_nifectl deploy_

Deploy an App to the Nife platform


Deploy an application to the Nife platform. The application can be a local image, remote image, defined in a Dockerfile or use a CNB Buildpack.

Use the --config/-c flag to select a specific toml configuration file.

Use nifectl monitor to restart monitoring deployment progress


nifectl deploy [<workingdirectory>] [flags]


-a, --app string App name to operate on
--build-arg strings Set of build time variables in the form of NAME=VALUE pairs. Can be specified multiple times.
-c, --config string Path to an app config file or directory containing one (default "./nife.toml")
--dockerfile string Path to a Dockerfile. Defaults to the Dockerfile in the working directory.
-e, --env strings Set of environment variables in the form of NAME=VALUE pairs. Can be specified multiple times.
-h, --help help for deploy
--local-only Only perform builds locally using the local docker daemon
--remote-only Perform builds remotely without using the local docker daemon
--strategy string The strategy for replacing running instances. Options are canary, rolling, or immediate. Default is canary

Global Options#

-t, --access-token string Nife API Access Token
-j, --json json output

See Also#