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Collaboration & Communication Techniques for DevOps Teams | Agile Methodologies and Culture

DevOps teams are responsible for incorporating changes and delivering in a fast-paced and constantly evolving environment. DevOps teams need to maintain constant communications with all the different departments of an organization for high-quality streamlined workflow and efficiency.

Probably wondering, How can we ensure effective communication in a DevOps environment? In this article, we will discuss effective techniques for collaboration and communication in a DevOps environment. From Agile methodologies to cross-functional teams.

We will also discuss best practices that will help your DevOps team deliver high-quality work efficiently. Read the full article for complete insights.

Agile Methodologies for DevOps Teams#

cloud gaming services

Agile methodologies are a popular and well-suited approach for DevOps teams to increase collaboration and communication. Agile methodologies provide organizations with reliability, increased efficiency, and high-quality work delivery. Popular Agile methodologies for DevOps teams include Scrum and Kanban.

Scrum provides DevOps teams with an agile framework to manage complex projects where constant development and daily meetings are required. Kanban is a visual framework for managing workflow and continuous delivery. Both of these Agile frameworks increase collaboration and communication in the DevOps team for efficiency and effectiveness.

Here are some examples of how Agile methodologies help DevOps teams improve collaboration and communication:

  • Daily standup meetings increase collaboration and information sharing across teams.
  • Agile tools provide transparency of the progress of different teams.
  • Workflow information helps detect and troubleshoot problems in time to increase efficiency.

Communication Techniques for DevOps Teams#

Communication is important in DevOps. The core idea of DevOps is effective communication between development and operation teams to achieve the goals of an organization efficiently and effectively. To achieve goals and increase efficiency, DevOps teams need to use effective communication techniques.

Effective Communication Channels for DevOps:#

There are many effective communication channels for the DevOps team to communicate and work closely. Here are some of the popular and effective communication tools DevOps teams use:

  • Chat applications like WhatsApp, Messenger, Line, etc., for quick communication.
  • Email services like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc., for formal communication.
  • Video conferencing services like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc., for in-depth discussion about projects.

The choice of the platform depends upon team needs, workflow, and preferences.

Best Practices for Remote and Distributed Teams#

After a worldwide lockdown in recent years, there has been a rise in remote workers. People prefer to work remotely from different regions and time zones. These remote teams need to be on the same page for continuous and efficient workflow.

Establishing clear communication protocols is important for remote teams. This includes setting up effective video conferences, finding a common time considering the time zones of different groups, and refining communication methods to avoid miscommunication. All these practices bring teams closer and make them efficient.

Collaboration Techniques for DevOps Teams#

Effective collaboration is essential for DevOps teams and is one of the main reasons DevOps is in existence. Here are some techniques for DevOps teams that will increase collaboration:

Establishing Cross-Functional Teams:#

Cross-functional teams are important for collaboration. Cross-functional means making a team of people across departments. This team includes people from development, operation, maintenance, and other departments. The main purpose of cross-functional teams is to break silos and create a collaborative environment across departments.

Cross-functional teams increase efficiency. It becomes easier to share information, identify and solve problems, and work efficiently to achieve goals.

Pair Programming#

Two programmers working on the same project are called pair programming. This technique increases collaboration. By pair programming, the process becomes much more efficient and the chances of an error reduce by a large number. It also allows developers to learn from each other.

Automation and DevOps Tooling#

Automating small processes and DevOps tooling can also increase collaboration between teams. Automating tasks will help teams focus on important projects while DevOps tooling will provide common ground for teams to work on, hence making it easier for them to collaborate.

Shared Metrics and KPIs#

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and metrics should be shared with teams to increase collaboration. It helps teams identify their weaknesses so they can work on improvements. Moreover, it also ensures that everybody is being monitored and will be held accountable for their work.

Culture in DevOps Teams#

cloud gaming services

Creating a DevOps culture that values collaboration and communication is very important for success. That is why in this section we will discuss the importance of collaboration and communication culture in DevOps and how to create it. We will also discuss the DevOps cultures of some big organizations.

Importance of Culture:#

Culture plays an important role in DevOps. When an organization adopts DevOps, they embrace a new way of work that requires communication and collaboration. The purpose of DevOps culture is to break down silos and bring together different teams to provide agility, speed, quality, and scalability.

Creating a DevOps Culture that Values Collaboration and Communication#

Creating a DevOps culture that values collaboration and communication is a team effort. It requires everyone to take part. Here are some practices for creating such a culture:

  • Team members should be encouraged to experiment with new ways and learn from failure.
  • Teams should not be blamed; rather, they should be encouraged to learn from their mistakes.
  • Achievement of DevOps teams like incorporating, adding new features, solving a problem, etc., should be acknowledged and celebrated.

All of these practices help create a DevOps culture that values collaboration and communication.

Examples of DevOps Culture:#

Many organizations have successfully incorporated DevOps culture. Here are some of the organizations that have gained success by implementing a DevOps culture.

Netflix is one of the biggest streaming services that has incorporated DevOps into its culture. Its culture embraces automation, experimentation, and CI/CD. So far this change has only increased collaboration and communication.

Amazon is the biggest e-commerce store in the world. It also embraces DevOps culture. Its team constantly works on providing customer value and improved features. For example, Kindle, Amazon on-prem store, Amazon Prime, Amazon tablets, etc. No matter the outcome of the change, they always try to introduce something new.

Etsy is an online marketplace that values collaboration and communication culture. Its teams work efficiently to deliver new features.


Collaboration and communication are crucial aspects of DevOps. Collaboration between different teams of an organization creates efficiency and fosters a friendly environment. In this article, we have discussed the techniques for increasing collaboration and communication between DevOps teams, which include agile methodologies and best practices. The importance of culture for collaboration in DevOps has also been discussed.

How To Manage And Monitor Microservices In A DevOps Environment

DevOps Environment is a culture, set of practices, and tools that enable development and operations teams to work together to deliver software faster and with greater reliability.

Technology is evolving rapidly, and so is the architecture adapted by organizations to handle complex software systems. In the recent decade, organizations have adopted microservices architecture to handle complex software. Microservices architecture works by dividing a monolithic application into small independent parts.

Consider Microservices as lego parts where each part plays its role independently to complete the whole set. This type of structure allows organizations to have flexibility, agility, scalability, and efficiency. Despite so many benefits, there are also some challenges. These challenges include managing and monitoring microservices in the DevOps environment.

In this article, we will explore best practices and tools to manage and monitor microservices in the DevOps environment. This article will provide some useful insight to manage your application. You will find this article useful no matter if you are a newbie or an expert.

Key Challenges in Managing and Monitoring Microservices in a DevOps Environment#

DevOps environment

Apart from the benefits of incorporating the microservices architecture, there come some challenges. Here are the key challenges in managing and monitoring microservices.

Service discovery and communication

In a system where several microservices are created for different tasks, it can be quite challenging to manage and monitor all the different microservices simultaneously without service discovery and communication.

To understand how big of a challenge it is here is an example. Think of a large library with several books of several different categories. Each shell in the library represents a server with an independent microservice. It would be impossible to find a book if you can not filter books by category and author name.

In the same way, service discovery is important to identify different microservices. Moreover, it is also important to have robust communication between these microservices to improve the system's overall performance and efficiency.

Monitoring and logging#

Another challenge in managing and monitoring microservices is monitoring and logging. Monitoring refers to tracking performance and efficiency while logging refers to gaining insights and solving problems. A microservices architecture consists of several small and big independent microservices which makes the system complex and big for monitoring and logging.

Configuration management#

Configuration management is important in managing and monitoring microservices. Synchronization between microservices is important for the overall performance and efficiency of the system. This sync also provides necessary information about the performance of the system as a whole and the performance of individual microservice. For a large system, it can be challenging to manage configuration.

Security and access control#

Security is another key challenge in managing and monitoring microservices. So many microservices communicate with each other for efficiency that it becomes hard to authenticate and keep track. Therefore there must be some security measures that authenticate and trace back every communication and protect sensitive data on the server from unauthorized personnel and cyber criminals.

Tools and Technologies for Microservices Management and Monitoring#

Here are some of the tools that will help you manage and monitor microservices in a DevOps environment. The choice of tools will depend on factors like the budget of the organization, the needs of the organization, and the complexity of architecture.

Container platforms#

Container platforms help package, deploy, and run applications consistently and efficiently. These platforms are important for managing and monitoring microservices in a DevOps environment. These platforms include Docker, Kubernetes, Hat OpenShift, and many more.

All of the container platforms allow developers to package and deploy applications into portable containers.

Service mesh#

Service mesh is another critical component for microservices management and monitoring in a DevOps environment. Service mesh tools allow developers to manage service-to-service communication in a microservices infrastructure. Istio is a service mesh tool that provides DevOps teams with features like load management, traffic routing, security and encryption, and configuration management.

Another tool TLS( Transport Layer Security) ensures that access to microservices is only given to authorized people. There are several other service mesh tools available according to the needs and budget of an organization.

Logging and monitoring solutions#

Logging and monitoring solutions enable DevOps teams to track and troubleshoot problems within microservices based on the data they have. These tools often increase the performance and efficiency of organizations. One popular logging and monitoring tool is ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana).

Logstash is a data collection pipeline that collects log information. Elasticsearch is a search engine that indexes the log information with different attributes. Lastly, kibana helps developers see the visual interpretation of data to take necessary actions.

There are many other solutions available which include Grafana, Splunk, and Datadog. Each tool offers unique benefits.

API gateways#

API gateways are an essential part of microservices. API gateways provide entry points for incoming and outgoing traffic. Kong is a popular API tool used by organizations to manage traffic by rerouting, load balancing, and many others. There are many similar tools available for managing microservices but each has its unique approach.

Best Practices for Managing and Monitoring Microservices in DevOps#

microservices in devops environment

Many problems can be faced while managing and monitoring microservices in a DevOps environment. Here are the best practices you need to implement in order to avoid these problems.

Design for failure#

One of the most critical aspects of managing and monitoring microservices in a DevOps environment is to avoid failures. This can be done by designing a strong architecture. There should be load balancing, circuit break, and continuous testing and improvements in place to avoid any loss of money, reputation, and data.

Implement automated testing#

Automated testing is an important part of the DevOps process, especially when microservices are involved. Automated testing ensures consistent checking of all the microservices. Moreover, all the problems and errors can be identified and fixed early on without any loss. There are different types of automated testing based on organizational needs.

Implement continuous deployment#

Another best practice for managing and monitoring microservices in DevOps is implementing continuous deployment. It ensures that their microservices architecture is agile and responsive. New features can be made available for users more consistently.

Monitor metrics and logs#

In large organizations to effectively manage and monitor microservices it is important to check metrics and logs. Hundreds and thousands of microservices work simultaneously in a big organization. It is hard to keep track of all of these micro-services. Metrics and logs provide necessary data to identify potential problems and troubleshoot them. It also helps organizations achieve their goal more efficiently.

Implement security controls#

Implementing security controls is an essential part of managing and monitoring microservices in a DevOps environment. As all the microservices are connected for continuous and streamlined workflow it is easy to leak data. Therefore it is important to ensure security through encryption, authentication, and access control.

Implement version control#

Implementing version control is also a best practice for managing and monitoring microservices in a DevOps environment. It helps identify changes made in the code. It can be done by using tools like git. Moreover, version control also helps roll out new features.

Real-World Examples of Successful Microservices Management and Monitoring in DevOps#

Many renowned organizations have successfully monitored and managed microservices in the DevOps environment. You know about these organizations and must be using them at least once a day. Here are some real-world examples of successful microservices management and monitoring in DevOps by organizations.


Netflix is a popular streaming service with millions of subscribers. They have hundreds of microservices distributed across regions. Netflix uses different open-source tools for automated integration and deployment. Netflix uses chaos engineering to identify weaknesses in its systems in a closed environment. All of these practices help Netflix become more efficient, cost-effective, and reliable.


SoundCloud is another successful organization that has managed and monitored microservices in the DevOps environment. Sound cloud uses tools like Docker, Consul, and Prometheus for contamination, monitoring, and configuration management. SoundCloud tests its new features on a small user base and deploy those features based on the reaction from that small group.

Capital One#

Capital One is a financial institution that has been successful in managing and monitoring microservices in DevOps. Capital one uses open-source tools like GitHub, jerkins, etc for containerization, deployment, and version control. It also uses CI/CD pipeline to ensure continuous workflow.


Managing and monitoring microservices in a DevOps environment is essential to ensure the agility, reliability, and scalability of microservices architecture. It is not easy to adopt microservices. To overcome the challenges of this architecture, the right tools are required. Organizations can adopt this architecture by implementing the best practices mentioned in the article. Netflix, Soundcloud, and capitalOne are living examples of effective monitoring and management in DevOps.

How To Manage Infrastructure As Code Using Tools Like Terraform and CloudFormation

Infrastructure as Code can help your organization manage IT infrastructure needs while also improving consistency and reducing errors and manual configuration.

When you use the cloud, you most likely conduct all your activities using a web interface (e.g., ClickOps). After some time has passed, and you feel that you have gained sufficient familiarity, you will probably begin writing your first scripts using the Command Line Interface (CLI) or PowerShell. And when you want to have full power, you switch to programming languages such as Python, Java, or Ruby and administer your cloud environment by making SDK (software development kit) calls. Moreover, Even while all of these tools are quite strong and may help you automate your work, they are not the best choice for doing activities such as deploying servers or establishing virtual networks.

What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?#

infrastructure as code

The technique of automatically maintaining your information technology infrastructure via scripts rather than doing it by hand is called "Infrastructure as Code" or "IaC." One of the most important aspects of the DevOps software development methodology is that it enables the complete automation of deployment and setup, paving the way for continuous delivery.

The term "infrastructure" refers to the collection of elements that must be present to facilitate your application's functioning. It comprises several kinds of hardware like servers, data centers, and desktop computers, as well as different kinds of software like operating systems, web servers, etc. In the past, a company would physically construct and oversee its Infrastructure on-site. This practice is still common today. Cloud hosting, offered by companies like Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, is now the most common technique for housing infrastructure in the modern world.

Companies in every sector want to begin using Amazon Web Services (AWS) to write their Infrastructure as code for various reasons, including a scarcity of qualified workers, a recent migration to the cloud, and an effort to reduce the risk of making mistakes due to human error.

Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure are just two examples of cloud service providers that make it feasible and increasingly simple to set up a virtual server in minutes. Spinning up a server linked with the appropriate managed services and settings to function in stride with your existing Infrastructure becomes the hardest part.

How does Infrastructure as Code work?#

If the team did not have IaC, each deployment would need the team to individually set up the Infrastructure (servers, databases, load balancers, containers, etc.). It takes time for environments that were supposed to be identical to develop inconsistencies (these environments are sometimes referred to as "snowflakes"), which makes it more difficult to configure them and thus slows down deployments.

IaC thus uses software tools to automate performing administrative chores by specifying Infrastructure in code.

It's implemented like this:

  • The group uses the necessary programming language to draught the infrastructure settings.
  • The files, including the source code, are uploaded to a code repository.
  • The code is executed by an IaC tool, which also carries out the necessary operations.

Managing Infrastructure as code#

"Managing infrastructure as code," or IAC refers to creating, supplying, and managing infrastructure resources using code rather than human procedures. The process of establishing and maintaining infrastructure resources may be automated with the aid of tools such as Terraform and CloudFormation. This makes it much simpler to manage and maintain Infrastructure on a large scale.

The following is a list of the general stages involved in managing Infrastructure as code with the help of various tools:

1. Define infrastructure resources:#

Code should be used to define the necessary infrastructure resources for your application. Virtual machines, load balancers, databases, and other resources may fall under this category.

2. Create infrastructure resources:#

Use the code to create the necessary resources using your chosen tool, such as CloudFormation or Terraform. The resources will be created in the cloud provider of your choosing, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud, via the tool.

3. Manage infrastructure resources:#

Utilize the code to handle the infrastructure resources after they have been generated. This involves keeping the resources updated as required, keeping track of their current state, and adjusting them as necessary.

5. Test infrastructure changes:#

Test the code before making any modifications to the Infrastructure to ensure it will still function as intended after the changes. This helps prevent problems and lowers the possibility of making mistakes while applying modifications.

6. Deploy infrastructure changes:#

After the code has been validated and checked over, the modifications should be deployed to the Infrastructure. You can do this automatically using tools like Jenkins or Travis CI, or you can do it manually by running the code through the automated tool.

Benefits of Infrastructure as Code#

Reduced costs.#

Cloud computing is more cost-effective than traditional methods since spending money on expensive gear or staff is unnecessary to maintain it. When you automate using IoC, you reduce the work required to run your Infrastructure, which frees up your staff to concentrate on the more critical duties that create value for your company. As a result, you save money on infrastructure expenditures. In addition, you will only be charged for the resources you use.


Manual deployment results in many discrepancies and variants, as previously discussed. IaC prevents configuration or environment drift by guaranteeing that deployments are repeatable and setting up the same configuration each time. This is done using a declarative manner, which will be discussed in more detail later.

Version control.#

In IaC, the settings of the underlying Infrastructure are written into a text file that can be easily modified and shared. It may be checked into source control, versioned, and evaluated along with your application's source code using the procedures already in place, just like any other code. It is also possible for the infrastructure code to be directly connected with CI/CD systems to automate deployments.


If you follow these instructions, you can manage your Infrastructure as code with the help of technologies like Terraform and CloudFormation. This strategy makes it possible for you to generate, manage, and keep your infrastructure resources up to date consistently and repeatedly. As a result, the possibility of making a mistake is decreased, and you are given the ability to scale your infrastructure resources effectively.