Optimize Ops Resources by Collaborating with an Extended DevOps Platform

In the previous decade, the idea and evolution of DevOps have drastically altered the way IT teams work. When small and big teams convert from traditional software development cycles to a DevOps cycle, they see a difference in terms of quicker innovation, enhanced collaboration, and faster time to market.

We will discuss DevOps as a Service to optimise the Ops resources including DevOps as a Service in the Singapore region and finally answer “how to optimise Ops resources by collaborating with an extended DevOps platform” in this blog.

DevOps platform

What is a DevOps platform?#

A [DevOps platform] integrates the capabilities of developing, securing, and running software in a single application. A DevOps platform enables enterprises to optimise their total return on software development by delivering software more quickly and efficiently, while also improving security and compliance.

How to optimise the Ops resources in Extended DevOps Platforms?

DevOps teams are turning to the cloud to optimise their tech stacks and to build and deliver new solutions continually. Extended DevOps Platform teams may have complete visibility into their cloud infrastructure.


The three important areas for Optimising Ops resources with Extended DevOps Platforms are listed below.

Resource Utilization#

The cloud is perfect for fostering fast innovation since teams may add and delete instances and other resources as needed to meet business needs. This flexibility in the cloud assists DevOps in particular. A cloud management platform helps DevOps teams reallocate, resize, and even alter Reserved Instances (RIs) so that they always have the correct workload [(Alonso et al., 2019)].

Cost Management#

The cloud is perfect for enterprises that use varying amounts of data. But, regardless of the size of the budget, no one likes a surprise charge at the end of the month. DevOps teams may better manage and optimise their cloud cost by tackling resource consumption first. The correct automation solutions will assist them in locating these cost reductions without the need for time-consuming manual assessments.

Security & Compliance#

Cloud security is a critical responsibility for every sort of enterprise, including DevOps. Creating and installing the necessary security measures is only the beginning. DevOps teams must regularly monitor their cloud infrastructures to regulate and optimise cloud security. DevOps cloud optimization should also entail detecting any vulnerable areas in the development pipeline, particularly when developing or improving security features.

DevOps as a Service to optimize the Ops resources

DevOps as a Service provides full-service consulting and engineering services ranging from audit and strategy planning to project infrastructure evaluation and development. DevOps as a Service can assist you in expanding or contracting SDLC sections based on your operational requirements. Simultaneously, using on-demand, low-cost DevOps as a service may free up your in-house full-time personnel to focus on more important activities.

Extended DevOps Platform professionals will handle all requirements clarification, risk and opportunity identification, architecture creation, automation and IaaC implementation, and other duties. Instead of doing it yourself, you will receive a thorough roadmap established by specialists, as well as core infrastructure with configured pipelines ready for support administration and growth.

DevOps as a Service in Singapore to optimize IT resources.#

Businesses and DevOps as a Service in Singapore that incorporate security inside DevOps give better value, more responsiveness, and faster service delivery as a collaboration between software development and IT operations teams. The CI/CD pipeline, which enables more dependable and consistent code modifications, is the operational philosophy that raises the standard for Singaporean DevOps teams. NIFE Cloud Computing is among the leading DevOps as services in Singapore.

Recommendations for Optimizing Ops Resources Extended DevOps Platform#

Release often.

DevOps "increase an organization's capacity to deploy applications and services at high velocity," therefore releasing frequently is more than a nice to have; it's essential to the overall function of an extended DevOps Platform. Small additions, such as code modifications and bug repairs, are a fantastic place to start a fast release process since they can be implemented without significantly affecting the overall user experience.

Create a unified code base.

One method for not just streamlining DevOps but also making frequent releases easier is to standardize a single code base. Instead of having many code bases to pull from for various portions of the product or separate development teams, a single code base may make iterating and testing easy for everyone.


Scaling Automation

It may be difficult to believe, but DevOps may be effective with or without humans. In reality, while improving DevOps, you should analyse where automation can replace human involvement.

Engineers should be made responsible.

Putting engineers in charge of the final code push ensures that everything runs well and that any post-deployment issues are identified immediately.