Build file deployment
Effortlessly deploy your website by uploading a build file generated with npm run build.
To deploy your website using a build file, follow these steps:#
1. Navigate to the Dashboard:- From the sidebar menu, click on "Site."
2. Create a New Site:- Click on "+ New site."
3. Choose Organization:- Select the organization where you want to deploy the website.
4. Deploy your build:- Upload build file: If you choose to upload from your local device, ensure that you have the build file in .zip format ready to upload.
Import from github : + if you prefer to import from GitHub, the repository should contain only the build files necessary for deployment and you will need to provide the repository link and branch name. + Please note that currently, we support only public repositories.
5. Deploy- Once the zip file is uploaded or Imported from GitHub , the application will automatically deploy your website.
6. After Deployment- Once the deployment process is complete, click on the Name of application to view its details.
- Click on "Open Site" to visit your website and verify the deployment.
7. Custom Domain Option- Below the application details, you'll find the custom domain option. Click on that option to access the link where you can map your domain to the deployed website.