Deploy First App
Deploy an app from a Docker image
Everything you need to know to deploy an application using a Docker image on Nife.
Nife natively allows you to run your own, pre-built container images. With containers, you can embed all the system dependencies you need. Deploying a containerized app on Nife only takes a minute, in this guide we will explain how-to:
Deploy the first service of your AppNife provides the notion of Apps, which contain all the components needed to run your applications, including the ability to run one or more Docker-based Services per App. You can read more about Nife Apps in the Apps Overview documentation.
When you deploy a Service on Nife, you have a few customizable settings. All settings can be transparently upgraded after the initial creation. Let's explore our options.
Docker image and custom commandsThe first step is to enter the details of the Docker image you want to use. We recommend using a unique tag to simplify upgrades and deployment traceability.
If needed, you can easily override the default command and arguments of your Docker image.
Deploy from a public registryTo deploy a Docker image from a public registry, simply reference the Docker image with the complete path to it, including the domain. example: If your registry is hosted on registry.registrydomain.tld, the value will look like registry.registrydomain.tld/IMAGE_NAME:TAG.
You can give it a try with the Nife Demo App and deploy the latest version of the Nife/demo image from the docker hub Follow the tutorial
Deploy from a private registryTo connect to your private registry, the Nife needs to be able to access the registry and you will need to create a secret with the login information for your registry. You can configure secrets from the settings tab. Learn More from Private Container Registry Secrets.
Configure your serviceConfigure the network ports on which your application listens. Add environment variables and secrets Select the regions of the world where your service will run To dive deeper, read about the Services Options.
Status of your live ServiceOnce your Service is deployed, you are redirected to the service page and can access your application
via public URLs if you decided to expose it publicly You will see all the individual nodes, their regions, and their status depending on your configuration. Nodes might be detected as unhealthy due to a configuration issue.
If your deployment is failing, check the logs panel and refer to our troubleshooting deployments guide.