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What is Multi-Cloud Migration for Traditional Businesses?

Multi-cloud migration is the process of moving an organization's IT resources and workloads from one or more traditional on-premises environments to multiple cloud computing environments or you can understand it as Multi-cloud migration is the process of moving workloads and applications from a single cloud infrastructure to multiple cloud providers. This approach provides businesses with greater flexibility, scalability, and cost savings.

For traditional businesses, this typically involves moving applications, data, and other resources from their data centers to one or more public cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

This can bring many benefits to traditional businesses, such as increased scalability, flexibility, and cost savings, as well as improved disaster recovery and data backup options.

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Moving a business to the cloud involves several steps and considerations#

โ— Assessment:#

The first step in a multi-cloud migration is to assess the current state of the business's IT infrastructure. This includes identifying the current workloads and applications that need to be migrated, as well as any dependencies or constraints that may impact the migration.

โ— Planning:#

Once the assessment is complete, the next step is to develop a detailed migration plan. This includes identifying the target cloud environments.

โ— Prepare your environment:#

Before migrating your workloads to the cloud, ensure that your environment is ready by configuring network and security settings, creating accounts and permissions, and setting up monitoring and logging after this.

โ— Choose a cloud provider and a migration:#

Decide a cloud provider, such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform then, move your data to the cloud using a variety of methods, including data replication, backup and restore, or lift and shift.

Once your data is in the cloud, test and validate your applications and services to ensure they are working correctly.

โ— Deployment and Go-live:#

Once the migration has been successfully tested and validated, the final step is to deploy the applications to the target cloud environments and go live.

This includes configuring the cloud environments, setting up monitoring and management tools, and providing support for the users.

โ— Monitor and optimize:#

After the migration is complete, monitor the performance of your applications and services to ensure they are meeting the needs of your business. Optimize your cloud environment as needed to improve performance, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

โ— Continuously improve:#

Cloud migration is not a one-time event. Continuously look for opportunities to improve, to adapt to changing business needs and new features offered by your cloud provider.

โ— Maintenance and Optimization:#

Once the applications are live, it's important to continuously monitor and optimize them to ensure they are running at peak performance. This includes monitoring for any issues, troubleshooting and resolving problems, and making adjustments as needed to optimize performance and cost efficiency.

By following these steps, businesses can ensure a smooth transition to a multi-cloud environment and take advantage of the benefits that it offers. However, it's important to note that each business is unique and the steps may vary depending on the specific requirements of the organization.

Traditional businesses that are looking to adopt a multi-cloud strategy have several options available to them. One approach is to use a cloud-agnostic platform, such as Kubernetes, to manage the deployment and scaling of workloads across multiple cloud providers. This allows businesses to easily move workloads between different cloud environments, without having to re-architect their applications.

Overall, while multi-cloud migration can be a complex and challenging process, it can also provide traditional businesses with significant benefits in terms of flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. By carefully planning and executing their migration strategy, businesses can ensure a smooth transition to a multi-cloud environment.

Let us have a look at an example - Netflix's Cloud Migration#

Netflix emerged as one of the best streaming services globally. It plays a leading role now in its field. But, before achieving this position, Netflix went through a lot of struggles and miseries.

In 2008, Netflix got a major change in the operations of its databases. It was then based on costly hardware and the Oracle database. But, the hardware failure resulted in a new strategy. The company realized that there is no need for expensive hardware. Instead, cost-efficient cloud infrastructure is more suitable.

A year later, after implementing this strategy, the company had huge growth. Very soon, it was in a need of more data storage. But, it could not predict the requirement and the future, as its past data was based on DVD shipping.

Netflix assumed a thousandfold increase in its streaming services. With quick growth, it encountered the need for more data centers. Now, it had two options. One: estimate data requirements and build a high-end data center. Two: use Amazon Web Services. It conducted several tests over the platform and signed a license agreement with AWS.

By moving to AWS, it became easy for Netflix to get on-demand data capacity. Later, they moved all of their time-critical operations to AWS. From simple API sequences to all of their web pages are based on the cloud.

Netflix we see and use today exists just because of cloud computing. Migration to cloud computing ensured the success of the company. Nowadays, any company could simply and easily migrate to the cloud.

Some other examples include:#

โ— Walmart:#

The retail giant has migrated its e-commerce platform to a multi-cloud environment to improve scalability and reduce costs.

โ— BMW:#

The automaker has adopted a multi-cloud strategy to improve the scalability and security of its manufacturing and supply chain operations.

โ— Adobe:#

The software company has adopted a multi-cloud strategy to improve the scalability and performance of its creative cloud services.

โ— FedEx:#

The courier delivery company has adopted a multi-cloud strategy to improve the scalability and performance of its logistics and transportation operations.

The specific date or year when these companies adopted multi-cloud migration, as it varies from company to company and it's not always publicly announced. Some companies have been gradually transitioning to multi-cloud environments for several years, while others may have made the switch more recently.

Additionally, companies may have adopted multi-cloud migration in different areas of their operations at different times.

Merits of Multi-Cloud Migration#

There are several benefits of adopting a multi-cloud strategy for businesses. Some of the key merits include:

โ— Flexibility:#

By using multiple cloud providers, businesses have greater flexibility in terms of the services they can access and the way they can deploy and scale their applications. This allows them to choose the best provider for each specific use case and to easily move workloads between providers as needed.

โ— Cost Savings:#

By using multiple cloud providers, businesses can take advantage of the different pricing models and services offered by each provider. This can help them to reduce costs and optimize their overall cloud spending.

โ— High availability:#

By distributing workloads across multiple cloud providers, businesses can achieve higher levels of availability and disaster recovery. In case of an outage or a problem with one cloud provider, the workloads can be easily shifted to another provider, minimizing the risk of service interruption.

โ— Reduced Vendor lock-in:#

A multi-cloud strategy reduces the dependency on a single cloud provider, minimizing the risk of vendor lock-in. This gives businesses more control over their IT infrastructure and the ability to easily move workloads to other providers if needed.

โ— Compliance:#

A multi-cloud strategy allows businesses to comply with data sovereignty laws and regulations by storing data in the cloud providers that operate in the same jurisdiction.

โ— Specialized Services:#

By using multiple cloud providers, businesses can take advantage of the specialized services offered by each provider. For example, some providers may have specialized services for artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, or IoT.

De-merits of Multi-Cloud Migration#

โ— Complexity:#

Managing multiple cloud providers can be complex and requires additional resources, such as specialized staff and tools, to ensure a smooth transition and ongoing management.

โ— Security Risks:#

By using multiple cloud providers, businesses may introduce additional security risks, such as increased attack surface and difficulty in managing and monitoring security across multiple environments.

โ— Integration Challenges:#

Integrating different cloud providers and their services can be challenging, requiring significant time and resources.

โ— Lack of standardization:#

Each cloud provider has its own set of services and tools, which can make it difficult to standardize processes and procedures across the organization.

โ— Limited support:#

If the organization is not familiar with a cloud provider, it might face challenges in getting support and troubleshooting problems.

While multi-cloud migration can bring many benefits to a business, it also has its own set of de-merits. It's important for businesses to carefully consider these de-merits and weigh them against the benefits before embarking on a multi-cloud migration. Additionally, having a well-planned strategy and the right tools and resources in place can help to mitigate these de-merits and ensure a successful multi-cloud migration.

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