Benefits of Edge Computing#

  • Gathering data, analyzing, and processing is done locally on host devices on the edge of the network, which has the caliber to be completed within a fraction of a second.

  • It brings analytical capabilities comparatively closer to the user devices and enhances the overall performance.

  • Edge computing is a cheaper alternative to the cloud as data transfer is a lengthy and expensive process. It also decreases the risk involved in transferring sensitive user information.

  • Increased use of edge computing methods has transformed the use of artificial intelligence in autonomous driving. Artificial Intelligence-powered and self-driving cars and other vehicles require massive data presets from their surroundings to function perfectly in time. If we use cloud computing in such a case, it would be a dangerous application because of the lag.

  • The majority of OTT platforms and streaming service providers like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Disney+ to name a few, create a heavy load on cloud network infrastructure. When popular content is cached closer to the end-users in storage facilities for easier and quicker access. These companies make use of the nearby storage units close to the end-user to deliver and stream content with no lag if one has a stable network connection.

The process of edge computing varies from cloud computing as the latter takes considerably more time. Sometimes it takes up to a couple of seconds to channel the information to the data centers, ultimately resulting in delays in crucial decision-making. The signal latency can translate to huge losses for any organization. So, organizations prefer edge computing to cloud computing which eliminates the latency issue and results in the tasks being completed in fractions of a second.


best cloud computing platform

A cloud is an information technology environment that abstracts, pools, and shares its resources across a network of devices. Cloud computing revolves around centralized servers stored in data centers in large numbers to fulfill the ever-increasing demand for cloud storage. Once user data is created on an end device, its data travels to the centralized server for further processing. It becomes tiresome for processes that require intensive computations repeatedly, as higher latency hinders the experience.

Benefits of Cloud Computing#

  • Cloud computing gives companies the option to start with small clouds and increase in size rapidly and efficiently as needed.

  • The more cloud-based resources a company has, the more reliable its data backup becomes, as the cloud infrastructure can be replicated in case of any mishap.

  • There is little to no service cost involved with cloud computing as the service providers conduct system maintenance on their own from time to time.

  • Cloud enables companies to help cut expenses in operational activities and enables mobile accessibility and user engagement framework to a higher degree.

  • Many mainstream technology companies have benefited from cloud computing as a resourceful platform. Slack, an American cloud-based software as a service, has hugely benefited from adopting cloud servers for its application of business-to-business and business-to-consumer commerce solutions.

  • Another largely known technology giant, Microsoft has its subscription-based product line ‘Microsoft 365' which is centrally based on cloud servers that provide easy access to its office suite.

  • Dropbox, infrastructure as a service provider, provides a service- cloud-based storage and sharing system that runs solely on cloud-based servers, combined with an online-only application.

cloud gaming services


  • The main difference between edge computing and cloud computing is in data processing within the case of cloud computing, data travel is long, which causes data processing to be slower but in contrast edge computing reduces the time difference in the data processing. It's essential to have a thorough understanding of the working of cloud and edge computing.

  • Edge computing is based on processing sensitive information and data, while cloud computing processes data that is not time constrained and uses a lesser storage value. To carry out this type of hybrid solution that involves both edge and cloud computing, identifying one's needs and comparing them against monetary values must be the first step in assessing what works best for you. These computing methods vary completely and comprise technological advances unique to each type and cannot replace each other.

  • The centralized locations for edge computing need local storage, like a mini data center. Whereas, in the case of cloud computing, the data can be stored in one location. Even when used as part of manufacturing, processing, or shipping operations, it is hard to co-exist without IoT. This is because everyday physical objects that collect and transfer data or dictate actions like controlling switches, locks, motors, or robots are the sources and destinations that edge devices process and activate without depending upon a centralized cloud.

With the Internet of Things gaining popularity and pace, more processing power and data resources are being generated on computer networks. Such data generated by IoT platforms is transferred to the network server, which is set up in a centralized location.

The big data applications that benefit from aggregating data from everywhere and running it through analytics and machine learning to prove to be economically efficient, and hyper-scale data centers will stay in the cloud. We chose edge computing over cloud computing in hard-to-reach locations, where there is limited connectivity to a cloud-based centralized location setup.


The edge computing and cloud computing issue does not conclude that deducing one is better than the other. Edge computing fills the gaps and provides solutions that cloud computing does not have the technological advancements to conduct. When there is a need to retrieve chunks of data and resource-consuming applications need a real-time and effective solution, edge computing offers greater flexibility and brings the data closer to the end user. This enables the creation of a faster, more reliable, and much more efficient computing solution.

Therefore, both edge computing and cloud computing complement each other in providing an effective response system that is foolproof and has no disruptions. Both computing methods work efficiently and in certain applications, edge computing fills and fixes the shortcomings of cloud computing with high latency, fast performance, data privacy, and geographical flexibility of operations.

Functions that are best managed by computing between the end-user devices and local networks are managed by the edge, while the data applications benefit from outsourcing data from everywhere and processing it through AI and ML algorithms. The system architects who have learned to use all these options together have the best advantage of the overall system of edge computing and cloud computing.

Learn more about different use cases on edge computing-

Condition-based monitoring - An Asset to equipment manufacturers (nife.io)