Docker Containers

OpenRTiST utilizes Gabriel, a platform for wearable cognitive assistance applications, to transform the live video from a mobile client into the styles of various artworks. The frames are streamed to a server where the chosen style is applied and the transformed images are returned to the client.

Learn more about OpenRTiST

To showcase the edge native functionality we are deploying publicly available image cmusatyalab/openrtist

  1. Ensure that you clone the git repo on the local machine
Git clone
  1. Login to nifectl using nifectl auth command
  1. Configure a new application using nifectl init
Create Application Command: “nifectl init”
App Name (leave blank to use an auto-generated name) docky
Select Organization:"NiFE-APPS"
> NIFE-APPS (nife-apps)
Select Builder: "image"
(Do not set a builder)
(Use a public Docker image)
Deno builtin
Go Builtin
Hugo static build with web server builtin
Nodejs builtin
Python builtin
Ruby builtin
Select Internal Port: 9099
Select External Port: 9099
  1. Now, just deploy the application using nifectl deploy

Once the deployment starts, you will see a list of commands building the docker container and then this will deploy to a location

  1. Access the deployed application use a python client or the android application and enter the URL created, in this case

Add to the playstore application

Try it yourself!

  1. Extend to other regions

Use nifectl regions to add new regions

nifectl regions add EUR