Invite User

To invite a user and manage their roles on the Nife platform.

Steps to Invite User:#

Step 1: On the dashboard page, click on Member from the sidebar.#
nife dashboard
Step 2: Click on Invite User.#
member page
Step 3: Invitation Details:#
  • Choose the role for the invited user:

    • If you select Member, Members can undertake any action except deletion.
    • If you select Viewer, the invited user can only view.
  • Enter the email ID of the user, and Select the organization.

  • Click on Submit.

    invite user

After submitting, the inviter user will receive an email containing the username and password to log in to Using this, the invited user can easily collaborate on the Nife platform.

Edit User Role#

To modify a user's role or remove them from the organization:

  1. Click on the three-dot from action coloumn next to the user.
member page
  1. Here you can:
  • Change the user's role.
  • Remove the user from the organization.
edit User role
  1. Changes you made will be auto saved.

This allows administrators to efficiently manage user roles and collaboration on the Nife platform.