Cost Monitoring

Efficient management of cloud resources is crucial for optimizing operational expenses and ensuring optimal performance. Cloud cost monitoring plays a pivotal role in this strategy, providing organizations with comprehensive insights into their expenditure across various cloud platforms.

Note: Currently, we provide Cost Monitoring for AWS and GCP. Excitingly, we are actively developing support for Azure, coming soon.

Steps to Access Cloud Cost Monitoring#

Step 1: Navigate to the Dashboard Page:#

Log in to your account and access the Dashboard page.

Step 2: Select "Cost Monitoring" from the Side Navigation:#

On the Dashboard, locate the side navigation menu. Look for the Cost Monitoring option and click on it.

Nife Dashboard page

Step 3: Enable Cost Monitoring:#

On the "Cost Monitoring" page, click the Enable Now button to activate the Cost Monitoring feature.

Cost Monitoring page

Step 4: Adding Cloud Account#

Adding AWS Account#

  • AWS Account Name: Choose a user-friendly name for your AWS account.

  • AWS Access Key ID: Enter the Access Key ID for authentication.

  • AWS Secret Access Key: Provide the Secret Access Key for secure authorization.

  • Select AWS Region: Choose the AWS region.

Fill AWS account Details

If you desire alerts, provide the Slack Webhook URL to receive notifications.

If you also have a GCP account, you can enable it concurrently with your AWS account.

Adding GCP Account#

  • Create and Download Service Account JSON: From the GCP console, create a Service Account and download its JSON file.

  • Upload Service Account JSON: Click "Upload" below and select the downloaded GCP Service Account JSON file.

Upload GCP Service Account JSON

If you desire alerts, provide the Slack Webhook URL to receive notifications.

If you also have a AWS account, you can enable it concurrently with your GCP account.

Adding Slack alerts(optional)#

paste slack webhook url
  • Paste the Slack webhook URL.

How to get slack webhook url? user guide

Step 5: Click on Enable:#

  • Clicking on enable initiates the deployment of the cost monitoring application.

Step 6: Click on Open Dashboard:#

  • After deploying, click on the Open Dashboard. This opens your cloud cost monitoring application in a new tab.