Continuous Delivery Capabilities

Continuous Integration (CI):#

Continuous Integration is the process of Integrating code changes from a shared repository to the main code base. In traditional software development practices, a developer had to go through different phases while making a code commit. Although the process worked fine for several years, but at the cost of delays and inefficiencies.

On the other hand, Continuous Integration allows developers to make changes in the code several times a day. As soon as changes are made by developers these changes are then automatically tested. 

Once the testing process is completed, the code is packaged for deployment, if no errors are found. Otherwise, developers get instant feedback about bugs and errors.

CI has several benefits, including faster deployment, frequent releases, rapid feedback, and easy integration.

Continuous Testing:#

Continuous Testing

Testing is the process that continues even after the code is deployed into the production environment. Continuous testing is vital to ensure the proper functioning of the software. Through Continuous testing, developers get feedback on their code. This feedback helps developers make improvements in newer releases.

Testing is of different types. Each test is for a different purpose. Common testing purposes are security assurance, usability assurance, and user access.

These automated tests not only make your codebase secure but also take the burden off your employees.

Version Control System (VCS):#

Version Control system is another important capability of Continuous Delivery. Version Control allows developers to work on different branches of a code base without affecting the main code. If you are a developer yourself then you must be familiar with Git. You have used GitHub or other services for your repositories.

Version Control System records all the changes made in the code with necessary information like who made the changes and when were the changes made. This information allows you to respond rapidly in case of any disaster.

Apart from recovery and rollback, there are also other applications of VCS. VCS provides a solid foundation for implementing Continuous Delivery practices.

Monitoring and Observability:#

Monitoring and Observability are crucial to ensure software performance throughout the CD lifecycle. Once the application is deployed, the next step is to collect different kinds of data related to the application and infrastructure and its analysis.

Read about: Tools for Continuous Delivery

Read about: Deployment Automation