5G Technology | Cloud Computing Companies

5G Technology

Those who specialize in cyberspace and data security have been encouraging IT executives and internet providers to adapt to the challenges of a dynamic and fast-changing digital environment. With the operationalization of 5G networks, market expectations and the supply of new capabilities are rapidly increasing. For telecommunications companies, 5G represents a substantial opportunity to enhance consumer experiences and drive sales growth. Not only will 5G provide better internet connectivity, but it will also enable life-changing innovations that were once only imagined in sci-fi (Al-Dunainawi, Alhumaima, & Al-Raweshidy, 2018). While 5G connection speeds and accessibility have received much attention, understanding 5G's early prototype aspirations and its perception in network services is also crucial.

5G's Expectations Beyond Cloud Computing Companies#

The challenges of managing business development scenarios will be compounded by the complexities introduced by 5G. Some organizations may find themselves unprepared for these developments, facing challenges such as poor bandwidth and performance, especially if operating at frequencies below 6 gigahertz. However, true 5G promises capabilities that extend from utility and industrial grids to autonomous vehicles and retail applications, potentially transforming network edges (Jabagi, Park, & Kietzmann, 2020). For those unprepared, the ability to handle data could degrade significantly, leading to major latency issues and a compromised experience for both consumers and staff.

5G's Expectations Are Only the Beginning of the Challenge#

Implementing adequate protection to safeguard customers and crucial data could lead to congestion within systems. Ensuring that applications operate effectively at 5G speeds is one challenge; guaranteeing safety over an expanding network poses additional issues (Lee, 2019). Cloud computing companies face limitations in addressing these challenges.

Cloud Computing and 5G

It Will Be Necessary to Plan Carefully#

Cybersecurity professionals are considering two main approaches to address 5G issues: handling security procedures of the 5G base on the operator side or addressing edge protection where 5G acts as a fallback or gateway node, often as part of an SD-WAN implementation. Both strategies will require automation and artificial intelligence capabilities to keep up with conventional edge demands. Additional high-performance protection at the cloud edge will also be necessary (Ahamed & Faruque, 2021). Integrated systems must scale up with additional virtual machines and filters while scaling down by adding new elements to manage increased demand and ensure smooth, effective, and safe operations. As 5G accelerates commerce and applications, it will also speed up cyber-attacks.

Addressing 5G's Expectation Problems Is Not a Choice#

Currently, 5G generates around $5 billion in annual revenue for operators, expected to rise to $357 billion by 2025. This shift necessitates significant adjustments in the deployment and usage of 5G. Many businesses lack the expertise to meet these requirements. The pursuit of the best products and systems has led to complex, hard-to-implement systems. Under 5G's pressure, these systems may perform poorly (Guevara & Auat Cheein, 2020). Historically, cybersecurity aimed to balance safety with connectivity and efficiency. As internet providers and security groups face mounting challenges, the shift to 5G represents only the beginning of a current paradigm shift.

Five Approaches to Improve the 5G User Experience#

  1. Close the knowledge gap to effectively teach and advertise the benefits of 5G.
  2. Ensure high consistency in both indoor and outdoor services.
  3. Accelerate the commercialization of new and existing application cases.
  4. Address the network infrastructure demands driven by new internet services (Lee, 2019).
  5. Consider customer desires to envision new applications.


5G is driving the development of innovative application cases and commercial opportunities, such as mobile gaming, fixed wireless access, and enhanced consumer experiences. As 5G expands, it will dramatically impact data retrieval, causing significant latency issues and affecting the user experience (Ahn, 2021). The window of opportunity for solutions to meet 5G demands is closing. Companies must act swiftly to capitalize on this opportunity and prepare for the evolving demands of 5G and the imminent arrival of 6G.

More 5G-based cloud computing companies will emerge to meet the needs of the 5G environment.