DevOps Metrics

DevOps metrics are parameters that allow you to judge the state of DevOps implementation in your organization. If you are in the early stages of DevOps adoption then you might want to know about the changes in your organization's culture and workflow. These metrics can help you make changes in your strategies to achieve your desirable workplace culture.

These metrics act as a compass and guide you on your journey of streamlining your workplace culture, tools, and workflows. These metrics give you actionable insights about the state of your organization. These metrics help you make decisions based on facts rather than your gut feelings.

DevOps metrics are employed by organizations to achieve the following goals:

  • Continuous Improvement 
  • Quality Assurance
  • Acceleration of Delivery
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Cost Reduction 
  • Risk Mitigation

You can create custom metrics for your organization. However, creating a framework from scratch is not an easy task. You can leverage DORA Metrics and SPACE framework. Both these DevOps metrics are widely used by organizations to achieve their goals.