5G Network Area | Network Slicing | Cloud Computing


5G has been substantially implemented, and network operators now have a huge opportunity to monetize new products and services for companies and customers. Network slicing is a critical tool for achieving customer service and assured reliability. Ericsson has created the most comprehensive network slicing platform, comprising 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) slicing, enabling automatic and quick deployment of services of new and creative 5G use scenarios, using an edge strategy (Subedi et al., 2021). Ericsson 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing has indeed been released, and telecom companies are enthusiastic about the possibilities of new 5G services. For mobile network operators, using system control to coordinate bespoke network slices in the personal and commercial market sectors can provide considerable income prospects. Ericsson provides unique procedures to ensure that speed and priority are maintained throughout the network slicing process. Not only do they have operational and business support systems (OSS/BSS), central, wireless, and transit systems in their portfolio, but they also have complete services like Network Support and Service Continuity (Debbabi, Jmal and Chaari Fourati, 2021).

What is 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing?#

The concept of network slicing is incomplete without the cooperation of communication service providers. It assures that the 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing-enabled services are both dependable and effective. Carriers can't ensure slice efficiency or meet service contracts unless they have network support and service continuity. Furthermore, if carriers fail to secure slice performance or meet the service-level agreement, they may face punishment and the dangers of losing clients (Mathew, 2020). Ericsson 5G Radio Access Networks (RAN) Slicing provides service operators with the unique and assured quality they have to make the most of their 5G resources. The novel approach was created to improve end-to-end network slicing capabilities for radio access network managing resources and coordination. As a consequence, it constantly optimizes radio resource allocation and priority throughout multiple slices to ensure service-level commitments are met. This software solution, which is based on Ericsson radio experience and has a flexible and adaptable design, will help service providers to satisfy expanding needs in sectors such as improved broadband access, network services, mission-critical connectivity, and crucial Internet of Things (IoT) (Li et al., 2017).

5g network

Ericsson Network Support#

Across complex ecosystems, such as cloud networks, Network Support enables data-driven fault isolation, which is also necessary to efficiently manage the complexity in [5G systems]. To properly manage the complexity of 5G networks, Ericsson Network Support offers data-driven fault isolation. This guarantees that system faults are quickly resolved and that networks are reliable and robust. Software, equipment, and replacement parts are divided into three categories in Network Support. By properly localizing defects and reducing catastrophic occurrences at the solution level, Ericsson can offer quick timeframes and fewer site visits. Ericsson also supports network slicing by handling multi-vendor ecosystem fault separation and resolving complications among domains (Zhang, 2019). Data-driven fault isolation from Ericsson guarantees the quick resolution of connection problems, as well as strong and effective networks, and includes the following innovative capabilities:

  • Ericsson Network Support (Software) provides the carrier's software platform requirements across classic, automated, and cloud-based services in extremely sophisticated network settings. It prevents many mishaps by combining powerful data-driven support approaches with strong domain and networking experience.
  • Ericsson Hardware Services provides network hardware support. Connected adds advanced technologies to remote activities, allowing for quicker problem identification and treatment. It integrates network data with past patterns to provide service personnel and network management with relevant real-time information. It is feasible to pinpoint errors with greater precision using remote scans and debugging.
  • The Spare Components Management solution gives the operator's field engineers access to the parts they need to keep the network up and running (Subedi et al., 2021). Ericsson will use its broad network of logistical hubs and local parts depots to organize, warehouse, and transport the components.

Ericsson Service Continuity#

To accomplish 5G operational readiness, Service Continuity provides AI-powered, proactive assistance, backed by tight cooperation and Always-On service. Advanced analytical automation and reactive anticipatory insights provided by Ericsson Network Intelligence allow Service Continuity services. It focuses on crucial functionality to help customers reach specified business objectives while streamlining processes and ensuring service continuity (Katsalis et al., 2017). It is based on data-driven analysis and worldwide knowledge that is given directly and consists of two services:

  • Ericsson Service Continuity for 5G: Enables the clients' networks to take remedial steps forward in time to prevent end-user disruption, allowing them to move from responsive to proactively network services.
  • Ericsson Service Continuity for Private Networks is a smart KPI-based support product for Industry 4.0 systems and services that is targeted to the unique use of Private Networks where excellent performance is critical (Mathew, 2020).
Network Slicing and Cloud Computing

Conclusion for 5G Network Slicing

Network slicing will be one of the most important innovations in the 5G network area, transforming the telecommunications sector. The 5G future necessitates a network that can accommodate a diverse variety of equipment and end customers. Communication service providers must act quickly as the massive network-slicing economic potential emerges (Da Silva et al., 2016). However, deciding where to begin or where to engage is difficult. Ericsson's comprehensive portfolio and end-to-end strategy include Network Support and Service Continuity services. Communication service providers across the world would then "walk the talk" for Network Slicing in the 5G age after incorporating them into their network operations plan.


  • Da Silva, I.L., Mildh, G., Saily, M. and Hailu, S. (2016). A novel state model for 5G Radio Access Networks. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC).
  • Debbabi, F., Jmal, R. and Chaari Fourati, L. (2021). 5G network slicing: Fundamental concepts, architectures, algorithmics, project practices, and open issues. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 33(20).
  • Katsalis, K., Nikaein, N., Schiller, E., Ksentini, A. and Braun, T. (2017). Network Slices toward 5G Communications: Slicing the LTE Network. IEEE Communications Magazine, 55(8), pp.146–154.
  • Li, X., Samaka, M., Chan, H.A., Bhamare, D., Gupta, L., Guo, C. and Jain, R. (2017). Network Slicing for 5G: Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Internet Computing, 21(5), pp.20–27.
  • Mathew, A., 2020, March. Network slicing in 5G and the security concerns. In 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC) (pp. 75-78). IEEE.
  • Subedi, P., Alsadoon, A., Prasad, P.W.C., Rehman, S., Giweli, N., Imran, M. and Arif, S. (2021). Network slicing: a next-generation 5G perspective. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2021(1).
  • Zhang, S. (2019). An Overview of Network Slicing for 5G. IEEE Wireless Communications, [online] 26(3), pp.111–117.