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How Pandemic is Shaping 5G Networks Innovation and Rollout?

5G networks innovation

What's happening with 5G and the 5G networks innovation and rollout? How are these shaping innovation and the world we know? Are you curious? Read More!

We will never forget the year 2020 as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We all remember how we witnessed a lengthy lockdown during 2020, and it put all our work on a halt for some time. But we all know that the internet remains one of the best remedies to spend time while at home. We have a 4G network, but there was news that the 5G network would soon become a new normal. Interestingly, even during COVID-19, there were several developments in the 5G network. This article will tell you how the 5G network testing and development stayed intact even during the pandemic.

Innovative Tools That Helped in 5G Testing Even During the Pandemic (Intelligent Site Engineering)#

To continue the 5G testing and deployment even during a pandemic, Telcos used specific innovative tools, the prominent being ISE (Intelligent Site Engineering).

5G testing and deployment

What is Intelligent Site Engineering?#

Intelligent Site Engineering refers to the technique of using laser scanners and drones to design network sites. It is one of the latest ways of network site designing. In this process, they collected every minute detail to create a digital twin of a network site. If the company has a digital twin of a network site, they can operate it anywhere, virtually.

They developed Intelligent Site Engineering to meet the increasing data traffic needs and solve the network deployment problems of the Communication Service Providers (CSPs). This incredible technology enabled the site survey and site design even during the pandemic. We all know that site design and site surveys are vital for the proper installation of a network. But it was not possible to survey the site physically. Therefore, these companies used high technologies to launch and deploy 5G networks even in these lockdown times.

Intelligent Site Engineering uses AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) to quickly and efficiently deliver a network. This helps CSPs to deploy frequency bands, multiple technologies, and combined topologies in one place. This advanced technology marks the transition from the traditional technique of using paper, pen, and measuring tape for a site survey to the latest styles like drones carrying high-resolution cameras and laser scanning devices.

How Does Intelligent Site Engineering Save Time?#

The Intelligent Site Engineering technique saves a lot of time for CSPs. For example, in this digitized version, CSPs take only 90 minutes for a site survey. Previously, they had to waste almost half a day in site surveys using primitive tools in the traditional method. Instead, the engineers can use the time these service providers save for doing other critical work.

Also, this process requires fewer people because of digitalization. This means that it saves the headcount of the workforce and the commuting challenges. Also, it reduces the negative impact on the environment.

5G Network and Edge Computing

What is the Use of Digital Twins Prepared in This Process?#

Using Intelligent Site Engineering, the CSPs replicate the actual site. They copied digital twins through 3D scans and photos clicked from every angle. The engineers then use the copies to get an accurate analysis of the site data. With the highly accurate data, they prepared the new equipment. The best example of digital twins is that CSPs can make a wise decision regarding altering the plan for future networks. Therefore, a digital twin comes in handy, from helping in creating material bills to detailed information about the networking site and related documents.

The technique is helpful for customers as well. For example, through the digital twin, customers can view online documents and sign them. In this way, this advanced technology and innovation enable remote acceptance of network sites even with 5G.

How Did the COVID Pandemic Promote the Digitalization of the 5G Network?#

We all know that the COVID pandemic and the subsequent lockdown put several restrictions on travel. Since no one could commute to the network site, it prepared us to switch to digital methods for satisfying our needs. The result was that we switched to Intelligent Site Engineering for 5G network deployment, bringing in 5G networks innovation.

When physical meetings were restricted, we switched to virtual conversations. Video meetings and conference calls became a new normal during the pandemic. Therefore, communication service providers also used the screen share features to show the clients the network sites captured using drones and laser technology. The image resolution was excellent, and the transition from offline to online mode was successful. Training of the personnel also became digitized.

The best part of this digitalization was that there was no need to have everyone on one site. Using these digital twins and technological tools, anyone can view those designs from anywhere. The companies could share the screen, and the clients could review the site without physical presence.

How Much Efficiency Were the CSPs Able to Achieve?#

When communication service providers were asked about the experience of these new technological tools for network sites, they felt it was better than on-site conversations. They reveal that these online calls help everyone look at the same thing and avoid confusion, which was the biggest problem in on-site meetings. Therefore, this reduces the queries, and teams could complete the deal in less time than offline sales.

The most significant benefit is for the technical product managers. They can now work on online techniques for vertical inspection of assets and sites. In addition, 3D modeling is enhanced, and the ground-level captured images ensure efficiency.

Rounding Up About 5G Networks Innovation:#

The year 2020 was indeed a gloomy year for many of us. But the only silver lining was the announcements of technological advancements like the 5G launch, even during these unprecedented times. The technology advancement enabled us to use this pandemic wisely, and we deployed the 5G network at several places. So, we can say that the innovations remained intact even during the pandemic because of intelligent and relevant technologies. Therefore, it would not be wrong to conclude that technological advancements have won over these challenging times and proved the future.